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Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate? (Read 12322 times)
Alan McDougall
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Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:43am

I have pondered the subject of soul mates for a long time. It seems there are different dimensions of soul mate interaction. The group soul, the male, female soul I think the forum is well informed of these aspects of soul interaction

I have long suspected that I have a soul mate that is closer than a brother, sister or even any earthly lover.

Could this be what I call the Twin Flame of ones combined’ soul. We appear to have two physical brains, so I am sure that illusive Eternal Soul Mart of mine is the other flame of the twin flames that constitute my entire Soul Being.

That other Soul Flame Being is the female part of my psyche and her name is Moira. So my higher self is “Alanmoira” my eternal lover is no less than my higher self..

What do you guys think, does any of this resonate with any of you??

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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #1 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 10:42am

I think soulmates and twin flames are wishful creations of a love-starved society, the same one created by the ego that says "Someday I will be happy" when I get the right mate, find the right job, make enough money, etc..

I think everyone is our soulmate, and everyone is our twin flame. Every encounter is a holy encounter. There is, after all, just One of us here (and over there, too).

Happy is not something that you come to; is is something that you are. In that same sense, Love is, too. I think one finds PUL within oneself, not in someone else. God knows my life is a testament to this...

Love and Light,
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #2 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 2:34pm
Hi alan I have a soulmate and i love him so much but we are just friends and have been for the last 3 yrs and i beleive God placed Eddie my soulmate in my life to compensate for the loveless marriage i had for years,we could only ever be friends me and Eddie, because if we got it together it would spoil the love we have for each other as soulmates.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #3 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 4:20pm
This is one that has caused me no end of aggravation and pain over my life -usually because I thought I had found the soul mate and it turned out not to be.
I think the concept of the soul mate runs far deeper than Thomas' 'when I meet my perfect mate I will be happy' scenario. In my case(s) I wasn't looking for my soul mate when various women came into my life...anything but!  Sad
But what happened the first time was that I was relatively content with my life. I remember thinking about 30 seconds before the first women turned up that my life was okay, it wasn't what I'd hoped for but it would do. The along comes a woman who was everything I WASN'T looking for  Shocked and turned my life upside down. There was no logic or reason to it -I went nuts because I had to be with this woman and put up with all the bullshit that came with it. It was the most intense feeling I'd ever had about anyone but the relationship was doomed ultimately and she threw me out.
A few weeks later I met her at a friend's place and said 'do you realise that you were the love of my life?' She replied 'Oh it might have been like that for you, but it was just a fling for me'.
At which point I gave up. If what I though was the most important relationship of my life and my twin soul was just a lie what was the point? So I attempted suicide -I was so angry I was going to get up there and demand to see the guy in charge and give him a piece of my mind-. Needless to say it didn't work and I ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a week. Then I rebuilt my life with another woman months later.
Forward nine years or so. I met someone else when i wasn't expecting to or looking. This one was another repeat. I couldn't get her out of my mind and I would wake up at 7am every morning seeing her face (that was the time she was meditating). More shit hitting the fan time. Again, I would drive over to see this woman and my brain would be saying 'what the hell are you doing, you know this is going to hurt' but a deeper part of me wasn't listening.
This caused 3 years of pain and suffering and destroyed the relationship that I was in. In fact it was only when I read Shirley Maclaine's 'Out on a Limb' p.200, which explains about soul mates and twin souls that I understood that I had a BIG past life connection with this woman. Interestingly enough, at that point I no longer needed to see her or be in contact and so that was healed and resolved. But by then the terminal damage had been done to my existing partnership and despite my best efforts, that one came to an end.
I still occasionally see this woman who turned me inside out but now I feel nothing towards her. The memories are interesting because now I can't see why I wanted her so much, but at the time I wanted to blend totally with her. It seems we had a past life connection that wasn't good, so maybe we've worked that through, but I wish so much that I'd known what i know now, and not done the damage and caused the hurt to my (ex) partner. Hindsight and all that stuff......
One thing I did during that time was undergo a lot of past life regression, and one cathartic session took me back to Atlantis. There I knew my soulmate. I could feel her approach long before she arrived and when I looked into her eyes my consciousness swapped into her body and looked back at me. Unfortunately she died in an accident with crystal energies there and it tore the heart out of me. Supposedly later on there I committed suicide as I couldn't go on without the other half of me. So it goes....
So in my experience, the true soul mate if the other half of you. According to esoteric lore, we were originally one being that split into two when coming down into the ELS, and there's more from Shirley Maclaine's experiences in here book 'The Camino'. A true soul mate relationship is beyond the usual relationships that we all have. Many close links are through members of our soul groups (I have one close friend who I have past life connections with), but the soul mate is not just a dream, it's a longing at a soul level beyond anything else.
I've just had to give up on the hope that it would happen in this life. It's too late now so I just have to hope that when I get back upstairs that I'll understand more.
I just wish that it hadn't had to have been so painful and confusing and regret the pain I caused to past partners.
There's always something, I suppose.
Thanks for reading this far and understanding.
Love and best wishes,

