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Wishes, wants, needs, desires (Read 2408 times)
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Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Nov 7th, 2008 at 2:25pm

From time to time we discuss wishes, wants, needs, etc.
From experiences we've shared and those I've racked up on my own, I'm developing a viewpoint on this.
I'd really apreciate your comments, corrections, etc ! Have fun with it!  Cheesy ----

In 'The Secret' and in Bruce's writing, people tell of needing something and then having it made available to them. It seems to me that there are some conditions that have to be met before this can happen. Have you noticed any typical detours etc before your wishes can be made a part of daily reality ?

--  you have to have a rather clear flow of energy that isn't strongly blocked at any point.
( If you block and therefore hold the energy at some lower level, the outcome manifests at a lower level than you requested.)

-- you can have no conflicting wishes in mind at the same time.
(This one may take some soul-searching to find the opposing need/wish.)
An aspect of this one is that you might not even be consciously aware that you are working on a particular issue that is in conflict with your new/current wish. 'Higher Self'/ Oversoul seems to govern which comes first.

-- wishes (needs, etc) take some time to manifest after you state your intention to get to them or they to you, so patience has to be a part of the process. For ex., after Bruce determined he needed a certain amount of $$, he didn't then go rob a bank to get it. He waited until the opportunity presented itself and then took it, even in the face of comments that might have turned him away from that possibility. (I'm thinking of his conversation with a man who said he had not posted a job notice, even though Bruce had 'seen' it.)

Do these seem valid?

Thanks for reading,  Bets

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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 6:57pm
Hey Bets:

What if there are conflicting wishes? Say Betson, Spooky, Betson, Alan, Betson, Identcat, Alysia, Betson, Justin, Juditha, Blink, Old Dood, Betson, George, Out of Body Dude, Betson, Berserk, Rondelle, Nanner,  Bruce, Romain, Deanna, Ultra, Gordon, Phantasy Man, Betson, Vajra, Lights of Love, Matthew,  Lucy and Betson, all want to be the ruler of the universe. Not all them can be chosen no matter how hard each one of them wants it. Chances are none of them will be chosen.

I on the other hand... Wink
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Lights of Love
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #2 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 9:24pm
Hi Bets,

Hmmm… thought provoking questions you bring up to ponder…

This sounds a bit like the law of attraction so widely spoken of. I read the other day somewhere that if there really is a law of attraction, there’s also a law of repulsion meaning that there are some things we are attracted to and others that we repulse. I’d say what we’re attracted to, our wishes have much to do with our ideas about the things we want to create in our life, the things we focus on and think about on a fairly regular basis are how we create our life to be the way it is.

This also reminds me of having mixed intentions or cross-purposes when we don’t seem to create the things we really want. This is usually a result of thinking that has hidden self-judgments and fear. When for example we think our focused thoughts are rational, but in creeps thoughts, which give us, excuses, reasons of why not. i.e. I’m too busy, I don’t have time, and so on, which all serve to basically sabotage our effort to create the thing we want or wish for.

Life seems to always be presenting us with opportunities. Any more I try to follow my heart. If it sounds like fun, something I can really get enthusiastic about, then I know I’m on the right track. It’s more about the process than the end result and what I learn along the way.

Love, Kathy Smiley
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #3 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 9:45am
We hear that in the dimension of mind (the afterlife), thought is immediately translated into reality.  This is why, in Focus 27, one can create scenarios, talk with historical figures, etc. with just a desire to do so. 

On earth, in the physical plane, wishing is usually not successful.  People wish all the time.  To win the lottery.  To be successful.  To have the great girl/boy, car, house, etc...Some wishes are selfish, driven by ego, and some are for our family.  Most of the time, they are fleeting thoughts, and  in the garden of the mind, they bear no fruit.

Our mind translates into reality not our fleeting wishes, but our deepest thoughts, which sink down into the subconscious as beliefs.  Belief must be coupled to a thought/wish in order for it to translate into reality.  This is the basis of real magic and shamanism. 

In the example of money, the person wishing without belief is usually disappointed.  In order to succeed, the thought must be seen as being accomplished already.  The material object is accepted as if it has been attained.  This can be done through meditation, with repetition. 

