Mark Andrew
Junior Member
Posts: 93
Hi everyone!
In late January/early February of this year I began my spiritual journey out of agnosticism, and have begun reading various books on mediums, the afterlife, God, angels, ADCs, NDEs, and OBEs.
In what is personally a leap of faith, after discovering this site and other information, I have ordered the book and audio and video from Mr. Moen (I ordered it two days ago so I'm hoping I have it within a week or so) and I intend to take it quite seriously as I practice what he teaches. My hope is that I can finally have an experience for myself (other than one that I believe came from God) to strengthen my budding beliefs in these wonderful areas.
One thing I have read from people on this board, from mediums, and I'm drawing a blank but I think someplace else as well, is the discussion of an individual's vibrations. Or a spirit's/soul's vibrations.
I don't understand that concept yet, and I'm hoping some of you can help clear it up/spell it out for me.
When I see or hear the word, "vibration," I think of either a string that is vibrating, or perhaps an object or person shaking rapidly in a contained amount of space.
I've failed to make the connection between my concept of vibrations and the vibrations I keep seeing references to in having to do with our eternal essence/soul/consciousness/etc.
Do souls/spirits/consciousnesses literally vibrate? I hear often that they allegedly have a "higher" vibration than we physical people do. What does that really mean, exactly?
Do any of you have any first hand experiences with sensing the vibrations of someone else or someone on the other side?
Any and all information is appreciated very much! Thanks!
I'm thrilled to have found an active forum on these topics so that I can finally ask questions to people who won't think I'm a fool for believing (skeptics/atheists) or some kind of heretic for not strictly conforming (conservative religious people).