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Bruce- Couple questions from your books (Read 3806 times)
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Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Jun 30th, 2009 at 1:39pm
Hi Bruce-

Since it's been a while since your books were published, I'm wondering if you've had any further insights regarding these 2 subjects:

Probes.  You had said that we humans are probes sent by our disks to gather information about the earth. 

Curls.  In one of your books you saw what you described as "curls", meaning new souls, being created.  Did you take this as meaning that each of us now living did not have a previous (or simultaneous) existence elsewhere?

And following that thought, much is written about the afterlife.  But very little is written about what came before our physical birth.  Any insight on that?

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Bruce Moen
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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #1 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 10:23pm

To say we "are probes sent by our disks to gather information about the earth'" makes it sound like we are something apart from the Disks.  We are all one being.  

Think of it like, each of us has different personality traits.  There is a part of me that is curious to know what is unknown to me.  That part coexists with the part of me that occassionally must have a dose of movie popcorn with that yellow, fake butter goo on it.  Wherever one of us goes, both of us goes.  Sometimes it is the curious one who appears to be fulfilling its desire for knowledge, sometimes the movie popcorn addict.  We as "probes" are inseparable from we as our Disk.  It's more a matter of awareness on our part than any actual separation.

Curls, are a representation of a self aware being.  I don't recall describing curls being created, though at this point in the existence within my aging human body there are a number of things I don't easily recall.  Perhaps you can jog my memory?  I do recall describing Curls passing through the ReEntry Station.  Self aware beings on their way to lifetimes within physical reality.

When you ask, "Did you take this as meaning that each of us now living did not have a previous (or simultaneous) existence elsewhere?" I would answer, no.  It is like looking at a small stone on the beach and asking if it had a previous existence as that small stone.  Well, as that small stone on the beach it didn't.  A larger stone existed sometime in the past, it fragmented or wore down and so I see the small stone that it has become.  It had a previous existence, but in a different form.  Same with us.   Imagine God splitting of fragments of Itself and those fragments splitting of fragments, etc., etc. and presto, there we are.

I knew my use of the word Afterlife would lead to problems before I used it.  The word implies existence only "after a physical lifetime."  But the areas of consciousness I call "afterlife" could just as well be called, "prelife."  Before we were born into our present physical lifetimes most of us, no all, probably existed within the areas of consciousness I call afterlife.  Sorry for the confusion, but one of the things I discovered as I explored the "afterlife" is that it is a place come Here from and return to.


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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #2 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 10:35pm
This is a fascinating thread.  Bruce, I'd like to ask if one might consider focus 27 a more advanced belief system territory for humans not quite ready to leave the humanoid type of existence?  Many spiritual people from various eastern religions believe that as we progress spiritually we must shed our skin (so to speak) and the attachments that go with separation from God/Love.  Yet focus 27, by description seems to be an indulgence in some of these attachments (creating anything we want by thinking of it; speaking with any figure from history, exploring past lives), rather than a letting-go of the need for our separation and tie to worldly things.

I have recently felt, on a deep level, that Focus 27 may be a more advanced belief system territory for loving people who aren't ready to give up yet on physical existence or its attachments.  However, I think the inevitible spiritual progression is to do just that.  Unlike nihilists, I don't think the giving up of attachments means the loss of self, rather from what I can deduce it is a state of clarity of perception and love where we think in a different way. 

What are your thoughts on this?

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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #3 - Jul 1st, 2009 at 9:41am
Thanks Bruce.  I was re-reading Voyage to Curiosity's Father and on p 196, esp 3rd paragraph, it appears that the probes add to information of their disk.....granted that we are all part of the disk.

Re the curls, that was mentioned in one of your other books, don't have it with me at the moment.  But as I recall, when you saw these curls coming off what seemed to be a conveyor belt (?), you thought maybe that's how new souls were created....but my memory might be faulty here.

The concept of "old souls" implies having many lifetimes either on earth or elsewhere, that's why I asked whether some of us are newly created.  Seems to make sense, given the countless news accounts of people who commit unspeakable crimes.

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Bruce Moen
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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #4 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 11:55am

From a certain perspective I could agree with Focus 27 being a sort of advanced Belief System Territory.  Advanced in the sense that the inhabitants have available within F27 the resources from which to learn and grow out and  beyond of their beliefs.

Many arrive in F27 still holding the belief that they require a humanoid body in order to exist.  Many continue to believe in the need to eat solid food, drink liquids, walk instead of fly, sleep, etc.  F27 appears to be a place where these beliefs are supported by the environment.  It  also appears to support changes in one's beliefs as we learn more about who and what we really are.

Realization by F27 inhabitants that a humanoid body is not necessary for continued existence can lead to one's realization that we have a choice of forms, or lack of forms.  Realizing that food, water, sleep, atc are not necessary can lead to existence in which we have not need for them.  Realizing that movement from point A to point B can occur in ways other than walking can lead to one's ability to "travel" by other means.

