Hello, I'm 18 years old and I've been working on getting more and more in touch with my spiritual self. First off, let me say I'm a senior in high school and attend 5 classes a day, I also work as a waiter usually after school and on the weekends. The last class of the day, for me, is physics. For some odd reason I've been having and recalling dreams that are set in my physics class.
The first dream I recall having was having a fight with a person in my physics class in which I was the victor. There were desks and also people around although I do not remember the faces or who the people were. The time of day was as it was everyday when in the class.
The second dream I remember that took place in physics class a man had my wallet and was taking money from it. I believe I was pleading for the money back and in some fear or danger. I do not remember if there were other people present, but the morning after the dream I took the majority of the money of my wallet just to be safe (haha).
The last and most recent dream I had about physics or in physics class; the dream was a little cloudy and I do not recall very many details at all. I woke up and was trying to remember what all I had just dreamed about but the only thing I could get out of it I wrote down immediately. As ridiculous as it sounds, "Seering hot physics cake." This took place April 3rd, 2009, and I ate some cake the night before this dream.
I'm open for opinions or answer on what these dreams could mean and why the heck are so many of them about my physics class! I also have more dreams to share but this is getting lengthy so I'll draw it to an end. Thanks for any help in advance