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Tips and methods? (Read 6568 times)
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Tips and methods?
Jan 23rd, 2009 at 2:13pm
Hi, I've just started to use Hemi-Sync to get an OOBE and I was hoping that you could give me tips and methods witch has helped you?
When is the best time to try to get an OOBE, before you go to sleep, in the middle of the day ect.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #1 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 2:47pm
 Are you talking about a classic OOBE like Monroe experienced and wrote about in his earlier days?  

 For myself, and my limited experience with that kind of classic OOBE, it was a matter of not caring so much about having one.  Actually, i had to slow down my vibes and narrow my consciousness bandwidth before i experienced a classic OOBE, and what exactly i mean will be explained more fully in the below.  

 What's exciting is that perhaps some or many people who want to go classic OOBE so bad...aren't doing so because of any kind of lack, but rather because their average vibratory state is too beyond the classic OOBE level!  

 I recommend reading "Cosmic Journeys" by Rosiland A. McKnight.  She was one of Monroe's long term explorers in the early days.  Her book is all about her experiences and her guidance channeling that she had while working with Bob in his lab.  Her guidance talks about a similar thing as the above, that in many ways, it's preferable to not travel in the classic OOBE sense via the "etheric" body or inner level of being.  

 They outline that all humans have 5 major "bodies" within the Earth Life system.   The physical, the etheric, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual.   Each "body" or level of being is faster vibrating and more subtle than the last.   One could possibly say that the spiritual level is the most real, objectively speaking, and the physical the least real or rather most distorted level of being.

 Classic OOB experiences are related to concentrating ones consciousness within the etheric body or level of being, and exploring via that.   Because it is still so close, vibrationally wise, to physical energies, to most humans the experiences had in that feel more "real" than say Bruce's imagination/PUL methods.

 Really this is a reverse illusion...    It seems that perhaps Bruce's method of imagination, and concentrating more in the emotional and mental levels of being, while at first less "real" seeming, is actually an avenue to greater perception and awareness than what can be obtained from focusing in the etheric and in the classic OOBE state.  Rosiland's guidance seems to say that we tend to bring less human baggage (two of which is distorted perception and fear) when we focus and explore via say the mental body or "higher".  

 I was a bit surprised to find out that Bruce himself didn't quite get this concept, and sort of spoke against it despite what "Ah so" and Rosilands guidance seem to suggest, and which my own experiences also suggest to me.   But anywho, different strokes for different folks.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to have classic OOB experiences, but perhaps it is a limiting belief and desire?
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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #2 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 4:10pm
Related to what Justin wrote, I used to have out of body experiences with all the effects.  Now that my vibrational rate has increased, I no longer have such experiences. Sometimes I'll have the experience of floating over some location while fully conscious, as if I'm using my mental body.  OBEs happen only during a lucid dream, I don't experience the efffects, and instead become conscious of how I am dreaming and perhaps go flying somewhere.

I figure the main thing astral projection with all the effects does is let you know that there is something beyond this physical World. It is also fun. Nevertheless, I believe it is best to focus on spiritual growth, let go of whatever prevents you from living according to love: old hurts, anger issues, fears, prejudices, judgments, limited ideas about love, etc.

Once astral projection with all the effects helps you believe that you have other levels of beings, it becomes unnecessary for other experiences to have such effects in order to know that they are valid. Some people learn about this fact without experiencing astral projection with all the effects.

Most of my non-physical experiences have served the purpose of spiritual instruction and often shouldn't be interpreted to be an actual experience. For example, I experienced a mock alien abduction during an OBE. It came to an end when I told the alien I choose God, love and goodness, and there is nothing you can do about it (I can't remember the exact words). The experience served the purpose of letting me know that an unfriendly alien can't effect me against my will.  Some people might have a similar experience and believe that they were actually abducted. Not to say that abductions never happen. I don't know. I would think that nobody can have their free will interfered with, unless they allow it to be interferred with. Through various spiritual means this point has been made to me.
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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #3 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 9:16pm
just in general, the best method for obe or phasing is to do a retrieval. the gates open if the purpose is unselfish, to assist another.

obes can be accomplished while in the waking or sleeping state if you're concentrating hard enough, to mean focusing on that without a doubt. phasing is to just be there suddenly. obe is to observe you have a body form with you.
the mind never sleeps although the body does sleep. you should ask yourself to remember where you have been, as we are always active while the body sleeps.

what is helpful is to ask yourself where would you like to go? what do you want to do once you realize you are there? otherwise you will go to the place imagined and then be returned quickly to the body, because it's what you think about all day long that produces the obe in the first place.

Also remote viewing is so much easier than obe. you could develop yourself there to gain confidence in your abilities, first.

hemi sync is a great aide. go for it.
great post R.
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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #4 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 12:24pm
thanks for the replies... has anyone found it helpful to use marijuana in  order to get an OOBE, caus the closest i've been to drifting away was last night and I'd had some.... just wandering weather that might have been fooling me or helping me? Roll Eyes
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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #5 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 8:32pm
I have no experience with weed as I tried it 40 yrs ago and couldn't figure out why my pals liked it, it just didn't do much for me. the only thing I can say it has been a proven pain reducer and you can legally get it for certain diseases now.
it did cause some hallucination for me once when it was laced with lsd. I have always been frightened of using chemicals in my body, and prefer expanding my horizons in a natural way.