All of these things can be thought of as "shedding the body."  As for indulgence in our various desires being supported there I see that as a way of "getting off the wheel of desire."  If I can have any sports car in any color, horsepower, size, shape etc. at some point having them is going to become ratner boring.  At the point where I become bored with having any such car I desire that desire sort of runs out of gas.  The best way I know of to removed a desire for something, like a favorite kind of candy is to eat that candy so much that you can't stand to eat another one.  Some desires are weak and boredom comes quickly, some are strong and indulgence will last longer.  Oh well, we only have all of eternity to deal with them so at least there is plenty of time available.

Giving up attachments can be seen as a loss of self, I suppose, if we think of it as losing the part of self that had the attachment.  And if that part of self came into being as the result of taking on some erroneous beliefs, like "I am a human physucal body" giving up my attachment to the part of self holding that belief has the potential for that part of self to cease its existence (that part of self holding that erroneous belief).  And in the exchange perhaps I become more aware of who and what I really am.  I think that is a good thing.  Loss of beliefs I hold that are false certainly carries the potential for a "state of clarity of perception and love where we can think in a different way" as you put it.

Carried to its extreme, this loss of attachment to false beliefs about the nature of my being might just lead to real knowledge and understanding of who and what I really am.   I see F27 as a sort of advanced training ground for those of us who have come to believe that we are human beings.  The potential I see for this training ground is help us understand that "human" is just a form we have taken on for whatever purposes we made that choice.  And as Rebecca use to say, we are always free to choose againg.

Yeah, interesting thread.

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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #5 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 7:19pm
Focus 27 is a "certain perspective", and therefore it is not a belief system territory. It is a matter of definitions and semantics. Focus names has been created to describe certain characteristics. Features of a place, of an experience, of a process you go through, and so on. If you change your description or the definition, you change your "focus level of perception", and you no longer "coherent" to "defined" Focus 27. Simple? Simple. (-:
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #6 - Jul 6th, 2009 at 12:56pm

Monroe defined the areas of consciousness, like Focus 23, 24,25,26 and 27, based upon the shared characteristics of the people he found inhabiting those areas.  The "certain perspective" I referred to in my  reply to Matthew is in viewing the inhabitants of Focus 27 as people who believe themselves to be human beings.  This belief is shared by most if not all inhabitants of Focus 27.  But, with further exploration by them beyond Focus 27 they may discover that being human was only a belief system they took on and that a human being is not truly "what we really are."

I agree it may be stretching things a bit, but based on the criteria Monroe used to label the various areas of human consciousness, I can view Focus 27 as a sort of Advanced Belief System Territory.  One in which the shared belief in being human can serve as a way of being stuck within a limiting belief system just as surely as those in Focus 23 thru 26.

If being human was the only form of consciousness to exist within I could agree that Focus 27 could in no way, not from any perspective, be thought of as any kind of Belief System Territory.  But, there are many, many other forms of consciousness to chose from.   And to discover more about who and what we really are it is necessary to move past the belief in being human.

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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #7 - Jul 8th, 2009 at 6:41pm
What I find interesting that sort of relates, pg 177 of "Voyages into the Afterlife" states:

Responding to my querry about any messages he might have for Earth's inhabitants, the 2ndGathgroup spokesman replied. "Many of your people will make a leap to your Focus 27 soon and will have to exist there for a very long time. There will be great reductions in overall Earth population. Do what you can to prepare your people for this event."

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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #8 - Jul 9th, 2009 at 12:55pm
And slowly we are becoming more prepaired for it. F 27 should be a fairly good area to be in for the many but I believe it important for us to remain a fluid as possible so that we can further assist on moving others past that point as well. The loss of the earthly experience could entrap many in 27, being its attributes potentially being so similar to our living here. Being ready to help them in their transition to 27 and then in the end helping, where possible, to keep them moving beyond 27, is where we will end up focusing our efforts. Fluidity. Being stuck in 27 is no better than being stuck in 26 or 25. Its still stuck.
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Re: Bruce- Couple questions from your books
Reply #9 - Jul 9th, 2009 at 3:00pm
Now that this thread has gone in this direction, I'd like to introduce a wondering of mine. In my humble experiences beyond F27, there are two "strings".
One is, I feel inmidst a formless grey fog, or overview planetary systems, galaxies, see planets and stars as living entities, have glimpses on extraterrestrial beings.
The second is, the "I" is altered. I feel like being a knot in a very complex structure, like a relais station transmitting information. Or being a musical chord and/or melody within an entireness of music. Or being myself a filled void.

Both strings are different, but they share the difficulty to relate any of the containing experiences to my physical life.

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