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hitler is in heaven (Read 21944 times)
Old Dood
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #30 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 9:37pm
Are you angry with God, for visiting you this way? Through human beings who see things differently than you do?

I have had to ask myself that question. But, no, I choose not to be angry, not today. Not now. It is always my choice, to believe, not to believe, to agree, to disagree, to be angry, to be at peace.

Much love to each of you, and may you, each and all, find the happiness you seek.

love, blink

This is what I am 'learning' (the hard way of course. hehe)
That is we ALL have 'choices' to make.  ALL the time. We choose how we will react, or feel, or manifest.
'We Choose' how we are going to feel, react. 'We Choose' if we are going to be angry or happy.
From the day we are 'born' and even before that and after we pass on.
This is becoming more clear to me. That doesn't mean I make the correct choices. (DOH! Wink)  For me anyways.
This is also where our own judgements of ourselves comes into play too.  AFTER whatever 'choices' we have made.
We can be hard on ourselves and not give ourselves the benefit of the doubt.

I realize with most of you all here that this is second nature to yourselves.  
Many of you have already figured this out for the most part.
Then again it never hurts to remind ourselves. Or simply put: 'Getting Back To Basics...'

The 'trick' for me is to try to not judge myself to harshly. Nothing wrong with re-evaluating your 'choices' over time.
BUT, to allow ourselves to 'feel guilty' over a choice that has been made no matter what it is can slow us down in our attempt to enlighten ourselves.

For me when dealing with 'God' (Or as I call this being: The Source of All things) is to not put God in a 'box'.(*See Below)
Not to make parameters for this being. God is beyond our full comprehension.
I myself cannot actually ever be 'angry' with God. God never can do anything to warrant that.
God would not be God (the Source) if God cause any hurts, damage, pain, suffering, etc in our lives.
We have Freedom of Will/Choice.  That is the 'Cause & Effect' on our own lives.

I personally cannot see a God or the Source of All things ever having a motive/agenda that will result in any harm toward anyone or anything.
God HAS to allow our own Freedom of Will.  That Freedom of Will/choice IS the Cause & Effect with other peoples lives. No matter how many lives that will entail.
God only wants to Love.  God also wants to experience life.  So that tells me God is still learning as well.

* The reason why I do not care for the term God anymore is this. It gives God (The Source of ALl Things) a human personality.
It can 'limit' God so to speak.
When I hear the term God I think of a Zeus type character that sits on a throne.
A character that has a book that says if we are Naughty or Nice and if we do not measure up then we get a 'lightening Bolt' for our misdeeds.
Or...get sent to this very nasty place.  That does not add up for me.
Any of this make any sense? I am real fatigued at the moment but, I had a real need to share this for some reason or another. Smiley
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #31 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 10:32am
Hi Dood. I think you're with others getting to the point there.

It's really not possible to argue for an all knowing, all loving God (whatever 'God' means) without accepting that WW2 and all the negativity in the world is happening if not to an exact plan at least within a love inspired envelope of possibility (free will as you say is presumably in there too)  - that it's all heading towards a higher purpose.

Alternatives are to argue that there's lots of nasty stuff going on that's not supposed to be which blows any idea of Godly omnipotence (it heads us towards positing an independently existing evil force/devil that gets to call the shots a lot of the time, who could even get the upper hand in the end), or that there's a vengeful old testament God which blows any idea of universal love.

It's hard too (despite heavy conditioning by propaganda that has long sought to manufacture and demonise 'evildoers' as a simple means of manipulating public opinion) to pin the blame for it all on Adolf, when clearly he'd have been left ranting on a street corner and would have died in obscurity had he not caught the zeitgeist of his time. He was no more than a catalyst.

We all reach our own view on these things and must do so, but it's possible to sort the apparent problems by taking a higher and much less personalised view.

We do much of our learning when the  urge for short term selfish advantage collides with the fact that these behaviours don't actually bring happiness, and instead lead to suffering - we're forced to step back and re-evaluate, and often come to  'see' the error of our ways. We in contrast don't often do much to get out of the trough when life is good.

From the higher view death becomes a much less significant event. When the 'unreality' of worldly events viewed from the absolute (the ACIM or Eastern view) is also factored in, then it all becomes much more like a dream, or a convincing and very real simulation undertaken for the purpose of learning or whatever.

Meditative experience suggests that while we manifest in life as individuals, that this is (as many of you know) only a very superficial view of the reality.

It's clear that Adolf did wrong at an individual level, and he presumably incurred karmic debts because of this, but he was also the catalyst of a major  global learning experience that broke down the old attitudes and social structures in a way that led the enormous awakening that has occurred since.

But no more than the catalyst. It's clear too that the war emerged out of the geopolitical situation and heavily militaristic, hierarchical  and aggression based popular attitudes of the time, that if whole populations and countries had not been stuck in an imperial world view, and not been prepared to sh1t on others that it could not have happened.

