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How does reiki feel to you? (Read 56009 times)
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #15 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 12:59pm

Being more discriminating now, if i were to ever have Reiki (or any other kind of energy healing) again, it would be with a person i felt was very loving, very balanced, and of the highest intentions.  In short, a very spiritually mature channel.  

Hi Justin;
How true you spoke here.
In the beginning i went through 3 different "Master" for more information's before finding the one i spoke off before.

The first 2 i saw to ask for information/classes ...after introduction did not stay in their office more than 10 minutes..did not had a good feeling about those two..there was a air of "Grandeur/upper class better than anyone in this city type..was the feeling ...straight in my face so to speak, and my little voice saying "WALK AWAY NOW". AND DID.
3rd need to speak about this one.

yes we do have the choice.
I must say that the heat feeling in my hand after the attainments/opening of the channels were/are much stronger now..Smiley
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #16 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 1:27pm
I like this thread.  It's been an interesting read and very fitting to where my thoughts have been focused for the past several weeks now.  I started a blog and recently wrote about this very topic, even mentioning the energy ball in the hands thing.

I know I didn't invent that energy ball thing, but I really haven't heard anyone talk about it.  Is this typically a thing they teach with Reiki or other healing techniques?   It is something I have always played with just for fun, and like you mentioned with the magnets Lucy, it does feel like two magnet ends repelling each other. 

So recently I was playing with it while simultaneously mulling over "how can I teach myself how to administer healing?  What technique can I come up with to utilize what I believe I can do?" 

The point was exactly what Justin has been describing throughout this thread...that we all can do healing and it is the intention and thought that is most important, not the technique per se and not the classes one has taken.  I do believe some of us are just more naturally inclined to share healing and that the true gift and deliverance of it is nothing more than good-hearted intentions.  Similar to what a mother feels she is administering when she kisses her sick or hurt child--with that kiss we completely believe in our hearts that we are passing on through our love exactly what our child needs, as if our love can heal anything.  And why not?  That might sound like a silly example, but it's true.  You give a kiss with the intention of passing on something spiritual/nonphysical whether it be love, kindness, healing, etc.  If you think about it, this is our true intention with all gestures, isn’t it?  As if we are sending something out.  Whether it is a positive or negative gesture!  But I think that any true healing intention one has with Reiki or any other form of healing, should be done with that kind of pureness of intent and love.  I can see why Bruce teaches us to feel love and to raise our awareness that way, and that thinking about and remembering the feeling of being loved or loving can bring you to that level.  It works to raise your consciousness to that level where placing pure intent is easy to do.  "Open your heart", they say.  Yes, that's a good thing to remember. 

Like whoever mentioned petting our pets--those of us who are true pet lovers knows exactly the kind of unconditional love exchange between human and pet while each of them is enjoying the petting motions.  People need this too. 

I notice with my children there's nothing that feels better than when one of my kids lovingly lays a hand on me--to touch my face, a hand on the back or shoulder, and especially during a hug.  It feels so good and tingling.  I believe that what I'm feeling is their energy administered through pure love.  What I mean by pure is a pure intent, no strings attached.  That innate sense of something you feel without giving it any thought.  The feeling of desiring to reach out and touch something or someone.  Kind of like a little kid who cannot resist touching everything he sees, it's plain old impulsion and curiosity driven by some force of nature we all possess, but as we grow up we are told to not to touch and to think before we act, etc. 

I've never had Reiki done on me nor have I studied it.  I did have something called touch therapy, I think.  Is that the same as Reiki?  It was after giving birth, the next morning a nurse came in and asked if I'd like a massage.  Well of course I would!  I was excited and couldn’t wait, but then was disappointed when all she did was run her hands over my body a few inches above my skin without touching me at all.  I was perplexed and had never known of such a thing.  I asked her what she was doing and why she wasn’t touching me.  She explained that this was how she did it, as this wasn't technically a body massage but more of a well-being treatment.  At the time I had no idea what she was talking about and felt I didn't get anything out of it.  Plus, she only did it a few minutes, not even long enough for me to relax.  I kept thinking "she shouldn't call it a massage if she isn't going to touch me."

So anyway, about the energy ball I was playing with while contemplating how I could teach myself and learn to become a person who can genuinely share healing...  I say "share" because I don't want to label myself a healer, although that is exactly what I'd like to be able to do, give healing...whether it is physical or nonphysical.  But I believe as some of you have been saying, we all have this ability if we choose to recognize it and share it....  Anyway, I began to realize that any technique one uses is simply a process of centering their focus of attention and intention, but it is the intention that is what's important.  That frame of mind that zeros in on the purity of your desire.  That state that Bruce calls Pure Doubtless Intent. 

