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Linh - its very strange (Read 2814 times)
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Theres only AGAPE

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Linh - its very strange
Dec 21st, 2007 at 7:26am
Hey Linh, I keep bee-bopping back and forth on Peters site and although for some reason alot of engl. speaking people seem not to have lots of questions there, in the german site theres learning, learning, learning going on. I mean people constantly asking questions for several years now.

What I have noticed is this: Some smarties ask Peter the same question that was written lets say 2 years ago, but they use a different wording in their phrase so almost impossible to remember that one had already answered that a year or two ago, and get this: The answers always come up to be the same.

This blows me away, now either Peters site is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth or he has a magnatude of impressive imagination with a mega multidimensional amount of ability of remember what he wrote years ago, and that to me is as good as impossible.

I wish everyone would go there and bombard the heck out of that site with real questions, so I can see the answers in english.

I realise that some of the info there is hard to understand and hard to incorperate with modern way of being raised but then on the other hand again - after reading it all in german it made 99% sense to me. That 1% stands out because of my consciousness level not allowing me to "see" certain things yet.

What feelings are you or anyone else having by reading whats written there?

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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #1 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 11:50am
Hi Nanner,

I just assumed that on Peter's site, the English version is still new, so not a lot of people have caught on. I know I am content just sticking to Bruce's site. Participating in too many forums can be overwhelming (especially if you only go on at work time  Wink lol!).

I still have a hard time digesting Peter's site. He talks about not really have free will. That every thing we do is planned. For example, a murderer is suppose to kill his victim. So, if that is true, we shouldn't live our life by the 10 Commandments, then. Just do what you like because you were destined to do it anyways. Internally, that doesn't sit right with me. How do you grow spiritually if you do things that may hurt people?

Peter stated, "Societal values are part of specific realities. The ATI created different realities so there can be more interaction between us players, and with it more friction and more emotions to experience." So, may his view point is just one reality that you can adopt. It doesn't mean that his perspective is the absolute way to live life.

How do you process what he say?
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Linh Linh petite_001  
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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #2 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 2:17pm
There are always multiple realities, since there are multiple viewers with different interpretive backgrounds.

It is pretty well established that people, acting from the basis of learned behaviors, act without freedom, as a matter of conditioning.  However, when people are facing novelty they are operating the levers and handles that run the universe, and can act creatively as if extensions of Godhead. To the degree that we act spontaneously, rather than for mundane motives, we thus are autonomous of our conditioning.

If you have a site that helps digest your reality, seems to me to be useful. If not - not.  Undecided

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #3 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:31pm
Hey Linh,
oh no I wasnt suggesting that we switch boards. OMG - no I wouldn`t  trade Bruces Board for nothing in the world in the contrary - because of Peters site is how I found Bruces site to begin with matter of fact. Somewhere in the mist of all the information Bruces Site is mentioned to go and also learn from. Peters site is not a "communicational forum board" but dry cut questions and answers type of thing. Its not compareable to here, your right dear. The engl. version is very new in translation, yes.

I can relate to what your sayin here though - absolutely - and it took me... lets see...about 15 months alone to work through the german site, doing the so called cross reference. I have been literally studying the cross reference subjects, from different views of the material of the box. I dont think I`ll ever "know" 100% in this current stage in time,  but I for some reason feel we are getting pretty darn close to "knowing".

Hmmm to answer the part about ....
"He talks about not really have free will."...
The way I understood it is that we do have "free will" however this free will is limited within realms of the set parameters. Meaning that is why some of us out here can pick up a gun and cold bloodedly shoot someone in the head and go eat a steak 10. later without thinking about what we have just done, while as others "can`t" even if tried as hard as wanted "pull that friggin" trigger. (For its not in our plan to be able to do so) - I think I am one of the second ones in the example, for I found myself in a situation in which I couldhave, should have and in all reality needed to pull that friggin trigger, to save my own self from harm but "something" didnt allow me to do it. I now understand, that this NOT being able to do it is part of my initial do`s and don`t within my soul. It has notta to do with the body ergo brain which counts to my human body.
Did I see something incorrectly?

