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Afterlife oppinion asked re:  Acceptance (Read 5888 times)
Alan McDougall
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Re: Afterlife oppinion asked  Acceptance
Reply #15 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:27pm
Hi! Dear Nanna,

I have had a nde where I conceived myself as being of a point of energetic awareness, without a physical body.

Most nde when the go into the aferlife realm have the "appearance" of clothed physical bodies to buffer the shock. One then progresses and can assume any appeareance they like.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Afterlife oppinion asked  Acceptance
Reply #16 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:41pm
Smiley I always wondered about Christian Scientists. like all pathways, they receive resistance in the media. I see another viewpoint on it now that I needed. it looks even better than my old church of religious science, in that practioners are asked to step up to the front and put their foot where their mouth is. amazing. thank you for joining us as I know everyone's time is precious and valuable who contributes here.

I think you're right on, its not an accident you came here, it's not an accident anyone comes here. Our intentions, no matter what pathway we come from, or none at all is the PUL energy basis of which is pure unconditional love.
we sometimes need a little help with it and very few healings are mentioned here. but now that you remind me, I have a story to tell and I apologize that I've told it before, but maybe we need to tell it over and over until everyone hears it?
I thank you Rei for the links to CS. for sure, someone may utilize them and benefit.

I hope you don't mind I compare religions and try to bring threads together and bring people together into harmony this way, also posting makes me widen my horizons.
I know, it's somewhat frustrating is language. the word miracle is an antique, just like me, where the old and the new is expressing at the same time.
I might say and I agree with you, a miracle should not be received in awe. It can a mere change in perception that leads to a change on the body surface into health and we all should see we deserve a miracle which is that change in perception to be allowing the blocks to be removed. basically PUL heals.
I used to do laying on of hands and there is an energy available, can heat up the hands flowing to the healee. I work with absent healing now. Spirit said I was being a bandaid effect, which is nice and all, but I could not be the one deciding for them the decision to stay well. it appears to stay well, one must give up a guilty contenance which says to them I must punish myself, before god does, then I will be found worthy to receive PUL and be healed permanently.

just what my experience was with being a healer, or wishing to be one. I now like to work with belief systems as a healing device to reveal we already are perfectly healthy, we just "look" sick!  or as I picked up here, another fast way to heal a situation of the black gooey stuff of a certain belief, not by pulling it off them, but by quietly seeing it not there, and seeing they are already beautiful and whole, they just think otherwise.
yet I certainly appreciate what CS is doing. I wish I could have found CS back in the 80s. I had then walked into the ministers office and announced I wanted to be a healer and utilize my hot hands. He declined the suggestion almost at once for we were not about that business and so the wind was taken from my sails for sure. He mentioned he sometimes did the laying on of hands himself, but we would not be doing that old fashioned stuff in public, as we were all a mental church. passion to heal not respecting.
I would have been able to develop myself in CS though. I see that now.

but I'm not sorry about that incident. things happen for a reason the way they do.
I had no intellect for one thing. passion without wisdom is hardly worth anything.

and I was not quite on this here path yet, which you said quote:
I usually wake up around 3:00 or 4:00 AM and read and study.  After reading in Ultimate Journey about his going on his out of body trips around this time of day I wonder if there is more to this habit than I realized.

Out of body, also can evolve into phasing, also can be likened to "waking up in a dream" and taking control of the outcome of the dream instead of being an observer, you help yourself to become a participant of the direction of your life force. to become awakened then.  this was my journey also since a small child to find myself outside the flesh.

Like Monroe, I began to learn things about who and what I was on these obes. His earlier book is Journeys Out of Body. Here he is just getting his sea legs out there it appears to me. the next book is Far Journeys, and he is developing it further and you can see he is learning a great deal about who and what humanity is, the next book Ultimate Journeys gets even better.

There comes a point, when obes are like a pathway to follow, like a road sign. this is what happen to me, that I felt as crazy if not crazier than Monroe first felt, as one begins to ask the crucial question "which world is real?" To obtain a balance between truth and untruth then becomes the giant quest and assisting others the same by the allowance of the underlying PUL in our universe is what holds a balance between these two worlds, the one, an extension of the other, a mirror of the other, to our greater beings.
But I do say this, it is not necessary that everyone do obes because a philosophy of do unto others as you would have done to you, is sufficient for spiritual growth, if applied with PUL, not with harmful intents to tear down another's constructs of thought, which is like trying to take a child's toys away from them.
I think the spiritual growth pattern is best implemented by construction or focus on the things that matter, like Nanner mentioned, if we're speaking of a better world in general, we focus on our youngsters because they will be here after we're gone, even though we may return to them in another form.

so we have destruction or construction to choose between. a miracle or a change of perspective. acceptance or rejection, allowing or disallowing, peace or war.

I'm sorry I'm so wordy. I will tell my story of how I received a healing too, I'll have to start another thread. You can say, oh, it was nothing, the hornets went away, and the boils disappeared...but to someone else reading here, their mouth may be hanging open, their eyes may be bulging out of their head, they may be so yearning for healing as to be dripping tears on their keyboard...I call that spirit working on our board and you are a part of that spirit.

hugs Shocked Shocked <this my astral body haha! (the puter inserted it, or was it spirit?)
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Re: Afterlife oppinion asked  Acceptance
Reply #17 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:50pm
Alan McDougall wrote on Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:27pm:
Hi! Dear Nanna,

I have had a nde where I conceived myself as being of a point of energetic awareness, without a physical body.

Most nde when the go into the aferlife realm have the "appearance" of clothed physical bodies to buffer the shock. One then progresses and can assume any appeareance they like.



hi Alan, same here. same experience. just wanted to verify with you, it was real. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Afterlife oppinion asked  Acceptance
Reply #18 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 7:31am
Alan McDougall wrote on Dec 16th, 2007 at 12:27pm:
Hi! Dear Nanna,
I have had a nde where I conceived myself as being of a point of energetic awareness, without a physical body.Most nde when the go into the aferlife realm have the "appearance" of clothed physical bodies to buffer the shock. One then progresses and can assume any appeareance they like.Regards.Alan

WOW - some of the threads make me wonder if we are not all already in the afterlife and just don`t "know" it yet.  Which would make sense to me if we were.. becaue there is no "there" and no "here", whereby I had been told the only difference is the "consciousness level" to be able to see the "melt" together of the two realms.

§$%"!!!!!???!!=&&&&! is what I feel right about
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