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that the number of BST inhabitants would increase simultaneously with the earth population increase may seem likely, but is not necessarily so. For example, it could as well be that more and more spirits go directly to F27 after ending their physical life, bypassing the BSTs, or at least that the duration of their habitation in the BSTs would be shorter before they would move on. _____
this is logical and my feeling is most of us are evolved enough to go directly to focus 27 upon transition, which is what I've said all along, not everyone is getting stuck in a hollow heaven or BST. there are hollow heavens Alan, which is another BST. thats where people get stuck when they only believe their religion is the only "right" religion, but they continue to evolve in the hollow heavens as well. if we consider that in focus 27 we have hospitals for those that believe they still suffer a disease, then that also is a type of belief, or illusion right there in focus 27 existing. however, the rehab joints and hospitals for focus 27 inhabitants, the workers there can work with these who still think they are sick much easier I assume, than the hardcore religious dogma BSTs. just assuming thats so, because it's easier to "see" yourself well than it is to drop an entire belief system one identifies with as intrinsically to sustain their being. it's like an addiction in any case. sort of like one might see holy rollers rolling on the floor, it's a high they get addicted to. also in focus 27 there are trainers who teach people to fly; they still think because of gravity they can't fly. there is no gravity law in focus 27, but still people have to be taught.
every thing appears just as solid as you want it to. I touched Cami, the girl I retrieved, she was solid. maybe this is so because the mind creates this solidity feature; it's just another dimension with different rules, more fluid, sort of it's your mind that creates the housing, the solidity, the eating and drinking is optional but is still enjoyed as a normal activity, and societies are the same as here. there's even a BST still using money as an exchange system. thats a BST for sure. almost everything is a belief system made real by us until we reach the highest levels or other life systems, which I can't say I have, except to imagine, and then my imagination has limits too. ______ Spooky said: The other thing, that I have not met "real" humans beyond F27 can have various reasons. Maybe it's just my perception, or so many human attributes are dropped before taking residence beyond F27 that those spirits cannot easily be recognized as ex-humans ______ the beings on the 6th level referred to above, I too wondered for a moment of their human status as the lack of emotion, lending a quiet controlled vibration to the level was peculiar at the time to me, then I seemed to get the data that they had graduated ELS. We seem to be a unique planet with our emotions and a lot of aliens are intrigued with our ability to love. apparently, they are left brained primarily, some of the aliens. Monroe says we are a planet that produces Loosh. A harvest crop of love energy. If all is energy it makes strange but true logic that we grow by expressing love. ______
Alysia: That's interesting that you had a similar impression of that level. The elevator method seems to be good, I heard it's used by others, too. _____ same here, there are some universal symbols we have in common.