So, if that is true, we shouldn't live our life by the 10 Commandments, then. Just do what you like because you were destined to do it anyways.. I had said the same sentence last year Linh, thats so funny...  Cheesy No the 10 commandments are very important for a particular stride of souls, however in some cultures still alive to day (other participating souls of the big play called life) the 10 Commandments do not mean squatt, matter of fact  they`ve never come in contact with the subject at all. Sounds bad doesnt it, but theres people that live in the Himalya for instance that have NEVER even heard the word: 10 Commandments and thus naturally do not have these "suggested laws" of man for the purpose of "organising choas" in their exsisting reality... They live by natural laws, instinktive laws etc.  These little guys have never seen a "blonde lady" either for instance.. I guess thats what throws many of us for a loop, because as some of our folks here say so beautifully - we live in our own "reality" but does that mean that a complete alternate "reality" of equal importance "doesn`t" exsist? I believe everyones "reality" is very very real. And when we "look behind the vail" we can clearly see that there is some kind of "system" behind it - it appears to be amazing one at that, beyond our wildest dreams.

"Societal values are part of specific realities. The ATI created different realities so there can be more interaction between us players, and with it more friction and more emotions to experience." I understood it that way too. However the reality of Peter has no bearing on me Linh. His personal opinions are not part of that which I read. He goes on alot about "Seth" which alot of us know has had "contact" with numerious amounts of different people other than Peter. In my opinion (and thats entirely mine) Peter passing on information on the like he is, speaking as in "passing on the info`s from" Sara, Seth and any other Guides" - if he does it wrongly, I bet his butt is in deep trouble so time down the road. The infos dont tell me how to live my life, they give me insight to what this poop is even here, it takes me back to step one, do you understand where I am coming from...

I grew up christian and for some reason that wasnt enough for me. To me it was like starting to read in the middle of a book, it wasnt enough for me to "read the 10 commandments" and then... so be it. I wanted to know "why are they even there". To me it wasnt enough to "fold my hands and pray"...I wanted to know "who am I prayin to", To me it wasn`t enough to bury my father, say goodbye after only have known him for a short time, nope I wanted to know "where the heck did you go, pop".

I never believed in "fate or coincidence", and I find theres another reason behind the fact that some children "have time" with their parents and other kids "loose" them within a very short timeframe of knowing them. Same goes for parents whom have time with their kids until they personally cross over, but other parents have maybe 1 min. or 2 years with their kids before the kids crossover. Our how it is that in a car accident where my brothers were involved in, their car had been hit front on by a truck, one brother gets his head half cut off, liasions, broken ribs, broken arm and leg, pelvic crush whileas the other brother behind the stirring wheel "walks out of the entire wreck" without 1 solid scratch.

So I guess this takes us back to that movie "The Matrix" - of "red pill or blue pill"... Take the blue pill and you continue to live in the cozy "I see nothing but what they want me to see reality" take the red one and "a whole new version of reality" takes place... WOW! I think I`ll take the red one

In reading Peters site in its entirety, and the books bla bla - its really making sense..

And cross referencing different religions, and a few other fields of esoterical sources... WOW Lihn, its very very darn near close that its funny they all basically "say" the same meaning, but only use different "words" to discribe "it"..

OOOh gal, this subject is a really good one that you and I have started. I am sure everyone here can add so much to it..

Hugs and love,

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Peter's response
Reply #4 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 8:16pm
Hi Nanner,

There is a part of me that is turn off about Peter's site. It reminds me of the Bible where the information is given to you and you are suppose to believe in it.  It is not like Bruce's site, where Bruce say that we all have the inner tools to explore the afterlife ourselve. Peter make it sound that you have to be special to be able to contact the afterlife.

In Peter's Q&A forum, I asked him how he gained his knowledge of the afterlife, but he didn't give me a straight answer. He keep on saying that if it is in my plan to know then I will know. What a frustrating answer! I am the type that want personal experience with the afterlife in order for me to be convinced. Maybe it is part of my plan to know, that is why I've been searching all these years for the answers. I can't just sit around picking my boogers and have the answer drop on my lap. I feel I need to do work, like get better at Bruce's technique or go to TMI to hone in on the skills that is innately in all of us.

