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Message started by LaffingRain on Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:34pm

Title: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 8th, 2007 at 11:34pm
Everyone invited to visit the imaginary chalice room underneath this forum. it cast a pinkish glow in the air. Enter the castle gates, watch out for the crocs around the castle, they are just doing their job. take off your hat in the chalice room, place name of person you wish to be receiving healing energy, they will receive it if their higher self wants it.
the walls are stone from ancient times but it is not dank nor dark. even the steps are chisled stone.
once you find it there are candles of various colors you can stay a minute and light one for yourself or your loved one and leave PUL in the room. thats why its pink color.

see ya there soon!  :)

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by tgecks on Nov 10th, 2007 at 5:42pm
What a great venue! The Healing and Rejuvenation Center is filled wil PUL and healing enerrgy. Just set your intention to go there, and you will. It is just across The Park....

See you there, y'all. They will be very excited to have a group there....


Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 13th, 2007 at 12:34am
thanks Thomas. I think it may be a little soon to establish a healing center here as no one is interested and its monday. another way to look at that is, everyone is doing great!

anyone has PE ideas I am open to be there. thanks again for talking about one of my favorite topics, forgiving.

that was indeed, healing!  :)

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by Romain on Nov 14th, 2007 at 10:52pm
Healing i'm sure do need some...that darn flu bug doesn't want to go away... :D

but i will win in the long run.. ;)

Sorry i miss it Alysia...maybe next time.
But it sure is a very good idea..healing center exploration and we all need healing one time or another.
with love;Romain

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 14th, 2007 at 11:10pm
well gracious sake alive Romain, I'm going to go blow my trumphet in heaven  :)
get u up and around, I can't think of a reason to be under the weather thats good enough, can you?  :) you are now officially in the new healing center until you say you're ok.  peace my friend

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by tgecks on Nov 15th, 2007 at 9:49am
Well, you may say that, but we are all there when I go.... The "room" is always filled, but only a few "seem" wide awake and the rest of us seem a bit "not there."

Anyhow, I was in the Chalice Room absorbed in the fact that I could seemingly smell the candles and the fragrance, and the walls. It reminded me of the crypt chapel at Duke, actually, but I think that was my left brain trying to match it with some prior experience.

Anyhow, after a few mintues, I settles down to a little meditation there about healing, and asking for it and expecting it; Rumi called it The Fire... And I was sitting in that thought, and was swept with a great wave of love and forgiveness (funny how these things all overlap), and when I "opened" my "eyes" [please excuse all the quotes, but you get what I real words for this stuff sometimes...]. I was sitting in the Park with the same group of travelers, just before the Healing and Rejuvenation Center "there." And our group was surrounded with cheering and loving energies just beaming with pure unconditional love and healing energy for all of us, and through us to the Earthcore.

This "place" seemed much more vast that "Focus 27" in Monroe-speak, and I am finding that the Monroe designations are really limiting for me. I am finding this all to be MUCH MUCH bigger than the Monroe Institute (though they have taught me some wonderful skills). TMI is certainly not the only way to learn for sure....

I get that this healing and forgiveness thing is on-going and forever, and there is always someone there when I need it. I am truly amazed that when I "look into" their "eyes" there, all I can see is....myself.

There is only one of us here. But there is only one of us there, too.

Great group. I'll be waiting for you there.....

Love and Light,

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 15th, 2007 at 2:18pm
cool. I just peeked in. theres a fireplace with real wood burning and crackling, theres a couch near the fireplace. I saw Romain sitting there relaxed manner looking into the flames. I sat down on one side, Thomas sat on his other side. I wore my hat. we 3 sat there while outside snowflakes floated down gently, we were warm! Romain said he would be there a few days, just soaking it up for awhile, I said thats good, then Iknow where to find u!

love, alysia

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by Romain on Nov 16th, 2007 at 12:39am
thank guys..yes i was there, been there for a few day soaking the healing energy.
Been putting out my intent to be there as soon as i go to bed at night or during the day and asking for healing energy. Been working I'm felling better each day.

