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I have a strange question...... (Read 6140 times)
Junior Member

Posts: 98
I have a strange question......
Jul 30th, 2009 at 2:38am
I was just wondering something that might sound incredibly silly, but then again, maybe not. Tongue  But I'm too embarrassed to push any further about it on another forum, so I'm going to ask here.

If what Bob Monroe taught about 'thoughts are things' is true, then, consequently, does that mean that everything and Anything that a person can and has dreamed up in their fantasies, and imaginations actually exist somewhere in a separate reality? Like, for example, does Batman and Gotham city actually exist in an alternate reality due to the person that created them, and collectively everyone that has added to the story, and are fans of it? Or, to push even more drastically, all cartoons and their stories as well? Are they actually 'real' somewhere in their respective realities? Could you go visit the Smurfs somewhere in their smurf land? Could you hang out with Scooby Doo in the mystery machine somewhere? Could you go speeding with Sonic the Hedgehog, and join his war against Robotnik? Are these 'made up' characters, places and stories actually 'real' somewhere else, even though 'we' are the ones that created them? And consequently, is 'anything' you imagine in your mind 'come into existence' as a real thing in another reality, just by imagining it? Such as a story that one writes. As a person writes a story, does it become 'real' somewhere in the universe? 

I was just wondering if anyone knew. Cheesy
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Paul H
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #1 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 7:55am
If this is true, I dont think I would like to enter a world which has been created by Stephen King's thoughts - but thinking about what you have said, the possibilities are endless, and only limited by ones own imagination.
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #2 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 8:26am
Ah the old imaginationland question Smiley. I think if it were to exist anywhere it would be in what Monroe described as the 'H band', a band of uncontrolled human thought. His understanding of it was that it contains not only current time thought patterns, but all that ever existed.

Seems possible.
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #3 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:03am

I visited a place called MyGame@focus 27.  This place is there to ease the transition of dead peoples.

In this place, you are able to incarnate your favorite video game character.   I incarnated Samus from Metroid.  I remember seeing someone as Megaman. 

I also remember an experience where the environment and people was like South Park, and also like Simpsons. 

The MyGame place was real and what I perceived was exact.  The south park experience  was real too, but not what I saw.  It was an overley from my consciousness.  E.i.:  someone could be at the same place and but he would see people as smurf. 

When you visit an unknown place, your consciousness must translate the input  to something that make sense to it.   As Bruce Moen say: "it matches the closest patterns within your memories"

hope it helps
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #4 - Jul 31st, 2009 at 12:18am
PhantasyMan wrote on Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:03am:
In this place, you are able to incarnate your favorite video game character.   

I also remember an experience where the environment and people was like South Park, and also like Simpsons. 

The MyGame place was real and what I perceived was exact.  The south park experience  was real too, but not what I saw.  It was an overlay from my consciousness.  E.i.:  someone could be at the same place but he would see people as smurf. 

When you visit an unknown place, your consciousness must translate the input  to something that make sense to it.   As Bruce Moen say: "it matches the closest patterns within your memories"

hope it helps

Thanks very much! Yeah, that makes sense that there is a place like that in focus 27 somewhere. Tongue But, my ultimate question still remains as do the characters and their worlds actually Exist somewhere  in a separate reality in and of themselves *as* themselves? Not just as humans or helpers disguised as the characters?

I wonder this, because whenever I write stories, the characters and places I create seem so Real to me, and what comes out on paper never seems to be exactly what I am expecting; usually it comes out better, or in a totally new direction I didn't anticipate. As if it took on a *life of it's own*. Smiley As if the story wants Me to write It, instead of me wanting to write the story. Tongue And so many people are So incredibly in love with and devoted to their favorite imaginary characters, it just really makes me wonder if those characters aren't sitting somewhere in their own world talking amongst themselves, contemplating whether or not us humans are just figments of Their imagination?  Cheesy

Thanks for the input, everyone!
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #5 - Jul 31st, 2009 at 10:10pm
Interesting coincidence, sounds like you've read my respond nr. 8 at
an excellent author said the same as you said, that the book is becoming the source, and the author the listener who has to write it down.

To get back to your original question, I don't believe characters of a story are having a life just as real as we have. But it might be that there are seeming "personalities" who want to get heard, and this can be aspects of one's self, and/or aspects of the family. In this meaning, they have their own life in the meaning they're there, but not yet in reach of the conscious awareness. So, these figures have a life, but not on their own, but as aspects of ourselves.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #6 - Aug 1st, 2009 at 3:32am
Ah, yes, I actually did read that post of yours, Spooky, and wasn't intending to quote it, but I guess I did subconsciously. Tongue

So, hmm.... some people say that the limits of what is possible is only bound by your imagination, but yet, most others do not believe that what you create becomes as real as you are. Strange.....

