Hi Peggy..I think its important to pat yourself on the back for posting, even if you seem a little disappointed in what happened, you also wind up on the positive side, to say you're still hanging in...
and believe it or not, I will never you that "look!"
I wanted to mention something that happens to me like what happens to you. It is called here "blinking out."
this can take the form of the deep sleep. more happened, however, the brain loses contact with the avenue the spirit takes in flight. the brain is where the symbols and interpretations of inner journeys are recorded. Most of us have not developed strongly enough, and so the blinking out either into deep sleep pattern or back into C1, ground level one.
another reason for non retention of intentional journeys is the problem of inexperience in these areas..which you are taking care of that problem already by your efforts to say with it and post anyway what you did get.
that will possibly aid another here to do the same. and look at me, I get to expound here because of you, as if you didn't tell me what happened, I would not remember that this also happened to me and still does.
Bruce said and I agree, that there are places our mind and spirit (higher mind) go to that the brain of C1 has never been before (understandably) and so it tries to help us identify where the spirit has flown..it will produce symbols of the spirits reality, like you saw a man and woman and conversed with them..your memory cells retained that much as it was easily identifiable as it was familiar with the idea of conversation and people..beyond that, it's not your fault you blinked out, somewhere inside of you is the rest of the story, but not just yet. Possibly the couple were your guides working with you to help you explore, but first adjustments had to made to your body, or whatever blockages might be there, such as maybe you feel doubtful you will be successful, so they may be working with you to remove the reasons why you feel unable to complete the mission.
just rambling. doubt is also a creative manifestation though. just like belief is.
lately I can fall asleep, very deeply too, and I know darn well I went somewhere in my spirit, but exactly where I don't know until a few days go by, then it seems to filter down some new information about such and such, or about somebody, or about my belief systems, etc. and the periods of sleep are very useful in that sense, after all, is there any hurry to get smarter?
lol. I'll be the turtle here, you can be the hare!
Yesterday I helped with some retrieval stuff so I'll go post that, I think retrievals fall under the healing category too.
Saturn sounds fine to me and we could maybe compare notes on it, try to act like we're scientists probing around, we might get something, hey!
post us up a new thread if you will. love, alysia