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Demon Spirit You must not say it's name (Read 8272 times)
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Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Jun 12th, 2008 at 1:57pm
Hi I watched this programme on television last night and it was about this group of students that go around investigating spirit activitie in peoples homes,one of the students started this group up after experiencing spirit activitie through his childhood and some of this was very frightning as some spirits that came in his bedroom were bad ones.He was actually given Holy Water in the end ,which he used to throw towards these bad spirits and it did help keep them away.

Most haunted places that him and the other students go,they manage to help the families understand what's round them and help them to be strong and cope with it,anyway this home they visited ,a 8yr old little boy was living there with his parents and he was telling his parents that he was seeing spirits in his bedroom and some were scaring him as they were very dark figures and this little boy said that one spirit was called Timmy,but when the students stayed the night with there equipment ,they picked up voice phenonema and this voice kept saying"Get Out" and also they had to invite this medium in the next night because they had picked up a lot of spirit activitie the night before.

When the medium went into the little boy's bedroom,he picked up on this demon spirit and when they had this seannce,this demon came through and gave the medium its name,which the medium wrote down on a peice of paper and the student in the group who had suffered himself as a child through bad spirits,had been having this occuring dream of walking through this long corridor,with many doors and in this dream behind one of these doors was this demon spirit,but he always woke up just before he had eye contact with it and in this dream ,this demon had given him his name.

Anyway the medium in the seance held this folded peice of paper up to this student and the medium asked this student to look at this name on this paper and when the student looked at it,he said "This is the name of this demon he had been dreaming about for so long" and this student now believes that one day he will have to have a confrontation with this demon, as this demon seems to follow him whereever he goes and also this student told the medium that he must not say the name of this demon unless he wants a full confrontation with it and this student will not say this demons name as he knows that this demon will seriously take him on, though he did say that oneday he may have no choice but to take this demon on in full confrontation as he feels this demon will not stop until he does.

I really beleive there are demon spirits around but i never heard of that before ,that you must not say the demon's name ,if it is given to you,i felt sorry for that student as that demon keeps coming in his dreams and will not let him alone.
I wondered have any of you ever heard this that you must not use a demons name or you will be in full confrontation with it.

Love and God bless    love juditha
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #1 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 2:50pm
I figure that if this so called demon had any power it would've done something by now. That business of not saying its name sounds like fairy tale business.  How can simply saying a name add up to anything? If a person writes or says "devil" is that person going to be in trouble? Considering how many people have said or written devil I doubt this is the case.

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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #2 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 3:39pm
Hi recoverer This demon had been with this student since he was a child, i had my own fight with demon spirit and it was the devil and three of his cloaked figures but God helped me out and it was not a good experience but it made me strong against evil spirits.

I was talking to a medium the other day about myself as a medium and she said "its fine being a medium but dont spirit put you through it"meaning that you go through an experience with demon spirits to make you strong ,if you come up against these things at anytime in your life as a medium.

This student for some reason will not say its name and this medium would not either so there must be something in it and i dont think it matters if you say devil but perhaprs with some demons it does matter,there are many things in heaven and earth that we find out along the way.

Love and God bless  love juditha
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #3 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 4:02pm
Juditha said:  "there are many things in heaven and earth that we find out along the way."

Recoverer responds: I've found out in various ways that there is no such being who is called satan or devil. If this being doesn't exist, certainly his demons don't exist. 

I don't understand why people insist on believing in demons without being able to explain what they are.  I believe there are some former human spirits who are unfriendly, but I don't believe they have a lot of power. The experiences I've had have told me they'll try to taunt and scare you, but if you if have more faith in your connection to the light than their halloween tactics, they can't harm you and can only scurry away dissapointed with the hope that somebody else will believe that they are more powerful than they are.

Perhaps some of them claim to be demons because they realize that some people will believe that they have a lot of power if they believe they are some kind of satan based demon.  In the end what gets a person is a person's own beliefs.

One thing I've noticed is that when people are supposedly troubled by demons, the people who surround such people aren't also troubled by demons.  If a person is actually troubled by a demon, then why doesn't the allies of such a demon do something to cause problems for the people who live with such a person or try to help such a person?

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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #4 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 4:19pm
Hi recoverer I agree with you that there are unfriendly spirits but that night why is it when i said to the devil that he could not win God in a battle and i said i dont beleive in you only God and i was put through it by this devil or unfriendly spirit but i stood up to it and it could not hurt me but i was paralysed on the bed and this thing would not let me move and also this caused me to come out of my body and i was strong because of my beleif in God,so i have had my own confrontation thats why i beleive there is something out there devil or not there is something out there .