This concept is found in healing, in churches - the idea of seeing a thought as "being done," giving thanks for the desired outcome - cultivating the feeling of having reached your goal and giving thanks for it.  This all makes the thought slip deep into our subconscious minds as being coupled with belief.  The shaman who casts a spell by drinking a potion is simply coupling thought with belief and some object in the pysical world.  Dave-MBS on this board used to call this a "three legged spell" with the use of a potion simply making the wish enter the subconscious more easily.

I find that cross purpose thoughts occur less often when we are relaxed, and when our desire is for the highest good for all involved.  If we try to use thought in a hurtful way or solely for self gain, the laws of karma come in to play; what we send out into the universe tends to come back at us...

If anyone wants to experiment with thought, belief and reality, I suggest making attempts during quiet meditation or just before sleep when completely relaxed.  The thought must be accepted, emotions conjured up to "feel" as if it has already come to pass.  An attitude of gratitude is also important, feeling thankful that the thought has manifest (even before it has).  In my experience, several days, even a week may elapse before you notice the translation of the thought into your life. 

Of course you also must be open to the physical action and work needed to achieve the desired end. 

In the grand scheme of things, the subconscious mind connects to God, and it is like a fertile ground that accepts the seeds from our conscious waking mind.  As in any garden, what grows or manifests depends on what seeds are planted.  Thoughts coupled to love, caring for others and accomplishing noble aims yield the most beautiful things.  Thoughts associated with harm, obsessions, personal gain at the expense of others, are like weeds that grow in the garden.  So the real question is - what kind of gardener do you want to be?


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Lights of Love
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #4 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 11:11pm
I think our fleeting wishes go a lot deeper than what may appear on the surface. Take for example one that Matthew mentions: winning the lottery. Since the person likely knows the odds against winning, what is the person really wishing for? Maybe he/she doesn’t like their job and the deeper wish is to find fulfilling work to do. Or perhaps the person has a deeper desire to travel, or just wants to be able to pay the bills without having to work three jobs, or maybe the person sees the suffering of others such as starving children and wants to be able to help on a larger scale, etc.

The bottom line to all wishes is the desire to create things in our life that we believe would provide us with love, joy, health, and well-being. We all want to create things that we consider to be better than what we had before. We all have the desire to create improvement in ourselves and in the lives of those we love. And in our attempt to create what we wish for we either get the results we want or we get reasons of why not. There really are only these two groups and our reasons of why we didn’t get the results we wanted serves as a tricky form of denial that we apply to all aspects of our life. This form of denial is how we limit ourselves and keep boundaries in place. To reach beyond our boundaries we must understand how we set them up in the first place.

Our reasons of why not provide us with excuses, rationalizations, alibis, and justifications for not fulfilling our wishes, wants and needs. These reasons are basically stories we tell ourselves as a way of explaining why we didn’t accomplish what we had set out to do, why we didn’t get the results we wanted. Sometimes we even convince ourselves that our reasons of why we didn’t get the results we wanted are almost as good as what we wanted in the first place. These reasons of why not serve to help us avoid something deep within us that we are afraid of. Otherwise there would be no need for us to create our stories of why not. We would simply realize we had no intention to do it in the first place.

Take the person that buys lottery tickets because they feel trapped in an unfulfilling job that doesn’t pay all the bills or leave anything leftover to save, or perhaps even pay for health insurance or whatever. The desire for financial security is honorable but that person doesn’t recognize his/her own ability to fulfill the underlying wish or need, which is to focus on finding a more fulfilling job. Some of the reasons why not this person comes up with that prevents this accomplishment might be things like: I’m not educated enough, I’m too dumb… not good enough… too tired… too busy… too weak… don’t really care anymore… it doesn’t really matter that much… and on and on…

Sure sometimes we really are too tired or have higher priorities, but if we make a habit of using an excuse to avoid doing what we really want, then this indicates underlying fears that need to be realized and cleared because it is the underlying fearful belief that keeps us from creating what we truly want or need to improve our life situation. We need to stop making up explanations of why not, then feel the fear and do it anyway. Sometimes this involves asking, “What am I afraid of?” Let the question sink down deep inside to your deepest feelings until you feel the fear, then recognize the fear that is preventing you from getting the results you really want.

After spending some time learning to recognize how we create mixed intentions and effectively impair ourselves with reasons of why not, the easiest way to make a change is to simply be the change we want to happen. Clear intent is a state of being.

Love, Kathy
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #5 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 10:26am
Many thanks Kathy, Albert, Matthew.

