Ah, that is the question! Most find the question so threatening that they answer with reassuring New Age or religious doctrine with little or no verification. Many on this site would claim to have retrieved souls from lower spirit planes, but they cannot back this up with the expected verifications--names of friends and relatives, addresses, and date of death of the deceased. I performed a powerful astral retrieval of a girlfriend who committed suicide. Later, I replicated this intense state of consciousness in lucid dreams in which I could recognize that I was dreaming in the dream. Honesty requires me to dismiss my retrieval as a mere lucid dream of a retrieval during a fake OBE state. I am not convinced that waking OBEs are any more reliable, but I will continue to seek evidence both in books and my own use of Robert Monroe's Gateway tapes. So far I am very disappointed.
Early Christianity taught that God's love never permanently abandons anyone after death and that, by implication, Hell is a self-chosen state. By implication, rescue from Hell is posasible then and is indeed taught by the New Testament. I choose to believe this, but I long for better evidence than this site and modern astral exploration has been able to provide.
When Dr. Rawlings is challenged about the large percentage of hellish NDEs, he replies reasonably enough that, as a cardiologist, he is on the scene during his patients' NDEs and the later suppression of this memory. You wouldn't expect hellish NDEs to be cheerily reported by patients to doctors and researchers, now would you? Sigh! I try to take some comfort in the fact that another cardiologist, Micharl Sabom has not been able to replicate Rawlings's high percentage. But even so, I feel like I am whistling past the graveyard!