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God said Let there be Light and there was Light? (Read 3952 times)
Alan McDougall
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God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Apr 23rd, 2009 at 4:50am
God is light and in him is no "darkness whatsoever.

And there was darkness upon the face of the deep void, and God said Let there be LIGHT (where before there was no light)

So God is not "everything", he is not "darkness", "he is only light",

But there existed something else, eternal like him, but dark and Evil in the abysmal dark. When God said let there be light where there was no light, the eternal battle of light against dark, good against evil, love against hate, death against light began

This thing a monster is not Lucifer, but the everlasting enemy of God

Soon there will be an outcome that will change our reality forever

What do you think about what I have written above?

Let it be peace

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 5:47am
What you've written makes me think, Alan. If God is an artist, god can choose his materials and his subjects as he wishes. He can create a painting so sweet and simple that it will appeal to the very young at heart. Or, he can create a portrait bewitching and mysterious. Or he can desire some kind of perfect chaos. His choices, according to his powers, according to his intentions. So....light is good. It helps a lot.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #2 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 8:58am
moonsandjunes and others


What you've written makes me think, Alan. If God is an artist, god can choose his materials and his subjects as he wishes. He can create a painting so sweet and simple that it will appeal to the very young at heart. Or, he can create a portrait bewitching and mysterious. Or he can desire some kind of perfect chaos. His choices, according to his powers, according to his intentions. So....light is good. It helps a lot

These are my thoughts and in no way do I claim they are factual!!

Do you think god is a duality light and dark, good and evil, Love and hate, giving both life and death?

I have always felt death is not the will of God and is unnatural, it is not what god wanted for us and something went very wrong far back in the primordial moments of creation.

Why would an omni powerful force like the Almighty tolerate evil for even one infinitesimal moment? Most religions believe in some sort of an enemy apposing gods light and perfection, something like the Star Wars movie, the dark force and the force of good, maybe which is not so far off. The real truth.

Why did a GOD OF LIGHT stand back and let a monster like Hitler do what he did, unless Hitler was getting help from some evil force.

Sometime ago I wrote a story on the topic, of light and dark good and evil and in it the entity we call the Devil or Satan are not the real authors of evil , but agents of an infinite being of pure black Evil. I called it “EVILIAN” in my short story

Existence is divided down the middle by two factors, While Light and Abysmal black dark. The dark did not invade the light; the LIGHT or God invaded the dark and by doing this began the eternal battle in our universe.

If you go out at night and look at the heavens, you will be ably to see and understand that our universe is mostly Dark, with a few sparking lights, stars galaxies etc etc.

Astronomy and astrophysics confirm that our universe is constructed mainly of "dark energy" and "dark matter" and only the minutest quantities of Light, should make a person think should it not?

If Satan is such a puny entity why the heck does God not just stamp it out of existence, but maybe the battle is not so one sided as many religions believe. I once during a frightening OOBE saw a village, somewhere in the universe. A little girl was standing in a road in the twilight of the day, I saw to my horror her bright sparking eyes begin to slowly dim as this being of infinite evil sucked out her very life essence into itself.

The beautiful god of light let his light flow into our dark universe. It should be dark but it is not, why is that?

Peace love and joy

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #3 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 9:14am
Good-Evil, light-dark, black-white, yin-yang................
Focus on one, and there is a dire evil or a pure good.  But as in the yin-yang sign, the dualities are intimately entwined, and inseparable too.  In order to have opposites, you need to have both sides you see.
How many wars have been fought over this?

There is, however, a bigger picture.  Few people have experienced this (I believe George Mitchell, an astronaut was said to have had this experience on a space flight), but once our consciousness merges with a higher level, and we see ourselves as part of a greater mind/existence, then the dualities and seeming opposites melt away.  They are, of course still there, if you focus your mind on them, but on a larger level, they seem to be all part of a perfect rhythm in the earth plane. 

It is my sense of things that as we progress in the spiritual planes, we give up this dualistic thinking (which serves but to illustrate to us what is loving thinking vs. what is not while alive), and focus on love itself and serving others. 

Does this mean that for spiritually advanced people darkness and evil do not exist?  I don't think so.  Rather, concentrating on the separateness of these opposites (evil vs. good) tends to be counter productive once one realizes that the entire system is based on love or the voluntary turning away from love. 

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Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #4 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 9:47am
Hi Matthew,

So God is both good and evil and takes on one of these attributes when he/she /it want to? How can we ever fathom how to approach such a being? He might be in his yang state instead of yin?

God is both yin/yang at the same time, or a duality?

Or is there a separate yin and a separate yang?

So god does not feel and sat back and let the monster torment millions of people, in a manner worse that anyone would ever do the basest beast of the field.