So what is "reball"?  I have heard that before and still am not sure what this is, or I do not remember.  Please explain it. 

And Lucy, I do believe your relaxed state you describe was a Focus 10 level of consciousness.  Especially the way you describe the feeling in your hands.  I recognize that as the way I'd describe some of my own feelings during pre-OBE and OBE states. 


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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #17 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 1:39pm
I, too, have run into a number grandiose personalities in the Reiki field, but I didn't come across them until after I was trained in it. Of course I find these people in all realms of this subject matter. It's not just the taking of money, though, some people just have this air about them that they know more and thus condescend to us who are questioning in our ways.

I never took a dime for Reiki and could not see the point in it because it was a part of the massage I was already giving...I'm not sure I would be terribly effective at it if I weren't doing the massage with it...but I usually got paid for the massage. Perhaps there's no difference I don't know. But if I hadn't gotten paid for the massages food would have been pretty scarce for my family at the time.

I remember when I first got attuned to Reiki I picked up a hitchhiker who later became a good friend. He had been to the dentist and now had an infected abscess. Eager to try out my Reiki on this condition that had plagued him for two weeks I did about 10 minutes of Reiki on his jaw and he said he felt better and within two days the infection was completely cleared. Of course it wasn't me who did it and so we are taught that we are merely a channel for healing. In my experience the incorporation of the symbols in later classes did increase my awareness more.

Learning Reiki was very enjoyable for me, but like I say, some of the "better than thous" that had their "mastership" gave me the willies. But hey, they are everywhere. Unfortunately I found it difficult to not shut down around them. I don't like that feeling much.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #18 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 3:05pm
Vicky wrote on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 1:27pm:
I know I didn't invent that energy ball thing, but I really haven't heard anyone talk about it.  Is this typically a thing they teach with Reiki or other healing techniques?   It is something I have always played with just for fun, and like you mentioned with the magnets Lucy, it does feel like two magnet ends repelling each other.  

So recently I was playing with it while simultaneously mulling over "how can I teach myself how to administer healing?  What technique can I come up with to utilize what I believe I can do?"  

So anyway, about the energy ball I was playing with while contemplating how I could teach myself and learn to become a person who can genuinely share healing...  I say "share" because I don't want to label myself a healer, although that is exactly what I'd like to be able to do, give healing...whether it is physical or nonphysical.  But I believe as some of you have been saying, we all have this ability if we choose to recognize it and share it....  Anyway, I began to realize that any technique one uses is simply a process of centering their focus of attention and intention, but it is the intention that is what's important.  That frame of mind that zeros in on the purity of your desire.  That state that Bruce calls Pure Doubtless Intent.  

So what is "reball"?  I have heard that before and still am not sure what this is, or I do not remember.  Please explain it.  

Vicky; very good points you made..Smiley ,mother and child.

Regarding Energy Ball; not sure if it's taught in Reiki; i can't honestly say, don't remember it being taught in Reiki. I remember she ask if my hand were warm/tingling etc after she finish the course which they were then; they do get warm when sending/doing healing.

Like you I've been playing with the energies in my hand since a younger age, noticing how sometimes warm/red little dots would appears on the inside of my hand and felt good about it but did not know what i was doing then..Smiley

About this part:   (So recently I was playing with it while simultaneously mulling over "how can I teach myself how to administer healing?  What technique can I come up with to utilize what I believe I can do?)

it's related to Rebal (Bruce version)and can be apply to expand/retract/move to your hand. Hope it help and may help others here too..give it a try and see for yourself, it did help me..from my note here it is: and you already know part of this exercise..Smiley

To enhance the effect of the energy which is coming your way, you might try one of Bruce Moen's exercises, a variation of forming a "Reball". It has never failed to calm me, and perhaps this exercise will be of some comfort to you, too. If you are not feeling well, I would recommend it at least twice a day, (morning and evening), and more often, if you start feeling anxious.

