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PE: Healing session v2.0 (Read 21026 times)
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PE: Healing session v2.0
Mar 8th, 2008 at 9:22pm
Hi Everyone!

  This healing group session what really a great opportunity to experience and to learn.  I hope you're up to do it again.  Anyone has healing needs right now?

If nobody takes the seat of the receiver, maybe we could choose someone on the board. 

Maybe this time we could take a full week to do it.  So we could choose our best  period to do it, and maybe doing it few times!  Also, maybe with the real name of the receiver or a photo it could be easier to "target" him!

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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #1 - Mar 8th, 2008 at 11:24pm
and thanks for leading us in that other healing group PM. If anyone shows up for healing I will be following the thread to see if I can join in.
these sorts of things can be so rewarding in the heart center, and though we might feel like we cannot change the world, maybe changing one person's life by letting us give to them, maybe that's what is important after all.

love, alysia

ps. so I was right about you eh?  Smiley hello fellow musician. I have soft spot for all musicians.
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #2 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 10:34pm
yesterday (Saturday) in my mind I tried to go to the healing PE without knowing if one was set up at all. I met one person, I guess I'll tell about it in a week. Yes, if one is there who feels like needing some help, could speak up here. Otherwise we simply could phasing-wise go out and look who's there and what's up.

Happy phasing,

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #3 - Mar 13th, 2008 at 8:37pm
Hi group!

 I have to say that I love this healing stuff.  I put in my it daily routine.  I found and proved to myself that the healer, is also the one who get heal!  

I had concerns  about doing it to people who don't know about it.  In this case, I just send love has much has I can!  And I think is one of the best generic way to help someone.  I also did it few time on both of you.

Yesterday I got something interesting.  I was in a light meditative state, and I was only focusing on sending healing love to LaffingRain.  Some information came from my feeling and from my intuition:  This lovely and so good  state of consciousness I was feeling and sending to Alysia, is a state where Alysia lives.   It was almost as she showed me how to express it.

After some time, I got the impression that we had to focus on healing on Spooky.  I realized a that moment  that I was seeing Alysia.  She was a blob of bright colors.  White with glimpses  of other colors.   Than I saw an other blob of energy.  It was Spooky (I think).   He aspect was more heavier and his color was dark orange to brown.  

I had the impression that it was accumulation of daily concerns.  I tried to see it "not there".  After some efforts,  strong pulses of intense light was going out the "shell"... the outer flow was back and strong.  

Maybe daily retrospection and moving body's energies would help this "condition".

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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #4 - Mar 13th, 2008 at 9:16pm
Nice work PhantasyMan. I'm often sunken in concerns, until I realize it and be able to look at it from a sort of overseer perspective and get rid of this thinking. After a while it happens again.

Maybe daily retrospection and moving body's energies would help this "condition".

It just happened that since some days I focus on widening my "field" (don't know how to call it), and concentrating on my energy circulation as I lately felt too narrow. When I did this today I had an impression that my energy body's surface was similar to the sun's surface, as there were little glowing swirls and protuberances everywhere. I think it was multi-colored, inmidst darkness.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #5 - Mar 14th, 2008 at 8:44pm

Juditha has accepted being the subject of our healing this weekend Mar.15-16th.

We can use her photo to help focus.

Best wishes, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Healing session v3.0
Reply #6 - Mar 14th, 2008 at 9:27pm

I'll be there for sure.  If there is real time fan here, maybe we could set  a hour for the session? 

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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #7 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 2:05am
PM said:

  I have to say that I love this healing stuff.  I put in my it daily routine.  I found and proved to myself that the healer, is also the one who get heal!

now you know my secret dear lite!  Smiley  the more you give of yourself the more comes into yourself as light. it can even cause you to walk with a spring in your step when because of your effort, a thought of healing, another turns to you and says it made a difference to them. in that sense healing others is basically very selfish! however good is multiplied this way.

Yesterday I got something interesting.  I was in a light meditative state, and I was only focusing on sending healing love to LaffingRain.  Some information came from my feeling and from my intuition:  This lovely and so good  state of consciousness I was feeling and sending to Alysia, is a state where Alysia lives.   It was almost as she showed me how to express it.
I must confess I have been feeling a lot of love for you in my C1, for the fact that you have started these threads for us. It's a type of gratitude feeling which I feel quite often, and sometimes theres a name attached to it, like yours of late, other times it will be somebody else here, or even someone I met on the street. It's pretty constant, so you're right about where I live. I think what happens in these states of gratitude for another's being, is it gets projected to that person whether I'm conscious of that activity or not. and vice versa if you're worrying about someone, I'll frequently get a phone call and they'll say, ok, what's up? I can feel you want to talk.
it shows me the power of thought with feeling, goes before us and outward even if we didn't send it on purpose.
After some time, I got the impression that we had to focus on healing on Spooky.  I realized a that moment  that I was seeing Alysia.  She was a blob of bright colors
yes, I've gone from gray and brown and army green to reds, oranges, yellows, blues, purples, greens, you name it..I can be seen from a mile away these days. If I want to study, I'll put on my tan stuff, otherwise I distract my own self.