How / Enlighten me could the victims of the holocaust concentrate on the light when they were surrounded by evil death and horror 24/7

I know about George Michel’s epiphany, and he felt deep down that there was a mighty intelligence behind the creation of the universe. Most unscientific of him don’t you think?

Matthew I know you are Jewish and so was my dear late mother, a Jew of Polish origin who would have died in the death camp Auswich if she had lived in that vicinity during the war. I will never forgive or forget Hitler and that is my right

May there never again be a war like that

Peace Alan
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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #5 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 10:05am
Hi Alan,

I don't believe God is both good and evil, rather, I believe that evil exists as a result of free will, with people choosing to be/act in an unloving manner.  God, I believe is the embodiment of love, and it appears that God allows evil/darkness to exist in the planes of our existence.

In my way of thinking, this does not mean that God wants an evil agenda to win the day, rather, he lets his creations choose as they will, and the polar opposites are created. Eventually, however, I believe that spiritual evolution allows people to move closer to love, and therefore God. 

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Lights of Love
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #6 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 10:51am
Hi Alan,

If you want to take a scientific approach to this subject some physicists are speculating on the theory that the greater consciousness (God) is not really infinite, but only appears to be infinite. This greater consciousness evolved into what it is... a brilliant being of love. The premise is what you and Dave were discussing a year or so ago. Primordial consciousness contained entropy and evolved into a huge brilliant being of love by reducing its entropy.

In my opinion, this makes sense. We are like worker bees continuing the process of reducing entropy. We are a teeny tiny piece of and the whole of this greater consciousness (God/Light) at the same time. As we reduce our entropy (Darkness) by releasing fear and ego we grow spiritually and we become more of a being of love both as an individualized unit of consciousness and the greater consciousness of which we are a piece of. By doing so we not only aid our own personal evolution, but also that of the whole consciousness system. Light and darkness are metaphors of consciousness that help describe different states of consciousness.

Probably one of the better websites that I've seen describing this theory is Tom Campbell's

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #7 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 12:41pm
I believe that God has forgiven Hitler. Perhaps it time for all good believers to do the same. Who's the one entitled to do the judging anyways? Hate, no matter where its directed, is evil and shows a darkness in the heart of the hater.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #8 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 8:47am
Hi Matthew


I don't believe God is both good and evil, rather, I believe that evil exists as a result of free will, with people choosing to be/act in an unloving manner.  God, I believe is the embodiment of love, and it appears that God allows evil/darkness to exist in the planes of our existence

In my way of thinking, this does not mean that God wants an evil agenda to win the day, rather, he lets his creations choose as they will, and the polar opposites are created. Eventually, however, I believe that spiritual evolution allows people to move closer to love, and therefore God. 

The problem with that understanding is the very free will we have and the terrible misuse by humanity of this most precious gift. Look at society, there has never been even one day in all recorded history when there was not a war going on. It seems to me, that all through human history, the world of mostly good folk have been held in ransom by a few evil depraved despots

At some point, I feel God will have to come in and limit this free will for our own benifit

In the Book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse20 it reads, “For the Terrible One” is brought to naught, and the scorner is consumed and all that watch for iniquity are cut off.

Who is this Terrible one?,  if it is evil or the Devil or the agents of evil we can take heart that at the end good will prevail forever, and our beautiful universe will become a place of light and death will be no more

Light of Love

If you want to take a scientific approach to this subject some physicists are speculating on the theory that the greater consciousness (God) is not really infinite, but only appears to be infinite. This greater consciousness evolved into what it is... a brilliant being of love. The premise is what you and Dave were discussing a year or so ago. Primordial consciousness contained entropy and evolved into a huge brilliant being of love by reducing its entropy.

In my opinion, this makes sense. We are like worker bees continuing the process of reducing entropy. We are a teeny tiny piece of and the whole of this greater consciousness (God/Light) at the same time. As we reduce our entropy (Darkness) by releasing fear and ego we grow spiritually and we become more of a being of love both as an individualized unit of consciousness and the greater consciousness of which we are a piece of. By doing so we not only aid our own personal evolution, but also that of the whole consciousness system. Light and darkness are metaphors of consciousness that help describe different states of consciousness.

It is hard I agree to try to understand a being of infinite everything. But that being might have no difficulty with that concept.

Your entropy equates nicely with my Darkness and it is these to beings one of almost infinite power but dark and one of almost infinite power but light love. As an Engineer I understand entropy very well if it could be reversed in this material realm then we could exist in it as immortals, in everlasting light.