1. Take several ( 3 - 6) relaxing breaths to settle down.
2. Take another several (3 - 6) breaths while drawing clean, clear, bright, sparkling energy up from a limitless pool, through the soles of one's feet, feeling some of it continue on up through the crown of our head, with some portion swirling around and down the outside, to join the flow moving up again.
3. When one has this energy in place: Keep it going, and add to it by visualizing a huge pool of clean, clear, bright, sparkling energy above us. Take several deep relaxing breaths (3 - 6), with a flow down over and through us, continuing out through the soles of one's feet, repeating the image of having some of it curling up and around, to rejoin the flow downward through the crown of our heads.
4. Keep the dual flows going. Now, remember the feeling of either giving or receiving Love. (We can remember more than one specific memory - we are trying to generate a feeling in our bodies, which has the emotional reaction of giving or receiving love, for a period of several minutes. If one memory dulls a bit, bring in another on top of the last one.)

The energy of Love, Bruce says, is different from the energy of Fear. Love opens perceptions of awareness automatically.

Bruce mentioned that if people in our group did only one thing from the workshop, it should be this: Take 5 minutes each day, relax into the flows of energy, like the exercise above, and remember feelings of either giving or receiving love.

Love and Fear cannot co-exist, so bringing in feelings of how one feels when either giving or receiving love moves us out of a fear emotion into a more open level of awareness.

As an aside, you might also contemplate what I call my "three knowns":

1. We are more than our physical bodies.
2. We are never alone.
3. We are such powerful, spiritual beings, that nothing can happen to us, without the permission of our higher self.

With the above in mind, you might perhaps throw a question out to your Higher Self: "What is the lesson for me to learn, by going through this experience.?"

Be well, and know that you have friends who wish you nothing but the best.

PUL Romain

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #19 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 3:43pm
Romain wrote on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 3:05pm:

With the above in mind, you might perhaps throw a question out to your Higher Self: "What is the lesson for me to learn, by going through this experience.?"

Thanks Romain--I like this suggestion.  Seems like just what I need at this time in my life. 


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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #20 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 5:11pm
I believe that as Vicky says, intent means a lot when it comes to healing. It is also a matter of how much love you can share.

One evening I watched a television show about a healer. He'd go into a trance and used his hands to interact with a person's energetic system (perhaps). He has things set up so he makes lots of money. I wondered about his way of healing. After going to sleep that night I had a lucid dream where I lay in a beach chair by the Mediterranean Sea on the coast of Southern Spain. All kinds of fantastic activity took place wthin the sea. Next I experienced myself at the front of an outside cafe applying healing to the people who dined at the cafe, in a manner that was similar to the manner the healer from the television show made use of. The patrons of the cafe didn't appreciate that I did so. I woke up and received the message: "Don't degrade yourself."

I have received other messages about being able to heal, and about how I was engaged with a lot of spirit activity while in Spain during July of 2006. I believe Spain was pointed to, because it was while I was in Spain that I first became aware of how I help with retrievels through energetic means other than the method Bruce Moen advocates.

When I send healing energy to a person I feel my heart chakra open until it is wider than a beach ball. I can feel a lot of energy leave my heart chakra. I figure the energy knows what to do without my directing it. Perhaps a higher level being directs it.

Therefore, I believe it is more about directing love with positive intent, than applying a technique that uses some form of subtle energy.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #21 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 5:38pm
recoverer wrote on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 5:11pm:
I have received other messages about being able to heal, and about how I was engaged with a lot of spirit activity while in Spain during July of 2006. I believe Spain was pointed to, because it was while I was in Spain that I first became aware of how I help with retrievels through energetic means other than the method Bruce Moen advocates.

When I send healing energy to a person I feel my heart chakra open until it is wider than a beach ball. I can feel a lot of energy leave my heart chakra. I figure the energy knows what to do without my directing it. Perhaps a higher level being directs it.

Therefore, I believe it is more about directing love with positive intent, than applying a technique that uses some form of subtle energy.

What spirit activity did you notice in Spain?  What made you aware of your ability to help with retrievals through energetic means?  Do you ever receive memory of these retrievals?
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #22 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 6:23pm

Initially I did retrievels in the way Bruce Moen teaches. Partly because of awakened kundalini my energy would be real active on a regular basis. I'd see spirits appearing on a regular basis as points of light. I'd feel their energy around me. Occasionally I would hear a voice. I figured they were just checking out my energy.

When I was in Spain during the summer of 2006, I stayed at an apartment at the top of a hill by Costa Del Sol. One night as I got ready for bed, I saw a life size image of actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. I didn't understand why. I went to bed and closed my eyes, and saw a bunch of people walking hand in hand up the different roads that led up the hill to where I was. I realized what the Jennifer Love Hewitt image meant. On her show Ghost Whisperer she helps spirits cross over. The spirits I saw walking up the hill were using my energetic connection to the light to find the light.