That is my two cent about Peter's site. Am I reading his response to me incorrectly? see below:

Hi Linh,

You obviously are driven by something, the question is, is it your plan or is it your ego?

> How did you get to the place of not knowing (before your wife's death) to the place of knowing?

Because it was my plan. By looking back at my life I can clearly see that everything that happened to me and what I had learned before was aiming at - and a preparation for - this task.

> Is it through direct experience (as Bruce Moen's suggest each one of us should do) or just reading other people's account and putting it togther?

No. You can read all day long or listen to CDs day and night, unless you are supposed to become medial, you won't.

> But there was a small part of me that did not want to believe it could be true to visit the afterlife while you are still alive. It started sabatoging my mediative state. This nagging part would not let me continue.. so, I stopped trying. I blew off what I was sensing as my imagination playing tricks on me.

Maybe your timing just wasn't right. If your life plan wants you to become medial by 2009, you cannot force it to happen in 2002. Also, your remaining doubt may have indicated that you were still lacking a deeper understanding. Maybe that's why Nanner was to bring you here, so you could learn first before you take the next step?

> I have this impatient feeling that I needed to learn how to communicate with the afterlife. Using Bruce's technique is hard for me now. I end up falling asleep.

You don't need to force anything! If it's supposed to be, it will happen! I would recommend studying this site until you have a clear understanding of the life plan, i.e., until you not only understand but live your plan!

> The cds are suppose to arrive TODAY! Hooray! Anyways, I feel like in 2008, I am ready for the self-exploration of the afterlife.

Don't be disappointed, should they not work right away. Remember: Timing is of the essence. Your personal development goes hand in hand with a lot of other things. We say, there are no coincidences in life. But if you are supposed to run into a specific person, it wouldn't do you any good to be at the meeting place two years too early! Smiley

Please try to relax, try to control your ego and allow yourself to go with the flow. Your guide will make all the arraignments for you to stay on plan! Smiley


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Linh Linh petite_001  
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Old Dood
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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #5 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 8:26pm
Linh...If I may interrupt.
What is this Life's Plan thing?

I firmly believe what YOU want to do then you can do it.

I don't need no stinkin' PLAN to tell me when I CAN do anything.

Make up your mind and do it.  That is what I am doing.  I know what my own 'road blocks' is me and my fears and impatience.

That is just me.  Life is not that is meant to be fun as well...
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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #6 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 8:33pm
Hi Old Dood,

Base on what Peter have learned from the afterlife, he said that as souls, we all agreed on a Life Plan for ourselves to live out on Earth. Hence, if you are meant to know you are meant to know.

I agree with you, about wanting to do something, then do it.

And gosh golly, I want to make contact with the afterlife!  Smiley
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Linh Linh petite_001  
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #7 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 7:08am
Old Dood wrote on Dec 21st, 2007 at 8:26pm:
Linh...If I may interrupt.
What is this Life's Plan thing?...

Hi Dood  Smiley - you are always welcomed in conversations.
to catch you up on the conversation, Linh and I are cross referencing Peter H. Kirchners Site called . We are constructively exchanging views of the information on that site. I ended up there after several "for my explaination and lack of a better word" v e r y  strange things happened to me. Peters original site is in german and its loaded (and I mean loaded!) with infos. Well recently he has been making these infos available in english. Peters site then lead me to "this here site". The only thing that irritates me about Peters site is the "wording" used, but I can get past that. Words are merely a human thing, however to me its a challenge for sure.

Linh and I are trying to make sense of what is written there. Since I have dealt with the material in german, I understand the defintions what is meant in english. However I still feel that if they would have used "commonly" used phrases, (engl) then more people would understand what the Guides have told him. In germany the people have been taught to interpret the meaning instead of zooming in on the actual word used. From what I understand Peter is not medial.

I`ll try to explain more in my post to Linh.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Peter's response
Reply #8 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 7:58am
Hey Linh, Good morning sunshine - that baby you have on your arm is a sweetheart!!! Thousand kisses sent from Nanner!