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #5 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 4:39pm

I've had a number of experiences with unfriendly spirits, and each time I found that such spirits couldn't harm me.  I believe there are four possibilities when it comes to unfriendly spirit encounters:

1. Because of our belief we meet an imaginary unfriendly spirit that our own mind created, similar to the Banshee experience Bruce Moen wrote about.
2. Similar to the above but somewhat different, a negative aspect of mind comes to life.
3. An actual unfriendly spirit pays us a visit.
4. Our higher self/spirit guidance create what seem to be unfriendly spirits so we can deal with them and get over our fears. This possibility might seem a bit much, but it is important to remember that our higher self/spirit guidance looks at the issue from a higher perspective, and the main thing they want to do is help us get over our fear so we can grow. We need to get to the point where we realize that nothing can harm the spirit beings we are. I know this is true because my higher self/spirit guidance has created some negative experiences to help me grow,  and I can't thank them enough for doing so.  Perhaps some of your creepy experiences occurred because your higher self/spirit guidance was trying to let you know that you have nothing to be afraid of. Otherwise an unfriendly spirit would've gotten the best of you by now.

I've found that things can develop to the point where you can see a really creepy spirit image and not be effected at all. Halloween costumes, that's all it is, when an unfriendly spirit shows a creepy face. Spirit energy doesn't look like anything specific until we shape it in a particular way.

Hi recoverer I agree with you that there are unfriendly spirits but that night why is it when i said to the devil that he could not win God in a battle and i said i dont beleive in you only God and i was put through it by this devil or unfriendly spirit but i stood up to it and it could not hurt me but i was paralysed on the bed and this thing would not let me move and also this caused me to come out of my body and i was strong because of my beleif in God,so i have had my own confrontation thats why i beleive there is something out there devil or not there is something out there .

Love and God bless   love juditha

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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #6 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 5:28pm
I can't quite follow that. Re: #4) our higher self "creates" what "seems" to be an unfriendly spirit.

I would like to just step in for a moment, Juditha, to validate for you that what you experienced is real - for you - and it is okay for you to describe your experience in whatever language you feel is accurate.

Although I think Recoverer makes some excellent points, I think, in general, we need to be careful not to give the impression that people who experience frightening things are "making it up" in their own minds.

So, I am not disagreeing with either of you here, but just making a note of the fact that we understand these experiences differently, because of our own unique histories and cultural influences. Nothing wrong with that, especially if we strive to understand each other.

love, blink
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #7 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 6:00pm

My higher self/spirit guidance has created all kinds of dreams and out of body experiences that have helped me learn different things.  On some occasions they created experiences where I dealt with an unfriendly spirit in a way where it wasn't obvious that they created the experience until after the experience was over and I had a little time to reflect upon it.

Why would they do such a thing? Because as long as I came out ahead such an experience would be a no lose situation because if my own mind was responsible in the end it didn't get the best of me.  If an actual unfriendly spirit was responsible, it didn't get the best of me.  If my higher self/spirit guidance created the experience it did so in order to tell me in a very direct way that I don't have anything to worry about because in either case I always come out ahead.

I've found that going through such experiences has helped me get over my fears more than thinking about things would accomplish. There is nothing like experience. These experiences were progressive. Each time I would respond with more courage until I got to the point where I could stand up to whatever without fear. Eventually, I could laugh at whatever it was that tried to give me the rasberries.  I must add that these experiences seemed quite real as they happened.

I agree with you that people need to be careful about what precisely they are dealing with. It is good to look for clues as to whether an OBE included an actual unfriendly spirit, or was a creation. The key clue I had during these experiences is they would always end with my being in a bed (and/or room)  other than my own  (a hard thing to notice when dealing with an unfriendly entity), until I made the subtle shift to waking state consciousness.

It is also a matter of trust.  I know that I can trust my higher self/spirit guidance. They wouldn't create a just pretend negative experience, if they didn't mean to show me that in the end nothing can hurt me.

Regarding Bruce Moen's Banshee example, if I remember correctly, once Bruce got the troubled man to direct PUL to the Banshee he created, the Banshee went away.  If a person has similar success this could provide a clue to what ails he or she.

There have also been some experiences that actually did involve unfriendly spirits, and they couldn't hurt me either. These momentary experiences happened while I was fully awake.
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« Last Edit: Jun 12th, 2008 at 8:14pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #8 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 8:21am
Very nice explanation, R, thanks.

It is interesting to read about the places where actual unfriendly spirits have been found in your case. That location of your physical body during sleep might be important?

I have been practicing the use of an expanded "light shield" from which to operate during my daily life. It is necessary for me to raise my energy to deal with some negativity and pressing obligations.  It seems to work until I forget about it.


