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void (Read 6691 times)
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Re: void
Reply #15 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 6:01pm
Hi Pulsar-  The "six months" figure is Swami Sivananda's, but I tend to agree, based on what I've seen my friends do. Maybe I should've been one of them ...

Of course you find "nothing". That's the message. And yet, in spite of "nothing", you were there to see it and experience it. That's the essence of what you were discovering. When this clutter is cleared away, you'll still be there, and there will still be nothing. There always was. That's why there is anything, because if it weren't for nothing,  nothing could be, so there's nothing. (The Prajanaparamita Sutra goes into exquisite detail about this. - You might be interested in having a look.)

I'm firmly convinced that everyone has, in some form, all the usual experiences of enlightenment, regardless of whether they meditate or not.  The problem seems to be recognition and perception, especially through the cloud of presuppositions. We have a transcendental experience, and then we often muck it up by seeking mundane explanations and convoluted reasons, rather than simply having an experience. But it seems that everyone has the opportunity to  experience all those exotic states. Since you've started meditation, you've started to have exotic experiences, as expected. And they are leading you to the ultimate realization of your own nature, as expected. That's nothing. And having nothing is really something, hmm? Looks OK to me. Smiley

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: void
Reply #16 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 9:48pm
you just said something perfect Dave  Smiley everything just fell into place; I'm reminded that the place of nothing is perfect because it seems to be the point of creation.

love, alysia
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Re: void
Reply #17 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 2:00pm
hi Alysia-
Interesting remark - I wonder if you mean we start with nothing - perfect potentiality - and because of the potential nature we evoke the world in which we live. Or is it that having mastered the arts of life, we return to our primordial state because it all adds up to whatever we started with, which is less than something? I'm not too sure that there's much point to life other than God's curiosity.

Seems to me that  God sits back there in the nothing and by virtue of her ultimate nature she bursts forth in leaf and flower and sends forth a universe. (Sounds like the aftermath of a bad dinner.) Then, wanting to find out what it feels like to live in such a universe he decides to become one of the people living there. And that means that he has to seed and populate the universe, and that requires using little bits of himself to populate the place. And finally one of them gets the message and becomes aware and looks around and discovers reality.  And then dies, returns with all that information , and finds out that this is all a big dream, and we are the dreamers, and we are the dream, and it all boils down to God getting bored about sitting there being aware of nothing.

Viewed from that perspective, we probably wouldn't be here if they had a Nintendo that could operate in hyperspace so God wouldn't get bored. Wink

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: void
Reply #18 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 2:26pm
to quote Alan Watts he says god so loves a surprise! what god likes to do is play peek a boo as he likes to find himself.

I asked my son in law why are you wanting to climb yonder mountain? being of wisdom that alludes me, he said "because it's there."

I once was young and miserable. take me home god I said. this place sucks. and god said you want to be nothing? I said sounds good to me. god spoke again and said, its ok, I will let you be nothing, but first see the speck of lint floating in the air?
see how it blows back and forth taken by the currents of air. that is you my child, that is what I will let you experience.
I smiled and said but the lint dust in the air, it cannot have a child, or get married and learn of love, it cannot feel a thing, it cannot have hope, it is just blown around by forces not under it's control!

and god smiled and we both smiled, the depression was lifted and things always looked better after a good nights sleep.

then somebody made a song called all we are is dust in the wind, and I grew sad and knew it was true, we are dust in the wind too, for we are all of the things around us that we think are separate objects and we are the high mountain that we climb.

then I knew my sadness was dust in the wind too, then I knew I was a fragment of god pretending to have a self separate from god.

Smiley  Einstein quote: Imagination is more important than knowledge
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Re: void
Reply #19 - Dec 17th, 2007 at 4:32pm
LaffingRain wrote on Dec 16th, 2007 at 2:36pm:
thats interesting Justin about the void in the beginning was feminine polarity, do u have source material to study this concept? or is this from your meditation?

  Hi Alysia.  I probably use the terms "void" and Feminine a bit different than some.  To some void means, "nothingness" (there is no such thing as nothingness, and never was).  I don't use it in that sense, i use in the sense of passive potentiality. Yin/Feminine is passivity, receptivity, feeling, observing, yielding, attracting, etc.