Alysia you were saying " while outside snowflakes floated down gently" two days ago we had our first snow falling down on us for a full day, about 6-12 inches of snow, was beautiful to see From the Inside" ...was looking out the window and watching the kid making Snowman, they were having fun, reminded me of when i was a kid felt good inside, no care in the world... :)

Went to lay down right after it and did a short trip to the Healing center.. so yes you pick up on this..,, 8-)
Thank dear.


his "place" seemed much more vast that "Focus 27" in Monroe-speak, and I am finding that the Monroe designations are really limiting for me. I am finding this all to be MUCH MUCH bigger than the Monroe Institute (though they have taught me some wonderful skills). TMI is certainly not the only way to learn for sure....  

I've been having a bit of trouble myself with designations and they are limiting so to speak. There is much much more happening there than we though before.
Also Monroe was kind of paving the way so to speak, for all of us, mind you there were others too, but he became a bit more popular and the institute did help immensely with all there successful travellers coming up to learn and leading their own ways too. Ex: Rosie Mcknight, Skip, Ken Eagle Feather, Frank deMarco and the remote viewer can't remember his name for now, just to name a few, all had great experiences and still do i'm sure.
I'm trying hard these day to kind of forget which focus i'm to speak. Kind of just say it the healing center, wherever it is, so be it, let go and letting ISH/higher Self do the driving..:).. i know it hard to let go of the control but it work.

Ok back to bed...take care guys and thank you, willl see you there tonight too.
With much love and PUL.

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 16th, 2007 at 10:43pm
I have been involved with social obligations, but I am SO READY to connect, and share something before the cold sets in. For some reason, Arizona is warmer than usual. (I will take it). Healing is always a favorite. During my "drifting" and "lifting" I see a lovely violet light, sometimes. It's "alive" isn't it ? I sense a warmth to it. It always comforts me as it swirls. Sounds "crazy" to talk this way to the "Non believers," so I will be crazy. It feels right. You guys and girls know what I mean. The Violet Light. Swirling.

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 17th, 2007 at 1:19am
well hello there Peggy I hope I remembered your name right. so violet is the highest soul color you know, or indigo is a close match.
check out this pic, I wanna send these colors to Romain

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 17th, 2007 at 2:46pm
Beautiful fractal images always make me think about eternity. I am a color addict.  I am going to take a journey today when I can. I have new neighbors about 6 acres away who are noisy, and I have to put cotton in my ears. Neighbors : a whole other topic. Bad Renters : a sub topic. I come. Free Form. I am not disciplined today, but eager to explore, Rain.  

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 17th, 2007 at 6:18pm
good deal Peggy, I hope to hear from you! at least you are in the country and the noise is 6 acres away..but I know what u mean. I have a loud neighbor whose voice carries like an evangelist type voice, only he's the hells angel biker type. I usually surround his being with a calming energy in my mind, and if that doesn't work I head for the river!
nothing like water to bring the silence in.
I know both of us live in the perfect place that we're supposed to be and this is revealed later. would you go to the healing center and bring the pink ray today for the chalice?
this is the ray of love.

thanks! I will try to get there. alysia

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 18th, 2007 at 10:09pm
I drifted past a few beautiful PINK trees. I said "I need your energies". I am not sure why, but I spend a lot of time feeling disconnected,  yet caring. Can we describe ourselves as "aliens" at times during our Astral Travels, and Etheric connections ? I was welcomed into a room, and conversed with a woman and man. I don't recall anything after that. I feel that I was put under into a deep sleep. Why ? Not sure. I wanted to DO good things. I did think about Romain and his illness, but felt that he is such a strong spirit, and is better now. Some of my experiences sound so vague, but without apologising, I think that  C1 is such a drain, lately. Sometimes, we just don't want to come back to C1. Trying to explain any of this to some people is only met with what I call "The look"...(ha ha). Oh well....I am feeling so  positive that we are all doing a great thing, albeit quietly. What's next ? I need a trip to Saturn, I think. The planet has a kind of bad reputation for gloom, but, I am willing to face the music on that one. Capricorns are ruled by Saturn. I am Aries, but Saturn leans toward determination, and reaching goals.  Distance is just a fuzzy concept to me at this point. Chuckle. I am game for another PE, and will do more this time. I felt like a car being taken to a garage for a tune up. Okay.....the material world has an effect on the Earthbound.

