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How I use and developed my psychic abilities (Read 3390 times)
Alan McDougall
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How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Jun 5th, 2008 at 4:07am
Hello forum,

I have thought how to put over the method of accessing our innate psychic ability that I believe resides within all of us, some more than in others. Some of us using an analogy can sing with great beauty with no training and others by perseverance and training can learn to sing very nicely. Even the worst person can croak out a song of some sort or the other.

Again, another analogy would be to swim, we can all float on water, but the person but a person who thinks he cannot swim will thrash around in the water and drown himself. All he had to do was roll over a lay on his back and keep floating with small movements of his hands. The best swimmer knifes through the water like a torpedo effortlessly. Note I was an excellent competitive swimmer in my youth, so I know what I am talking about and identify with these analogies very well...Oh I can also sing, really guys, but that is off the topic.

Now some of you are properly muttering to yourselves what the heck! How does singing or swimming relate to psychic ability?

Well we can all swim or sing cant, we especially if we overcome fear and just dive in do it diregarding the consquences. Likewise, within the psychic field we all have this innate ability if we practice to perfect it.

So how would one approach this, I always think of the case of the bumblebee,  an eminent group of scientists, physicists and aerodynamic experts examined this little bug. They merged all their combined wisdom expertise and knowledge, saying this is a case of evolution gone wrong, looks at the atrophied little wings and fat heavy little body it can’t possible fly? The little bumblebee not knowing he could not fly took off and flew out of the window, dumb -strucking the learned idiots (just a little story of mine to make a point) ha ha

Now I will do my best to give my take on the psychic field of the metaphysical. Some go through thousands of thousands of monotonous test to see if anyone can show a minute deviation from chance.  With very little much success I am afraid. Others when attempting telepathy for example, the transmitter looks at a picture contorting his face  concentrating to the point of oblivion while the receiver does the same at exactly the same time.

There migh be very brief hits by this method, very brief, I must add. Now one must not try to believe that telepathy is possible or not also, there is no need to synchronize time. There is no need to go into mental gymnastics either. There is also no need to try to believe in it!!

Just tell the person whom you want to do the experiment, with in total disbelief if you like as it will make no difference to the result. Now the sender can select anything he likes to transmit or just occasionally look at it once and leave it at that... One does not have to believe it will happen, just go with the flow as I did man!! The receiver can wait for a moment a day or a week but if he is patient, he will receive the image.

Oh!! Don’t be afraid of missing the target just say with guts and courage what comes into your mind if you are the receiver. The sender must relax man, relax doubt as much as you want, be the greatest singer if you like, and just start singing or slicing through the psychic water or air. Easy does easy go. I walked the walk and did not just talk the talk as you all know.

Give it a go between friends

Why does time, locations, or looking at the object or picture for protracted periods not really matter? It is due to the timeless inter-connectivity what I call the Super-consciousness. Some call it the cosmic mind and that is also OK What I do is relax sit back and plug my mind into this source and just know what I want to know, easy as that my friends.

We can plug into our primitive internet why not into the source of all knowledge, past present and future

Well give it a go or shoot me down mighty experts out there. (I am not referring to you my forum friends)



By Alan McDougall 5/6/2008
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Alan McDougall
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #1 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:19am
Smiley Thanks Alan. The bit that's interesting about what you say (my experience is that it's true) is that yet again it points to intellectual effort and beliefs as barriers to 'knowing'.

The issue as taught for millenia by all the great spiritual traditions seems to be that the 'static' or 'noise' produced by our ever frantic and overactive monkey minds (or at least minds made that way by a combination of circumstances, cultural training and a lack of awareness that the mind needs training by meditation and the like, pre-cognitive commitment, and the resulting selective perception - the edifice of ego) blocks the low intensity signals coming through on the subtle channels.

The trick in a sense seems to be to cultivate the art of 'not doing'. Of simply resting with a still mind and an open awareness, and waiting for what comes in. Passively seeing 'what is'. And not reacting with thought to the resulting experience.

Meditation is taught as being the primary means of cultivating the ability to drop easily into and remain in this sort of state, although the bit that's hard to figure is how some (not necessarily very calm) people seem to be so naturally talented in this regard.

The catch 22 is of course that the moment you think or apply intellectual effort the state is gone.

