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Pretending and true information. (Read 10000 times)
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #15 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 1:13pm
Hi Betson,

I regret your loss, sir.

Thank you, Brother.
But luckily I haven't lost anybody. I'm trying to learn more about it to help my friends, who don't understand English, and know nothing about this very unusual method. I'm going to practise it somehow, learn to do it, and then to explain them the technique.
Of course, I'll try it very soon. I have Bruce's Workshop, so the basic positions are clear. It would be nice to have more information about the "grey zone".
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #16 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 1:19pm
So, Joe McMoneagle is really powerful? Good news also. Thank you, Hawk.
Poor thing... Yes, a possible trouble of course. For starting or not too famous psychics. Perhaps he was young when it happened? I don't imagine the Number one US Army remote viewer, having been involved in legendary experiments, to be arrested for finding a body.
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #17 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 1:22pm
Premierre.operator wrote on Aug 6th, 2009 at 2:07pm:
Many thanks to all, who replied!

But I still don't uderstand one thing. WHAT is conversation with a physically alive (lost) person. What's it for him? How he perceives it? Maybe he isn't  a psychic at all, so how he speaks to me? What he sees, what he feels?
Or it's not a conversation AT ALL? But just gathering information about the person, being perceived in the form of conversation? But if so, then retrievals would be impossible. It's a true contact, am I right? (though I also don't understand how he sees me, if I don't project myself out of body). So, the question is, how a physically alive person may perceive us, if we use the Bruce's method of imagination (pretending)?


I think you asking the same question for two different can you have a nonphysical conversation with a physically living person and how can you have a nonphysical conversation with a deceased person...correct? 

I wouldn't call it a matter of learning telepathy, although that's not an impossibility, but I think it implies certain expectations.  It sounds to me like you are trying to simply get an understanding of the technical side of how things work. 

When a person is deceased and you, the living, wish to communicate, all it takes is your intent to do that.  They will hear you.  You may not be aware if they are hearing you and responding to you, but they will definitely hear your message.  So then the other component is that you want to be able to get some kind of reassurance and verification that they are hearing you and that there is real communication and that you receive communication back from them. 

Because you've asked about communicating a nonphysical conversation with a living person, I would suggest you practice that method and see if you get some results and verifications that way.  It sounds like a great way for you to get practice.  The imagination-method techniques of using pretending would work the same way.  You would imagine the person you wish to talk to, imagine a setting, and then just begin a conversation, letting it flow naturally and paying attention to what you perceive.  All this is done, of course, with your intention of having a real nonphysical contact/communication with this other person. 

I would add that just because this person is physically alive, doesn't mean they will suddenly be receiving some telepathic/psychic message, however that's not an impossibility.  But what you can at least expect is that as you begin to practice this technique, you will be learning how you are able and capable of receiving information nonphysically.  The bonus of practicing on a living person that you know is that at some point you will have an actual physical conversation with them and something may come out in that conversation that verifiies some information you perceived nonphysically in your imagination-method technique. 

But you specifically asked about a physically alive LOST person, so this would be someone you don't know and cannot get verification from, unless of course you were able to actually locate the missing person.  So for those of us who aren't the kinds of psychic mediums we see on TV, we can learn and practice the imagination-method of tuning into someone nonphysically and sensing with our nonphysical sense perception.  The other person wouldn't need to see or hear you physically, because if you are communicating nonphysically then so are they.  It would mean that they, nonphysically, are communicating with you (assuming you are making a real connection). 

I think that's where it gets confusing, especially when we are new to all this... trying to understand what it means that we are nonphysical beings with nonphysical senses who also happen to be living in physical bodies that have physical senses.  It is hard to believe and understand that while I'm physically doing and saying one thing, I am also nonphysically doing other things that I am usually not even aware of.  So, learning this method of communication is really technically only a matter of learning to tune into another part of your awareness. 
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #18 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 1:50pm
Hi Vicky,

Thank you so much. A very good and detailed explanation.
If I understand you right, your point of view is that a contact with so called "passed over" persons, employing this method of Bruce, is yet more probable than with physically alive persons?
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #19 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 1:54pm
Hi Hawkeye,

Alan, With me I got that she had died fairly quick after her abduction.