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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #4 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:04pm
David, I found your story moving. Something I would like to add in here. I think its important to understand that a "soul mate" really has nothing to do with the other sex. Sex, and that sort of relationship, has little to do with the soul connection. I believe that it is the relationship itself that is important. Most often as we move through our lives we are told that in order for us to be compleat, we need to have a opposite sex relationship with our soul mate. That we will know when we meet them. As we live a number of lives in the human form, why is it so important for the soul mate to be of the opposite sex. Not that sex isn't important in many relationships. But truly not important when dealing with soul mates.I personally believe that man to man or woman to woman relationships can be soul mated just as well. I am not talking homosexuality here so don't be confused. So my sudgestion is to quit looking for a FM soul mate. More importantly look for the exchange of true PUL instead. What if during your last life you did meet this soul...then this life in order to experience a better understanding of the opposite sex's roll, one of you decided to change body type. Now you are both man or both women. It doesn't change the soul mate thing. And if you were to meet then why wouldn't the experience of PUL be just as strong as if you were opposite sex's.  Sex itself is can be gotten anywhere if the need be. You don't need a woman to be happy just like a woman does not need a man to be happy. (Mind you its a great way of spend a little time while in the body form. Wink
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #5 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:10pm
further..I also think a number of possible soul mate relationships are discounted just because of the fact that they are between two women or two men. Homophobia caused by indoctrination of others beliefs are truly damaging. If you except the fact that you are "more that your phyical body" (thanks Bob) then you understand then that you are neither man nor woman. You are. That's it! You have no sexual orientation while between bodies. You are energy of a sort. Love energy, not sexual energy.
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #6 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:29pm
Hi Joe,
many thanks for the reply. Yes, I fully understand that soul mates could be of the same sex, and that soul mates could even be siblings, parent and child, or anything we might consider. I believe that other folks have written on this subject (Denise Linn comes to mind).
As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong) in same sex relationships one plays the 'female' part to the other's 'male', which doesn't invalidate the relationship -I believe it's more a question of polarity.
The point I was trying to make is that in my experience the longing for the soul mate is the yearning for the missing part of your soul. You know you're seeking something or someone, but you can't remember who or what and how it was lost. You only know you're in some way incomplete, and maybe the search for a mate is the echo of that longing. And it goes way beyond sexuality; the only way I can describe it is that if you find that other half of yourself it's like coming home, and truly belonging.
That's the only way I can describe it.
I long for that but I don't think I'll achieve it in this life any more -sadly.

