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How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST... (Read 7683 times)
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #15 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 1:44am
Exploration of astral realms is too embryonic and self-contradictory to render value categories like “BSTs” philosophically meaningful.  For example, George Ritchie's NDE points to deceased alcoholics being drawn together on the basis of addictions and obsessions rather than beliefs.  Exactly what is the affinity that “magnetizes” souls with differing belief systems, personalities, interests, and desires together in the same plane?    Consider, for example, the concept of a thief’s hell.  Are thieves drawn together more by shared core desires than by shared beliefs?   Are thieves of the same hell motivated by their belief that other souls are chumps to be exploited by stealth, by the thrill of a well-designed caper, by their amusement at causing feelings of vulnerability in their victims, and/or by the strategic accumulation of goods?    Given the disharmony in hellish realms, are fundamentalists from various religions drawn together by certain types of conflicting psychodramas, by a shared vision of their preferred lifestyle, or by shared doctrines and beliefs?  In other words, are souls from totally different religious traditions drawn together more on the basis of “vibratory frequency” than personal religious doctrines?  

Or is the concept of confinement to one spiritual plane too limiting?  For example, are thieves who love sports or gambling drawn together on other planes with non-thieves with different vices on the basis of passion for such hobbies?  When astralnauts visit a thief’s hell, are they fooled by their own perceptual patterns?  For example, If an astralnaut has just encountered a thief, does this instill an unconscious expectation that other souls encountered there will also be thieves?  Does the patterning of perception bypass other types of residents in the same realm?  

The more general principle of like attracts like seems more satisfactory than the more specific category “BST,” despite the fact that the parameters of the term “like” are hauntingly vague.  I prefer Jesus’ way of characterizing the magnetizing principle: “Others will treat you as you treat them.  Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged (Matthew 7:2).”  But even this formulation cries out for more precision based on several different examples.

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I Am Dude
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #16 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 4:14am

I think it is important to understand the relationship between desires and beliefs, because I feel there is more to it than you may believe.  I feel that our beliefs influence our desires, for it is our beliefs that form our realities in the first place.  An individual naturally would not desire something which was contrary to their beliefs- even if this belief is hidden from one's normal conscious awareness. 

I feel that we shed our physical ideas of reality the longer we are out of it, for it simply does not apply anymore... but say in the initial stages of nonphysicality when many inhabit BST's... I feel the specifics of the different religions only influences one's vibrational level to the extent one focuses on them. 

I believe that everyone and everything we encounter and experience is basically a reflection of an aspect of ourselves.  I have seen this to be true in my life, and of course it closely relates to the law of attraction, which applies in the physical and especially the nonphysical of which we are speaking.  The idea is to learn from these reflections and evolve to a higher level of being.
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #17 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 11:47am
However, my belief is that this physical reality only exists because we make it exist, by our conscious awareness, belief, want, need, desire, etc.  It is here because of us, not for us.  Anyone have any thoughts on that line of thinking?

Well, maybe, but "us" at which level of being? Us the individuals or us the discs?

There are two levels to this: the world at large and the personal world. Of course, the personal exists in the world at large.

Some say God or gods created the world at large, and some say we broke with God and did it ourselves. We at what level? Must be our discs.  

Whichever it is, it is obvious that there is some factor/factors in reality creation that we do not have control of (or control of yet). I don't know how to do a Big Bang thing and turn energy into matter. I also can't figure out the time thing, which is part of it all. Anyway, there seems to be some sort of scaffolding on which the personal rests.

Apparently, we get a bit of leeway with the personal stuff, though it seems to depend a bit on where in Time we land ourselves. Also, in addition to the basic physical scaffolding and the Time, there appear to be levels...what should we call them....C1, 1 to 10, and beyond. Once we come here and learn to visualize the scaffolding, we can go and create fact similes  (ok I know it is facsimile but I like that better)of the scaffolding, without the quality that makes it so solid in C1 (yeah we fax "pictures" of C1 to other levels and then play in them!)

But there is something about the way the C1 scaffolding is put together that allows us to have alot of variations in other qualities. So we do create our realities and various C1-BSTs, and we can alter the personal (at least in theory! sometimes that is a challenge!).
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #18 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 2:09pm
So far Wink, this is what makes sense to me.

I believe it is largely a matter of how much we'll open to love. If we have beliefs that cause us to view others in a judgmental seperatist way, that'll limit how much we open to love, and we'll end up with spirits that have the same love level. It is also a matter of what our overall psychological makeup is.

If there is one person who believes in religion A, and another person who believes in religion B, and each person is equally judgmental towards others, despite their similar love level they won't end up at the same place, because they judge each other. Each will find a realm with the same love level, but different beliefs. First they will be attracted to their love level, and then segrate a little more according to their beliefs.

