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possible not to live for eternity?! (Read 3973 times)
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possible not to live for eternity?!
Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:33pm
I really want to believe that it is possible for me to not exist for all of eternity if I don't want to. Do you think this is the case?!
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #1 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:42pm

I sincerely believe a day will come when you'll find that what lies ahead for us is so positive, you'll be overly thrilled that you get to exist for all of eternity.

I and other people have had experiences which showed us that there is a way of existing that is so wonderful, going out of existence would be unthinkable.

The possibility of such a way of being can't be judged if one tries to see things through a way of thinking that doesn't allow one to think in such a way. 
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #2 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:36pm
how do I think differently/?!? and if i have already lived for eternity yet am still not ok with it, how can i ever be?!
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #3 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:58pm

Your previous incarnations may have been in places where you really enjoyed yourself or didn't havetime to think about it. Ater this incarnation you may not come back here for a long time so that your attitude will change.

Also, you are thinking about this as a human, of course! Smiley And apparently you're a human without much spiritual experience. so you'vee got things to learn about spirit from the human viewpoint  that may yet change your mind.  People do change their outlooks many times during their lives, so you are not stuck with this rather limiting view you have.  Wink


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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #4 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 5:35pm
JustineS, No problem if that is truly what you want. You can create any existence you wish. If that be nothingness, then I see nothing  in your way of doing just that.Where problems could stem from is in those you leave behind. Those who are a part of you. They will not benefit from your non existence and possably may be held back from progressing beyond where they are by your choices. If I may be so bold as to suggest, complete your many lives missions and assisting those who are apart of your being, before you decide on ending your existence. Remember, action, reaction. What you do effects many along the way. Still, the choice is yours. There is nothing to force you to "be".
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #5 - Oct 7th, 2008 at 7:36pm
but aren't you forced to "be?" like when you die, you see the light regardless, right?
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Bruce Moen
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #6 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:59am

JustineS wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:33pm:
I really want to believe that it is possible for me to not exist for all of eternity if I don't want to. Do you think this is the case?!

For me the key to what you say is contained in the meaning of the word "me."   Who or what is this "me" that you don't want to have exist for eternity?  

A thought experiment:  Imagine that the who or what you perceive yourself to be today changes over the next five years.  And five years from now you come back to this site and read what "you" typed about not wanting to exist for eternity.  Imagine that the who you are five years from today has changed so much into a new "me" that this future you barely recognizes the "me" who typed that.  That me could be said to have in a sense "ceased to exist for eternity" or is "on the way to ceasing to exist" ?

Imagine that there might be parts of this future you that you like enough to be willing to allow that part of "me" to continue along on your ride toward through eternity.

Like I have said before, I might have chosen to incarnate here as a vacation from eternity.  Between lives the fact of our eternal nature might be a matter we are more consciously aware of.  In this physical world we trick ourselves into believing we are not eternal beings, hence a "vacation from eternity."

Maybe, since we are all eternal beings, like it or not, it would be more useful to be thinking about how I would like to spend eternity instead of fantasizing that we can avoid it.

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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #7 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 12:26pm

Bruce said: "Maybe, since we are all eternal beings, like it or not, it would be more useful to be thinking about how I would like to spend eternity instead of fantasizing that we can avoid it."

Recoverer responds: I believe the above is an excellent point. One of the main things we are doing is trying to find the best way to exist that is possible. Each of us is a powerful Soul and has the ability to change.
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #8 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 12:33pm

I don't know you well enough to make specific suggestions, but I've found that in order to see myself out of a box I created, I need to step out of the box as much as I can in order to see the box clearly.  Perhaps there have been some out of the box moments you've experienced that you aren't remembering.

Have you ever known a person who won't let go of a romantic relationship that has come to an end? As long as this person thinks according to the thought patterns that say "I must have this relationship" this person can't find freedom from this relationship. As soon as this person finds a way to become free from this thought pattern, it no longer troubles this person. The same can be said for any thought pattern a person limits his or her self with.

Is it easy finding freedom from unwanted thought patterns? Not always. This is part of the challenge of living in this World. The challenge helps our spirit grow.

JustineS wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 4:36pm:
how do I think differently/?!? and if i have already lived for eternity yet am still not ok with it, how can i ever be?!

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« Last Edit: Oct 8th, 2008 at 7:32pm by recoverer »  
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #9 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 8:21am
Hi JustineS, not knowing your situation I'd say that it would be worth considering the context of your request.

If within the confines of your current 'reality', you wish not to continue a similar experience next time... that is of course your call.

But I think we are in our current 'lives' for a particular reason  - to develop certain attributes within assigned situation/challenges.