  I got the above, void and feminine thing from a mix of sources, but more so from intuition and going within.   I first started thinking about all this Yin-Yang in relation to Source and Creation stuff when i first hit puberty.   At that point, it was more half unconscious sensing, more vague, unsure.   Later on studying metaphysics, astrology, and the like, especially when i came upon the Cayce readings, it all gelled along with my intuition.   
I always thought of the creator as both polarities right from the beginning, however, I cannot conceive of a beginning for creator for the same reason i cannot conceive of an ending when thinking of infinity.

  You're totally right, there was no beginning for the Creator itself and that's where eternity and infinity comes in.   But, because Source was first polarized to the Feminine within self, and then later polarized to the Yang/active does not detract from its eternal, infinite nature.   That masculinity was there to begin with, but only as a passive potential.   It became actualized, once it moved, vibrated within self.   This movement and first vibration, is what caused "Creation" to be formed.   The Feminine/Yin aspect of Source is still there, and acts as a balance in Creation and in our Souls.  It's very important and necessary, and yet we are meant to be more active, like the Creator itself.   

Feminine/Yin corresponds to when Source was just One Consciousness, all alone unto itself.  It was a non-fulfilling state to be in, and in a sense you could say that Source was "unhappy" in this state of stillness...  So it did something about it, and became active.   In becoming active, chaos then Light was manifested.   Chaos allowed for the differences and uniqueness of all its various parts to come into manifestation.  No two souls are exactly like, just as no two blades of grass are exactly alike.

  Here is an interesting Cayce reading which connects with this:  "There is an (astrological) influence from without self of a nature that self may be in accord with or in opposition to; for all entities realize they in themselves are both positive and negative influences, and the First Cause--or the Spirit--must of necessity within itself be likewise, yet more positive than negative, for it attracts with attraction and repels with rebellion of that same activity of which every entity is a part."
but a receptive polarity lined up next to the void idea does have a sort of logic to it, at the same time I was not considering a void to be intelligent cosmic stuff, so did not think of pure energy to be polarized in any specific direction.

  Within Source and within the P.I. it's not anymore.  Yet we find our Souls and our material expressions are polarized and imbalanced.   We left that perfect balance and merging of Source, and our finding our way back to Wholeness and that state of perfect balance/merging via and through what Bruce calls PUL.   PUL is the Light of Creation, its what connects every different and unique consciousness together.  It contains both attraction and repulsion at the same time.  Attraction allows for the state, reality, and awareness of Oneness, and repulsion allows for the state, reality, and awareness of self awareness, individuality and uniqueness.  Both now, will always exist in a perfect balance within the Creator, and yet as Cayce's source mentioned, in some ways the Creator is more positive than negative (this interaction between the two is what manifests what some have called "Relativity").   

  This is because its ever expanding through us, its creations.   Expansion and movement is positivity, but positive interacting with and being balanced out by the negative/passive/still expression of energy and consciousness. 

  This is probably why Yeshua oft referred to Source as "Father", because its the active part of Source which created his original Spirit Spark (the P.I.), and Creation.   Even Bruce's interactions with the P.I., well how did the P.I. refer to its Creator?   As "Father".   But creation and creating contains both expressions within.    You cannot create truly without having that balance of Yin, without knowing your Oneness with the All, without being able to Feel.   So while its not active in and of itself, its the necessary balance for active creation, see?

Here is a couple more Cayce excerpts which relate to this: "The life or spiritual or creative forces are positive (primarily speaking), and the body-forces in material manifestation negative (primarily speaking).  To reach that as to where they will not be as combative forces is to unify the purposes, the energies, the activities."

  "Unless a helpful experience may be presented in an individual's activity as a parallel, as a compliment, as a positive and negative force that may be united in one effort, it does not run true.  For opposites (polarization and imbalance) creates disturbances, dissensions, disruptions, devilment.  A union of force makes for strength and power." 

I would go forth with the concept that polarization composites of soul essence is both female and male upon the higher developed planes, and that dividing spirit into gender features here on this physical level is for our soul progressions and singular choices of which to express through the body, but in the end, gender preferences are put aside like a role, like outworn clothing, and man/woman joins up with to be one producing an enlightened PUL emanation, if they could just stop beating each other up in the process. lol.