Tomorrow is Juditha's day. See you guys later.  Smiley

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #8 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 4:06am
Greetings real time fans,

PhanMan, last time you had 3 pm ' our ' time/ 1 pm board time---that's usually good for me---could we try that again?  Smiley

Or you say when!


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #9 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 8:51pm

I tried an hour earlier than I planned (12 noon board time). Juditha's image was in my mind and I thought I recalled that she lives in London, but eventually I changed that to 'an English city.'  Sorry to say I do not feel I found her to begin the healing. None of the sense or perceptions happened then that I usually associate with healings,  although at 4:30 pm board time I did sense that someone was active with it.
I'll try it again tomorrow.

Juditha, if your location is not London, could you say (PM or here) what region of England you're in--east? west? etc?  Thanks.  Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #10 - Mar 15th, 2008 at 11:49pm
Juditha dearlite, I saw your guide standing behind you brushing your hair and giving counsel on all the things you are going through right now. It was a woman and she sat and talked with you a long time. I would like to do more with this, so will return later.

all I could get was the necessity now of the lesson plan, as this is a very different life than you've had before and you're not adjusting to all the challenges easily, but I did see your sister Deanna holding your hands and she is supposed to help you through it and you her.

I'll see if I can get something else later. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #11 - Mar 17th, 2008 at 9:12pm

March 15.-16. 2008 1:15-01:45am (CET=GMT+1h)
I focused on feeling love and joy and being a channel for this to let it move through me to Juditha. I imagined Juditha, and when I did, we moved to a paradise-looking site, at first we flew over it, then we landed on a hill. I thought to Juditha that it is helpful to keep in mind what we like and love, as what we have in mind is available here, and with this background it's easier to live in the physical, and easier to help others, too. Then, we still stood on the hill, a presence arrived, looking like an angel with wings. This angel gave me a sort of energy puff, and went away with Juditha.

March 16.-17. 2008 0:05-0:35am (CET=GMT+1h)
I flew over, I guess, a landscape of Focus27, my destination was the healing PE group; I slowed down, there were one or two I was attracted to, but strangely, at first I couldn't come closer, moved around, as if I had an inner resistence or shyness. Then I managed it to move closer, and hugged one, which was a happy feeling. I had the impression, in the moment Juditha needed no healing activities from me.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #12 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 1:45am
I could not stay away. I noticed there was a healing session scheduled for Saturday. Although I was in another state visiting family I decided to participate without mentioning it to anyone on the board here.

I used my Kelly Howell "Prayer" cd because I thought that would be a nice intro for an exercise for healing for Juditha. In this cd I entered a temple per guided instruction. There, I went to the altar where I became heart-centered and connected to God, as I understand God.

I felt the presence of angels. A group was ministering to Juditha, working on her heart area. I heard voices saying "lift her up, lift her up" -- and then I felt the presence of a small group from this board. I looked over and said hello to Spooky.

We all gathered in front of a large set of golden doors. We joined hands and there was a joyful feeling. The doors flew open.

Together we flew through the golden doors straight into a gorgeous landscape. In the very "back" of this beautiful, wide, sunny, green, detailed, inviting scene was a tall figure which looked human and possibly male.

It was a feeling of a presence, a background presence, no distinguishing features that I could see from the apparent vast distance from me. However, it appeared that the entire landscape was originating from this figure. There was a feeling of love and joy and splendor in this place, and it was a place I would enjoy returning.

My whole body had been vibrating at various times during this meditation.

I have the impression that I let go of the circle shortly after we flew into the landscape and returned to the temple.  A very physically powerful and restorative meditation.

love, blink

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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #13 - Mar 19th, 2008 at 2:28am
Greetings blink,
Thank you for mentioning the cd you used.  I'v been looking for something like that. If someone as in tune as you uses it, it must be good, so I ordered one.

Juditha, Monday I tried a less prayerful, more meditatiive approach. I glimpsed you sitting as though you were sketching. Your energy light was strong and I got the sense I shouldn't interrupt you, that you were doing something important. 
I don't know if that meant you were concentrating at that moment and I shouldn't interrupt , --or more significant, that your art will be a sgnificant aspect or force in your life.

Then today i see your post about the large man. For the sake of your art at least I think at some point you'll have to decide what authority you're going to believe.  If you are drawn to 'the fantstic', that is one field for an art reputation. But if you're drawn to Spirit and religion, that would be a whole nother, different reputation and contacts you'd need to make for your illustrations.  I can't think of any artists who were accepted with reputations in both those fields.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: PE: Healing session v2.0
Reply #14 - Mar 21st, 2008 at 4:46pm
An interesting teaches me not to assume anything, not one thing, about what I see.

Giant men from Nibiru..... Smiley, that's funny. Over and out, for now.
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