Buddhism at it's most basic level (the four noble truths) teaches that the suffering in the world arises at the most basic level from our tendency to presume the existence of an individual self, and to out of this view grasp after pleasure and survival and avoidance of pain (all an impossibility) without regard for others or for the world.

That the world makes sense when we rise above this view and become able to accept the reality of impermanence. Perhaps our task in all of this is to in this way seek to raise our view.....
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #32 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:02pm
Hi If i saw this jon fox halarion face to face i would tell him that i am fed up with God being blamed when someone like hitler does this evil  on earth and i would say to him "God led the jewish people out of eygpt to freedom ,so why would God send someone like hitler to persecute and murder the  jewish people years later.God is no way asked that evil murdering piece of rotten flesh adolf hitler to kill the jews,God had nothing to do with it and i hope if hitler had a life review that he felt all the pain that he caused on earth and he deserves to stay for all eternity feeling that pain he gave so unmercifully to the jewish people,i hope hes in a living hell and is never allowed out.

I beleive in love and forgiveness but hitler will never get any love and forgiveness from me,theres some things you just cant forgive and hitler is one of them.Hitler was not mental just pure evil and sadistic,the devils righthand man,he  shot himself and his so called girlfriend,he had no guts to face the court rooms for his actions on earth,but he has not escaped justice in the spiritworld,hes on the lowest plain with all the other evil crap and thats were he belongs.

Love and God bless all the jewish men,women and children that died in the gas chambers and concentration camps,by the grace of God may they rest in peace.

Love and God bless    love juditha
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Old Dood
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #33 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:28pm
Hi If i saw this jon fox halarion face to face i would tell him that i am fed up with God being blamed when someone like hitler does this evil  on earth and i would say to him "God led the jewish people out of eygpt to freedom ,so why would God send someone like hitler to persecute and murder the  jewish people years later.God is no way asked that evil murdering piece of rotten flesh adolf hitler to kill the jews,God had nothing to do with it and i hope if hitler had a life review that he felt all the pain that he caused on earth and he deserves to stay for all eternity feeling that pain he gave so unmercifully to the jewish people,i hope hes in a living hell and is never allowed out.

I beleive in love and forgiveness but hitler will never get any love and forgiveness from me,theres some things you just cant forgive and hitler is one of them.

Love and God bless all the jewish men,women and children that died in the gas chambers and concentration camps,by the grace of God may they rest in peace.

Love and God bless    love juditha

With all due respect if that statement of yours that I colored in red is true then you do not believe in Love & Forgiveness.
Lets be honest shall we?

If I remember correctly that Saul (that became Paul) was just as bad as any Hitler and he was forgiven.
In fact the point of that was to show that no one is singled out for no matter what they say or do.
All is forgiven! All without Exception!

By 'Grace Ye are Saved...'  correct? Not by any works or deeds.

This is one reason as to why I do not follow any earth religion.  Religion does not have real answers. Religion does not like to be questioned.
Religion is Static. Religion will fight change tooth and nail. Religion is not about spirituality.  Religion is about control.
And for that this is why I will always state that the Source of All Things (God if you will) is not 'religious'.
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #34 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:43pm
Hi old Dood  I do beleive in love and forgiveness,i love God and God knows that  i have said this,that hitler  desrves no forgiveness because that is how i feel about it but God knows this and i hope that God will forgive me for saying this but i still give no forgiveness to hitler.
The difference between (Saul) Paul and hitler is that Paul eventually turned to Gods  love and gave out love and light but hitler still stayed with the darkside to the very end of his life.

Love and God bless  love juditha
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #35 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 1:00pm
Hi george You are judgeing others on here saying we are not forgiving,God did not appoint you as judge and jury for the rest of us,God gave us all freewill to make our own minds up about things like hitler and other topics on here,and thats what we have done used our own freewill.

Love and God bless  love juditha
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #36 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 1:05pm
Smiley That's straight up honest Juditha (your first reply), which is the only place to start from. Anything else is delusion.

I guess it's easy for many of us to forgive in the Hitler case because it's mostly just an intellectual matter for us - not a matter of experience, or of having been exposed to a view that we've strongly bought into.

Now on the other hand if we were to be confronted by a carefully chosen issue (probably one we're not even aware of our prejudice on or inability to forgive) that presses the right  button we'd find it equally or even harder to forgive.

And would probably instead of being honest faff about trying to justify our position.

Re your second. There's a Buddhist saying 'first thought best thought'. We're of course entitled to our view...

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Alan McDougall
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #37 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 3:12pm

varje you said
I guess it's easy for many of us to forgive in the Hitler case because it's mostly just an intellectual matter for us - not a matter of experience, or of having been exposed to a view that we've strongly bought into.

Now on the other hand if we were to be confronted by a carefully chosen issue (probably one we're not even aware of our prejudice on or inability to forgive) that presses the right  button we'd find it equally or even harder to forgive.

Varje you sum things up so nicely!!.