At present neither the dark evil one or the good one of light are totally infinite, thus my supposition of the battle for infinite eternity between the two opposites. The outcome still hangs in the balance, the winner BECOMING INFINITE


You can go on and forgive Hitler if you like, I am sure God has not . God is quite able to hate you know and him hate is terrible. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of God. You believe in God and in that you do well, but so does Satan and he trembles
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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Old Dood
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #9 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 9:02am
The 'Prime Creator' cannot HATE...nor can the 'Prime Creator' not Forgive!

Then this Being could not BE the 'Prime Creator'!

By thinking that the Prime Creator can Hate and not Forgive then we are just using our 3rd Dimensional Thinking.
We would then be putting a Human Face on the 'Prime Creator' which is not possible.
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #10 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 11:34am
I don't think the prime creator is limited by the 3 dimensional understanding of Good and Evil. God is. Any definition beyond that is futile, but, metaphorically speaking, I like to think of God and the Devil betting each other a dollar who can sway the will of man--over and over again. Without the Devil God has no idea who is winning.

In the theatre we have what is called a Green Room where actors congregate before and after they have been on stage. Everyone knows they are an actor when they are in the Green Room. There's no good and evil anymore--just waiting for godot or the next entrance. The Devil is kind of like the assistant director who goes behind the director's back telling the cast how they should play their parts....sometimes the assistant director is right... So where does that leave this metaphor? I say that once consciousness is no longer learning then it is no longer teaching either.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #11 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 1:43pm
Old Dood

he 'Prime Creator' cannot HATE...nor can the 'Prime Creator' not Forgive!

Then this Being could not BE the 'Prime Creator'!

By thinking that the Prime Creator can Hate and not Forgive then we are just using our 3rd Dimensional Thinking.
We would then be putting a Human Face on the 'Prime Creator' which is not possible.

I see somehow you know about dimensions beyond our three, did you go there and can you describe what you saw. It would be very hard something like a two dimensional flatlander trying to explain our three dimensional realm to his fellow flatlanders

While we live in this three dimensional realm we can only speak with any clarity about our own reality

The Prime creator as you wrongly label Almighty God can do and does do exactly what he wants to do, without my opinion or yours. God is Infinite and for a tiny minute entity like you it is preposterous to speak for him.

God is what he is not what you say he is, he is inconceivable to man

God simply


The mind of God in INSCRUTABLE to finite mortal like us

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Old Dood
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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #12 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 4:21pm
Almighty God?  Where is that from?  The bible?
I am not speaking for the Prime Creator or The Source of All are by telling me I am wrong.

And yes I have been to other Dimensions....I do it every night in Dreams and Projection.
Ever heard of 360 vision?  That is not 3rd Dimension.

So please do not tell me what I think and say....I will do that just fine on my own.

I do know that the Prime Creator cannot Hate or not Forgive ANYone.
Then this Prime Creator cannot BE All that there IS.

Also by calling what you call God the Prime Creator is more truthful then simply God.
There are many beings that play as God.
That would 'seem' to be a 'god' to humans.

I use the term The Source or Prime Creator because it signifies this being better then simply calling it God.

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Re: God said Let there be Light and there was Light?
Reply #13 - Apr 24th, 2009 at 5:52pm
Alan McDougall wrote on Apr 24th, 2009 at 1:43pm:
The mind of God in INSCRUTABLE to finite mortal like us


you can't have it both ways: if God is inscrutable then what's all this stuff about his power of hate and how terrible it is?
If that's God then he's the old paranoid dude of the (mistranslated and slanted) Old Testament 'I the lord they God am a jealous God' etc.
Why? A Supreme being and JEALOUS? Supposedly the creator of everything and JEALOUS"? A Supreme being full of hate,vengeance, negativity and 'do as I say of you'll be destroyed'?
It rather sounds like the fake God who Bob Monroe wrote about in his journeys -they may be exactly the same entity. If so, then THAT one is the being responsible for stoking up the hatred and pain over thousands of years, and continuing to peddle the lies that have hamstrung the spiritual aspirations and dreams of everyone......because we're all born in sin so we might as well give up before we start.
I'm sorry, but I'm fed up with this. Obviously you have the inalienable right to your beliefs and to express them here, but I do not subscribe to this point of view. To ascribe petty human traits to a supposedly supreme being seems unfortunate, but to my mind that's exactly what you appear to be doing.
I have no idea what God thinks or feels. As the originator of everything he/she will be above all this.
We've got free will and we're here to learn how to use it, with all the consequences for past, present and future lives. That to my mind is why God lets 'evil' and terrible things happen, because we have to learn to finally get our acts together and do it for ourselves before it will stop.
All the folks upstairs will do is stand close and support us, but it's our play and we're writing it moment by moment and we live with the consequences of it. When the life/play ends, we get to do it all over again until we get it right or until we've had enough of coming back again and again and again.

Sorry folks, I've had a really crappy day and I'm feeling fed up.
Best wishes,
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