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The souls of transgender people (Read 31207 times)
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #15 - Jan 13th, 2009 at 6:10pm
My limated understanding is, that in the afterlife there is only male and female gender in the lower 27 some odd f levels. This is because they are directly connected with the phyical life existence. Once we progress past the F27 boundaries we experience existence(?) in a non gendered way. Moving more towards being a sometimes called "light being". See ourselves as not necessarily having a sex before we are past F 27 could be a result of living many of our lives as differant sex's and may show that we are in fact really made up of both sex's. Male and female. (Of course many homophobes would deny ever being made up of part of the other sex in my opinion)
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #16 - Jan 13th, 2009 at 7:07pm
Oooooo Alan-- you are such a contratary being! Here you are on the Afterlife Knowledge board, yet still hold fast to earth being beliefs!!!  How wonderful that I have found you. You always find a challange. How can you NOT prove it?? ( I say this with great affection).

And Beau--- you made me laugh. Bald, indeed. I was bald when I was born!! What does that make me???    Tongue
Love to all--- cat
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #17 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 7:56am

I Feel that (in the astral) we keep the "Shape" of the gender we used the last incarnation. Our soul has both gender and when it is going to reincarnate it places the "features" of the gender that it`s going to experience in foreground. If we are not high developed spirits we tend to maintain in the astral the "Shape" we have last used. There's no tranformation of mothers into dadies it would be a limited understanding of the subject. Smiley

Our personality -  not only the shape - has both gender

I think my thoughts on the subject a similar to hawkeye`s.
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #18 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:10am
"There's no tranformation of mothers into dadies it would be a limited understanding of the subject. "

I think I agree with what you wrote Kardec, but what did you mean by the above statement. It confuses me a little when you use the terms Mothers into Daddies...I'm not sure I follow. Are you just saying female to male or is there some greater significance to the "mother/daddy" terms here?
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #19 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:23am

Sorry it was a reference to an earlier post from Alan in this topic, just before one of yours. (in the first page)

My dear departed mother will not change and become my daddy that just makes no sense to me
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #20 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:37am
Androgyny of spirit gets complicated in it's simplicity, I think. In truth your mother was your equal-- Am I right? The sex of such a spirit would be there as a reference point for future recognition in the immediate afterlife, but not really the limit of the being itself. Maybe we're all saying the same thing and then again, maybe I'm confused. From what Alan wrote I think I understand that he believes he is Male and always has been and always will be--but I'm not even sure I got that right anymore. I'm going back to read the whole thread again--DOH.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #21 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 9:57am
It's not that hard to understand I feel. We are an being that plays different roles using diffrent "oufits". While in astral we keep using the last outfit we had till we start a new lifetime and gets a new outfit.

From a point on we do not need the reicarnation process and we are read to be 100% aware not more 50%. xoxo

Am I being too simplistic. Grin
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #22 - Jan 14th, 2009 at 10:25am
Not at all too simplistic, Kardec. I liken it to being in a play and having a costume that you shed at the end of your scene. Death is just a means of getting your tired body off stage in many ways. It makes sense to me that you would leave the same costume on until you ready your next role. "All the world's a stage!" after all.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #23 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 2:19pm
Kardak, And if one was to only be incarnated within the confines of a singular sex, say only male or only female, be a soul of a less developed one? Would it not take incarnations of differant sex's to give us the lessons possibly required to fulfill our primary objective? So the question would we need to be incarnated into both sex's?
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #24 - Jan 15th, 2009 at 3:04pm

I believe if we are incarnated to develop our selves we must be able to be a man and a woman full of PUL and understanding. It would make sense to know both sides. My thoughts. Smiley
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #25 - Jan 16th, 2009 at 2:52pm
When viewing my past lives-- I have been both male and female. I have no reservations or quams about being either male or female. To me it's just "natural" to incarnate to either gender to enhance my spiritual growth. I think you get to choose which gender may facilitate your learning.  But as I stated, there are many variables that may occur, including androgyny, hethersexual,homosexual, bisexual. Some are choices by our own mind set, others by a quirk of nature. ---cat
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #26 - Jan 16th, 2009 at 3:02pm
This thread reminds me that when I was very young like 5 or 6 I could remember what is was like to be a woman, but back then I didn't get that it was a past life memory. I just thought it was natural, but as I grew up I never really thought back on it. It amazes me sometimes what this board has dredged up in me from my past that I haven't given a thought to in so many many years. Thanks to all.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #27 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 4:24pm
 Well said Beau, i completely agree.