This doesn't mean that every person who is a member of religion A or B will end up in a corresponding belief system. If a person (spirit) is able to open up to love despite some of the dogmatic ideas of their religion, and if a person has enough openess of mind where he or she won't accuse a light being of being satan simply because this light being has viewpoints that are different than a person's religious beliefs, such a person won't need to go to a belief system territory where a period of adjustment has to be gone through. It isn't just a matter of what a spirit is capable of. It is also a matter of allowing a spirit to have the opportunity to take responsibility for its own growth and decide for itself when it wants to open up to a more love based way of being rather than a fear and judgment based way of  being.  

Many people have more than one aspect of mind.  Their strongest aspect (energetic) determines where they go.

I don't believe that spirits who aren't able to move towards the light always end up in an interactive belief system. There could be cases where they end up in an energetic level with souls with a similar energetic; however, they don't have a lot of awareness of these other souls. Instead, they keep recreating their own little dream Worlds. To the extent they are willing to reflect upon the parts of their body based life that caused them to end up in the realm they ended up in, to that extent they'll find a way to move beyond such a realm.

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Lights of Love
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #19 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 4:22pm
Another is, from my own experiences, I know that when I nonphysically travel, wherever I am very fully acutely consciously focused, that place becomes "physical" to me.  It feels physical in every way.  It all depends on how narrowly focused I am there.  (There are, too, nonphysical experiences that don't feel physical).  So, in a way, it might be easy to deduce that that is why physical reality, too, feels physical to us.  Because we are fully acute consciously focused here in this area of consciousness.  As a whole, we tend to give physical reality the credit of being a place that actually exists all on its own accord, and we just happen to be dropping by for a lifetime enjoying it here.  However, my belief is that this physical reality only exists because we make it exist, by our conscious awareness, belief, want, need, desire, etc.  It is here because of us, not for us.  Anyone have any thoughts on that line of thinking?  

Hi Vicky and all,

I think you’re right on with what you say here.

Nothing is separated. We are individual consciousness within the whole of consciousness with the capability of consciously changing our focus by using our intent and freewill. Consider the possibility that what we call BST are really other worlds similar to earth. Right now our primary focus is ELS, yet we can during oobe, dreams, meditation, NDE, etc. change our perspective to focus on other realities that appear just as real as ELS. As you say when our intent is “fully acutely consciously focused” we experience these other physical systems to be just as physical as ELS. All we really did was change our focused consciousness from one physical world to another physical world. All physical worlds are really belief systems with just as much variation as ELS. Hence the reason everyone comes up with so many interpretations of what they see and interact with.

Also as you mentioned when we’re not quite as fully focused then these other worlds that are just as physical as ELS appear to be non-physical. In actuality everything is illusory in the sense that it is all in our mind, our consciousness. It’s all subjective to our personal consciousness. The only absolute that truly exists is God consciousness of which we are an individual aspect.

If the purpose of our existence is for the evolution of consciousness, then I’d say physical reality has evolved just as all other physical realities have evolved for us to further evolve not only our personal consciousness, but also to affect the greater whole of consciousness. What better scenario would give us greater learning experience than one that provides opportunity for cause and effect with feedback?

Say for example our evolutionary purpose is to grow in love. In ELS we’re learning about unconditional love by our experience of duality, which evolves meaning by a feedback process for the benefit of our individual consciousness. Perhaps as we grow toward and understand unconditional love our consciousness changes and our “being” actually becomes a purer love that radiates out to others in the form of a feeling. It’s interesting to think about the interconnectivity of us all and the possibility that all of our individual consciousnesses could eventually grow enough to radiate pure love throughout the whole of consciousness or at least in our interconnected web of this universe.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #20 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 5:04pm
It might be hard to accurately determine what non-physical reality is like when we are still connected to physical reality in some way.

I've had a number of lucid dreams and OBEs where I was conscious of being a person who is having a non-physical experience. On some occasions I made the point of trying to discern how real everything seems.

Visuall perception: Just as real as physical reality. On some occasions more vibrant.

Movement: More flexible than physical reality. I could float, fly and move in ways that are beyond my physical fitness and capabilities. There have been a few lucid dreams where I thought I was awake rather than being in a non-physical state, and was excited about how I suddenly had the ability to float and fly. I have never felt physical side effects while in a non-physical state. For example,  being out of breath, or a muscle feeling as if it is being strained.

Smell: Just a little bit, not anything like I smell while physical.

Taste: Just for a short period of time, never to the extent I experience while physical.

Sense of touch: Very little. For example, there have been occasions when I experienced non-physical kissing and/or sex. During such experiences I paid close attention to how the sense of touch felt. The sense of touch wasn't as strong as it is while physical. I believe I was able to experience the sense of touch while in a non-physical state, because my body's nervous system enabled me to do so. I figure spirit beings don't have a body's nervous system to make use of.  I figure the same type of neural interplay might be involved when I smelled and tasted things while in a non-physical state.