Smiley There's an old Buddhist story that says that it's like when you catch sight of a mouse sneaking across the floor out of the corner of your eye - you must not turn your gaze properly on him, or he will take fright and instantly be gone....

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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #2 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 7:47am

I'm intrigued that neither of you has included pure unconditional love as an ingredient in your development.

When I had random psychic experiences, they all involved connections to people I cared about.
Now that I can set my intent to get information, I'm taught to do so with PUL, and I've had success with that process.
In between I tried those icky impersonal psychic tests that Alan spoke of with cards, senders, etc, and failed miserably, (no love lost on those!  Tongue)

So I've been attributing my development to the involvement of PUL--PUL as a sort of soul food that feeds a knowledge of spiritual realms.
Was that just a personal need I had, or did you guys just forget to mention that your natures just naturally include kind concern (PUL-- love) as an ingredient? 

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #3 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 9:57am

You said

The trick in a sense seems to be to cultivate the art of 'not doing'. Of simply resting with a still mind and an open awareness, and waiting for what comes in. Passively seeing 'what is'. And not reacting with thought to the resulting experience

Really!! Varje you just got to the core of what I was trying to convey "not doing “I like this expression, it gets closer to what I was attempting to put over. Just the act by controlling a psychic test nearly always results experiment failing.  Strange as it seems a very neutral position of not caring the "heck" about the outcome or success of the test and “the less one know about the subject one is projecting thoughts at, the more accurate the results. It is back-to- forward sort of thing.

Just one vague look at the picture projected at total stranger results in amazing results or hits. There is no necessity to synchronize the projector and receiver watches or know anything about their physical location. All this is available and by "plugging" into the Cosmic mind, relaxing and waiting for the image to appear in ones mind eye, In the Super-conscious everthing or all knowledge is there for us to access.

By just letting it all hang out, be brave, and say what  appears as some sort of an after image in the minds eye, in the third eye namely in what I call eyelid visions... All I do is for instance I just think about a name, relax and look what appears on my eyelids. I dont even write it down, just put it into the closet of my mind and write it down the next morning. For example when I did the remote viewing expirement a while back, it was the people I knew more about that I got wrong. Doc my knowing he was a doctor colored my mind with false pictures of what I perceived a doctors office would look like.

The concept is so easy that is difficult to explain, am I getting anywhere with this??


You don’t need to love the person you are doing the experiment with, but off course this would help immensely

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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:16pm by Alan McDougall »  

Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #4 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 12:49pm
It's quite well trodden ground in Buddhism Alan. There's other expressions used too like 'just sitting', 'being', 'no thought', 'caring but not caring' and 'emptiness'. Although 'emptiness' has been developed to be the basis of quite a body of teaching at levels relative right up to transcendence of self or enlightenment - it implies a dropping of ego and hence of the grasping. (the selfish attachment or aversion to things that leads to most of the suffering in the world)

I'd not thought to say that Bets, and was in fact talking theoretically from a basic Buddhist perspective. (Buddhism has quite an academic tinge to it) But you're dead right, and it highlights the way that we don't always link theoretical perspectives with what's actually going on with ourselves.

What I mean by that is that what psychic ability I have seemed to appear with some quite powerful emotional openings that started some years ago - i seemed to go from being stuck in my head to reconnecting with at least the beginnings of a spontaneous empathy and emotion, and with it some abilities.

This is actually what Buddhism teaches at a higher level. The Hinayana teachings are about rules, but the next level (in the view of Tibetan Buddhism anyway) Mahayana is in fact all about transitioning from being a thinking person living by the intellectually applied rules of the Mahayana teachings, to becoming something else entirely - an intuitively knowing person spontaneously manifesting wisdom and compassion. With minimal figuring out by the thinking mind required.

One way of explaining it might be to think in terms of opening a connection to the higher levels from which intuitive stuff like wisdom, compassion, creativity, love and so on flow. Another might be to equate it with a linking of the left and right brains - of the merging of intellect with the sensing, knowing, creative and feeling side. It's the beginning of the fading of ego too.

Sorry to come over all theoretical again. But it's a nice demonstration of the way that spiritual opening  is far more than just a head trip, or some intellectual application of theories or rules.

That it's demonstrably for real, and that its the transformation of the person that matters, the reaching of new states of being. As a reality it's very simple and natural, but gets complicated when we try to express it in theoretical terms.