Okay - to start off with, yes - I can understand that "a part of you is turned off by that site".. Exactly that happened to me at first as well. I`ll tell you why it happened to me: because I thought to myself: "
that is more sh*t than I have ever seen in stables
". I think I even got into it back then with the board members because I was trying to convince them that they are tellin me junk, they on the other hand weren`t trying to convince me - at all -... I felt hurt back then. Come to find out, that was suppose to be that way, inorder to loosen a blockage I had inside..

There was an "ego thing" going on at the time in me, and it was coming from "me".
I had rejected the "words" I was reading instead of allowing myself to understand the "meanings" of them. Once I stopped doing that the "ego thing" was gone. It was a step by step process and I found myself back right there - reading again, asking questions and turned my ego off inorder to understand the answers...

I had been referred "
back to step one
" in reading the material, "from the beginning"..Hmmm, I said to myself - I`ll give it a shot and did so. After reading it and allowing myself to digest the infos, alot dawned on me. So I crossed reference with Bruces information. He speaks of "Focuses"  - Peters site says the same thing however only uses the words "planes" and is "deatailed about "what is within these planes" - Bruce goes into explaining the focus, Peter explains the planes and what the Guides are telling him about the entire "creation", why - where, how, who and what for". And so forth.. So I felt somewhat "safe", can you understand that - I felt safe because I noticed that I wasn`t sent to these places by accident, but rather as if I were a toddler and placed in a playpen, lots of toys to explore (Bruces site, Peters site) whereby each toy in the playpen represents the same things (love) but each toy is made differently inorder to teach me, different perspectives, different verbage etc..

Pls. remember in my other letter to you, I said: At the time I wasn`t satisfied anymore with folding my hands to pray, I wanted to know "who am I praying to", nor did I want to just read verses in the bible such as the 10 Commandments and "abide because my preacher said to do so", I wanted to "know why were they even written down".. So to satisfy most of my inner questioning about creation in general - I had to find a way (if there is one) and "go back to the source of everything", so to be able to ask the questions which I personally need answered, right? Its a long haul to do such - one has to learn to drop the "human ego", one has to learn "not to get offended", one has to learn "to respect", one has to "open the mind unconditionally" and then one has to learn "to distinguish" between human words and afterlife intended "meanings".

Look at it this way, Peter is merely a "verbage transmitter of the information he and his folks get from Guides".. (which one has to have a high level of consciousness inorder to do so) He has to be very careful in his verbage on one side, but if asked - he will give an answer and he will try in loving manner to get the person to understand the message. Sometimes the communication level of two parties are not on same level of understanding (we even find that in our own relationships with our husbands... Grin right) But we eventually get the person to understand what we are trying to say at the end.

Do I know Peter? No, never met em, never seen em, never phoned with em. Have I bombarded him with questions? Yes, he probably hates my guts for making his days so I was one of them that wanted to catch him in a lie! It never happened Linh!

The more I tried to make "less sense of what he was saying, the more sense it was making"..

That left me with a very very contraversial subject at hand.

I`ll try to explain in my words shortly, what Peter was trying to tell you. As I can see where your conflict with his explaination was. Its all in the verbage used - not in the information given.

And Linh, I promise you this:

If you are looking for a 1 sentence answer to your questions, especially if you are looking for "easy answers", then you will not get it. If your tíme  for "understanding" the answers which quench your quest or thirst for understanding has come, then you will have to work for it in form of learning how to distinguish between "man made" thoughtprocesses and afterlife communication. Inorder to do so, the work has to be done in form of dropping learned i.e. trained by society thought behavior.

(that was a somewhat confusing statement - but its true) I am going to walk this route with you - unconditionally - meaning if you feel something is full of poop, then by all means "feel it is full of poop", if you need a closer explaination or view point, then I will be there to help you, its that simple..)

Until then sit tight and remember that you are being hugged.


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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #9 - Dec 22nd, 2007 at 9:53am
Okay Linh, here is my interpretation of your answer from Peter. ( I am sure alot of people here can see different perspectives other than mine too)

Peter: Hi Linh,
You obviously are driven by something, the question is, is it your plan or is it your ego?

