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Power of Prayers (Read 7313 times)
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #15 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 1:06pm
Hi Linh, your post touches me greatly, that you can share with us your agony right now, that you have us and consider us familiar friends. that alone shows what a loving person you are.

aren't you the one who asked us once whether to get married or not?

so long ago, but not really.  you were a beautiful soul then and remain so. when I read your latest post I saw in my mind, you and the child have been together before, in another time, and that this bond you have with this soul continues after death, that somehow the suffering you go through will make you stronger, will make the bond a mark of your courage to love, protect and guide this soul with your love even stronger and eternal as well.

your beauty is awesome Linh. we are with you.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #16 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 1:11pm
Hi Linh. I hope I'm not being insensitive, but there's nothing whatsoever to be gained from guilt, and it's not required of us. It's not even helpful. It's only about learning, and these hard times get to us in a way that (even if it takes a while to dawn) makes possible all sorts of amazing insight.

I've been through several instances of serious illness in myself and others, and have learned this first hand. It's when you feel that raw emotion that the barriers drop. Step into it, feel it and draw on it. The more awake we are in these circumstances, the more strength we seem to find or be given.

All that's required of us is to see, to learn, and to move on. Guilt is not only unnecessary, it blocks true seeing - sets up a scenario where we tend to blame ourselves for what's not of our making, or was unavoidable, or at least only partially within our span of control.

This isn't always easy - it generally takes a lot more courage to see things as they are than it does to retreat into beating up on ourselves, or blaming others. With a very few exceptions we all do the best we can at all times.

We all hope it'll go well for Aiden, and are giving it our best shot. But whatever the outcome, please don't be hard on yourself. Remember that no matter how painful it is at the time, events are somehow rolling out exactly as they need to -  every moment of the way.

Pain is pain, and sorrow is a part of life. That's not going to go away soon, but coming to terms with events is ultimately a matter of finding the right perspective to view things from ...
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #17 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 1:00am
Thank You All for your sending your love towards my way. At this time, the results from the spinal tap have not come in... but the lesion can be a demyelinating disease (multiple sclerosis, ADEM) or a brain tumor. The doctor was able to rule out menginitis (infection).   Collectively, lets pray it is not a brain tumor and have hope it is only ADEM, not MS.

Alysia, I was actually the one who asked if I should bring a child into this world in 2005. I love my son to death, but it brings me tears to see how much he has suffer in his 2.5 years of life. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring in here.
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Linh Linh petite_001  
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Choose this Day

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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #18 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 2:15pm
Linh wrote on Jun 16th, 2008 at 1:00am:
Thank You All for your sending your love towards my way. At this time, the results from the spinal tap have not come in... but the lesion can be a demyelinating disease (multiple sclerosis, ADEM) or a brain tumor. The doctor was able to rule out menginitis (infection).   Collectively, lets pray it is not a brain tumor and have hope it is only ADEM, not MS.

Alysia, I was actually the one who asked if I should bring a child into this world in 2005. I love my son to death, but it brings me tears to see how much he has suffer in his 2.5 years of life. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring in here.

thanks for the update Linh. yes I remember you. I can't say it was or wasn't a good idea to give birth to him, only that we don't have an overview handy right at the moment as to why we go through this suffering. it becomes clear sometimes only after we've lived many years why we go thru these ordeals. mainly, the human passing here tends to heap guilty thoughts upon their own self needlessly, when feeling guilty or that we did something wrong doesn't really teach us anything spiritually. feeling guilty is a dead end thinking. you're doing what your supposed to do, by staying by his side. somebody has to stay there. he senses your presence.

all I can say for sure is to love the little bugger and love is what is healing, although we don't know whether he will live or go back home, or why. the love is eternal and helps his soul. as well we all here, supporting you however we can do that.

let me just share what I can about short lives, although you might get yourself a miracle, if you can believe in miracles of healing; it is a possibility you know.
my husband I only got to be with him for 13 years of this life. he was my soulmate. I was supposed to meet him and I knew that. after he left I used to think I was cheated from his mind went on like this for some time, how we were supposed to be together many years..according to my little mind, which is like C1, limited perspective.

Then I got to the point from meditation and time going by, which heals all wounds eventually, that I was flat out lucky I even had 13 years with him here. what if I'd never met him? things might have turned out not so good. I might not have wanted to stay on the Earth, etc....a lot of questions and answers play out in time which makes us feel grateful in the end for the time we did spend with loved ones and not regret what we didn't have with them.
and the strange way we met, and how I just "knew" him, that told me there was a plan here on this Earth that we are not privy to in C1.
but someday we will be privy to it.

frankly, I was lucky I had that time with him because of how unique he was.

I'm sure that love is causing your suffering for your baby, and you'll know why this happened later on, in the meantime, u can start visualizing a miracle to happen; and your love is healing, maybe it will happen through you. let yourself believe in miracles. you'll see. and we are still asking for a miracle for you. I believe in miracles. I believe in angels. I believe we deserve miracles.

and for whatever reason, you can hear me speak to you from these words on the internet and get some hope going on there. it could be, he's being called home. on the other hand, maybe you have more to do with him being called home than at first glance.
maybe you can talk to his higher self. It's worth a try while you're sitting there in that hard chair you told us about. see what you can hear from spirit. love to you!
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #19 - Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:01am

I know that it is possible for life to look, sometimes, as

if it's going downhill, as if everything is falling apart. But

consider this: When life is 'falling apart' things could

actually be falling together...maybe for the first time.

Try to not see things that are not there -- and do not fail to

see things that are...

You will not have to think but a second to know

exactly why your reading this today.

Hugs to you and your family,
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #20 - Jun 19th, 2008 at 2:59pm
Nanner and others,

I realize that going through this hard times with my son have helped me become a stronger woman. I have been dating a man for 2.5 month who did not put effort into the relationship. I like him so much that I tolerated this negative aspect about him. Had my son not have gotten sick, I would still have stayed with my boyfriend and allowed him to treat me indifferently.

As of yesterday, my boyfriend and I broke up. I didn't try to run back to him. In fact, I told him how I felt about him not being emotionally there for me while my son was in the hospital. Break ups are still very painful to go through, but I realize I needed a partner in life who would be there for me when bad things like this happens. Only when you are suffering do you know who are true to you. Fortunately, I found out real quick that Scott was not the one for me.

FYI: My son is still at Kaiser. I just got a call from my Ex husband and he said the spinal tap results came back and it was negative. Only option is a brain tumor... please pray for  him even more.
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Linh Linh petite_001  
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #21 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 3:40pm
Yes, Linh, this is when you find out who you really are. I am continuing to send love and light to you and your dear son.

love, blink
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #22 - Jun 26th, 2008 at 8:15am
Brief picture in meditation....a Healer has touched Aiden's hand.

love, blink
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Re: Power of Prayers
Reply #23 - Jun 26th, 2008 at 1:46pm
Here are pictures of my son at the hospital.

My son got his brain biopsy as of June 23rd, 2008. We are not waiting for the pathologist's to determine what these brain lesions are...

Please continue to work your magic on my son...

Here are my positive thoughts..
I envision my son leaving the h0spital by July 4th.
He regains the movements in his left extremities.
His cognitive abilities are intact.
His brain lesions magically disppears...
He enjoying the summer activities - swimming, Chuck E Cheese, going to the park, feeling the sunlight on his body - being a healthy, vibrant toddler.
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Linh Linh petite_001  
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