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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #9 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 8:45am
It's possible that the instruction to not say the name is just a device to avoid the possibility of (especially the more broody) the subject getting fixated on it. Because when we do that we risk obsessing about it - pouring energy into it, and so creating a 'demon' (in the Tibetan Buddhist sense of it being actually a part of us, but one we fear) in our own mind.

I guess it's inevitable too that a dualistic world and afterlife realm (bardo system in Tibetan Buddhist terms again) that doesn't perfectly integrate yin and yang will inevitably result in our perceiving negative entities and experiences based on expressions of these at times.

Probably (according to Buddhist teaching anyway) the result of our not having yet fully integrated these opposites within our own mind/consciousness. Remembering that everything we perceive (or bring into existence out of the void/source) is the creation of our own mind...
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #10 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 9:10am
I've found that things can develop to the point where you can see a really creepy spirit image and not be effected at all. Halloween costumes, that's all it is, when an unfriendly spirit shows a creepy face. Spirit energy doesn't look like anything specific until we shape it in a particular way.

Yep.  I was thinking "Why aren't "evil" spirits interested in me?  I was a tad hurt...and then it occured to me, that they are, sort of.

Or rather, spirits that look and act extremely "evil" and threatening occasionally show up (there's sort of a portal or something in my bedroom) and go all Hollywood - swooping about, rushing up in my face, threatening to eat my soul or some other nonsense.  Only I'm not thinking of them as "evil spirits", I'm thinking of them as ill-behaved children.  (These are "sensed", most of the time not visible to the physical eye).

It definitely is a matter of perception - my daughter, until she learned to deal with them, and her high school boyfriend, who never did, used to be totally freaked out (it used to be her room).

I think she finally learned to deal about the third time she had to come get me up at two in the morning to run them off - I think she decided that in a contest between demons and her mother awakened at an ungodly hour, mother was infinitely scarier.

It does just occur to me that that sort of answers one part of the general question - in this particular case they were apparently seperate entities of some sort - at least three seperate people saw/encountered/sensed them.
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #11 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 12:51pm
Let me put it this way, one night I had a dream which in a symbolic way said that if you don't do what they do, don't go where they go, and don't mess with them, they won't mess with you.  "They" being unfriendly spirits.

Since I decided to make myself available for retrievel work wherever, some of these unfriendly spirits will occasionally make contact with me while helping with retrievels in lower realms. The contact doesn't last once I'm no longer in contact with such a realm. I always tell such spirits to go to the light or something to that effect. They've never been able to do anything to harm me.  I'm not talking about demons. I'm talking about former human spirits. They do similar to what Cricket wrote, rush me in a hostile manner with the hope of scaring me, or they'll say something unfriendly. Sometimes they create Hollywood like demonic faces. One night my spirit guidance told me, "You never take a look behind them (these images). I understood what my guidance meant. The images are just facades, even if they do come from spirits with unfriendly intent. How can an image, no matter creepy, have any power?
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #12 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 1:36pm
Hi recoverer vajra and blink ,when i went to bed that night after i said something to the devil,i was not feeling scared or even thinking of demons and as i gotr in bed three dark cloaked figures ran past the end of the bed ,i saw them as clear as im seeing this computer screen and i did not feel scared then because i am used to seeing spirits in my bedroom and i layed down on my bed ready to read my book and then the vibration came in my head ,i was out of my body which i went back in my body really quick, and then i was paralised on the bed and thats when it started,i was shown this black hole with this really foul stench coming from it and i asked God to help me and God placed a shimmering white light around me and i knew then that God was by my side,these cloaked figures were swirling around and over me,anyway this stopped suddenly ,then there was white noise on my television and it was showing me and deanna on the screen at 14yrs old and our mother was on there as well and i was watching and experiencing this while awake not asleep,then the room went really quite and i was able to move my body again and i got through it because God protected me,but i did not go to bed thinking this was going to happen and was not thinking of demon spirits.So why did this happen to me.

Love and God bless love juditha
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #13 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 2:20pm
Hi recoverer vajra and blink ,when i went to bed that night after i said something to the devil,i was not feeling scared or even thinking of demons and as i gotr in bed three dark cloaked figures ran past the end of the bed ,i saw them as clear as im seeing this computer screen and i did not feel scared then because i am used to seeing spirits in my bedroom and i layed down on my bed ready to read my book and then the vibration came in my head ,i was out of my body which i went back in my body really quick, and then i was paralised on the bed and thats when it started,i was shown this black hole with this really foul stench coming from it and i asked God to help me and God placed a shimmering white light around me and i knew then that God was by my side,these cloaked figures were swirling around and over me,anyway this stopped suddenly ,then there was white noise on my television and it was showing me and deanna on the screen at 14yrs old and our mother was on there as well and i was watching and experiencing this while awake not asleep,then the room went really quite and i was able to move my body again and i got through it because God protected me,but i did not go to bed thinking this was going to happen and was not thinking of demon spirits.So why did this happen to me.

