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I dont believe in adam and eve (Read 2437 times)
george stone
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I dont believe in adam and eve
Jul 25th, 2008 at 10:56pm
Because,as the story goes,god is said to tell them,you may eat of every tree in the garden.But you are not to eat of the tree in the mets of the garden,because on the day you do eat of it,you will surely die.Were they not supose to reproduce anyway? George.if eve did not eat of that tree,than they would not die,and all the people who ever lived,where would god put,not on this plain.makes no sense.
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Re: I dont believe in adam and eve
Reply #1 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 5:45am
As with most bible stories George there's a lot of ways of looking at it - it's very likely not a literal description of something that physically happened. 

The bible stories anyway may or may not all be genuine teachings (it's been messed around with a lot over the years to suit the ends of various interests), and even if they are they can be understood in a lot of different ways.

There's a view that the story is symbolic. It suggests that 'eating the fruit' was the perhaps a curiosity driven action by whatever entity it was (a part of God too) that dreamed our reality into existence  - the action that led to its finding itself separated from Source.

The action might have followed the arising of the question 'wonder what existence would be like as separate being?' Its curiosity might have  became strong enough that it ignored the caution..

But having imagined itself into separation (mind creates), it got scared and couldn't get back  - it only has to stop creating this alternate reality to return, but out of fear that it won't be forgiven it's sought ever since to justify its own creation.

Leading to the many ways all beings (but especially we ourselves) seek by mistaken means to end our suffering and make ourselves happy. The money, power, cars and external means thing. No matter how many times we prove they don't work we keep on trying, keep on circling in the same old goldfish bowl.

Most of us will go anywhere except inwards and back to God in the search for answers....
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Re: I dont believe in adam and eve
Reply #2 - Jul 27th, 2008 at 5:08pm
hi George.

I think it's symbolic of spiritual origins. I think in our highest essence state of being, we are not with gender.

meaning within each unit of consciousness, in the beginning, before Earth was populated, you were both genders. both polarities combined. it was a nondual state of being. you were passive and active in the same spatial context. a being without physicality experience. fluid. at one with all other sparks of God..but with no physical experience within such a planet as this.

then the One split itself into two beings. thats where we get the concept of twin souls..your other half could be having a life over in China. someday you rejoin. (ok, sprinkle salt on this please!)

then the tree of knowledge represents to me, to take upon ourselves judgment of what is good, and what is bad.

along comes Monroe and reports to us there is no good, there is no bad. all just is.

now, George, I'm leaving you with that. this is the hardest thing for any of us to "get." but the state of consciousness attained by Monroe, whereby he says "there is no good, there is no bad" was the same state of consciousness symbolized by Adam and Eve, (also symbols themselves) it's the same state before they ate the apple.

Before they ate the apple, they were simply innocent of judgmental attitudes, because all judgment belongs to higher source.

to be judgmental is to project guilt unto someone else, so that we can feel innocent our own self.

God thinks we are having a nightmare. he waits to welcome us back home. He/She I should say.

just think George..we get to go home at some point! can't wait!

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Old Dood
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Re: I dont believe in adam and eve
Reply #3 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 6:42am
I 'Think' of Adam & Eve as 4th Dimensional Beings.
This was their 'connection' to God.
After the 'eating of the Fruit of Knowledge' they fell back to 3rd Dimensional Beings.
BTW: It never said the fruit was an Apple. Wink hehe!
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Re: I dont believe in adam and eve
Reply #4 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:05am
I really suspect this story is kind of a "let's not have too many cooks in the kitchen" kind of story. God is supposed to have the last word.

Well, then, why make us? Humans are not really known for allowing anyone to have the "last" word. I agree with you, George. Why make curious creatures and leave something forbidden right in plain sight?

And, think about it. That's an awful lot of history in just a few paragraphs. I really tend to think that quite a lot of very crucial information was not included, don't you?

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Old Dood
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Re: I dont believe in adam and eve
Reply #5 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 9:55am
I really suspect this story is kind of a "let's not have too many cooks in the kitchen" kind of story. God is supposed to have the last word.

Well, then, why make us? Humans are not really known for allowing anyone to have the "last" word. I agree with you, George. Why make curious creatures and leave something forbidden right in plain sight?

And, think about it. That's an awful lot of history in just a few paragraphs. I really tend to think that quite a lot of very crucial information was not included, don't you?


Well maybe...just maybe the 'Story' is not really about the Creator/Source of all things....
Maybe this story is about other beings posing as The Creator....
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Re: I dont believe in adam and eve
Reply #6 - Jul 29th, 2008 at 9:41am
What it boils down to is just another story or vision somebody had which satisfies only to a certain point.

With Christians, the ministers are very fond of admonishing "obedience" to the word of God.
Problem is, comes a point where you might end up obeying someone else's definition of what God is. thus you have sheep.
I've been in churches where they all seem like sheep, saying baa at the same time. scared me bad.

you have to think about bible stories long and hard as there's so much symbols there, it's not straight up logic. then you have to weigh those stories against what you are actually experiencing in your own life, and your own visions count for something to look at.

so it wasn't an apple Dood? just some fruit? then maybe it could mean eating anything in general was to become a physical being, whereas before we were just curious spirit beings..

as you all know, we don't have to eat din din in spirit land to maintain a body...
and another complaint, it appears to me whoever wrote this part of the bible is saying that Eve is a dumb blonde who listens to serpents..

nice going. women then bear children in pain. thanks a lot!

when if you stop to think about it, Eve came from Adam with the rib thing. they are One being. so if you all don't mind, I'm tired of getting a bad rap here, to say I was disobedient to God to say eat this thing.

in this new age, I've discovered my spirit has been both male and female..the bible and references to reincarnation has been purposefully removed.

Women are equally loved of God. God moves in their relationship between them.  the serpent must represent a lust for knowledge, related to being judgmental and being guilty slobs here subject to the churchs admonitions to rule the sheep so they don't have to think for themselves. we are in kindergarten here still.
Search very deeply when reading anything, including the bible.
the truth is within, not without.
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