But to the point that started this thread - striving after objectives is as above actually a barrier to the process of  transformation...

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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2008 at 3:15pm by N/A »  
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #5 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:19pm
    Hi alan and all I dont know how this happens but as soon as i am asked to think of something for someone it automatically comes in my mind with the picture of what it is,what i mean is that when matthew asked about what his rug looked like in his office i saw it straight away without even thinking about it and the same happened with you alan when you did the telepathy as soon as i read it same minute i saw it,it happens that quick,it always has done though,it could be the fact that i am a practising medium that my mind is so open to everything.

Love and God bless      love juditha
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2008 at 5:44am by N/A »  
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #6 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 5:34pm

You said

It's quite well trodden ground in Buddhism Alan. There's other expressions used too like 'just sitting', 'being', 'no thought', 'caring but not caring' and 'emptiness'. Although 'emptiness' has been developed to be the basis of quite a body of teaching at levels relative right up to transcendence of self or enlightenment - it implies a dropping of ego and hence of the grasping. (the selfish attachment or aversion to things that leads to most of the suffering in the world)

"I really did not know this,  as my knowledge of Buddhism is almost zero, I find this very interesting. I wonder, therefore, if there is any psychic sort of actively amongst the Buddhaists, maybe without them knowing they are doing this.

Juditha said

Hi alan and all I dont know how this happens but as soon as i am asked to think of something for someone it automatically comes in my mind with the picture of what it is,what i mean is that when matthew asked about what his rug looked like in his office i saw it straight away without even thinking about it and the same happened with you alan when you did the telepathy as soon as i read it same minute i saw it,it happens that quick,it always has done though,it could be the fact that i am a practising medium that my mind is so open to everything.

I have told Juditha in a past posts that she was very psychic. Judtha you dont try to be psychic, you just are psychic and "you just do it with no effort at all". The sign of a true psychic.

Juditha does not try to be psychic she just "IS PSYCHIC"

"A state of being just that"

By the way Juditha what did you see about little Maddie?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #7 - Jun 5th, 2008 at 6:39pm
Buddhism is full of psychic and much more exotic stuff than that Alan. But it's not talked about all that openly. The logic being that you should work with a teacher who is bound to only reveal stuff as you reach the stage where it's appropriate to you.

On the basis that as Recoverer has often said that it's with the emergence of these energies and abilities that a very real potential to get fixated on as well as misuse them develops. Which quite apart from doing serious harm to the self or others also is potentially a very big impediment to progress towards realisation.

There seem to be some very real dangers that arise, and for this reason a great deal of caution is applied regarding the transmission of detail teachings around this sort of stuff - out of fear of potentially very serious  karmic consequences. My personal sense is that this is very much for real - that when one reaches the rarefied stages of working with the sort of very powerful energies and influences that are ultimately accessible it gets to be a very serious business indeed.

It's normal at a certain point to take a vow to keep on being reborn to help all beings reach enlightenment until all have made it - the sense seems to be that beyond this stage it's something that happens naturally anyway as a result of the intense empathy and compassion that arises for others.

The sanskrit (?) word 'siddhi' is used to describe a non ordinary capability of this sort. Maybe try googling it. Manifestation of the higher level varieties of siddhis (stuff like the ability to transcend space and time, to manipulate apparently solid material and so on) is regarded as the hallmark of a realised master.

While many teachers probably do not have genuine capability at this level, it's fairly clear that some (especially the guys that reincarnate time and again out of compassion to help people after realisation) do. But they undergo the most rigorous training to get there - many many years of solitary and often dark retreats and so on.

This is actually something that seems increasingly to be getting lost (life circumstances make it difficult to do this) with the close down of the monastic system, loss of the supporting culture and the secularisation of Tibet by the Chinese. Don't for example go down to your local Tibetan Buddhist centre expecting to find a resident master at this level, and don't expect all using the title Rinpoche (teacher) to be at this level. Most of all don't expect somebody who is to demonstrate their capability to all and sundry.

Please pardon if I'm speaking out of turn Juditha, but it seems likely to me that you may be a very clear case of psychic ability coinciding with a very high degree of emotional sensitivity/openness. That this opening is as above both the source of your abilities, and also of the discomfort you experience in many situations.