Conversations: Even though I hear some words while in non-physical states, I never hear them to the extent that I hear them while physical. Usually conversation is more a matter of knowing what was communicated, rather than hearing word after word. I figure spirits don't have vocal chords and don't make use of sound waves when they communicate. They communicate with thought.

Knowledge/understanding: I can understand things more thoroughly while in a non-physical state than I can while in a physical state.

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gordon phinn
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #21 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 6:58pm
Recoverer, you're welcome.  I'll be interested to see how you use it.


recoverer wrote on Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:07pm:
Gordon wrote: "where we are points of golden light in a sea of golden light"

I like that, perhaps I'll steal it from you.  Smiley

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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #22 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 7:45pm
Hey everybody, just so you know, we are golden points of light in a sea of golden light. You can quote me on that. Wink
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gordon phinn
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #23 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 11:35pm
not bad recoverer, but i was really hoping you'd put it in a song.


recoverer wrote on Nov 21st, 2008 at 7:45pm:
Hey everybody, just so you know, we are golden points of light in a sea of golden light. You can quote me on that. Wink

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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #24 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 11:06am
For me, the uniqueness of C1 includes the spectrum of different individuals that inhabit the same envirnoment.  Some of the most loving souls inhabit the same house, place of work, country, as do some of the most selfish or unloving.  Clearly, unlike the planes of pure consciousness, the rule of like attracting like is subtly changed on earth.  We DO attract things into our lives, but we are able to see, speak with, and interact with souls on all spiritual levels of development.  We also seem to lose our ability to interact freely with telepathy, and in C1 we do not create our environment by merely thinking about it (as has been reported in Focus 27). 

I'm not sure what I think about the term Belief System Territory.  Some heavens are likely created by a group consciousness belief (Islamic heaven, Jewish heaven, christian heaven), however, everything I've experienced tells me that spiritual growth and existence is less dependent on cultural beliefs associated with any religion, and more on the expression of love for each other and for God.  As such, the idea that people would be in a BST based on an earthly religion rings false in the sense that the community would need to be at the same level of vibration for love.  If they are, then they could choose to worship within the cultural beliefs which they prefer.

I think Don's question about the misinterpretation of astral explorers of BSTs is a good one.  If you believe that all fundamentalist christians are misguided and dogmatic (for example), then you might imagine them all in their own BST.  Multiple verifications would be needed to know that our own "interpretor" was not responsible for what we saw while exploring focus levels or on an astral exploration. 

Is C1 a BST?  Not as defined, since there are multiple beliefs, and as I said before multiple levels of growth all interacting with each other.  If the question to us is which are of consciousness is "real," the discussion becomes moot.  Wherever you go, there you are (Buckarro Bonzai).  Reality is conscious awareness, be it in C1 or somewhere else.

Ultimately, if we can give up fears and attachments and act, feel and express love, there is likely a unity, present all the time that we finally experience, instead of this feeling of separateness.  At that stage, my guess is that there are no more levels of travel from one focus to another.  Perhaps that is the ultimate reality.

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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #25 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 12:01pm
DocM wrote on Nov 22nd, 2008 at 11:06am:
Is C1 a BST?  Not as defined, since there are multiple beliefs, and as I said before multiple levels of growth all interacting with each other.  If the question to us is which are of consciousness is "real," the discussion becomes moot.  Wherever you go, there you are (Buckarro Bonzai).  Reality is conscious awareness, be it in C1 or somewhere else.

Ultimately, if we can give up fears and attachments and act, feel and express love, there is likely a unity, present all the time that we finally experience, instead of this feeling of separateness.  At that stage, my guess is that there are no more levels of travel from one focus to another.  Perhaps that is the ultimate reality.


Rings true, and surely something to be thankful for.

love, blink
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gordon phinn
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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #26 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 8:20pm

"Is C1 a BST?  Not as defined, since there are multiple beliefs, and as I said before multiple levels of growth all interacting with each other."


Yes C1 has multiple beliefs, in a religious, political and philosophical sense; but we share some assumptions about the essential nature of three dimensional physical reality which bind us together in relative illusion, parameters that we believe cannot be overcome (ie matter is solid, we need food to survive, sex is essential, learning valuable, war inevitable, competition and greed natural,  the dead non-existent in "real" terms, money and real estate "real", humans are limited bodies,   (list goes on)

these details and others define the parameters of our illusion regardless of religion etc., and place us firmly in the belief system territory mode as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #27 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 10:45pm
we share some assumptions about the essential nature of three dimensional physical reality which bind us together in relative illusion

I agree with this and can't disagree with the list but I think theremust be some deeper level of assumption going on...well the food and sex are hardwired into the system (bodies) to some degree.  I think we can't really know who we are without understanding this. Without understanding why we get here and this all seems so...forgive me, for want of a better term, seems so real. So real that while we are here it seems self-evident unless/until we learn somekind of transcendence.