I can't say one way or the other, yet if you practice the exercises in Bruce's books here, I can certainly vouch for the effectiveness of those exercises along with your intention setting.
sort of a mind over matter type of philosophy I have.
good luck and be persistent. Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #6 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:36am
 I don't know Guns.  

 If it does help though, you might want to read what Bruce has written re: memory and consciousness.  

 Essentially, memory is not a thing that gets stored in the brain/body, but rather exists in its own consciousness level/state and frequency i.e. not in the brain.  The brain is more like a receiver/transducer/translator of info and memory than anything.

   Say you smoke up, and have your first OBE, well there could be a chance of developing a dependency on weed for having more in the future, because your memory of going OBE could be said to be stored in the "high on weed" consciousness/frequency.  

  Bruce mentions an example of this, a friend in college who use to study for (and also take?) exams while high on weed and did pretty well.   One time he went to take an exam and bombed it--turns out he hadn't smoked that time.  

 It does seem that weed alters ones consciousness, but whether or not for the good or more expansive I don't know.  Personally, i would rather not have any kind of outer dependencies in relation exploring nonphysical reality.

 I think you will find that the majority of posters here (especially the regulars) also follow that philosophy.   All you really need is some relaxation, some quiet time, some good intentions, and ability to use your imagination.   Also, practice and consistency really helps.   Yeah, some people are born more naturals than others, but we all can develop these skills to some degree.

 Alysia's earlier suggestion about trying it in relation to retrievals i think is a really good one..  Service and helpful intentions to others has a way of helping us out as well, and expanding our consciousness.  But as Bruce has emphasized in his work, you don't need to have a classic OOBE to explore nonphysical reality.  

  Bruce seems to one of the more adept explorers out there, and yet he claims he has very limited experience with the classic OOB experiences.  
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #7 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 9:58pm
In my personal experience, and well, in my earlier days I smoked a lot of that stuff, it made no difference. But I noticed it has different effects on different people. I don't recommend it and echo what Bruce says.

As well the theory about the different levels makes sense to me. There just is a point which could be of some importance, at least for the beginner in consciously extending one's awareness: It's the experience of "This is as real, if not more, as the physical". This experience of "realness" of nonphysical places/states you have especially when your awareness is almost totally focused away from the physical. I'm not very good at this, and my few classic OBEs happened when I mentally awoke from dreams and were not planned, but it certainly gives you a good amount of trust in the reality of the nonphysical. Some are naturals and it just happens to them, some can achieve it through hard training (which is similar to classic meditation techniques), and some won't have success with classic OBEing, but still can have success with phasing and gaining convincing verifications through this. I only guess normally it takes some time, as, in my experience, it's not only to acquire a new ability, but goes together with personality changes, and this usually doesn't come overnight (it can though).

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Tips and methods?
Reply #8 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 3:12am
recoverer wrote on Jan 23rd, 2009 at 4:10pm:
Related to what Justin wrote, I used to have out of body experiences with all the effects.  Now that my vibrational rate has increased, I no longer have such experiences. Sometimes I'll have the experience of floating over some location while fully conscious, as if I'm using my mental body.  OBEs happen only during a lucid dream, I don't experience the efffects, and instead become conscious of how I am dreaming and perhaps go flying somewhere.

I figure the main thing astral projection with all the effects does is let you know that there is something beyond this physical World. It is also fun. Nevertheless, I believe it is best to focus on spiritual growth, let go of whatever prevents you from living according to love: old hurts, anger issues, fears, prejudices, judgments, limited ideas about love, etc.

Once astral projection with all the effects helps you believe that you have other levels of beings, it becomes unnecessary for other experiences to have such effects in order to know that they are valid. Some people learn about this fact without experiencing astral projection with all the effects.

Most of my non-physical experiences have served the purpose of spiritual instruction and often shouldn't be interpreted to be an actual experience. For example, I experienced a mock alien abduction during an OBE. It came to an end when I told the alien I choose God, love and goodness, and there is nothing you can do about it (I can't remember the exact words). The experience served the purpose of letting me know that an unfriendly alien can't effect me against my will.  Some people might have a similar experience and believe that they were actually abducted. Not to say that abductions never happen. I don't know. I would think that nobody can have their free will interfered with, unless they allow it to be interferred with. Through various spiritual means this point has been made to me.

Excellent points Albert.  This concept can get broadened even more.  I believe as a person grows in love and becomes more balanced and intune, eventually they start to develop what i call semi-automatic and pure intuition.  

  This kind of intuition often requires very little outer and physically oriented kinds of perception like experiences, like visuals/images, sound/words, etc., but seems to involve more of deep knowingness and pure feelings/thoughts.  

 In my experience and in tuning into others, this kind of "psychism" is still yet rather rare, ones Pineal gland must be quite active, and the Pituitary gland starting to become spiritually active for this experience to become the norm rather than the exception.  This also relates somewhat to telepathy.

  Also, to experience this any tendencies towards doubt have to be transcended.  Most require some other "aids" like sudden visuals or what not, in order to trust and believe they just got real guidance.  Others, like RAM in his early days needed classic OOBE's.  

 It's sort of a progression, and people can and often do waver back and forth between different experiences and expressions.  I do, at least.   Occasionally if i'm not quite getting (understanding) something from highest guidance on that pure intuition level (which is "where" & how they function), or doubting the info for whatever silly human reason, I will either get a visual or seemingly hear a seeming word or have a dream later re: the same topic, or a combo of any one or more of those.

 All those years of really wanting to go, when not being able to go OOB was pretty silly, looking back at self now.
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