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Good spirits given no PUL or happiness (Read 2616 times)
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Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Oct 22nd, 2008 at 8:12am
Following the thread of Juditha (...Hitler...), I'ld like to utter some thoughts due to my personal experience:

1. For instance: why do people develop an enjoyment for seeing other people suffering??? Maybe they were never given understanding when they suffered, and the only way they hope to be understood in their own suffering, is seeing someone else undergo the same.

2. Good people do not always get love back and are not always taught to be loving. There are good people who are just used and thrown away, like a product. Some of these good people die without ever knowing anything better than mental suffering. I believe such people also end up in some kind of mental hell.

3. Now make a supposition: If a good person, knows nothing but this mental suffering (if there is no one to help out, sufficiently I want to add), and if that person is dragged empty by this suffering, but really wants to do something about it, but does not know how...

Then that person might take mentally wrong decision, like dragging energy to react to a bad situation through hate, anger, etc....

I shall give you a more solid example of hate arising in a loving person, because there are mental laws applicable:

First, I shall
summarize these laws
LAW 1. All creatures want to be as happy as possible, according to what they believe is possible
LAW 2. The shortest way to happiness is LOVE (=PUL), so all creatures want to be loved as much as possible
LAW 3. All creatures want to avoid suffering of all kind (physical, psychological, etc...)
LAW 4. In good or bad, you always act according to what you know and what you believe you know.
LAW 5. In good or bad, the strength of an action is proportional to what you believe you can hope for.(=motivation)

Now, the EXAMPLE
A child sees one of his parents suffer due to illness.
The child loves his parents. The parents love each other. There is enough love here for everybody. Money is secundary. These are simple people who simply want to help.

The parents are caring people, not just for their child, but they would help anybody. They are also always asked for help. The child looks up to his parents. He wants to be like them: helping and loving.

A parent is sick. The other parent has to work full time to support the cost of housing, school, medication = basic needs.
The sick parent looses his job: this parent is too sick, the company he/she works for has financial problems.

The one parent who is sick and lost his job, tries to find another job. (That's not easy when you are sick) He finds a job in the black-market, gets exploited and loses more money to it.

In this materialistic world, both parents are viewed as losers. I mean, they don't earn enough, one of them lost their jobs. The house is not OK. When they are invited to the restaurant or the movies, they cannot pay for this. They cannot participate into social life, due to money issues. This means they lose social status. But they lost more than that.

A loser, is not necessarily loved AND they lost their social life. The more time passes, the less contact they have. The people that asked for their help, ask help to someone else. The people that asked for their help, are not necessarily people that will give help.

The parents end alone with the child. The sick parent feels guilty to be such a weight on the family-life. To make it less hard, he/she does not complaint. Therefore, the situation of his/her health get underestimated. The situation worsens. There are tensions in the family. Everybody is tired due to worries and stress. Nobody talks at home, because everyone is too tired and trying to mentally survive.

When the parents are talking, it is generally about problems.

There is no money. The child grows up with worries, is not given much more allowance than necessary, but not enough to participate decently with the activities of friends. Adolescents and children can be crual. The child ends up socially rejected bu his friends.

The parents feel stressed about the life of their child. They want a better life for their child, but cannot give it. The parents educate their child to be more ambitious than they have been, to stop this suffering.

Also, they live in quarters were there is a lot of criminality. They got 8 time the burglars in their house.

Lets resume: What is the situation of this child in this loving family?
- stress
- no follow up by the parents (to busy with sickness, working, etc) --> means no followed up education --> means potential behavioral problems
- no talking
- no social control
- no social participation
- no sense of security
- you have to give help and understanding, but are not given any back --> no sense of social justice, you cannot count on others to help you out
- teaching to be ambitious
- social rejection = means you are not taught PUL
- no freedom --> you cannot decide what you do during the day: you work and that's it
- what social laws are taught to the child: losers do not get loved, people who cannot follow the social life lose friends and relationships, without friends and relationships their is not social control

I don't think that is a good mix. I mean, the situation creates a feel bad-atmosphere already.

You don't see much examples of love, outside the parents.
Those signs of love between the parents are diminished, because they are tired, sick, etc. You spent more time surviving mentally, then being loving.

Let's talk about that surviving mentally:
- you barely see the love through the sickness and the working situation
- you see that when you cannot be everything expected, you are not valued socially
-you don't know better than the above situation, you don't know how to solve it, you don't know what to do

In the end, when you don't know better, than the above situation.

--> not being able to find solutions to problematic situations, is a cause for DESPAIR or lack of hope [color=#ff0000]+
lack of love, creates fear, anger, hate [/color]

mix despair + lack of love + ignorance

and you have everything what you need to create hate, fear, anger and any other negative emotion you can think off

and it all started in a loving family.


