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Re Hitler etc. (Read 13128 times)
Alan McDougall
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #15 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:10pm


I'm wondering how much ones own perspective has to do with their life review. To a lot of people Hitler was a monster. To a lot of German people he was a savior. What was Hitler to himself? Did he do all those things because he knew it was wrong or was he able to completely justify it all to himself? Does one get a chance to argue ones reasoning during his or her life review or is there a cosmic standard that is not open to argument?

While I can not answer what Hiltler was to himself his actions revealed that he thought he was at least a demigod

The German people after the horrors of was decidedly did not think he was a saviour if fact they are now deeply ashamed of him.

He judged himself in his life review as all his action were played back like a movie in real time

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #16 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:18pm
I wrote that I'm not certain about what happens to the spirit of a person such as Hilter, but I am certain about this. Any person who viewes/viewed  Hitler to be some kind of savior finds/found out quite differently during his or her life review.  There is nothing admirable about what Hitler did.

It is folly to contend that it is a matter of perspective. I believe it is okay to allow our intellects to run about a bit as we try to figure things out, but if we let it run too far we might lose our way. My guess is that Hitler had all kinds of intellectual justifications for the terrible things he did.

If a spirit doesn't want to be honest during a life review, there in no point in having one.

Mark wrote on Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:02pm:

I'm wondering how much ones own perspective has to do with their life review. To a lot of people Hitler was a monster. To a lot of German people he was a savior. What was Hitler to himself? Did he do all those things because he knew it was wrong or was he able to completely justify it all to himself? Does one get a chance to argue ones reasoning during his or her life review or is there a cosmic standard that is not open to argument?

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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #17 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:10pm
I also wonder what happens to the rest of the people who did so much moire harm than Hitler. Especially those who did so in the name of their "God". Religions and those who believe in them have caused far more death and destruction that Hitler ever did. Were they forgiven by this so called God identity?
You know doesn't matter if they were or not. As long as they forgave themselves, then they could move on or re-attempt the lesson. There is no requirement of forgiveness by any of us or of this so call God identity spoken of here. Who here has the right to judge Hitler? Who here has the right to decide who will progress or not in their spiritual awareness? Who here is any better than anyone else?
Not I, that's for sure.   
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Lights of Love
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #18 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Any person who viewes/viewed  Hitler to be some kind of savior finds/found out quite differently during his or her life review. 

I think Mark is probably talking about the German people that had been under oppression. Many of them saw Hitler as a savior.


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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #19 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:28pm

Sure, there were some German people that viewed Hitler as a savoir. When it comes time for Hitler's life review, I don't believe this factor would be considered to be some sort of defense, because it won't be a matter of Hitler having to defend himself. It will be a matter of Hitler being honest about what he did.
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #20 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:35pm

I figure it's more a matter of what's possible than what somebody judges.

I hope Hitler finds his way to heaven. This doesn't mean his actions were appropriate.

Plus, I believe that people do have the right to confront somebody when that somebody does something to hurt others.  If the leader of country A wants to nuke country B,  other people have the right to speak against this leader. It isn't about judgement. It's about not allowing some people to harm others.

hawkeye wrote on Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:10pm:
I also wonder what happens to the rest of the people who did so much moire harm than Hitler. Especially those who did so in the name of their "God". Religions and those who believe in them have caused far more death and destruction that Hitler ever did. Were they forgiven by this so called God identity?
You know doesn't matter if they were or not. As long as they forgave themselves, then they could move on or re-attempt the lesson. There is no requirement of forgiveness by any of us or of this so call God identity spoken of here. Who here has the right to judge Hitler? Who here has the right to decide who will progress or not in their spiritual awareness? Who here is any better than anyone else?
Not I, that's for sure.   

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« Last Edit: Oct 16th, 2008 at 7:23pm by recoverer »  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #21 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:44pm

Who here has the right to judge Hitler? Who here has the right to decide who will progress or not in their spiritual awareness? Who here is any better than anyone else?
Not I, that's for sure

Hitler’s actions in life determined his eternal destiny Thus he was his "own judge". We are accountable for what we do in life.

I can’t say that I am any better than anyone on this forum. But I know I am an infinitely better person than Hitler

Go on protecting this monster you were not a Jew or Gypsy or a Russian prisoner in the Second World War.

Who the heck!!! Did worse than him, can one exceed infinite evil?

Hitler will reap what he sowed. The portrate of his life is hiddeuos..

If he had reached your county you would not be stating the things you are


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #22 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 4:38pm
I don't see anyone 'protecting' a 'monster' here today. We're just having a discussion, with some interesting points of view all around. I think these ideas are very relevant to this forum and its purpose.

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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #23 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 5:03pm
Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 16th, 2008 at 3:44pm:
Who the heck!!! Did worse than him, can one exceed infinite evil?

as I pointed out on the other discussion, Stalin killed or had killed in his name anywhere between 20-25 million people.
That seems rather more than the 6 million executed in German concentration camps.
And no I was not a Jew, intellectual or an ethnic minority in Germany.
But neither was I any of these things in Russia in the 20s and 30s either.
For that matter we could also include the 9 million plus put to death by the Catholic Church under the inquisition, accusations of witchcraft, heretics, etc.
How did the multifarious Popes, Cardinals, Bishops involved deal with that one in their life reviews?