Buddhism teaches a very refined view on love, practical wisdom and compassion that can help greatly in this sort of situation. Those of us with a lot of sensitivity can find the rough and tumble of life hard going, the teachings can if we're lucky enough to click help us to find a space where we don't get forced to close down our sensitivity (adopt a mind made mask) in the way most do, but at the same time avoid getting sucked into places where we get hurt or routinely give more than is required of us or is wise...
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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #8 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 1:34am
Hi vajra i deleted what i wrote because,when i read it, it still hurts that no one at that time would beleive what i was getting from spirit and i just at the time asked spirit why i was given this information at that time and i couldnt get anywhere with it and i did suffer inside as i cryed and cryed to spirit because i was not beleived and it took me quite a while to get over it and it is very hard when you get things like this from spirit.The trouble is that, there were many mediums and physcics coming up with stuff at that time but not everyone beleives in the fact that spirit are there and there is life after death. Cry

Love and God bless    love juditha

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Re: How I use and developed my psychic abilities
Reply #9 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 5:37am
Smiley It's a tough road Juditha, and not one that's possible to avoid 100% unless you bottle it all up. I've at different times found myself ridiculed, hurt or even the target of hostility, although not to a level I couldn't cope with  - e.g. my Mother who has a hang up about conventional religious observance. (being seen going to church)  I've no idea why, because she's never been in the least bit religious in any sense that it influences how she lives.

Luckily a few have noticed the positive benefit of spiritual work on me in the past 15 years too.

I suppose in the end life requires and teaches us all to develop a certain 'street smarts' or wisdom in how we handle ourselves in this space.

Buddhism for example is very clear that you only teach or make stuff explicit to people at the level they can accept, and that to do otherwise is both an invitation to trouble and damaging to the teaching as it brings it into disrepute.

There's for example not much point in describing an exotic experience that to you is quite normal to a person  that's rooted solely in the physical, and has a lot invested in this - as in is actually scared by any serious suggestion that existence might be rather more interesting than that.

You're in effect threatening that person with a belief system crash.

At best he'll rationalise that you are a nutter and have laugh about you with his friends, with the result that you get branded as the crazy guy/lady. Really get through to him (or her), and you risk possibly triggering the sort of emotions that result in intense fear and hostility.  Huh Luckily burning at the stake went out years ago.

What you can get away with depends a lot on your audience and your ability to come across in other ways to them as 'normal'. (Roll Eyes what's normal?) I do OK up to a point, and at times can pass myself off as ordinary but there's other times I can be very wacky indeed.

I know from experience to be very cautious around pious/conservative/religious (includes supposedly spiritual)/institutionalised and frightened people with a very picky approach to things (which of course is indicative of a fear that things might be other than as they imagine) - because I just can't lock myself down tight enough not to trigger them. (e.g. I had a 'fun' experience with our local protestant vicar a few years ago when i though I'd lucked into a chance to discuss comparative religion - he preached the most awful prejudices about Buddhism and spirituality to me when I thought he'd have had enough training to know it for what it was)

I've found it best to be cautious in what I say. I'll quietly mention the benefits of meditation to a person I know who might benefit from it. I'll go on to conversationally add some practical stuff I've been taught about relating to life and existence if it's likely to help. Buddhism, or the fact that I'm drawing on teaching from very old traditions gets a mention to somebody who seems more open. And if it naturally leads there I'll talk some of the more exotic possibilities like the opening of compassion as above.

I'd almost never get beyond barely mentioning the possibility of the sort of experience we routinely share notes on here, and almost never would discuss it overtly. Even among Buddhists there's many that react badly to too much information - there's this sort of primal fear that kicks in.

I think it's ultimately a consciousness, openness or experience issue. When you've been there and processed the experience with the help of study and others in the same space it's wholly natural, but it's bewildering to somebody who's just not. Most are not very good at just letting stuff be, so it's inevitable that their minds will grasp for a support that makes them feel better  - resulting in their ridiculing or even being aggressive towards the person in question.

It's in the end a matter of compassion too. We shouldn't try to force stuff on people at a rate faster than what they can handle. Nor are we required to bring trouble on ourselves. Skillful means are required.

Smiley It's easier said than done, and I'm sure you've heard most of this before -  but go carefully and hang in there Juditha...

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