You found the information about that girl, using the imagination technique of Bruce Moen, or something else?

Can you tell me, what's in your oppinion the "grey zone"? The true information area, which intersects with the imagination area?
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #20 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 2:03pm
Premierre.operator wrote on Aug 7th, 2009 at 1:50pm:
Hi Vicky,

Thank you so much. A very good and detailed explanation.
If I understand you right, your point of view is that a contact with so called "passed over" persons, employing this method of Bruce, is yet more probable than with physically alive persons?

No I'd say the probability is the same, but it might be fair to say that contact with a deceased person you know is easier to get your messages to them, and contact with an alive person you know is easier to get your messages to them...but probability-wise, I wouldn't guess it's any less likely to make contact with people you don't know, it just may take more practice for you to get a handle on using your psychic senses in the right way.  That's the thing that I'm currently working on learning for do my senses work for me?  Not only that, but it takes learning how to interpret what you perceive as well.  Some perceptions are more straightforward than others, so there's always the difficulty of sifting through what you perceive.

If I may add...the "grey area" is the information that comes into your awareness that borderlines between pretend and real on the continuum of information.  Believe it or not, what starts out as pretending can easily and unknowingly slip over to "real" and you may not even be aware of it.  You usually become aware of the difference after the fact...when you are going back over the experience and perhaps writing it down and really thinking about it.  You might begin to realize what parts were definitely pretend and what parts were maybe pretend but were unusual and perhaps you can use them for verification.  Then the other extreme is when things happen that you know for a fact you couldn't possibly have been making it up...and this could be when your sense of vision changes, or you hear something as if it is a physical sense of hearing...those kinds of experiences are very real and very likely, and of course they are very fun to have.  As Bruce says, it's possible to open you sense of perception and to me this is what that means because I've had that happen to myself and it's truely an unbelieveably remarkable experience. 
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #21 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 4:56pm
Many thanks, Vicky!

May I ask some more questions? Do you move to any Focus, before starting pretening? Do you use the preparatory process as recommended by Bruce, or prefer another version - as tought by Robert Monroe in "The Gateway Experience", for example?

The "Grey Area"... It's the information between the area of imagination and the area of so-called true or objective information, right? Maybe you know if some scientific researches prove the existence of this area? The new science is almost merged with magic and spiritual practices. It's always easier to work, when there's a massive background of proof. Especialy scientific. "The White Crow" will appear sooner, I suppose.
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #22 - Aug 7th, 2009 at 7:12pm
Me personally, I don't have experience with the focus levels.  I'll recognize F10 when I hear myself snoring but that's as far as my personal Focus level experience goes that I'm aware of.

You don't have to do anything special to pretend, it's just using your imagination the way you would in fantasizing or daydreaming or planning something. 

I use Bruce's prep method occasionally, and I've used Monroe's a few times.  I guess it just is a matter of what I feel like at the moment.  And sometimes I'll just do my own thing. 

If you have a chance to get a copy of Bruce's 5th book, the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook and CDs, it'll explain all the finer points.  Think of your imagination as a platform or maybe even think of it as your television set.  It's a tool of perception.  Now, what comes onto the set might be something you know you're making up, such as planning an event or daydreaming about something.  Or it might happen that what you experience in your imagination is true information that is coming in from another source.  We could talk a long time about those sources, but for the purposes of this topic, the point is that sometimes you receive information in your imagination (your mind's eye, your awareness, etc)that is true or real, and therefore doesn't fall into the category of stuff you're consciously making up. 