Thanks again and best wishes,


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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #7 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:52pm
That's not my understanding. I don't think that anyone is playing male or female. I think men continue to be men and females, female. I could be wrong but just because , in the case of males, one excepts receiving the intercourse over the giving, wouldn't make be them necessary playing a female part. They would still be male. I think its part of our confusion over the lesbian or homosexuality relationship itself. I think is would just be two men or two women enjoying their bodies with each other, sexually. Not one roll playing as a member of the opposite sex. (Unless of course you are transgendered, possibly.) I really don't know. Perhaps one living the experience would be more able to help both of us out. Now as for you continuing your longing for your soul mate. Not to worry. You most likely will have plenty of more chances. And I think its just not as important as all of that. He or she could be waiting for you to live and learn by your experience here and during this lifetime before you get to experience the PUL of being with your true soul mate again. If you look at the possibility of the Disk Group as Bruce has explained it, then chances are you may really have thousands of potential soul mates, not just one.
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #8 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 9:32pm
I think I understand everything said here, but it's all like pieces coming together and a few pieces missing. I feel sure the missing pieces fall into place when the time is right.

I just go off my personal experience mostly, to add to the conversation.
my philosophy and my tools of thought (ACIM, and TMI, plus 60 years of searching, talking to non physical beings, spirits, and visionary dreaming) filter my stories but usually some truth gets born from writing it down.

I did have a soul mate. an unmistakable familiar person came into my life and within one minute of linear time, I knew he and I had an agreement; he was going to give me children. just recently I realized I'll most likely, like Dether, not have another soul mate, where you just know and it's easy, and everything falls into place.
However, one thing I learned is it's not at all romantic, and the honeymoon always gets to the place where it's over. We divorced after a mere 3 years. another thing I noticed is and this is true for all, even though you get a divorce, it's never the end of that relationship. you see the paperwork means nothing really. It's the heart that determines if the bond is of love, it does not die, and you will either stay in contact with that soul mate here, or meet them on the other side and discuss the relationship the two of you just lived. to get back to the original love part. these soul mates can agree to be your sister, mother, father, cousin, lover, etc. We are not privy to the plans we made with them prior to incarnation.
some of us call it love it at first sight. It was not love exactly, it was just a knowing, he was here for me. he had agreed. at the moment I just felt relieved, he had kept his promise, and he was going to make my approach very easy, as my job was to be the stronger one, although strong is not what I was feeling at age 21. in a way I felt rescued. I was to get out of a relationship I was in, being loyal to a man who could, quite easily kill me by accident.

I got out of it, set myself free and met up with the soulmate mentioned above and we wasted no time getting together. he walked into where I worked and I was expecting him, for the 2nd time. yet we did have the romantic part. for awhile. my mother taught me the romance is fun. Although I am much older and no longer desire romance, I'm glad I had all the experiences I had with that facet of being human.

My yearnings are entirely to be one with God and I see God as being, for the time being, all of us. Yet the sum of the parts is not the entirety of the whole..there's so much more to just being a human here. I am starting to remember the original starting point, just enough to be completely satisfied with my progress as a single person reaching for maximum velocity, lift off ELS! no more relationships to ponder on what went wrong, and was it my fault?

Rather I turn over such questions to HS. I call it whole spirit, while ACIM calls it Holy Spirit. I see this man Yeshua, and he is also a woman. He is perfectly balanced between yin and yang.
Once you have felt the love of Yeshua, there is no man who lives on Earth who can compare and it has nothing to do with the 2nd chakra which is enlisted for procreation, but rather all the 7 chakras will spin equally with PUL. and so I ask for understanding, I don't get it, but I don't expect it, that one chooses a mate, either with the ego, in this is what I want, or one allows the Spirit to choose a mate, if that is the right thing according to HS.

as concerning sexual, it is a perk of ELS, if you're healthy in your attitude about it. yet sex is sex and love is love. if you have both, count your blessings. too many times you see the collective separating sex from love. I never could.

Through ACIM I learned I didn't know, of my C1, or ego, what was best for me. And so I say I always:
1) Treat
2) Move my feet.

When I treat, it is to employ The Church of Religious Science, a prayer method. You give your question to whatever, the universe, God, imaginary friend, etc. You release it. Forget about it. Just do it one time with feeling. When you release, you are of the attitude that what the HS wants for you will now manifest.
When you move your feet, you are opening your mind to be observant to the Spirit's nudging you. You may get nudged away from someone, as well as the opportunity could show up that someone else walks into your life and you will again experience "the knowing."

