Quote: Well said Beau, i completely agree.
Re: the general issue, it seems more often than not, other lives, karma, and subconscious memories tend to pertain a lot to this issue.
I think that originally all Souls were more androgynous/hermaphroditic in nature, but this was when they were still fully intune with Source.
When freewill got the better of some Souls, and some Souls started to choose in a less creative manner, this threw off the balance of inner Feminine to Masculine ratio eventually.
The best and least loaded terms to describe these two Yin-Yang polarities is "passive/receptive and active/outputting", or could be related to what Bruce terms the "observer/perceiver" and the "interpreter". This imbalance manifested itself in the physical in relation to humans.
Some sources speak of cycles when some humans, who were more like advanced E.T.'s that we hear of now, were more androgynous in nature, even physically though their "physical" was on a faster and less dense vibration than our current, and more akin to our etheric level of energies.
Anyways, some souls, many souls, have tended in their journey to choose one physical sex/gender more than another in their lives. Sometimes this leads to a more extreme imbalance in that inner ratio.
Then as they spiritually develop, and can handle more difficult situations, they may choose to be born in the different gendered body, and thus some experience things like being primarily gay, or feeling transgendered in nature.
There is more to it than this, and this is bit of an over simplification, but it does seem to be an averagely true reason.
One could have experienced mostly male bodies, and still be rather balanced and in touch with the Yin side, and vice versa. This is because Souls ultimately do not have gender like our physical bodies do.
I wish people could leave this sort of negative judgmentalism behind. Why do you automatically jump to the idea that a soul must have screwed up or have done something wrong in order to be born in a transgendered body?
Are you aware that scientists last year found the gene mutation that appears to cause it? Souls don't have gender. Bodies do. Often a soul will cling to a gender for presentation, but that fades away with time.