The above enabled me to understand another experience I had one evening while meditating. While my eyes were closed, I saw a very clear life size image of a lady walk up to me. I could see every detail of her face. I thought she was going to look at me with eye to eye contact, but then as if she couldn't see me, she pointed up to the sky behind me, and excitedly told other people what she saw.

Since receiving the messages in Spain, I've received a number of confirmations on how I help out with retrievals. I now understand why I experience so much spirit activity, and why my energy is so alive much of the time. I often feel a very alive current of energy running through me, including now. It is good that I finally found out, because I was becoming concerned.

I also help spirits get cleansed. They are attracted to me and then run through my energetic system so they can be cleansed before they move on to wherever they move on to. I can sometimes hear and feel them in my lower chakra areas. This is hard to explain, because when you become aware of activity within your chakras, it is as if there are realms within them, just as there is a World outside of a person's body. Sometimes it can be quite intense as this cleansing process goes on. The energy will rise from my lower chakras and push with a lot of force towards my crown chakra. Sometimes it is as if I'm in some sort of energy bubble.

The above has happened numerous times, and I now know it is safe to help out in such a way. Initially I relied in my faith in my energetic connection to Christ as this took place. I figured his spirit would look out for me and wouldn't get me involved with anything I wasn't ready for.

At times spirits who have attached to people are dealt with in this way. They are attracted to me, and then they go through a cleansing process before moving on.

When a spirit with a negative mindset is run through me, I can feel the negative energy that is released as the cleansing process takes place. Occasionally I'll be shown the image of a spirit who is helped before it is helped. For example, on one occasion, I first experienced my self communicating with a lady who was into some form of nihilism. I did so without seeing her. Next, I was shown her image and I felt a really dark feeling. The strength of this feeling stunned me. Her way of thinking led to an absence of light within her and made it difficult for her to see the light. Next her spirit was run through my energetic system as explained above. Sometimes I'll get a simple message such as: "A girl who committed suicide.

The advantage of helping with retrievals in the above way, is that I can help out around the clock without having to be consciously involved.  Going by the messages I have received, a lot of retrieval help is needed. For example, at the beginning of a meditation I'll tell the spirits I work with that if they need me to stop meditating for the sake of retrievals, please let me know. Sometimes they'll show an image that makes the point that I need to stop meditating. Sometimes they'll proceed without telling me, and I'll notice that my meditation changes accordingly, and reflects whatever realm needs to be worked in.

If a person wants to help out in the above way, he (or she) has to be willing to go through a lot of energetic work, let go of the psychological limitations that interfere with energetic work, maintain a healthy life style, and become very confident that he is working with light beings he trusts, so he can handle the intense periods with a peaceful state of mind.

Vicky wrote on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 5:38pm:
recoverer wrote on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 5:11pm:
I have received other messages about being able to heal, and about how I was engaged with a lot of spirit activity while in Spain during July of 2006. I believe Spain was pointed to, because it was while I was in Spain that I first became aware of how I help with retrievels through energetic means other than the method Bruce Moen advocates.

When I send healing energy to a person I feel my heart chakra open until it is wider than a beach ball. I can feel a lot of energy leave my heart chakra. I figure the energy knows what to do without my directing it. Perhaps a higher level being directs it.

Therefore, I believe it is more about directing love with positive intent, than applying a technique that uses some form of subtle energy.

What spirit activity did you notice in Spain?  What made you aware of your ability to help with retrievals through energetic means?  Do you ever receive memory of these retrievals?

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #23 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 6:56pm
Thanks for the long explanation.  Have you ever asked for another way to experience or help out with this stuff?  It sounds complicated and intrusive and not something I think I would enjoy!  You sound like you're ok with it and accept it the way it is.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #24 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 7:22pm
You're welcome Vicky:

I feel very fortunate to be able to help out in this way. If anything, it has helped me see that I don't have anything to be afraid of. Regarding intrusiveness, whatever negative energy results gets cleansed as the energy pushes towards my crown.

Vicky wrote on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 6:56pm:
Thanks for the long explanation.  Have you ever asked for another way to experience or help out with this stuff?  It sounds complicated and intrusive and not something I think I would enjoy!  You sound like you're ok with it and accept it the way it is.  

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« Last Edit: Jan 22nd, 2009 at 8:49pm by recoverer »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #25 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 11:56pm
Hi there Romaine.  Not that surprised that some others have had similar intuitions/experiences along this line.  I'm glad you listened to your inner voice.

