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Bruce’s Book: Concept of Grid (Reality, Afterlife) (Read 944 times)
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Bruce’s Book: Concept of Grid (Reality, Afterlife)
Nov 5th, 2008 at 6:56am
In full the title of this topic should be: BRUCE MOEN's BOOK:
Concept of "The Grid" and its influence on Physical reality and Afterlife

In Bruce Moen’s Book 3, there is a mention of The Grid:
(Extracts from Bruce’s Book are in blue)

Eg. In the Hall of Bright Ideas, Bruce Moen had the perfect surgical scalpel created. He did not want the scalpel, so it was placed into a cubbyhole of the Hall of Bright Ideas.

“The Hall of Bright Ideas is connected to The Grid, via filaments of consciousness, to all possibilities.  It returns all possible responses which fit any question.”

Later, Bruce Moen mentions:

I somehow knew these were connections to “The Grid of All Possibilities” the Tour Guide had mentioned.

The Planning Center coordinates activities for the Earth Life System (ELS), which includes all of your Focus levels from C1 to Focus 27 and some local areas beyond.  Most of our activity involves managing time/event lines in the local Time Grid, what you call Focus 15.  We analyze cross-over points, determine probable outcomes and plan for them by laying in time/event lines at the cross-overs.  Sometimes we lay in a completely new time/event line to pickup a probable outcome - those spiral lines you saw over at ELSCI - and encourage it to be the chosen, actualized outcome

“This workstation operator monitors awareness of those cubbyholes on The Grid.  When you put the scalpel into the cubbyhole it came into the awareness of the operator at this workstation.  Everything that comes off The Grid at this workstation is within the conscious awareness of the operator.  Requests for inventions are also placed on The Grid and come to this workstation.  So the operator is consciously aware of all available inventions and all requests for inventions.”

“The operator has to be capable of holding millions of things in conscious awareness, simultaneously.  As for making decisions affecting other people’s lives, nothing is ever done without the affected person’s prior permission.  That permission may come directly from the person ‘represented’ by the one living in the physical body.  These are almost always in the form of direct requests they’ve placed on The Grid.  Sometimes that permission comes from the Higher Self, your Disk or I/There, as the action is in line with the person’s purpose or mission in life.  But THE primary qualification is that every act by an operator, is an act of Pure Unconditional Love.”

Extract from Book 2:
“To be more specific, I’d like a big financial cushion.  Say 10,000 dollars, that’s what I desire, a financial cushion of 10,000 dollars.
“Good.  Now, let the desire expand outward, just like you did with Wahunka.  Let it join with the feeling of the expanding Wahunka energy.”
At Coach’s suggestion I let my desire for a 10,000 dollar cushion join with the continuing expansion of the Wahunka bubble.  It began to expand outward into the universe also.
“Be attentive to your perception of that desire bubble surface.”
Its surface encountered objects just as the Wahunka bubble had.  As it did the experience was different.  Once in a while the object encountered by the surface of the desire bubble resonated with the desire.  The two were compatible, the object could play some part in fulfilling the desire for a financial cushion.   When that happened it felt like the energetic of the object was turned until it pointed to the center of the bubble and accelerated in that direction.  Only objects that resonated with the desire I’d expressed were effected, and they were accelerated toward the center of the bubble where I was sitting.  I knew that as this desire bubble expanded outward into the universe, everything it contacted which could act in some way to fulfill my desire would be directed toward that center.
Sunday morning I decided to check the paper for engineering jobs.  As much as I liked the flexibility of my odd job schedule, getting my finances in order seemed a more pressing need.  One of the ads caught me eye.  It was by a company a friend of mine worked for.  A couple hours later that friend called to let me know where our men’s group would be meeting that night.
“By the way, I say your ad in today’s paper for an engineering position at Golden Photon.”
“Ad, what ad?  I don’t have one in the paper right now.  Must be someone else in the company who put it in.  But I have been looking for someone to do some work on a contract basis.  You interested?”
Within four days I’d signed a contract to do a specific engineer job at Golden Photon.  Multiplying my hourly rate times the hours the job was supposed to take came to 10,000 dollars, exactly.  I was flabbergasted!  
I used to doubt what everybody said about the universe providing for their needs.  I’m now beyond doubt on that one.

The concept of a loving "Universe" which is said to be abundant and providing for every need, is of course very interesting. This affects our present “physical” reality, but can also affect us afterwards (in the afterlife or “non-physical” reality).

So, if you combine that Principle of the The Grid, with the Principle of the Bubble, you come to a method that could fulfill every need for learning, experiencing, etc. what you need or want.

Personally, I wish I could be touched by an emotional event, that wouldn’t harm me physically and, that would bring me to be PUL and act towards it with simplicity, be aware of it and embrace it. Wouldn’t it be great to become or experience what you want, or to have entire understanding on how the soul exactly works, as to help yourself and others. That is of course, just a personal thing.

We could make an experiment, to see if we collectively focus on the realization of one positive event, (asking it to be visible for all the participants of the experiment) how much time we need for it to happen.

Of course, that’s just an idea. One can also just discuss the Grid, its effects, or other items related to it.

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Re: Bruce’s Book: Concept of Grid (Reality, Afterlife)
Reply #1 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 11:17am
I won't be answering to any posts of this topic as I leave the Conversation Board temporarily, for personal reasons and for an indefinite time.

I would like to encourage the members of this board to also check out the "Book Club Pages" underneath, as well as the other sections of the Board, which are really interesting.

The Dream Section is also very interesting.
The SHWP is also a very interesting part of the Conversation Board.

See you later,

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