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 19th, 2007 at 1:19am
Hi Peggy..I think its important to pat yourself on the back for posting, even if you seem a little disappointed in what happened, you also wind up on the positive side, to say you're still hanging in...
and believe it or not, I will never you that "look!"  :-?  I wanted to mention something that happens to me like what happens to you. It is called here "blinking out."

this can take the form of the deep sleep. more happened, however, the brain loses contact with the avenue the spirit takes in flight. the brain is where the symbols and interpretations of inner journeys are recorded. Most of us have not developed strongly enough, and so the blinking out either into deep sleep pattern or back into C1, ground level one.
another reason for non retention of intentional journeys is the problem of inexperience in these areas..which you are taking care of that problem already by your efforts to say with it and post anyway what you did get.
that will possibly aid another here to do the same. and look at me, I get to expound here because of you, as if you didn't tell me what happened, I would not remember that this also happened to me and still does.

Bruce said and I agree, that there are places our mind and spirit (higher mind) go to that the brain of C1 has never been before (understandably) and so it tries to help us identify where the spirit has will produce symbols of the spirits reality, like you saw a man and woman and conversed with them..your memory cells retained that much as it was easily identifiable as it was familiar with the idea of conversation and people..beyond that, it's not your fault you blinked out, somewhere inside of you is the rest of the story, but not just yet. Possibly the couple were your guides working with you to help you explore, but first adjustments had to made to your body, or whatever blockages might be there, such as maybe you feel doubtful you will be successful, so they may be working with you to remove the reasons why you feel unable to complete the mission.
just rambling. doubt is also a creative manifestation though. just like belief is.

lately I can fall asleep, very deeply too, and I know darn well I went somewhere in my spirit, but exactly where I don't know until a few days go by, then it seems to filter down some new information about such and such, or about somebody, or about my belief systems, etc. and the periods of sleep are very useful in that sense, after all, is there any hurry to get smarter?  8-)  lol. I'll be the turtle here, you can be the hare! [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

Yesterday I helped with some retrieval stuff so I'll go post that, I think retrievals fall under the healing category too.

Saturn sounds fine to me and we could maybe compare notes on it, try to act like we're scientists probing around, we might get something, hey!  [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]

post us up a new thread if you will. love, alysia

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by Gweexldax on Nov 19th, 2007 at 1:04pm
Rain. You made my day ! I always thought that "blinking out" meant a failure on my part. I will start a new thread for our exploration. I am happy to see that we have several PE's going at one time. I wonder, too, about the effects of the seasons on PE's. I tend to have VERY intense images in summer. My theory : The food is more nutritious, and the live enzymes have an effect on relaxing the body. Winter is a constrictor, and the veggies are washed out. I know that the brain is like a peach with electricity running through it. When my brain is relaxed, I can leave it behind for awhile, because I know it is "safe". The spirit takes flight. I suppose it is to be compared to leaving a child with a great babysitter ?  I think of the brain as a servant with a potential tendency to chatter too much at times.

Title: Re: PE Saturday, all day, Healing Center Nov 10
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 19th, 2007 at 5:19pm
I like that "the brain is like a peach with electricity running through it"  :)

so we have juicy brains.. :D
also I like you said you can explore and feel safe with the brain as a babysitter, its a new thought... :)

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