  Vicky, i really enjoyed your last, longer post.  I do believe the emphasis should be more on intention, motivation, PUL attunement, etc. but there are times when technique does have its place.  Occasionally i will intend certain color vibratory energies because i sense those particular frequencies are more needed than others, for example.  Sometimes when doing hands on healing, it is better to do clockwise rotation with the hand or hands, and then do the other way, or switching it up within a single session...

  Speaking of healing in a more broad sense, i've come to believe both by experience, intuition, and studying a vast psychic work that dealt a lot with healing--that when it comes to healing the body physical, its not always best to approach it mostly from the energetic or even emotional level. 

  Sometimes, because of the law of resonation, sometimes physical ailments are primarily due to physical causes, and if those are corrected on the physical level this can bring much more healing than say an energetic healing like Reiki or what not. 

  Often there is a balance, and a multi, holistic approach that needs to be taken for a more full healing, which involves the spiritual/energetic, emotional-mental, and physical all at the same time.   Occasionally, just the former would be more of a help.  It really depends on the individual person and case. 

  Sometimes I get the sense that too many people in the new age kind of scene are too quick to want to try to heal things energetically without enough attention to the physical aspects.   This is kind of a continuation of what i call the American/Western fast food attitude and approach, "i want it now and i want it quick!"   

  Sure that can happen if enough conditions are met and aligned properly, and if there aren't some major physical issues going on, like spinal nerve impingement, super over acidity, etc., but often it is almost a necessity that the body physical be brought into a greater balance via physical means, i.e. better diet, exercise, detoxing, chiropractic work, and the like. 

  Prayer, meditation, energetic work, and the like WILL always help if it is meant to from a deeper spiritual reasoning, and as i said oft times its best to approach healing from a holistic perspective.   Sometimes I ask for healing help from guidance while in meditation thinking that I'm going to get mostly energetic work or what not, and find out later that I got diet or lifestyle suggestions instead.  The problem is, that a lot of people are set in their habits, and its easy to ignore something that actually requires some deeper self discipline along those lines. 

  Robert Monroe and Edgar Cayce are great examples of this lack of applied discipline; both were given dietary and lifestyle advice from those who knew better than they what would really help, both often chose to ignore it and be stubborn and set in their unhealthy ways.   Both could have lived much longer than they actually did and thus could have kept being of holistic service to others (and their help along those lines was greatly needed in this world), which is in the manner of Yeshua himself.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #26 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 10:29am
That fast food approach you mention is a very good point, Justin. That can be very frustrating and also the people who are just the opposite. The ones who want you to beat them to a pulp because they think that's the only way to get something out of a massage. I just wanted to say that those points you brought up in your last post were excellent and a good reminder to me about what it's all about.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #27 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 12:08pm
 Speaking of healing in a more broad sense, i've come to believe both by experience, intuition, and studying a vast psychic work that dealt a lot with healing--that when it comes to healing the body physical, its not always best to approach it mostly from the energetic or even emotional level.  

 Sometimes, because of the law of resonation, sometimes physical ailments are primarily due to physical causes, and if those are corrected on the physical level this can bring much more healing than say an energetic healing like Reiki or what not.  

Hi Justin,

I completely agree with you.  This is why, in my opinion, the best attitude to have while doing nonphysical healing is that it will be guided to where it needs to be and where it can do the most good, even if you are not aware of what that may be.  I also think that even if our intention is to "magically" heal a physical ailment, that intention cannot override the higher cause and that cause might be that that physical ailment isn't meant to be healed quickly through nonphysical means but instead needs to linger until the person learns to alter their lifestyle, etc. 
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #28 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 1:25pm
As Justin, I also like the post Vicky wrote. So much so, I printed it out so I can share it with my girlfriend this weekend. I believe my girlfriend will like it. I hope Vicky doesn't mind.
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« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2009 at 8:51pm by recoverer »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #29 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 1:31pm
  Thank you Beau for the support. 

  I totally agree Vicky, sometimes the alleviation of dis-ease or disease is not what's spiritually best for a person, for there can be important lessons and tests that go along with that.  As well as balancing karma.  Interestingly it seems that disease seems to be one of the more common ways to balance rather difficult karma.

  I know that some of the physical dis-ease issues that I have had, have been partly karmic in nature.  Mostly because I mistreated my temple in another life wherein i knew better, and would have served others better had i treated it with more respect.  When that self phased more completely into the nonphysical, it realized more fully this truth and wanted to rectify and balance that issue.  Course our Disk decided to do that through me, how lucky I am. Roll Eyes Cheesy
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