 Re: the general issue, it seems more often than not, other lives, karma, and subconscious memories tend to pertain a lot to this issue.  
I think that originally all Souls were more androgynous/hermaphroditic in nature, but this was when they were still fully intune with Source.  

  When freewill got the better of some Souls, and some Souls started to choose in a less creative manner, this threw off the balance of inner Feminine to Masculine ratio eventually.  

 The best and least loaded terms to describe these two Yin-Yang polarities is "passive/receptive and active/outputting", or could be related to what Bruce terms the "observer/perceiver" and the "interpreter".   This imbalance manifested itself in the physical in relation to humans.  
Some sources speak of cycles when some humans, who were more like advanced E.T.'s that we hear of now, were more androgynous in nature, even physically though their "physical" was on a faster and less dense vibration than our current, and more akin to our etheric level of energies.  

 Anyways, some souls, many souls, have tended in their journey to choose one physical sex/gender more than another in their lives.  Sometimes this leads to a more extreme imbalance in that inner ratio.  

 Then as they spiritually develop, and can handle more difficult situations, they may choose to be born in the different gendered body, and thus some experience things like being primarily gay, or feeling transgendered in nature.  

 There is more to it than this, and this is bit of an over simplification, but it does seem to be an averagely true reason.  

 One could have experienced mostly male bodies, and still be rather balanced and in touch with the Yin side, and vice versa.  This is because Souls ultimately do not have gender like our physical bodies do.  

I wish people could leave this sort of negative judgmentalism behind.  Why do you automatically jump to the idea that a soul must have screwed up or have done something wrong in order to be born in a transgendered body?

Are you aware that scientists last year found the gene mutation that appears to cause it?  Souls don't have gender. Bodies do.  Often a soul will cling to a gender for presentation, but that fades away with time.
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #28 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 7:08pm
Then we have hermaphrodites who are blessed(?) at least in part, with both sex's. I, like Lupus believe, if I understand correctly, that we are above being male or female but are in reality more than the sum of one or the other. While in body and only through indoctrination do we move in the direction of a homophobic need for one or the other having an opportunity for a more spiritually advanced life experience. One is no more spiritualy advanced that the other.I beleave we must spend lifetimes in both body types in order to appreciate the lesson both allow. That also includes lifetimes when the experience includes homosexuality and/or lesbianism. Again most likly as require learning.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: The souls of transgender people
Reply #29 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 1:50am
Lupus wrote on Feb 1st, 2009 at 4:24pm:
I wish people could leave this sort of negative judgmentalism behind.  Why do you automatically jump to the idea that a soul must have screwed up or have done something wrong in order to be born in a transgendered body?

  With all due respect Lupus, it seems you have completely misunderstood my post and what i was actually saying.   I was not negatively judging transgendered people AT ALL. 

  If anything, i was saying that such people are on average, probably are more spiritually advanced than the average, for they are swinging again into that necessary balance and merging of Yin/Yang.  I've noticed that many Souls tend to choose one gender over another in a series of lives, sometimes they get lopsided, and when they get to the sufficient spiritual developement with enough inner strength (for being gay or transgendered is rarely a walk in the park), they start to choose the gender of which they haven't had enough experience in, and this then leads sometimes to the experience of being primarily gay or transgendered just because they are so used to being the other gender so they naturally gravitate to what they use to be attracted to etc.  Common sense really.

  I myself, consider myself "philosophically bi", and have many friends who are gay or of alternative lifestyle.  I do not look down upon them for their orientation.   Some of them i sense are fairly old souls who have the inner strength to take on difficult roles. 

  How you got what you got from my previous post, i'm not quite sure.   Huh    Perhaps if you listened better you wouldn't jump to negatively judgmental conclusions so quickly?
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