Do I hate Hitler do I need to forgive him?, no he is just a blot of history to me and my responses in previous posts was an attempt to place myself in the objective, like a JEW at the time of the holocaust. He simply does not affect me now and cannot , so why do I need  to love , forgive and embrace him now. If that time ever comes, God forbid, I  will make up my mind then


"mentally challenged" Do you know I am a life long sufferer from bi-polar disorder?, not the nice Hollywood type but the real manic/depressions of unspeakable  destructive life threatening pain. It was the cause of my NDE and to equate life’s up and downs to this is most unkind.

I will send an account of this by PM but only if you show interest, then maybe you will be more careful with your comments in the future. Your comment came across as mocking and if you did not mean it in this way I understand.

What makes this such a great forum is the great diversity of the members if all of us agreed on every point how boring the whole thing would become.

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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george stone
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #38 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 3:33pm
Juditha.The mother mary appared to 3 children in fadima,and told the the chrildren in 1917 that the war,meaning the first world would war,would soon end,and there would be pease for a time.she goes on to say that if man does not mend his ways,a new and more terible war would com.she said,when you see a light so bright that people would not have to light a candle to see at midnight,know that this is a signe of war clouds forming.that light was seen and the second world war was about to start.So its sin that is the cause of all wars.You must forgive.George
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #39 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 4:26pm
Hi Alan. Thank you for the compliment. To be fair to Blink I think the reference to illness was in respect of Hitler - to convey the idea that he wasn't fully in control of himself and his actions, and that he was consequently deserving of forgiveness.  I don't think there was any intention to lump any other group into the same category.

The reality I think is that even at the best of times there's very few of us in control of our actions anyway - the rather arbitrary ill/not ill distinction made by psychologists is rather questionable. Holding views regarded as normal/not normal is more like what they assess, but there's nothing very sane about how society conditions most of us to think.

We so easily get stuck in a mistaken view (in Hitler's case it was that it was somehow deemed OK to make indiscriminate use force and terror to secure the aims of one group of people over another), and can so easily spend whole lifetimes blindly playing out a dysfunctional strategy without ever tumbling to the fact that it's causing the most intense suffering for both ourselves and many others.

I didn't realise you had suffered with that form of depression, it's by all accounts such a tough road.  SmileyThank you for sharing ...
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #40 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 4:32pm
Hi george  I just cannot find it in me to forgive the suffering he caused even though i was not around at that time,so hitler must affect those even today as hitler has never been forgotten and hes remembered to this day for the suffering he caused,i cant understand how he could have grown up from a innocent child to do what he did,God gave him freewill to live his life like the rest of us,

I will ask God in my prayers to help me to try to forgive on this and i know God will help me out with this because God knows my heart is troubled by all the suffering that hitler caused and God knows of my struggle here to forgive but like i say God will help me to forgive oneday.

We will always have wars because there will always be a hitler somewhere trying to cause wars and suffering,most of us in this world want peace and love everywhere but its not going to happen because oneday man will destroy the earth completely.

Love and God bless    love juditha
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #41 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 4:51pm
Regarding Hitler:
It is not that his 'episode' was merely representative of any intermittant difficulty or misstep that inevitably occurs within the struggles of human development, individual or group, or even the very unfortunate destruction of so many innocent individual lives which was indeed tragic, or the wantonly selfish and violent destruction of national and international harmony no matter how imperfectly manifesting -- but it was also the unprecedented, deliberate, concentrated  attempt of a great hostile anti-divine force to actually turn back and reverse the general human evolution, to forcefully re-condition millions of human beings by hatred and perverse negative principles, to violently enslave the greater humanity and eventually the entire world in the service of negative forces of which Hitler as leader, was a conscious, willing and dedicated instrument, or possibly even the enthusiatically posessed incarnation of one himself. This may have been so egregiously a deliberate violation of the Cosmic Law and Will as to render God's Compassion deferrential to an unusual form of divine Justice - therefore it is possible that his individual soul was not given a chance to 'reform' pursuant to a difficult life review, but simply was permanently extinguished in this case. This would obviously be an extremely rare occurrance, but one that could have been deemed appropriate and enacted by One Who not only makes the rules, but Who therefore can alter them as well. No longer  having a human soul, such a being would lose the priviledge of realization and be permanently relegated to some typal world,etc., where individual evolution does not occur - or perhaps the entire 'being' was eliminated from the creation.

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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #42 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 5:06pm
Hi Old Dood   I dont do religion,i just love and beleive in the one and only true God our divine Father in Heaven.

Thanks vajra for what you wrote,my grandmother always told me to be true to my heart and always try to be as honest as i can about everything in my life if i can.

Love and God bless    love juditha
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Old Dood
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #43 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 5:13pm
I never said you did Juditha.

It is obvious you are not getting what I am talking about so I will stop here...
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Re: hitler is in heaven
Reply #44 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 5:23pm
Hi Dood i was not having a go at you i was just trying to say i understand what you mean about religion,i was actually agreeing with you,sorry if it looked like i was having a go,i did not mean it to look that way.

Cmon Dood I loves you ,God loves you,lifes to short to fall out,sorry,will you forgive me. Wink

Love and God bless   love juditha
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