Greetings All,
I came into the PE abit before 1 pm Saturday, board time, 3 pm PhanMan time, after setting my intent to work with all and each of you who posted.
A strong energy seemed already in place, and a fine energy it was--billowing waves, very joyous!
It was so amazing i wondered why we don't have these healing PEs more often !?
Then I thought I should seek the one who is suffering, because this is way too enjoyable.

But just then a worker nearby in C1 hit metal with his drill and the screeching sound hurt and shot me back into C1 also (about 3:05 pm).
I tried again 2 1/2 hours later but couldn't locate that energy field. I briefly thought some sort of energy was becoming evident but then I fell asleep before i could help.
Considering that our goal was 15 minutes of contact, I guess the short version is that I failed.