From my experience, if it is difficult to maintain a relationship, if the two of you can agree upon nothing, it becomes a war of wills, rather than a thing of accepting each other as they are. If you are having to work constantly to communicate, there is something not quite right and no need for either one to suffer in such a relationship. you know, the usual guilt trips; they are controlling trips. don't fall for it. we have free will. we don't have to suffer for love.

basically, I do believe couples should receive counseling before breaking up. However, invariably one wants counsel, the other doesn't. if they cannot even agree to get help together, it's likely the relationship is doomed. Counsel can also mean turning inwards to God. so often couples do not have the same set of beliefs or the same religion.

So we have to look at soul agreements without all the romantic hype around it, if we really want answers.

the idea of twin souls precludes the development of will, and does not take into account that a soul can break off from it's original plan and join another disc if it wants to, because of it's different focus point that has developed. that is the wonder of this universe, that we don't want to limit ourselves in any way, despite we like to believe in destiny, there is still the ability to change our course.

I have seen the future, as regarding a potential mate, it was not a good future. he was a controlling man, had jealousy. I have already experienced this type of relationship; therefore I changed the future because I dreamed it first.
And we all know, Love for the self must be cultivated before that same love cultivated in the other, even beyond their yearnings for companionship, understanding, then two whole people come together, rather than two halves.

so one whole plus one whole makes One Loosh crop. for the world.
but one half person plus one half person does not make a loosh crop but they certainly can make a lot of drama and manipulations, when really, they both want the same thing. love.

the one thing you don't want in a relationship is to feel a sense of sacrifice. it won't last. that is the case when one is dominating and one is passive. PUL is the balancer but needs a bit of cultivation.  I don't believe it's necessary to sacrifice, nor even to compromise, but constant self reflection on motives is a must. just setting up rules to fight fair is better, as two polarities are going to have differences that at some point will mushroom into bigger problems if not dealt with, and if honesty is not there in the relationship.

it's said the perfect mate will arrive, but only when you are perfect yourself and no longer waiting for that perfect mate.

one more thing, about being young, exploring your body, it's ok, that's one reason to come here. we also have our monks, our religious people who are "coming all the time". I mean that in a spiritual sense.

The afterglow is always with them. The same exact Feel good is with them if they have achieved a certain level Buddhists speak of.
therefore there is no union to seek with another, as this one has merged into all. there is no need.

We all have our own guidance. Judgment of one another is the thing to avoid. Acceptance of one another's belief system, so long as your belief system does not injure another being, is what we can strive towards to understand what God is, what PUL is.
And last but not least, part of PUL is to be able to admit you are not always right, and letting the other one be right once in awhile produces PUL too. For myself, I just don't feel like fighting all the time for something I never lost. Everything you need is already inside you.

love, alysia Kiss
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #9 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 2:20am
hawkeye wrote on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:52pm:
That's not my understanding. I don't think that anyone is playing male or female. I think men continue to be men and females, female. I could be wrong but just because , in the case of males, one excepts receiving the intercourse over the giving, wouldn't make be them necessary playing a female part. They would still be male. I think its part of our confusion over the lesbian or homosexuality relationship itself. I think is would just be two men or two women enjoying their bodies with each other, sexually. Not one roll playing as a member of the opposite sex. (Unless of course you are transgendered, possibly.) I really don't know. Perhaps one living the experience would be more able to help both of us out. Now as for you continuing your longing for your soul mate. Not to worry. You most likely will have plenty of more chances. And I think its just not as important as all of that. He or she could be waiting for you to live and learn by your experience here and during this lifetime before you get to experience the PUL of being with your true soul mate again. If you look at the possibility of the Disk Group as Bruce has explained it, then chances are you may really have thousands of potential soul mates, not just one.   