  Good way to put it.   I would just ask, how did this polarization and imbalance happen?  Did it happen first and only in the material, or did it originate in the Spirit forces as relating to Soul?   Perhaps the physical and "material" is only a reflection projection of what took place before there was even physical?   Maybe that imbalance and polarization is part of what caused the physical to temporarily manifest?    There are very deep subjects, simple, complex, and relative at the same time.

   There are some E.T.'s, who while they also originally took part in the separation, they kept closer to the God forces, and the evolution of their physical reflects this, they have even androgynous forms or bodies (yet on a much faster vibration than our own physical body energies).   Many of these are now fully God realized.

you seem to be doing well these days Justin.

  I am, very much so.  In the last year or so, i've felt pretty constantly centered, intune, and more balanced than not.  It helped out a lot that i finally became serious and disciplined in regards to my Virgo North Node issues.  You seem to be doing well as well, guess California is doing you some good?   

  I'm going to be visiting Cali sometime in Summer.  Probably gonna hang out with someone here from this site a bit, as well as visiting family near the San Fran area. 

  Take care, and much love to and for you Alysia.   While i said some critical words to you somewhat recently, i dropped all hurts and anger towards you a couple of years or so ago.   I now try to more concentrate on the good/constructive in others, and i see a lot of that in you, always did really, but for a time i was very unentered because of so many challenging things happening in my life at the same time and i somewhat took that out on you for a bit, and held hurt. 

  In the future, feel free to speak critically on my overt actions and behaviors that you can see, i honestly don't mind, but please for your sake more than my own , don't critically speak on what you perceive to be my inner intents and heart.  This is rather hard to read or actually perceive via typed words on the I-net, unless one is attaining to that realization of being able to perfectly attune to any other consciousness and/or to the all.   Words and what people say on the outside, rarely are a pure reflection of what's really going on in the inside.   

  I've met some (plenty more so) who would smile, shake your hand, say very nice and supporting words to or about you, and then try to stab you in the back a moment later if it benefited or suited them.  Truly sincere and honest people are still yet somewhat rare in the world, though most are not as extreme as the above example i just gave.
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Old Dood
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Re: void
Reply #20 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 7:53pm
LaffingRain wrote on Dec 17th, 2007 at 2:26pm:
to quote Alan Watts he says god so loves a surprise! what god likes to do is play peek a boo as he likes to find himself.

I asked my son in law why are you wanting to climb yonder mountain? being of wisdom that alludes me, he said "because it's there."

I once was young and miserable. take me home god I said. this place sucks. and god said you want to be nothing? I said sounds good to me. god spoke again and said, its ok, I will let you be nothing, but first see the speck of lint floating in the air?
see how it blows back and forth taken by the currents of air. that is you my child, that is what I will let you experience.
I smiled and said but the lint dust in the air, it cannot have a child, or get married and learn of love, it cannot feel a thing, it cannot have hope, it is just blown around by forces not under it's control!

and god smiled and we both smiled, the depression was lifted and things always looked better after a good nights sleep.

then somebody made a song called all we are is dust in the wind, and I grew sad and knew it was true, we are dust in the wind too, for we are all of the things around us that we think are separate objects and we are the high mountain that we climb.

then I knew my sadness was dust in the wind too, then I knew I was a fragment of god pretending to have a self separate from god.

Smiley  Einstein quote: Imagination is more important than knowledge

I have nothing to add really to this post except it reminded me of our son when he was 4-5 years old.
That song was playing on the car radio and he asked us this: "How can you Dust the Wind?"  It was in the sense of dusting objects in your house when cleaning....called dusting.  Mrs Dood and I still get a kick and a big chuckle out of that to this very day.
Our son was trying to figure out this dilemma of actualy trying the function of Dusting The Wind.  hehe! Guess you had to be there.
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Re: void
Reply #21 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 8:35pm
And then there's the case in which the pastor had just delivered a hell fire and brimstone speech that emphasized his crowning sentence, capturing all our human frailty and inferiority in a single phrase, "We are but dust."

The congregation was silent as the words sunk in. Then, somewhere back in amongst the congregation, a little girl's voice was heard, "Mommy, what is butt dust?"

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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Choose this Day

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Re: void
Reply #22 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 1:53pm
butt dust...I heard that one before dave but it still makes me laff
... good one Dood. I see you have thinker on your hands.
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