My daughter had a white persion cat which got problems associated with age (this is set up in the dna before birth)
well, she was hanging on to him, like we do. Jay was his name. they had the closest relationship ever. this animal had the ability to communicate with humans telepathically.
my daughter had rescued the cat when it was a kitten, from a basement of her best friend's house, this due to the parents did not like cats, and to put a tiny kitten in a basement all alone, is like death to the kitten.
my daughter was visiting her friend and decided to go see the kitten downstairs.
whereupon she petted it and went to leave upstairs. Jay jumped on her leg and clung for dear life! she took him off her leg and she clung on again! So she got the idea, he was to go with her, and her friend agreed it would be best.
He was with her about 18 years I suppose. He saved her life once, in a sort of indirect manner, but he woke her up to the truth, or at the least, pointed her in the right direction.
a boyfriend she had, was a jealous man. He used to tell her how it would be so easy to put a pillow over her head and snuff her.
when the BF saw the love between my child and this cat, he became jealous and tried to squash the cat between the wall and the couch.
my child came running into the room when she heard Jay make that sound he made whenever he was really upset. I don't know if you've heard this particular sound, but it goes like this MOOOOOOWWOOOAHHHHH. and trust me, it's not a meow. it's a huge mowww. it would wake the dead frankly.
Due to jay's cry, my kid started to reconsider her choice of men friends. when it came time for Jay to leave us, as I said, she didn't want to even think of helping him go peacefully, even though he'd stopped eating for a week, was listless, etc.
what decided her, maybe she should ask a vet's opinion further, as she used to take him to the vet as he got older, but no vet can help you decide when to put the animal down. Jay did the same thing as Hope's cat. After being sluggish for days, Jay leaped up on my kid's lap, licked her on the nose, stared into her eyes, and seemed to say to her "it's time."
So the cat was the one who decided when it was time.
I have another story how they met up in the afterlife later. Not once but several times.
I'll quit for now.