For instance, if I sit here at my desk and decide to imagine myself walking downstairs into my kitchen and making a peanut butter sandwich, then that's a pretty easy thing to "see" in my imagination.  It's easy to make stuff up and think about it.  But if I were just sitting here and then suddenly I get some pictures flash through my mind about something that I know for a fact I'm not trying to think about, it's just happening on it's own, then I would really, really like to pay attention to what it is, why it happened, what it means, etc.  For instance, if I were to "see" a car accident in my mind's eye, I'd be pretty interested in wondering why I got that.  Then later, if that accident were to actually happen, that would be proof to me that what I perceived in my mind was real information that I wasn't making up.  After having that sort of thing happen to me again, and again, and again, I would begin to see patterns in how this sort of thing works, and I'd recognize the signs, etc. 

Most people brush off these kinds of "random" thoughts so quickly they become sort of immune to even knowing that they are happening.  But when you begin to pay attention to what comes into your awareness, you will start to notice what's really going on.  People are generally more psychic than they believe.  But it's a matter of paying attention to what you receive in your mind.  And it's also a matter of learning how to interpret what your mind is interpreting. 

Using your imagination and pretending, the way Bruce's method describes, is just a means of taking an active role in opening the door to your nonphysical senses.  This is what Bruce means by "priming the pump of imagination".
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #23 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 12:50pm
Prem/Op, I don't know if I would call him "power-full". More like "aware". The story about getting arrested came directly from Joe himself. I beleave when I attended "Gateway" at TMI. It may have been "Guildlines". He has a remarkable gift with this remote viewing. Joe is not the only one and many others do and have done just as well as he. One, won the lottery. One does quite well in Vegas. Some look for people, or places, things, like Joe has done in the past years. Some continue to work for the government, looking, seeing, hunting. We do, they do. There is a good chance that you could too at some point if you had the inclination to train yourself. Intention is a big part also.
I don't use Bruces methods, per say. I dont think as I have never read hes last book or listened to his tapes. I am fortunate enough to have a ability to sometimes "see". Some stays at TMI has helped me to form intention and to relax my mind enough to pick up more of what I do see. Sometime you just know. For me, this is the case here. I move directly to her emotional energy.
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #24 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 7:00pm
Vicky, thank you very much!

You aren't lazy to explain this to a newbie. Very kind from you.
"Priming the pump of imagination". I thought it's like Bruce explained - charging the consciousness with energy. Gathering from below, them from above e.t.c. I can't say it's difficult. I always use gathering from above, like in "The Gateway Experience". Simply if I understand Bob right, after the first exercise under his guidance I established a kind of mark or an anchor in consciousness (an a corresponding anchor in subconsciousness), or simply a subliminal programme. And I'll get the energy in any case, because it's programmed subliminally. An intent is enough, no mistake is possible.
If it's not programmed - then perhaps it's not so reliable. And the energy level plays a considerable role in any mental operation, do you agree?
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #25 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 7:09pm
Hi Hawkeye!

Thank you. It's clear. You have this ability from your birth, so you don't need much training.

And Joe is cool in searching people. Is a photo enough for him? I heard such a point of view, that if one has never seen (in real life) a person, whom he wants to establish a contact with, he'll never be able to do it, unless he has an OUTSTANDING ability to access the collective subconsciousness. Sleepers can penetrate anyone's mind having just a photo, but there are only a few of them on the Earth.
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #26 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 7:12pm
Hi Betson,

I apologize for calling you Brother. Didn't notice the symbol. Sorry, Sister! And thank you, Sister!
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #27 - Aug 9th, 2009 at 1:48am
betson wrote on Aug 7th, 2009 at 8:42am:
Dear Premierre,

I regret your loss, sir.

I used Bruce's book and the breakthrough was almost immediate. Some people like others to be around so they can hear their successes, like in Bruce's workshops. I don't know of any guarantees for a time for results because so many factors are involved.