I'm a little disappointed at the idea that imaginationland has no solid reality to it.... Sad  There are many people around whose only reason to keep going anchors on the realm of their imagination. So, the most likely answer is that the worlds and characters you create, or co-create and relate to are more likely just different aspects of yourself and your cluster...and also family? So, even if you did 'visit' a world of your imagination, it would be an experience of meeting and interacting with different aspects of yourself, then?
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Alan McDougall
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #7 - Aug 1st, 2009 at 1:00pm
Hi Ally,  Smiley

Is it possible to imagine an impossibility?
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Alan McDougall
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #8 - Aug 1st, 2009 at 7:11pm
Ally, I think the critical point is the creation of real people. I don't believe this is possible. But I do believe that we can create something which to ourselves can appear as a real person until we recognize that it is a creation of ours. However, these creations remain dependent on their creator (I guess it's possible subconsciously), or at least someone who continues to invest thoughts/energy on maintaining this creation.

An interesting possibility are shared thought-form worlds, which are created by more than one individual. There might be some fantasy worlds which can be visited created by, for example, fans of some fiction novels.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Pat E.
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #9 - Aug 2nd, 2009 at 1:53am
And, of course, there is the buddhist view that this life is like a dream, like an illusion, that we make seem so solid by our belief that it is so.
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Lights of Love
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #10 - Aug 2nd, 2009 at 10:11am
Everything is experienced in the mind of consciousness and in that respect everything is an illusion or what some physicists are describing as virtual, but that doesn't mean that physical reality or any other reality isn't real. Only that they are created and experienced within the mind.  What I usually call God Consciousness or the One Consciousness is the foundation of all reality. Primary reality. All other realities including ELS are secondary realities derived/evolved from primary reality. A hologram would be one example of how this seems to work.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #11 - Aug 5th, 2009 at 4:03am
In reality we are all just a magnificent thought in the mind of God

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #12 - Aug 5th, 2009 at 1:31pm
Thank you, everyone for your insightful input! Smiley

Well, I have decided then, that anything that we imagine has it's own reality in and of itself, but it can disappear the same as a Belief System Territory will disappear once all members have left it. So, I think that 'imaginationland' must work in the same way, then. Wink

Kind-of like what Spooky mentioned here:

"However, these creations remain dependent on their creator (I guess it's possible subconsciously), or at least someone who continues to invest thoughts/energy on maintaining this creation."

So, when no more people continue to invest thoughts and energy on said 'creation' it would perhaps 'wink out' like any belief system territory with no more 'believers'. But, just because it is an 'illusion' of our own making would not make it any less real to the members of that reality, since our physical reality is the same for us. Like what Lights of Love mentioned here:

"What I usually call God Consciousness or the One Consciousness is the foundation of all reality. Primary reality. All other realities including ELS are secondary realities derived/evolved from primary reality. A hologram would be one example of how this seems to work."

So, in other words our life system here is just as illusory to the 'spiritual world' as the creations of our imagination are to us. But we are 'real' to ourselves, are we not? So, I think our creations would be just as real to themselves, as well, because we are, after all, Co-creators with God.

So, anyhow, boiling back down to the main point of this thread I had in mind, was that if the worlds in which we create, or collectively create have a reality of their own, like an illusion within an illusion, can those worlds be visited by us?

Thanks, again, everyone for the excellent input!  Smiley
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #13 - Aug 5th, 2009 at 7:58pm
So, anyhow, boiling back down to the main point of this thread I had in mind, was that if the worlds in which we create, or collectively create have a reality of their own, like an illusion within an illusion, can those worlds be visited by us?

I think so, as long as we have a link of some kind to those realities. A reality which is absolutely foreign to us, we won't be able to process.
Examples are the belief system territories, or the personal realities of retrievees. These worlds may seem strange at times, but when they contain enough familiar elements we at least can get a rough picture of it, so that, from this, we can explore it further.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: I have a strange question......
Reply #14 - Aug 6th, 2009 at 11:26am
I believe that the more you focus on a thought or feeling, the more energy you give it, especially if you did this repetitively and over time.  Some thoughts and feelings are so fleeting they don't stay with us very long, but others are ones we revisit again and again and may even make gradual changes to. 

It's indeed possible for someone else to be easily able to tap into that thread of thought or emotion, whether consciously or unconsciously.  People often get the same idea at the same time for instance, or they think of each other at the same time. 

I don't think that our fantasies, or cartoon characters for instance, have a real existence that goes on without us, as if once born they go on to live out an existence on their own.  But I do think that our thoughts create an energy or frequency that can be accessed under the right circumstances.  Even dreams can obviously be shared between people.  I have had experiences where what was a dream to someone else was an OBE to me.  And another experience where what was merely a dream to me was an actual real-life conversation between two other people, a conversation of which I had no knowledge about at the time that it happened.  I can't explain exactly how it was possible to do that, but the accuracy of what was perceived is way too great to call mere coincidence.  The most simple explanation is that it is possible to tap into the thoughts, feelings, and energies created by others. 

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