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Choose this Day
Posts: 5249
yes I'm glad Bets and Blink experienced the waves, and Romain too?
I know what you're talking about, as have felt that before. but in this particular healing session there were no physical sensations for me in that regard. I think my astral body was experiencing what the physical did not. for some time now I have felt the sensation of being lighter in body, and any waves that come in, they seem more prominent in the solar plexes area, or the crown chakra. if we could see the group here as piano strings, sharing the construct of the piano structure as the board, we might be able to see our resonant tuning going on...
forgot to acknowledge Spooky's back of the neck thingy, yes, I had the same thoughts as Romain regarding there is the throat chakra located at the back and front of the neck, and the chakra has been opening up due to the singing. so I'm not surprised Spooky picks this up as he is a very good mystical yet logical explorer. my feeling, my thought.
well, hmm..maybe my next report to you guys is that I achieved, the skys the limit? oh yes, what a pun...