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Who is Closer to God? (Read 12028 times)
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Who is Closer to God?
May 16th, 2008 at 9:32pm
A question was posed to me today, one which I was not permitted to answer--when I attempted to answer it for myself, I could not. Would the person who is surfacing from the water, a drowning person, perhaps a victim like one of those whom we have watched this past week, perhaps like one of the children, I was asked, wouldn't that person be closer to God than most Americans?

I became angry at this question. I thought of all the chanting for change that the American people are doing at this very moment. And then I thought, who is closer to God?

What kind of question is that? If God knows everything, such as each of our exact locations and circumstances, who could possibly be more close than another? If God knows everything, equally, there is no difference in "closeness" to God....

But, why I am still angry about this, I have no idea...

love, blink
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #1 - May 16th, 2008 at 10:46pm

I became angry at this question. I thought of all the chanting for change that the American people are doing at this very moment. And then I thought, who is closer to God

You are justifiable angry, American people are the best this miserable world has to offer and they just give, give give and give.  The world would be dying without the free help that it receives from this wonderful country of remarkable people.

God is not a respecter of persons and loves all equally but in different ways as each of us are his unique creations

The dying children just like all dying people will be exiting this world into the afterlife and it is in this sense that they are closer to god than the living and healthy.

God knows everything and he is quite capable of handling it.

“Please dont be angry dear Blink, it is a useless emotion”


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george stone
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #2 - May 17th, 2008 at 12:14am
I think the closed person to God,is the person who walks with him every day of his or her life.George
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #3 - May 17th, 2008 at 7:14am
Alan, anger is an emotion I avoid whenever possible. I see now that I personalized this question too much, allowed my good friend, ego, to get involved.

However, I found that when I surrendered to this anger there was more beneath it than I supposed. First, there were the tears I had not yet cried for all of these countless victims. I knew something was blocking my meditations. I think that was it.

Before I knew it I was flying among the stars again. I saw a huge grid-like thing out there. It seemed endless and interconnected. I felt that there was a common center. It was not like a wheel with spokes exactly, because it was so multilayered that you could not see the center connection. But I had a feeling that every single "strand" was directly connected to the fact, the realization was very visual, of how each human being could actually be closer to God than to each other, at least, within this context, which I saw as a kind of ultimate reality, within the darkness in which all the colors stood out.

It was beautiful and a little frightening to see it that way and, perhaps because I was sad, it felt profound, like an entire world dropping away. Like a veil dropping away.

There was nothing personal about it. It was just "what I saw" "out there" when I closed my eyes.

So, now, I wonder, maybe I am correct. Maybe we are all only one step "away" from "God" if we only knew it.

Yes, George, thank you also for your comment. One who walks with God every day, who would that be? Perhaps each of us, if we only knew it.

The fact is, it feels like we can get lost out in those stars. I'm not sure it's true.

love, blink
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #4 - May 17th, 2008 at 9:34am

Could what you saw in that  beautiful vision be  the below? ("from thread started by you re:after alan we will all be together again")

From my post in that thread of yours about me.

Through unification of all human souls on planet Earth, a new giant life form, holding a much bigger spirit within the souls of humans is going to emerge. 'The ultimate beautiful Mandala of human beings'          

Your paragraph in resent post

Before I knew it I was flying among the stars again. I saw a huge grid-like thing out there. It seemed endless and interconnected. I felt that there was a common center. It was not like a wheel with spokes exactly, because it was so multilayered that you could not see the center connection. But I had a feeling that every single "strand" was directly connected to the fact, the realization was very visual, of how each human being could actually be closer to God than to each other, at least, within this context, which I saw as a kind of ultimate reality, within the darkness in which all the colors stood out

It also makes me think of Ezekial of wheels within wheels
Eze 1:16

The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto a beryl: and they four

had one likeness; and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel within a wheel. Eze 1:17

When they went, they went in their four directions: they turned not when they went. about

Eze 1:18

As for their rims, they were high and dreadful; and they four had their rims full of eyes round about.

Eze 1:19

And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

A thought or quote of my own is that you saw the countless beautiful soul facids that makes up that great infinite eternal Being "Diamond" we call God


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #5 - May 21st, 2008 at 4:52pm
Hi blink  The suffering are the closest to God as they need him more than those that are not suffering,thats what our preist told us at the mental health centre, as we are suffering and God is closer to us than others because we need him more.

Love and God bless      love juditha
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #6 - May 21st, 2008 at 10:43pm
If God is immanent and omnipresent how can one being be closer than another? You are God-stuff! The trouble with having an ego is that we can shut this awareness off....and then spend lifetimes trying to regain the awareness.