Is it useful to start examining this at one of the less obtuse levels? I just came across a book on money by a couple of Buddhists. Their initial premise is relevant to understanding what happens here in C1.

"Money is an almost magical we use tatty green pieces of paper as money...Long ago, ..people used wampum...cowry shells..Roman soldiers used salt. Prisoners favor cigarettes...What do these currencies have in common? You can carry or otherwise transmit them, they won't perish quickly, and one piece is very much like another. But the crucial common factor is that societies decided to believe that these things - perhaps of little or no worth in themselves - have value. That's an extraordinary, hugely beneficial act of imagination, a shared illusion that underpins our civilzed world. No money: no civilization. What would your life be like if you, with your family, had to do everything yourself?...This is money - a triumph of mind over the material world."  from Mindfulness and Money.

It seems to me that those shared illusions that underpin our civilized world are what Thomas was asking about. or Thomas were you asking about that deeper level where energy becomes matter? something outside the realm of civilization.

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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #28 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 10:26am
I was asking in general, at either level. I agree with Gordon that we are bound by parameters which amount to beliefs: gravity, sex, eating, etc.. But there are poeple who have levitated, who are celibate (through choice not chance), and who consume neither food or water.

I have explored what Bruce calls the BSTs, and found several almost indistinguishable from C-1, and they also seemed (to use that term) real to the extent I could feel the sun on my cheek (sun? cheek?) and hear birds chirping (birds? ears?). A Course in Miracles workbook starts with the lesson: Nothing I see means anything. Remember singing, "Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream?" Well, what I am saying is that life IS a dream. And just like when we seem to awaken from dreaming in the moring, we will awaken from this waking dreams as well. This point, the nature of reality, is what A Course in Miracles is all about. Who cares where it came from? Isn't The Bible really channelled material, too?

And ALL of this seems based on the supposition that we are our physical bodies, and that this C-1 physical consciousness has intrinsic value and "it" must be real because our senses can define it. We are more than our senses (x-rays, infrared, radio waves, etc), and more than our bodies (isn't that the point of OBE?). But it is those very beliefs which I mean: our formative suppositions, or sponsoring thoughts.

I think C-1 is the way it is because that is the way we have conceived it, just as Focus 27 is the way it is because that is the way the energies there have conveived it. It all seems like thought form to me, either on 27 or in C-1, just denser here.

And finally, some of the others here seem pretty darn crazy to me.....

By the way, thanks everyone for your thoughts on this. If we are really making it up, can't we make it a loving dream? I think this is what is happening with the "Earth Changes," but that is another thread which no one seems to want to talk about. It was those changes and very times we are experiencing which drew me to the work, not really retrievals (though they are fun and fill the time).

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Re: How do you know that C-1 is not just a BST...
Reply #29 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 10:44am
The term belief system territories (BST) was coined to describe people living in the afterlife under common ideas or religious beliefs.  They have appeared to explorers in focus levels just below focus 27. 

Physical reality does seem to be based only in part in shared beliefs.  In spirit, thought is often immediately turned into reality.  On earth, you can take someone who doesn't believe in gravity, and tragically, they will learn the truth if they jump from a building.  So there are certain constructs in our physical world that are independent of any individual's belief.  Various laws of the universe exist, and with intent, I have found that while some may be "bent," they are not broken.

The law of attraction works in much subtler ways here than in spirit.  Wishes usually don't come true.  Beliefs that are deeply ingrained in our subconscious do, usually attract circumstances to us, and change the laws of probability so that we attract into our lives that which we most believe and need.  It takes careful introspection to see this.

So my answer, the one that works for me, is that C1 is not a BST as described by Monroe and Moen.  I will not deny that shared beliefs do form certain parts of our world - this is how consciousness works to some extent.  It does appear, as has been mentioned here that we are "hard-wired" for sex, hunger, and certain other ways of functioning.  These are not arising from shared beliefs alone, because that would imply that if every living human being changed their beliefs, these facts of physical life would disappear.  Or on a microcosmic scale, that any individual could overcome physical laws by unlearning this belief system.

No, to me, it seems that there has been some construction involved in C1 that we may agree to participate with, but that underpins this type of existence.  Think of the human body, the construction, the functionality, the way our bodies work and regulate blood flow, the heart lungs, and the rest.  Evolution can only account for part of this; there is clearly something more behind it.  It is not merely that we all believe it to be true; it operates whether we believe in it or not.

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