Once you return 'home', you may well feel differently. This has been a big 'AHA' moment for me, realising that my current 'reality' is only a small speck of time/existance of a much bigger existance where emotions such as despair, fear, anger, joy etc are just human responses to the situations I/others have presented before me.

When things get me down from time to time, I recall wise words from Eckhart Tolle that help me not to take myself or the current situation too seriously.  Smiley

I then think of my current experience as if I am playing a role in a 'sitcom' or 'reality TV' show whilst my soul (who has the context of the bigger picture), sits in the audience and interacts with my character via remote control and thus learns more about myself...
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #10 - Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:06pm
JustineS, You are not "forced" to be. You are. You exist. Doubtful, although not impossible, that that will change any time soon. (Some have suggested that there are alien forces attempting to do just that.) If by what you mean is not having a physical life experience as in the human form again... That is up to you. As Bruce's experiment could point out is that a lot of it rides on just who "me" is, and wants. And when that "me" no longer exists due to the changes within. I am not the same person as I was ten years ago. Those  thoughts and energy have changed, and in so many ways, no longer exist. Like Bruce's experiment.(?) I also believe the interpretation of "exist" plays an important roll here, and what "exist" means to you. Do you mean exist as a human? Exist as an entity? Exist as love? When I said that there would be no problem creating any existence you wish, would still exist. Only without being, having cause and effect. Limited existence, could be by believing that by projecting yourself as say, a fleck of sand,  that the energy imputed to you could be so small or insignificant to your currant state of awareness, that it could feel like non- existence. Not that the sand has no existence. It does. Yet it impact on your spiritual development and progress could be far more limiting than an existence as a human. Although, perhaps all existences are necessary at one point. (Having had a oak tree communicate with me at TMI during an exploration session, I understanding is that everything exists as life energy.) So again, its about what you interpret as "exist".
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #11 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 12:28am
JustineS, If you get rid of you're beliefs and become ego-less your question wouldn't have even come up. You would know who you 'really' are. This is of course a lot harder than said from a standing start but if you make small steps towards this state,like Bruce said, in 5 years you will be a different person, albeit with the same name as today Smiley
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #12 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 2:58am
JustineS wrote on Oct 7th, 2008 at 3:33pm:
I really want to believe that it is possible for me to not exist for all of eternity if I don't want to. Do you think this is the case?!

Justine be carefull what you wish for...your wish for eternal nothing may stem from your present life and its fears/concerns/unhappiness.As Bruce so eloquently and beautifully said you are ignoring the fact of "ETERNAL CHANGE"! Your anxiety appears to come from a fixed belief that eternal life will be "Justine as she is now forever" I have meditated on that concept  a lot in the past.Then experiences came to me that taught me how wrong I was too fear that.Imagine you have already had many lives,you may or may not have any recall on them but if you did you would come to know that this life of yours "Justine" is one of many that have been lived before in space time.This is a sound reason we don't easily remember our past lives.Each life on this Earth level needs to be lived as a Divinely separate / complete existence..Discontinuous from the past , this is the way we can learn important lessons in the art of living,unhindered by past lives.Its like in school we go from class to class learning about different subjects..e.g. they don't teach Math in English class do they?Same with the Eternal University..Justine you are confronted right now with a beautifull lesson, please treasure your need for have created this conundrum for your own spiritual evolution,this is your personal private path you need to walk.Rather than approach your fear/concern  with such desperation and unhappiness why not just let go and let God?Your fear implies that you know better than ,what would you call it?I will say the unimaginable creator/energy /the underpinning of all that is. or as commonly stated  ..."GOD"..Just be prepared to look/.meditate /pray/ask/ for answers..If you truly ask for an answer to your fear and when you ask sincerely and deeply your answer will come.Don't expect the answer to come in any form you have observed before...for you this "NEW"..You see you cannot be at peace with your fear until you have had an answer from the Great Unknown...then your heart will be full of joy because the answer came from beyond your "Justine everyday self"Your suffering is good because it won't leave you till you get your answer!! You see the most important realizations often come when we suffer the most.The pain is your resistance to the Truth of What Is.All pain is only resistance to Truth.Just stay focused on your concept.You are nearly home.
Thankyou for sharing your fear with gives all of us an opportunity to deepen our understanding,we all share this at times.
All LOve
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Alan McDougall
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #13 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:41am

Your are not the same person you were as a child, physically your body has totally reprossed itself, your mind has changed from an innocent child into an adult, in the every changing moments that make up your total existence and enternal being.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: possible not to live for eternity?!
Reply #14 - Oct 14th, 2008 at 3:18pm

If you really dislike the idea of living forever, why don’t you go down on your knees and pray to god to annihilate you when you die,

He will oblige

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