Juditha I think that thinking suffering makes you closer to God is dangerous. It justifies suffering. Sometimes that line of thought has been used to justify making others suffer. You don't need suffering to make you close to God. God is love. God is...
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #7 - May 22nd, 2008 at 1:27am

Remember when you were a little girl and you hurt yourself, were frightened, or felt lost or lonely. It was then that you experienced the need for closeness to your mother or father. So if in the mortal plane suffering brings us closer to our earthly parents, how much more close to we run and ask for Gods closeness when in dire need. I take your point that God is always close, but often we do not feel this. When in need great and small we reach out to God and find him right next to us full of love and hope.

While we often do not walk with God, he always walkes with us. If we approach him for help and take one step towards him, he takes two steps toward us.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #8 - May 22nd, 2008 at 6:04am
It is good to hear from each of you here.

I cannot think that you are wrong in any way, Juditha, for observing that you feel close to God when you suffer. If God exists, and who would I be to say not, then God is certainly great enough to meet the suffering where they are, to meet each of us where we are. That is, by definition, close.

We believe everything in our lives is near or far. But, in our conversations about intention, we know that we increase that upon which we focus, and we decrease that upon which we do not focus.

So the happy people who do not wish to be aware of all that is shared by God, among God, for God....certainly, God would grant the edge of a wish, the wish of a carefree existence with happiness there for the taking.

So, our closeness would be a matter of choice, sometimes chance....but God would exist betwixt, between, wherever a God can exist....and not be unpleasantly "in your face" so that you might grow to dislike this God.

I come to think that God is excrutiatingly polite. God will appear as we like it, to those of us who are interested.

I have read that when we gather like this, God is among us.
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #9 - May 22nd, 2008 at 10:54am
I don't see how any body can be closer to god than another.  I see us all as being god.  IMO, the mother Teresa's or Ghandi's of the world are no closer to god than the down and out drunk in the ditch.  I do not believe in separation no matter how many people may think they are better than others.
I have never been patriotic and yet lately I have been getting a bit upset at how everyone is picking on America.  If they are jealous and want a country like America then why don't they make one.  Look at the stuff China is pulling or England or Israel or you name it now-a-days and yet America stays the great Satan.  America does not send it's children out wrapped in bombs and yet I have heard people excuse that behavior in the name of, well, "desperate people do desperate things."  Mothers come on the tv and proclaim proudly that they are raising their kids to be suicide bombers.  If a person gets some disease on the other side of the world then it must be something those evil American scientist invented to wipe them out.  I think if people insist on being victims then they can have what they choose.
So I am not saying that America is without it's problems, goodness knows, I think America could stand to mind it's own business, but other countries are "NO better".

SHSS Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #10 - May 22nd, 2008 at 11:00am

Your quote
I come to think that God is excrutiatingly polite. God will appear as we like it, to those of us who are interested. 

How very true, if God were a man or woman he/she would not force himself on we only come to us when he knows he would be a welcome guest.

While Lucy is correct that we are made of God -stuff, we are still just a part of him and we need the whole "ALL" of God in the times of crisis.

Sometimes our subjective self becomes angry when unexplainable things happen, so we need to access the loving glorious peaceful light of God then,to get the  strength to continue in the struggle of life and search for meaning

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Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #11 - May 22nd, 2008 at 11:10am

I have never been patriotic and yet lately I have been getting a bit upset at how everyone is picking on America.  If they are jealous and want a country like America then why don't they make one.  Look at the stuff China is pulling or England or Israel or you name it now-a-days and yet America stays the great Satan.  America does not send it's children out wrapped in bombs and yet I have heard people excuse that behavior in the name of, well, "desperate people do desperate things

You should be patriotic very partriotic, America is the most wonderful country in the world. Take it from me who lives in South Africa. If AMERICA closed its heart and stopped giving and helping the world from is loving heart, the whole third world and many other counties would die in abject povety and  disease.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #12 - May 22nd, 2008 at 11:33am
You are from South Africa Alan?  I would never have guessed it.  I think Africa is one of the most beautiful places.   Kiss
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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #13 - May 23rd, 2008 at 5:10pm
Hi Lucy      You tell me  that my suffering and me needing God more,means im justifying suffering.
and what do you mean by ego.

Seriously explain what you mean.

love and God bless love juditha

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Re: Who is Closer to God?
Reply #14 - May 23rd, 2008 at 5:19pm
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