Nanners two cents worth:
Linh is obviously being pushed, pulled to different perspectives so to become educated about the afterlife, so this means that she has come to the intersection of learning to distinguish between "mankinds ego" and "trusting within the fact that she is suppose to learn this" at this given time in her life.


Linh: How did you get to the place of not knowing (before your wife's death) to the place of knowing?

Peter: Because it was my plan. By looking back at my life I can clearly see that everything that happened to me and what I had learned before was aiming at - and a preparation for - this task.

Nanners two cents worth:
Peter had the time and the opportunity (which seldomly come together to fit the needs) to "be able to review every detail" of his own life and then consciously noticed that "everything" (and thats a strong word) happened to him in the manner which it did, so to prepare him for being able to handle the information which is being given to him. (You`d have to admitt not every mind would be able to handle being part such information, let alone "understand" it)

Linh: Is it through direct experience (as Bruce Moen's suggest each one of us should do) or just reading other people's account and putting it togther?

Peter: No. You can read all day long or listen to CDs day and night, unless you are supposed to become medial, you won't.

Nanners two cents worth:
No, just as a person whom is destined to be a writer will become a writer, and someone else whom is destined to be a doctor will become a doctor. If the writer can`t handle "dealing" with blood, he`ll never become a doctor, but also a doctor whom "can not enduldge in creative writing" will not write a book. So if you are suppose to "be medial" then "you will see that all things literally take you to the point inwhich this will develop".

Linh: But there was a small part of me that did not want to believe it could be true to visit the afterlife while you are still alive. It started sabatoging my mediative state. This nagging part would not let me continue.. so, I stopped trying. I blew off what I was sensing as my imagination playing tricks on me.

Peter: Maybe your timing just wasn't right. If your life plan wants you to become medial by 2009, you cannot force it to happen in 2002. Also, your remaining doubt may have indicated that you were still lacking a deeper understanding. Maybe that's why Nanner was to bring you here, so you could learn first before you take the next step?

Nanners two cents worth:
Once you have learned to shut down the "ego", meaning "allowing things to happen naturally" so you can observe from outside of the ego, then it may happen. Maybe so you get a deeper understanding of the big picture is why Nanner played such an impactful role in your curiosity to touch the subjects in the site.

Linh: I have this impatient feeling that I needed to learn how to communicate with the afterlife. Using Bruce's technique is hard for me now. I end up falling asleep.

Peter: You don't need to force anything! If it's supposed to be, it will happen! I would recommend studying this site until you have a clear understanding of the life plan, i.e., until you not only understand but live your plan!

Nanners two cents worth:
Trust in the fact that everything in your life has a higher meaning of exsistence, or being. When you begin to learn to "feel" the information on the site then all answers will start to fall into place and you`ll also understand that "using human eyes you can not force anything and trust it to be real", when looking thru "your spiritual eyes (has nothing to do with religious views), you will see more, understand more".

Linh: The cds are suppose to arrive TODAY! Hooray! Anyways, I feel like in 2008, I am ready for the self-exploration of the afterlife.

Peter: Don't be disappointed, should they not work right away. Remember: Timing is of the essence. Your personal development goes hand in hand with a lot of other things. We say, there are no coincidences in life. But if you are supposed to run into a specific person, it wouldn't do you any good to be at the meeting place two years too early! Smiley

Please try to relax, try to control your ego and allow yourself to go with the flow. Your guide will make all the arrangements for you to stay on plan! Smiley


Nanners two cents worth:
Peters last comment is very explainitory. He is encouraging you to continue however without "expectation", so that you "can grow". The Guides also have different names within our cultures, they on that site call them Guides, some call them gardian angels, some call them angels, some call them watchers, and some call them helpers. In some congregations they are even called "aliens" or such. One day I feel we will find out what their real names are  Undecided

So talk to me  Smiley
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Linh - its very strange
Reply #10 - Dec 26th, 2007 at 9:57am
Does anyone else interpret anything in what Peter is trying to tell Lihn? I am by far an expert on the subject "Afterlife" and am thus happy for any insight.. Nanner
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