I'm concerned about your claim that you've received no response from the forum about Hitler's life review; I attempted to address that very subject in the off topic forum.

Hope this helps,
Best wishes,

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #24 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 5:03pm

This thread was directed specifically to that entity by the name of Hitler and all this lovee dovee stuff about him makes me sick

He was a remorseless psychopath of the most terrible kind a blot and plague on the pages of human history

And I again insist that we will account for our actions when we die.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #25 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 5:16pm
Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 16th, 2008 at 2:03pm:
Recoverer and others,

If we really look truthfully into our most inner being, into exactly how our minds, thoughts and souls, then we should realise how imperfect we are when compared to the sublime perfection of God.

Nothing we do in life can ever match even his minimum standards. At present we are finite and mortal and God is infinite and immortal.


Why should that be? Why should we accept the conditioning of centuries of religious dogma that says we are unworthy, we are sinners, we have to beg for forgiveness and the only way to salvation is through an intermediary?
Who says we are imperfect beings? Why should we not entertain the possibility that we ARE perfect beings who have forgotten the fact, come down into the ELS to work our way back up having learned all that is learnable?
And as for us being mortal, I'm afraid that if that hypothesis is true we're all wasting our time here. Surely the whole point of this forum, Bob Monroe's and Bruce's books, and a whole bunch of other stuff is to remind us of the fact that we are all a part of God, that we are immortal and go on after this life, and we are infinite in potential.
To hold on to the old paradigm is no longer relevant.
Surely its time to accept that the explosion of spiritual seeking will soon replace the old guilt laden mindset of humanity. The old, exclusive, 'my god's better than your god and to prove it I'll kill you' has had its day and its time to realise that all paths are the same but with different names.

Yes, we can account for our actions when we die. but stop thinking that that's all there is to it. There's far more at stake that may have its origins in previous lifetimes, future ones and parallel ones.
I'm not advocating any 'lovee dovee' stuff about Hitler either, but I wonder how many remorseless pyschopaths are on this planet right now.
Maybe a few of them in the Fed....?

Best wishes,

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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #26 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 5:17pm
I understand, Alan, and your view has been stated here very clearly. I just don't think it's necessary for any of us to accuse each other. This is what happens when people get emotionally worked up about such heavy subjects. I think people are entitled to have a different view than you do, and it doesn't mean that they support heinous crimes such as the torture and murder of others. It just means they see the big picture differently, or that they are just taking a look at it differently for the time being. Well, I'll stop talking now.
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #27 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 6:00pm
Nor am I all lovee dovee towards Hitler. The possible difference is that I do not believe he is in the hell that you so strongly believe in Alan. It seams obvious to me that he didn't believe in the same things that you believe in. Not your ideas of God or of consequences from the actions caused by his leadership. In my personal view, he does not need your forgiveness, nor this God of yours you speak of. Remember that it is your God. (An unforgiving God?) Who do you think he was accountable to? And many others have done worse than Hitler. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Americans, Chinese, Japaneese,... just to mention a few.  I do agree with you that we can be accountable for our actions,  but only to ourselves. Hitler was wrong for what he started. The smallest private was wrong for turning on the gas chamber also. As was the dentist who pulled out the teeth of those who were killed, etc, etc. All of them had to judge themselves. But they were not judged by some unforgiving God. I was told that this God forgives "all" sin. Is not the act of NOT forgiving as bad as the act that should be forgiven? I think it best to open your heart and forgive than to hate. Those are my feelings. But enough about Hitler for me. Its been talked to death here. How about we move it over to that thing going on with the current war. Now isn't killing 200,000 Iraqis, mostly women and children, just as bad? But I also forgive Bush and the American solders that are pulling the triggers....By the way there are Canadians doing the exact same thing also. Will Bush go to this hell of yours?
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #28 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 7:43pm
You can think I'm nuts if you want, Alan, but I was just looking at the sky and it is filled up with soft little white clouds. The sun is setting. The message I just got said that all those souls, the ones you have been crying for, they are in heaven, and it is happy there. They are happy and they give us permission to be happy. That is all.

love, blink
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Re: Re Hitler etc.
Reply #29 - Oct 16th, 2008 at 9:13pm
Alan (and all)                                                                                     
I would like to continue with my question of perspective in the life review. There are obviously some great thoughts out there so lets continue.
Would it be safe to say that the life review is a learning experience? This may seem a strange question but as I hope to illustrate it is valid.
If I get the gist of it we are to experience every act that we ever have performed through the physical and emotional eye of the beholder. For better or worse what I have done to you will be done to me so I know how it felt.
So, during my life, I have had to make many decisions between people and instances. Some made you happy and the other sad. So there are two sets of feelings (this is an ultra-simplified version - you may apply it to Hitler and Germans vs Jews etc if you like) I have hurt someone and I have made someone happy - by the exact same action.
So now I'm here in my life review and learn that by doing whatever I did I have now given someone pain and someone pleasure. Then there is the third set of emotions - namely, mine, which I am hoping will not be ignored.
One might say that yes - you will experience all of these - the one you hurt, the one you helped, and your own reaction to this one single instance.
But what have I learned - that you made a tough decision and chose based on the better angels of my nature? I knew that when I was alive minus actually living it through their eyes. And being a sensitive person believe me - I do feel it in people the decisions I make.
So is the life review nothing more than...a life review? Will I learn something I don't already know?
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