PM said:
I have to say that I love this healing stuff. I put in my it daily routine. I found and proved to myself that the healer, is also the one who get heal!
now you know my secret dear lite!

the more you give of yourself the more comes into yourself as light. it can even cause you to walk with a spring in your step when because of your effort, a thought of healing, another turns to you and says it made a difference to them. in that sense healing others is basically very selfish! however good is multiplied this way.
Yesterday I got something interesting. I was in a light meditative state, and I was only focusing on sending healing love to LaffingRain. Some information came from my feeling and from my intuition: This lovely and so good state of consciousness I was feeling and sending to Alysia, is a state where Alysia lives. It was almost as she showed me how to express it.
I must confess I have been feeling a lot of love for you in my C1, for the fact that you have started these threads for us. It's a type of gratitude feeling which I feel quite often, and sometimes theres a name attached to it, like yours of late, other times it will be somebody else here, or even someone I met on the street. It's pretty constant, so you're right about where I live. I think what happens in these states of gratitude for another's being, is it gets projected to that person whether I'm conscious of that activity or not. and vice versa if you're worrying about someone, I'll frequently get a phone call and they'll say, ok, what's up? I can feel you want to talk.
it shows me the power of thought with feeling, goes before us and outward even if we didn't send it on purpose.
After some time, I got the impression that we had to focus on healing on Spooky. I realized a that moment that I was seeing Alysia. She was a blob of bright colors
yes, I've gone from gray and brown and army green to reds, oranges, yellows, blues, purples, greens, you name it..I can be seen from a mile away these days. If I want to study, I'll put on my tan stuff, otherwise I distract my own self.

Tomorrow is Juditha's day. See you guys later.