No suppose that child was to desperate and discouraged to seek solutions OR did not belief there was any solution OR was not gifted with imagination
Then that child would remain in that area of thinking OR
as you call it, that child would remain in that BELIEF-SYSTEM.
--> That is a future victim to be stuck in hell

You belief what you know. If all you know is misery, than that is all you belief.

This means you can get stuck because of a life situation, and without social control, nobody knows about it.

Considering the above statement, let's suppose the child falls in a hateful state of mind: hate = more fear = more unhappiness = less friends = judgements on hateful behavior

Nobody helps you out that state of mind in this reality. You're all alone, because people judge you. It ends up becoming a vicious circle.

What solutions do you propose? That I would like to know.

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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #1 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 9:12am
If you think this is a world of judgement and hate, THINK AGAIN! The way to have new thought is to do exactly this. Life is the way it is because of choices we have made, or failed to make. To change your life, change your thinking. What you think on grows, and it is the way it is because you say it is so.

It is not about doing anything. You will never find the Path to God through doingness.

Dear Sonia- please consider A Course in Miracles. There are a few books about it (rather than the Course itself) which are a good jumpstart, like "A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson and "Disappearance of the Universe" by Gary Renaud (though I have some issue with this one). Also, "Conversations with God, Book One" changed my life.

I am from a dysfunctional family much like you describe, and was almost suicidal and very depressed before all this happened to me, and now I cannot imagine getting off the train just as it is getting so interesting....

I offered to do PE's with you but never heard back--- perhaps this was part of the stuff that got lost.

Keep on, my friend. Your intention and your love will lead you through. You are NEVER alone!

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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #2 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 9:49am
tgecks wrote on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 9:12am:
If you think this is a world of judgement and hate, THINK AGAIN! The way to have new thought is to do exactly this. Life is the way it is because of choices we have made, or failed to make. To change your life, change your thinking. What you think on grows, and it is the way it is because you say it is so.

It is not about doing anything. You will never find the Path to God through doingness.

I am from a dysfunctional family much like you describe, and was almost suicidal and very depressed before all this happened to me, and now I cannot imagine getting off the train just as it is getting so interesting....

I offered to do PE's with you but never heard back--- perhaps this was part of the stuff that got lost.

Keep on, my friend. Your intention and your love will lead you through. You are NEVER alone!


Thank you so much for your message.
I had a very bad night, with nightmares and I so hoped to be rid of it.
(I dreamed about a man who murdered 2 people and I so hated to see it)

I simply want to think about happy, loving things, but I don't know why I keep failing. Like I keep falling back in wrong thought-patterns.

I feel really tired, trying to get out of this.

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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #3 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 4:54am

I found it heart warming that you wanted to PE with me.
I did not get that message, though. So sorry.

Message to others:

I know I keep coming around with the same stuff, for which I apologize.

After a while, I noticed, people do not react to these themes anymore. There is no response anymore.

I wonder why, but I think maybe it is because they don't love being confronted with such themes.

I still very hard try to break through these patterns, because it is what I want. I wish I could do it in a way that people would stay and still continue to show that they care, even if it ends up being boring talking about it.

If abybody here wants that I solve my problems in a better way, I think you're going to have to teach me how.

Usually, I fear talking about it, because I fear to be a boring person and because I fear to end up alone in the end. Being alone is a death-sentence for my soul, I believe, because it means nobody seeks with me for solutions. I cannot think as quickly as I want for solutions to problems I got.

Thank you for everything,


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Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. &&Maori Proverb&&&& &&
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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #4 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 7:44am
Hi Sonia, do you know how to meditate with cds? This is what I would do everyday for a while, if I were puzzling over these kinds of issues. You have a higher source of knowledge which is trying to communicate with you, perhaps, and that is why you feel such a longing for the truth.

There are some great cds out there, which can reinforce whatever kinds of ideas you personally deem worthy of your attention. It is also possible for you to create them for yourself if you have a clear idea of what you want to impress upon your mind.

I meditate with cds which just have music, and with cds which also have words.

Otherwise, how do you feel when you feel love? Are there books which bring this feeling to you while you are reading them? Carry such books with you and remind yourself often. The mind loves to be reminded of all that is good.

That is the best thing, Sonia, to think about those things which are positive and good, how to be of service in the world. But it is always lonely at times. Sometimes it feels like no one can understand since no one has lived your life, and it is true, they don't really know.

But, it's okay. There is a place for each of us in this world. It all fits together like a beautiful picture.

When you can find the sun in your own heart and let it shine where it will, you will understand PUL. The sun just shines on and on. It is just there for us, helping us, all the time.

I hope this has been of some help, as my thoughts are not very organized today, and I have not been meditating. It's just what came into my head.

love, blink
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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #5 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 9:55am
Hi Sonia,

It's ok to come and ask questions and connect with others here.

I agree with Thomas and Blink.