Pretend is really "pretend."  Smiley Because it is actually so much more than pretending, but that's as close as our language comes to the process.  You are putting yourself into a situation (that you imagine) and then visualizing the situation you want. You could imagine your lost person being joyfylly reunited with you and other loved ones.

Rather than wait to attend a workshop or to get guarantees, why not start pretending now that you can talk to this person?! If they cannot tell you where they are, you can ask them to describe their surroundings. Listen and kindly encourage them to talk with you.

Have you visited websites that show images of results of Joe McMonegal's (Sp--sorry) work? It takes abit to get used to how to interpret  remote viewing images.

Yes, PUL is pure unconditional love. Fear is its opposite or lack.


Hi Bets,

What you state is so true, pretend and you will soon do it. Much like forcing your face into a smile and soon your smile becomes real does it not?



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Alan McDougall
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #28 - Aug 9th, 2009 at 12:23pm
Prem Op, I think that what ability that I have, everyone has. I am fortunate enough, on a good day, is to recognise and decipher what information I am processing or is being shared with me. My training is far from complete. Understanding of non verbal communication has a potential to be difficult for me. My brains left hand side pushes me to interpret the things I see in whys that make sense on the physical plane. Of course using the whole brain is what is needed to interpret this sort of communication. Training, I need.
As for Joe, he needs no pictures. In the incident I mentioned, he only looked at a map and used his remote viewing abilities. If I remember the story correctly..He felt the police should look in a certain area on the map he was looking at and directed them to do so. It was not within the grid search area. Only after the police searched did they move on to the area that he said to look. Their they found pieces of clothing belonging to her.  They immediately slapped the cuffs on him. As I would expect them to. Why wouldn't they? He had information that indicated where the child had been taken which was proven be the article of clothing. Only after he was given the opportunity to make a call to one of his governmental supervisors, and that person spoke to the police..was he allowed to be let go. I am relaying this story to you second hand. Not like its not one that Joe shares with many at TMI, but first hand is always better. He is on the net and you can easily Google his name. Perhaps he would be willing to tell you the story first hand or better yet you might be able to see him at a TMI program. And he has some great stories. He has of recent been working in Japan doing searches. Hes like a rock star there. Very famous. He is also very gifted and did some movement work in Iraq the second time in looking for powerful people. If anyone thinks that the programs that Joe and Joe, along with a number of others is over, they are mistaken. These programs are as current as they have been since their conception, decades back. The people just change. They move on, and others, with as good or perhaps even better abilities, move up in the ranks. Joe was fortunate that he was not "retired". I believe an attempt was made to, but as luck would have it, it was not successful. I would think that Joe was/is a tough act to follow. Information is a powerful tool. There is a large amount of information avalable to remote viewers, that includes you and I, but only if recognised and interpreted correctly.
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Re: Pretending and true information.
Reply #29 - Aug 9th, 2009 at 6:42pm
Hi Hawk,

My brains left hand side pushes me to interpret the things I see in whys that make sense on the physical plane. Of course using the whole brain is what is needed to interpret this sort of communication.

The Hemi-Sync process is specially designed for this, isn't it? Doesn't it make your hemispheres work like a laser (coherent waves)?
Then why not use a mind-machine, they also help, as they say, though I've never tried myself. Many presets for bwgen are interesting, too. Psychotronics is the future of magic. Harmony of human and machine. Psychics + electronics = psychotronics. Some say, crutches. OK, let them train as Yogis and within 20 years of hard work acquire some skills together with hemorrhoids Smiley. At last they may become Masters, but as all know, Yogis don't live too long. To become a Master just to take their skills to the grave? It's stupid for an European. To me it sounds stupid and senseless. That's why I value machines used in addition to human consciousness. What about you?
The left hemisphere. Yes, ratio causes many problems. The thing is to know once and forever, that no objective physical reality exists. Have you ever tried something like LSD or peyot to get rid of the illusion that the reality doesn't depend upon human consciousness? 

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