Your wisdoms   Smiley and points of view are so helpful !
It's funny how when we-- ehr I anyway --think I'm getting it all figured out and then something pops up to show me how far off I've been.
I'm working on it.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #6 - Nov 9th, 2008 at 7:41pm
Good posts! Not much to add.

I've read two books from Vadim Zeland, "Transsurfing", and what is emphasized there is the "let go" after you've seen your wish as already accomplished. The author states that the higher the importance is for you to receive your wish, the more unlikely the manifestation becomes.

Bruce talks about the results after stating a wish, but having doubts (a not totally pure intent), it would create the wish itself, but as well the doubts. He sees it positive, when you see your doubts manifesting, then you know your wish will manifest, too  Smiley .

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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #7 - Nov 11th, 2008 at 12:30am
Hi Bets

Is this about wishing or about manifesting?

Have you tried using the method as given in "The Secret" and does it work for you? What is your experience with this?

Long ago when I first got introduced to the concept that we create our reality, in the Seth stuff, Seth said that our beliefs create our reality. being the cerebral person that I am, I took that intotal intellectual terms. It did lead to some good thought-examination, but mm, I didn't get it to "work" for me.

More recently, I came across something that pointed out that the emotional state is very important in this. So what Seth probably meant was that the beliefs created a particular emotional environment and that was important in all this. Thinking it isn't usually enough. You have to feel it.

I think that is why it is challenging to heal yourself when you are in a lot of pain. It is darn hard to visualize feeling good when you are in pain!

Are you familiar with the Abraham-Hicks material? Don't know what I think of the Hicks but it is an interesting read. Abraham has this exercise where you learn to visualize what you want for 68 seconds. Now that sounds easy, but I find it a challenge to intently focus on a thing for 68 seconds. Abraham says even focusing for 17 seconds is helpful. Whew! Maybe I have a chance!

I have at times felt I had some "success" when I realy worked to focus really hard, trying to focus as sharply as I would if, say, I was driving down the road and another car started driving head-on toward me. When I have tried to achieve this high level of focus without the adrenaline rush, it has left me feeling...exhausted! I have a hard time getting myself psyched up to try this.

So I think there are several important variables in whether "wishing" produces results.

Overall context of your development
Intensity of desire
sharpness of focus
what else?

Alternatively, some people do better with this through peaceful meditation...but maybe they achieve better focus that way, and focus is important. at least when you are learning, I think it is.

OK again what works for you? What are you working on?
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #8 - Nov 11th, 2008 at 12:42am
Oh yeah there were a couple of other things from the Abraham stuff that I think are interesting.

Abraham has this scale of things from very negative to very positive. You rate how you feel. I don't have that book with me but I think you could make your own scale of things you may have felt, from utter dispair to utter joy, from say -10 to +10. OK so then if you are feeling depressed, the suggestion in the book is to not try to visualize being joyful, because there is a big gap between depression and joy. The suggestion is to visualize being at the next step up. So you don't try to go from -8 to +4. You try to go from -8 to -7 or -6 or something reasonable. That may mean going from depression to anger, which is higher up. And I know nobody really wants to be angry. But that is an improvement over depression. So you are one step closer to joy.

That is just so practical to me that I had to bring it up. Maybe it is too early to ask for joy. But you can ask to be better. Abraham...or Gerry...suggests using the affirmation "I want to feel better." That just makes so much sense.

So that reminds me of something Stuart Wilde used to write about in visualizing. Say you have a crummy old car, and what you really want is ...a Rolls-Royce. Well, maybe it will work better to go from your crummy old rusted car to something more modest first..a Cadillac...or these days, a Prius maybe.

So what do you think of that idea, of working up to your ultimate goal in increments?
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #9 - Nov 11th, 2008 at 8:59am
I've always done it that way, for the same reasons.

Might explain, now that I think about it, why I keep winning the lottery once or twice a month - for two or three bucks a shot!

Never did before (except one couple thousand win years and years ago), since visualizing "more money", I keep hitting it - but for little tiny bits!  Grin
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Re: Wishes, wants, needs, desires
Reply #10 - Nov 11th, 2008 at 10:08am
I think it is always easier to wish for what is closest alined to your energetic range.

Vibration is everything in this universe. One vibration, always alines better, with a vibration of the same type.

So, if you want to move up, you should ask that which brings you 1 vibration higher/better/more harmonious. Then learn to be steady and stable, and then start the next step.
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