Hi Joe,
that's not my experience from past life regression. I know that I've had lives as a woman before. In fact the close friend I referred to earlier was my daughter in a past life and I was her mother, and as well as the deep love we share as friends, there's still some maternal feelings on my part from that lifetime. When working on issues with  my mother this time around I found out that we'd fought and loved each other over various lifetimes in both sexes. Don't we incarnate as both to have the experience of each sex? and if memory serves, Newton's books allude to having a life as a lesbian or homosexual to explore that approach and feelings and the experience of acceptance or rejection?

Alysia, many thanks for the reply. I'll ponder that and reply later (it's 6am in England at the moment and I have to get to work!  Shocked

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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #10 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 3:41am
Alan McDougall wrote on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 6:43am:

I have pondered the subject of soul mates for a long time. It seems there are different dimensions of soul mate interaction. The group soul, the male, female soul I think the forum is well informed of these aspects of soul interaction

I have long suspected that I have a soul mate that is closer than a brother, sister or even any earthly lover.

Could this be what I call the Twin Flame of ones combined’ soul. We appear to have two physical brains, so I am sure that illusive Eternal Soul Mart of mine is the other flame of the twin flames that constitute my entire Soul Being.

That other Soul Flame Being is the female part of my psyche and her name is Moira. So my higher self is “Alanmoira” my eternal lover is no less than my higher self..

What do you guys think, does any of this resonate with any of you??


Hi Alan
I believe I have what you call a soul mate.Twenty years ago we had the most intense relationship but when we nearly split our families to be together I had this monumental voice that came to me when meditating.It came down through space into my head like a beam of intelligent light it was so powerfull I had to listen even though I knew it was telling me something I didn't want to hear,thats why I knew it was Truth.     "Don't split up these families!!" So that day we ended the close relationship.It had to be.It was the hardest thing I ever had to do and for she too.Years have passed,she split from her husband and has remarried and so have I...But our connection has never been broken, how can it it is very old and we came to Earth around the same time and in the same state(Oz)We both know our love.connection however you call it is eternal and we don't need to worry about our individual marriages.It goes far beyond that.I see her occasionaly and the knowing always there,our love is seemingly perpetual and we never need to worry it will go away.I don't have that with any other person in my current life.It gives me a deep contentment.Both of us have deep regard for our respective spouses.There is no wanting or jealousy.I love that.So for me she is a soul mate.We will meet again and again in our eternal journey in so many guises that life presents us with.
Love Devayan
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #11 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 6:12am
Greetings people,

I took so long to respond due to the fact of  not checking to be notified about any responses...

What I was trying to convey was not about a soul mate lover, or soul mate or closest friend. But that separate aspect of ourselves that we communicate with day and night. It is closer than a sibling, parent, child our nearest friend.

Deep within us is that very secret place in our psyche that we reveal to no one. Here we talk to our higher self or what I call twin flame on topics and fantasize so private that we would not tell anyone about it, not anywhere, anytime anywhen.

This other self might not reside in our mind but could be a separate aspect of our soul spit off into, maybe this earthly plane or even planes from other dimensions or realities and realms.

If you are male in this life I believe you twin flame self would be female. , likewise if you are female your other spit twin flame would be male.

When we finally consolidate and rejoin our higher self we will not really be female or male, but be a combination of the two

We really are at present just facets that is expressed through our mortal body, but that is only the pin point as distinct from the larger life which is beyond it.”  Indeed we could be so much more than we presently realise, maybe our higher selves are spit into a thousand or more flames?

How are we to decide then which is your thought, your imagination, and which is the impression, the guidance which comes from your larger self or from higher realms that are using you?”

