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Demon Spirit You must not say it's name (Read 8281 times)
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #15 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 2:33pm
Yes, asking for the light is always good, Juditha.

There have been times when I have been confronted with negative images, which feel very dark and actually rather nasty in appearance. They seem to be "personalities" which bring a heaviness with them.

Other times, I have seen what appear to be beings out of the corner of my eyes. When this happens I demand that it stop immediately. It does.

I think that meditating regularly, using healing imagery, can really help eliminate these experiences.

However, I know nothing of true obe experiences, not having "lifted out of the body" or done anything quite so "physical" so that does sound different. I do remember an experience many many years ago, alone in a stairwell in my apartment, when I really felt assaulted by some kind of negative "spiritual" force. I really felt attacked, and it was not at all like a "bad mood" or something imagined.

But, back then, I didn't understand the power of the light. I thought suffering was something to be endured. Which, it is, but not alone.

love, blink

Hi recoverer vajra and blink ,when i went to bed that night after i said something to the devil,i was not feeling scared or even thinking of demons and as i gotr in bed three dark cloaked figures ran past the end of the bed ,i saw them as clear as im seeing this computer screen and i did not feel scared then because i am used to seeing spirits in my bedroom and i layed down on my bed ready to read my book and then the vibration came in my head ,i was out of my body which i went back in my body really quick, and then i was paralised on the bed and thats when it started,i was shown this black hole with this really foul stench coming from it and i asked God to help me and God placed a shimmering white light around me and i knew then that God was by my side,these cloaked figures were swirling around and over me,anyway this stopped suddenly ,then there was white noise on my television and it was showing me and deanna on the screen at 14yrs old and our mother was on there as well and i was watching and experiencing this while awake not asleep,then the room went really quite and i was able to move my body again and i got through it because God protected me,but i did not go to bed thinking this was going to happen and was not thinking of demon spirits.So why did this happen to me.

Love and God bless love juditha

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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #16 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 2:53pm
R's story of the cartoonish laugh reminds me of a monster that was chasing me once, this was obe. other than that, I don't have a problem with dark figures, just that once time, and once long ago when I was being "initiated" into whether or not this one life was all I was gonna get. seemed like unfriendly spirits but now it seems they just wanted to scare me into the truth.

I told this one before Juditha, but it's so good I have to tell it again. It's about facing your fears.
once you face them, you find out theres nothing substantial there can hurt you.

it's sort of like that one time you punched a guy, for messing with your sister. that took guts. same with these figures you sometimes see. I wouldn't recomend punching them, but the idea behind the punch is that you face them by getting rid of your fear of them, exactly by asking for the light. and you are doing this.   so there I was breezing along as fast as my astral legs could go, and it seemed every night the same old game. a monster was always on my heels, and ugly as sin I might add, the thing didn't even bother to hide its teeth. finally, I'd had enough.
do you ever feel like you've had enough fun and games? that you're tired of running away?
Life has a way of showing us where we need to work on ourselves.

when I turned around to face this thing I was conquering fear, that I lived with daily. as I did so, the monster morphed cartoonishly, surprised that I was now changing the rules of the game, it said, but you created me! Now that you are seeing me, and not running, I lose my reason to be, and now it is I who must die! and with that it simply dissolved into nothing.

I took this to be a lesson to myself, to never run from anything, to always have the courage to face what is inside of me, even if there is something there I don't like about myself, I still have to face it before I can be a better person.

Love yourself Juditha. we are here for you.
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #17 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 3:05pm
Alysia's story reminds me of Rosemary Altea's story. For years she was scarred by what seemed to be the visitacion of an unfriendly spirit, until one night she looked it in the face and said "I'm not afraid of you," and whatever it was she experienced never came back.

One night I had a dream which said that one should stand up to whatever being is troubling one, whether this being be imaginary or actually exists.  Not that one should be egotistical about it. Rather one should have faith in ones connection to the light and one's freedom to choose.

One time I was shown a boat on the water and there weren't any waves. The boat made no progress on its journey. The point of this message was that if we don't experience some waves now and then, we get no where on our spiritual journey.
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« Last Edit: Jun 13th, 2008 at 8:02pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #18 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 4:18pm
Hi recoverer This clarvoiyant told me and deanna that we there was a curse layed on us on our 13th birthday.

Hi aylsia I have been back to my doctor and she has increased my anti depressants for night time,i am now taking 3 pills at night instead of one and i have got to see her again in two weeks,i told her of my suicidal thoughts and that i was stressing 24/7,so now she wants to see more reguarly,thanks for what you wrote to me and thanks to blink as well,these pills are really calming me down and making me feel very tired but they are helping me.

Love and God bless     love juditha
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #19 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 5:00pm
Hi Juditha. try not to get addicted to the pills, but I understand sometimes we need them.

I will offer a prayer to get the curse lifted. Let me know what happens. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #20 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 8:01pm
until one night she looked it in the face and said "I'm not afraid of you," and whatever it was she experienced never came back

"You!  Git!!" seems to work...I was at a pagan gathering once, someone was cleansing an area, the whole sage and blessings bit, and I said it was very nice - I usually used "You! Git!!"

She laughed and said yeah, that's what she'd do at home...

However, a little pomp and circumstance doesn't hurt, especially in a public place with lots of unkown influences.
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #21 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 7:11am
Juditha, I admire your courage and your persistence in tackling this difficult depression you have been facing. It may take some time, as you and your doctor find what works for you. It is great that you are doing the counseling as well. I know it's hard but it really sounds to me like you are doing the right things to help yourself move past your pain into a more peaceful time in your life. It's never easy to be a human being, but it's good to know there are people who can help when it's necessary, and they are glad to do it.

love, blink

Hi recoverer This clarvoiyant told me and deanna that we there was a curse layed on us on our 13th birthday.

Hi aylsia I have been back to my doctor and she has increased my anti depressants for night time,i am now taking 3 pills at night instead of one and i have got to see her again in two weeks,i told her of my suicidal thoughts and that i was stressing 24/7,so now she wants to see more reguarly,thanks for what you wrote to me and thanks to blink as well,these pills are really calming me down and making me feel very tired but they are helping me.

Love and God bless     love juditha

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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #22 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 12:23pm

As opposed to believing what the medium had to say about a curse, perhaps you should pray and find out for yourself if such a curse exists.
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #23 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 1:56pm
recoverer wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 12:23pm:

As opposed to believing what the medium had to say about a curse, perhaps you should pray and find out for yourself if such a curse exists.

Bingo!  Juditha, what if there's no curse but just that you BELIEVE what you have been told?

belief is a powerful thing. since you know how to pray, I think you can turn this around by R's suggestion. and I like Crickets way of doing the same thing. we're rooting for you dearlite!
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #24 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 2:21pm
when I do spiritual work as retrievals, I always covered myself with  the great power of the spiritual divine light, I imagine myself in a big light bubble, I have heard people of spiritual advancement, That the spiritual light is the most powerful that can be used for protection!,

I once I felt a negative presence near to me, I immediately seek protection in the spiritual and divine light, I also ask to the divine light to help that entity to "understand", "accept" and "find" its way in the spiritual life... later I fell that the entity left away.

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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #25 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 3:07am
surrounding one's self in the Light through visualization is a great way to deal with these things Juan. thanks for the reminder.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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