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ONE OF MY NDE's AND A NDE  POEM (Read 827 times)
Alan McDougall
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Posts: 2104
South Africa
Gender: male
Dec 22nd, 2007 at 6:55am

Alan McDougall

(This was the first part desciption of a profound near death  experience I had in June 1994)

The reader might ask the question, "How true is this article"? My answer would be that it is absolutely subjectively true. It is a true reflection of what I experienced, while in a deep coma/ death and altered state of consciousness when very very ill. Are they true reflection of some of the mysteries on the other side of life? I cannot say with certainty.

I am going to attempt to describe my near-death experience in this brief summery, while very ill and in a near death.. This is an almost impossible task, as one has to try and relate the strange alien multi-dimensions of the other side of life in a way that can be understood in our three -dimensional material world.

Firstly I emphasize that this experience was atypical in the sense that I had no life review. Also this experience was partly brought on by my desire to know the enigma of the origin of evil. The  experienced  was June 1994. My body was in a near-death state in a deep coma in an altered state of consciousness and very ill.

My soul, spirit, mind, call it what you will, left my body and I experienced the typical tunnel of NDEs  There, I was  met by a being of pure light, not a human form, but pure point of energetic awareness of pure beautful .light, who communicated with me mind to mind, via some form of telepathy. I believe it was an angel! I could not see either end of the tunnel as we were in total darkness, except for the point of intelligent light. It was an out of-body experience.

It was explained to me, by this being of light, that this tunnel had two ends. One into the glorious light of God, and the other into the darkness of the dark void or pit.  Darkness (evil) cannot invade the light, (one candle dispels the darkness) but light (goodness) can impact into the darkness (evil)."

At first I was taken up through the tunnel into a place of learning (library) into the glorious light at the one end of this almost infinite tunnel. While in the light I experienced great feelings of elation, love and peace. Here I was shown great events that were to come to planet earth, sometime in the future. There was a being with me all the time that I could not see, but hear. It spoke with a male voice. I believed it/he was what we mortals refer to as God.

While this apparently omnipotent being was speaking, I could mind see a panoramic view of planet earth, as if I was a space man observing the earth, all the time, from this view the voice that I took as God, spoke and said not pleased with what was happening on our planet, and kept referring to humanity in the terms of "mere mortal man, I am displeased with you" (I cannot remember why he was displeased). While this unseen being "God" was speaking, the earth was revolving and stopping at intervals over each continent, in turn, where a warning message was given to each continent. What I can remember was that he was saying to humanity that he was displeased with their  actions in some way.

The frustrating part is that I could not retain all that was said to mere mortal man, by this being, while I was with him viewing the earth. I do, however, clearly, remember two warnings. One that a cataclysmic event would start from the Indian subcontinent. The other that the middle east crises would not be solved by the peacekeeping efforts of man and that divine direct intervention would eventually come to the earth, sometime in the future, because of the unbelievable depravity that some mere men were perpetuating and directly responsible for on earth. (Rape of the planet) “”Katrina And Tsunami Happened”” 

It was also shown to me that we are not really judged by God, but by our own actions in life, which dictate ones eternal destiny. If all our actions had become totally evil, by the end of our life, we would become a being of darkness and it would have simply become impossible for us to enter the light of God. (Darkness cannot penetrate the light!). To reach this point we would have to have become totally depraved being (like Hitler), with no redeemable qualities. The destiny of this type of person, by his own actions, would be l banishment down into the deepest darkness of this vast infinitely long pit of the tunnel, remote from the love of God .I was also shown that there are degrees of punishment in the void. Ranging from a gray depressive atmosphere, progressively down into utter horror, terror, hopelessness, despair and desolation in black darkness. I did not see any lake of fire! I, however, got the clear impression that God will one day thrust all evil away from him into the infinite utter remote darkness of the deep and forget it there forever,

But enough of this gloom!

Anyone reading this article is not destined for the awful place depicted in the last paragraph. It is a fact that all of us do wrong and make mistakes in life! But in us are also light, great love, compassion, caring and consideration for others. Therefore we all have varying degrees of light in us that will allow us into the glorious light of almighty God in the light end of the tunnel, at the end of our earthly life. God can work with the light in us, make us pure and allow us to progress up the various levels of heaven into his eternal blissful presence of everlasting peace and joy! It is a progress of eternal learning. Then we become one with God, but retain our unique self awareness.

Getting off the point a bit, I would like to refer to something else that were shown me while on the other side.

Time, as we experience on earth, it is an illusion, something like an infinitely stretchable or shrinkable string of elastic. (Perhaps that is why some days seem to take an eternity to pass and others mere moments)?  The end event (end of time) will not come at some set chronological time, but when a certain set of future events synchronizes.

Immanuel's Light
A poem by Alan McDougall

Come fly towards majestic Orion with me
At great speed to our majestic god we flee
Through a wide river at last we fly
Reaching out to a great light beyond the sky

Towards the sides of the north nearer and nearer we flew
Arrayed in spotless white robes given to you
Across a vast space of infinite night
Together clothed in glory we continued our flight

Oh great heavenly cavern so measureless to man
See before majestic Immanuel gather all who can
By mighty angels through glorious clouds we are driven
Closer and closer to gods mighty throne in the midst of heaven

At last to those mighty gates of heaven we came
Baptized by El Shaddias light all were the same
In joyful luminous glory all creation did sing
By that stupendous realm of the holy king

A mighty voice shook all creation and rang through the air
Saying loud gather all around great EL SHADDAIS colossal chair
Look at god's right a wonder is seen to rise
“Oh my beloved son at last I can give you your prize”

Bathed in beautiful grandeur of the one who had atoned
Countless multitudes stood quiet before Emmanuel enthroned
Joyfully before Emmanuel at last
Faces glowing by lakes colored by golden riven glass
Rejoicing at a life that would now never pass

Through a wide river at last we fly
Reaching out to a great light beyond the sky

Towards the sides of the north nearer and nearer we flew
Arrayed in spotless white robes given to you
Across a vast space of infinite night
Together clothed in glory we continued our flight

Oh great heavenly cavern so measureless to man
See before majestic Immanuel gather all who can
By mighty angels through glorious clouds we are driven
Closer and closer to gods mighty throne in the midst of heaven

At last to those mighty gates of heaven we came
Baptized by El Shaddias light all were the same
In joyful luminous glory all creation did sing
By that stupendous realm of the holy king

A mighty voice shook all creation and rang through the air
Saying loud gather all around great EL SHADDAIS colossal chair
Look at god's right a wonder is seen to rise
“Oh my beloved son at last I can give you your prize”

Bathed in beautiful grandeur of the one who had atoned
Countless multitudes stood quiet before Emmanuel enthroned
Joyfully before Emmanuel at last
Faces glowing by lakes colored by golden river glass
Rejoicing at a life that would now never pass
Alan McDougall

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Reply #1 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 8:13am
Alan, thanks for sharing that! I want to say this to it:
Quote: God will one day thrust all evil away from him into the infinite utter remote darkness of the deep and forget it there forever -

Yes, that will happen I firmly believe that as well, and my interpretation of it this:

God is "we" and "we collectively" are God and as soon as the consciousness level of all of the "we`s" have raised to a level of unconditional "love" is when that upper paragraph will take its stand.

I`ll start by saying this: Guess what, you are loved.
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