Love and God bless love juditha

I'm thinking why it happened is that you are one curious soul, and seeking answers all the time, but you're growing, I can see that. the important part is how you asked God for help. Then a shimmering white light was around you. Do you see the importance of how when you ask God for help you always seem to get it?
In a way, you could see it that your higher self is plugged into God and sends you what you need in all circumstances, so you are developing strong faith this way. As you and I know, despite others don't believe in the faith idea, it's way more than just believing in God.
Remember what JC said when healings occurred? He said "your faith has made you whole."

And your faith is now showing you how strong you are. Juditha, you may be serving others in the future with your medium abilities, therefore, you are being put thru some incredible experiences that you try to share with us here.
Sometimes we get worried about you. But I have faith in you. Soon, you will understand why these happen and why you are safe from all harm.

Those black cloaked figures do not appear to have any real substance and cannot harm you. I've seen some of them. they are like mesquitos, annoying, but pay them no heed.

love, alysia
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Re: Demon Spirit You must not say it's name
Reply #14 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 2:20pm

I notice that you were able to move your body "after" you saw you and Deanna on your television set.  This suggests that you were able to see what you saw because you were in an altered state of consciousness.  If another person was in the room, chances are they would not of been able to experience what you experienced.   What you saw on the TV was probably a clue from your spirit friends/guidance.  It was a way of letting you know that you were experiencing an alternate reality,  and this alternate reality included some parts of your waking state World.

It it possible that your spirit friends created this experience so you would learn that as long as you choose God, love and light, nothing can harm you. It is completely up to you.

Here's an example of one of my experiences.  I was laying in bed and to my left a couple of evil beings walked up a stairwell that led to a hatch on the floor of my room (this hatch doesn't exist), my carpet lifted up, and these two beings walked to my bed to attack me.  While this happened I could hear a little critter with a demonic yet cartoonish laugh laughing by the right side of my face as he watched these two beings come after me. When this experience happened it felt as if I was awake. I told the beings to stop living the way they are living and to go to the light. The experience ended and I realized how ridiculous the laugh of the critter to my right was. I started laughing and realized that my higher self/spirit guidance created the experience. I've had other experiences that seemed just as real when they happened, but once they were over I could tell they were nothing more but simulations.

The reason I believe your spirit guidance might've created your experience is because 1) there is no actual devil being who can respond to you; 2) the cloaked figures were too fairy tale like in nature; 3) if any spirit is liable to be there it would be your spirit friends; 4)  your willingness to take on the devil because you no longer wanted to have fear of him, was a sign to your spirit friends that you were willing to have an experience which would clearly demonstrate to you that you don't have to be afraid of an evil spirit harming you because spirits who represent the light will "always" be available to assist you; and 5) again, what you saw on the TV was a clue.  Is there something special about when you and Deanna were 13?  Do you have a television set in your bedroom?

Just a couple points about the satan myth. Some people believe he's a fallen angel that is spoken about in the book of Isiah.  Originally the book of Isiah only spoke of a fallen king of Babylonia. A physical person. More than 800 years later fallen angel language was added.  What rational reason could there be for such an inclusion other than the translators wanted to glamorize what took place?  Some people believe that the book of revelations supports the fallen angel concept. If one looks closely at the words attributed to Jesus at the beginning of the book of revelations, it is clear that when he says satan he is speaking of Roman people, not a fallen angel.  When it comes to the seven headed dragon, this dragon isn't an actual being.  Each of this dragon's heads represents a hill in Rome. John, the author of the book of revelations, had to speak in highly symbolic terms because he was writing a letter to the Christian churches that existed during the time period in a manner that he hoped the Romans wouldn't be able to decipher. 666 was the code for Nero. Regarding the demons spoken of in the gospels, it is possible that since these gospels were written 60-100 years after Jesus lived, and were translated in various ways, that such language doesn't accurately speak of what took place. It is interesting to note that Matthew, Mark and Luke which are very similar to each other speak of exorcisms, while the Gospel of John doesn't speak of exorcisms one single time.  Some say that Matthew, Mark and Luke come from one source.

Even if demons do exist, your experiences show you that you don't have to worry about them as long as you choose God, love and light.   It is really important to get rid of whatever fears we have, because when we do so we are more able to open up to love and our life becomes more peaceful and joyful.
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