All thoughts are available for us to choose from, and believe it or not, we choose the thoughts we entertain. (That's what Free Will is for.) Many are habit forming, as is the judging we attach to them. So at any moment we choose which thoughts to entertain ourselves with. (I think this is something like faith, whatever we focus our energy on is what we give our faith to.)

Our perceptions color our experience of the world. Or, from an ACIM perspective, our world IS our perceptions. We can choose to perceive with the ego, or to choose with our Spirit Mind or God-connection or Higher Self, which is not of this world, and can help us while we think we are here in this world.

I  have been curious about people who while experiencing atrocities such as holocausts are able to connect with the loving part of themselves and choose thoughts and acts of love and compassion. (As an example, I recommend the autobiography "Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust" by Immaculee Ilibagiza, or positive stories from WWII)

Look for examples of people, including children, who chose love despite being surrounded by people who do not. Take it one step at at time. One moment at a time. One breath at a time. We connect with PUL, with Love, with God/Spirit in the moment, not by focusing on the past or future, but by opening to it in the Now. We are surrounded by Love energy and can plug into it anytime we choose. The same is true for fear energy. Our ego would prefer for us not to choose Love, because Love connects us with all others, making the ego obsolete. The Spirit is Love, and can only connect with others, it does not bother with ego.

This is how I understand it at the moment.

Love, Carolyn
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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #6 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 10:22am
dreamer wrote on Oct 24th, 2008 at 9:55am:
Hi We can choose to perceive with the ego, or to choose with our Spirit Mind or God-connection or Higher Self, which is not of this world, and can help us while we think we are here in this world.


Our ego would prefer for us not to choose Love, because Love connects us with all others, making the ego obsolete. The Spirit is Love, and can only connect with others, it does not bother with ego.


Thank you.

I so fear to be loving and then to suffer from it. I fear to give love and experience "not to experience any love". "Not to experience any love" make me fear, because I saw that people who are not loved, are neglected, are left alone, even when they suffer physically or from injustice. I saw people without love, not being helped, when they needed it. I saw their suffering and I fear to suffer like them. Do you understand me?

I fear to suffer due to lack of love. I wish I did not have to suffer at all. It makes me feel insecure, the thought of going through suffering and then see that I am all alone with this suffering, because nobody loves me. Do you understand?

I fear to be alone, because nobody understands my suffering. I need somebody to understand.

Love is too rare around me. I wish I experienced more love, so I could learn more how to be loving.

I feel so left alone by Heaven. Why aren't they teaching me how to be loving when they know everything about me?

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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #7 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 3:11pm
Sonia, There is no need to worry about ever not having anyone love you again. I assure you that not only am I happy to oblige, but I know many others here are sending you their love also. You will never be short on it again. Open your heart to it.
If you feel you need a little help...there are some great tapes avalable from TMI. Its called "Opening the Heart". Its inexpensive and I know it can really make a difference.
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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #8 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 5:09pm

I understand. Sending you hugs (((Sonia))).

Love, Carolyn

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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #9 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 7:52pm
Hi Sonia,
I think that indeed those things as you've described happen, a self feeding downward spiral. We find this pattern often in biographies of heavily criminal persons. But the data are still incomplete, as we don't know exactly the spiritual background of each of those cases. We have to considerate the possibility that this earth-life-person isn't lost because of this one evil seeming life, but embedded in something bigger, so that this experience is in some form valuable for this bigger whatever (Higher Self etc...) and is not necessarily cut off and on it's own in an afterlife of darkness. Each time a person is able to have a glimpse beyond this person's presently dark situation, and may it be just a brief imagination of more love, is a sign that there are anchor points to pull this person out of the presently bad situation; may it be while in the physical, or in the afterlife.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #10 - Oct 27th, 2008 at 2:00am

Please don't dispair.
You are not alone in your quandry.
We humans all have the same issues.
It is quite common, normal and natural to have these concerns as seekers - so much so that a spiritual teacher addressed many of these for that reason in the text linked below.
It is quite an eye-opener in that regard.

While the material linked below outlines many of these problem issues, the same author in other material there which I recommend, deals with possible solutions in a wide range of related spiritual subjects.  Of course, there are many other sources as indicated by members here - this is simply one resource I am familiar with and have used with good result.

"Volcano Agonies of the Seekers"

Best regards,

- u

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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Good spirits given no PUL or happiness
Reply #11 - Oct 31st, 2008 at 1:29pm
hawkeye wrote on Oct 24th, 2008 at 3:11pm:
Sonia, There is no need to worry about ever not having anyone love you again. I assure you that not only am I happy to oblige, but I know many others here are sending you their love also. You will never be short on it again. Open your heart to it.
If you feel you need a little help...there are some great tapes avalable from TMI. Its called "Opening the Heart". Its inexpensive and I know it can really make a difference.

  I 2nd Joe's recommendation of the tool, "Opening the Heart".  It's well designed and effective if used sincerely.   It's not necessary by any means though.
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