I suggest speaking to oneself and patiently waiting for a reply


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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #12 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 1:02pm
Well truthfully David, I don't know how any of it works, Wink except that the important part is that love is one of the biggest parts of the equation if not the most important. Finding your soul mate in any lifetime is a great thing. Even searching for your soul mate and never finding it could leave you with lessons far more important than the connection itself. As long as the love fits in some where.
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« Last Edit: Nov 4th, 2008 at 2:33pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #13 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 2:30pm
Alan, I think we are all the sum of both our female and male aspects or parts. Even more than that is that "we are". Ourselves, not being phyical, are neither male nor female. But rather existing within phyical life reality and existing within this lifetime within a body that for the sake of reproduction, uses a form that is male or female. When exploring in an OOB state I rairly look upon myself as M or FM. That's not saying that at times I don't do so.  Bruce tells a story of bonding in a phyical sense while with his "Woman from Sensuous" (down at his lake area while exploring Focus 27.) Of course there is the vision of Sensuous taking on Sabrina's image and their love making. After the union and while talking to Franceen, one of TMI's trainers, about one of her experiences he understands that she was in fact he. Iasman and Iaswoman. That the two parts, both the male and the female is what made him whole or as one. So the whole twin flame fits in very well. As long as you see and understand the relationship between both sides of this coin, it is unimportant to have anyone else understand it? Isn't PUL of yourself as important or perhaps even more important than towards someone or something else?  
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« Last Edit: Nov 4th, 2008 at 5:23pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: Twin Flame Eternal Soul Mate?
Reply #14 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 4:47am
hawkeye wrote on Nov 4th, 2008 at 1:02pm:
Well truthfully David, I don't know how any of it works, Wink except that the important part is that love is one of the biggest parts of the equation if not the most important. Finding your soul mate in any lifetime is a great thing. Even searching for your soul mate and never finding it could leave you with lessons far more important than the connection itself. As long as the love fits in some where.

Hi Hawkeye
One thing about life is how much I love the mystery down here..
Alan has spoken about the fact that a soul mate doesn't have to be a lover or day to day relationship...I agree...The most powerfull experience I have had in this life is the union with  woman many years ago. We were in Primal Therapy together in the same centre. Through working with one another over a long period of time we made a strong spiritual connection.This was in Australia in the 70's,she was from USA.She went back to America later.Later  around 1977 I had a trip to USA and we met again briefly(she had returned to USA by then) The meeting was good and then we all moved on and no further contact.I still had a very strong feeling of connection with her even then, even though I was in another relationship.Spiritual connections exist far beyond current relationships as we would all agree.So I returned to Australia and one night I had this extraordinary dream where I met up with this soul and we came together in a Divine Union!!We came together initially as Astral separate entities and then we became two columns of pure spiritual light moving ever upwards at the Zenith of the upward spiral our two lines of light suddenly became ONE!!There was no I or you.No separation.There was only this light of Oneness.And yet we were at the same "time" still somewhere individuals entities.
I awoke from the nocturnal experience astounded!!.The next day I sat down and wrote a letter to her(no internet in those days). I sent the letter off to USA  not long after a letter came from her,as soon as I got it I knew it couldn't possibly be a reply from my letter,not enough time had elapsed.She briefly told me that she was in a Christian Science church in Boston when she suddenly looked to the back of the church and saw me walking down the aisle"as she said "in my immaculate body" I was looking about obviously looking for her,we saw each other and I sat beside her and in a timeless moment we merged into oneness.That merging was experienced by me as two steams of conscious light streaming upwards and getting ever closer until the two lines became one.
The beauty of this story is the time factor.Boston was in daylight when I was asleep in Australia, so that would make sense to me that experienced as dream and her awake through the experience.
It was a breakthrough for me because all of my life inquiry seemed to lead to this..Finally I accepted the beautifull truth that I was more than a physical body! I was more!! an entity that existed beyond the physical frame I had so long hoped for.For so many years I had longed for an experience that would prove beyond "doubt"that I was more than physicall time bound body.mind.So now looking back I don't see her as a soul mate but a beautifull soul that came together to realise our true Being.I totally lost contact with her after that.
However soul mates may still be there for some reason..This is the glorious mystery.I am happy for it to remain at this time to be just that.
What mattered was that we for a moment in the timeless were united into The One.
Love to all of you dear fellow travelers.
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