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Choose this Day
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hi George.
I think it's symbolic of spiritual origins. I think in our highest essence state of being, we are not with gender.
meaning within each unit of consciousness, in the beginning, before Earth was populated, you were both genders. both polarities combined. it was a nondual state of being. you were passive and active in the same spatial context. a being without physicality experience. fluid. at one with all other sparks of God..but with no physical experience within such a planet as this.
then the One split itself into two beings. thats where we get the concept of twin souls..your other half could be having a life over in China. someday you rejoin. (ok, sprinkle salt on this please!)
then the tree of knowledge represents to me, to take upon ourselves judgment of what is good, and what is bad.
along comes Monroe and reports to us there is no good, there is no bad. all just is.
now, George, I'm leaving you with that. this is the hardest thing for any of us to "get." but the state of consciousness attained by Monroe, whereby he says "there is no good, there is no bad" was the same state of consciousness symbolized by Adam and Eve, (also symbols themselves) it's the same state before they ate the apple.
Before they ate the apple, they were simply innocent of judgmental attitudes, because all judgment belongs to higher source.
to be judgmental is to project guilt unto someone else, so that we can feel innocent our own self.
God thinks we are having a nightmare. he waits to welcome us back home. He/She I should say.
just think George..we get to go home at some point! can't wait!