author=vajra - Thank you for that nice and bubbly but spot on post Alysia.
You're most certainly allowed to smoogie up the mirror. Didn't think I was sighing quite that loudly so that you could hear it from over here!!
That said I'm probably more optimistic than i sometimes sound in my half empty moments.
I think you are one of our hard workers Ian. not pessimistic. just a hard worker.
That root of 1% of the population idea is interesting. My personal (C1 logic and proably fairly worthless) take on consciousness and what's needed to create some sort of lift off for humanity is that it doesn't need to be all that much to create a chink of light in the mind of most (having got an inkling I think they will then rapidly catch on), but it does need to be very widespread so that those manifesting right behaviours don't get abused and taken advantage of. (we're probably all in this boat together!)
I see your chain of thought somewhat Ian and I understand. you need not worry about being abused or taken advantage of if we can master the subconscious field, not of the other person, but your own subconscious, and my own I mean. people pick up things on subconscious levels, even body language betrays what u are really thinking while the mouth may be saying different. what I mean in other words, it is impossible to be abused unless there is a pattern of guilt being held within the subconscious mind which invites abuse..thats because you can instantly change the negative thought into the positive thought, which changes the other person's reactionary pattern.
when out of body this happens also..that u may float in your light body and come across a dark your light permeates into the dark field, the dark field becomes order for the dark being to continue being dark they must flee from the light as they are feeling exposed or naked..I think that's why people go to their own bst's (belief system territories) as each bst sustains it's own peoples, in various states of light and color as spirits.
have u ever noticed though that bad things do happen to good people? it all depends on what u think is not good. to the oversoul, what happened that didn't seem right was exactly what that soul needed to push it into another brighter pathway and affirm for itself what reality it would be choosing for itself through its will and forethought.
I know, seems crazy sometimes, the disharmony that happens. it seems we thrive on the contrast here and go thru these conflicting belief systems and have to throw some of our head trips away, keeping what feels right and what serves higher purposes better.
Ian said:
- celestial broadband.
I like that term! did u make it up? I'm going to remember that one!
Ian said: I found out the hard way just how it can make you ill just by focusing me too much in my intellect - the energy goes where the attention is, and other functions suffer accordingly.
agreed. intellect is fine, our society thinks intellect is more important than emotions; I think they are both equally important expressions or tools of awareness. what u said about energy going where attention is at...precisely correct statement. what outpictures is what is being focused on in C1..and there is much indeed to choose from to focus on!
u r very open minded Ian, so I want to share some very special tool thoughts that I came across which I experimented with to my benefit. I'm straying away from personal accounts of my experiences a bit here because I think you might also enjoy these thoughts as much as I did. Some of us here towards eastern flavor meditations.
4/9/03 the Pathway: (Cozzolini) THE POWER IS HELD IN THE ABILITY TO CHOOSE WHERE WE FOCUS OUR ATTENTION as to what our experience will be.
your head must not be larger than your heart (I made this up
FROM Elias: (not exact quote, expect my coloring) expectations limit your method. your choice follows the direction of your desire. your desire is the movement of your intent.
ELIAS: (this is exact quote) you are creating an actual flesh and blood individual through your perception, therefore you are creating the individuals state of being.
now as you have stated and have allowed an awareness of,
this individual quite efficiently REFLECTS to you what you create inwardly. now allow yourself the genuine view; this individual IS you, for this individual is your creation as a REFLECTION of you.
you shall be free fractionarily; for time is that fraction of eternity. source unknown.
the following I believe is mostly Gibran with my thought at the end:
you will laugh, but not all your laughter, you will cry, but not all your tears, you will think, but not all your thoughts, you will feel, but not all your feelings, you will die, but not all your deaths, you will climb all your mtn peaks and plummet all your vallys, yet not all of them in a single life.
take my hand so that we do this together and throw me not away, for too soon it seems, I become someone else’s life. (reincarnation)
*RA: This is the only place of forgetting. It is necessary for the 3rd density entity to forget what it really is so that the mechanisms of confusion or free will may operate upon the newly individuated consciousness complex. (B1, 193)
*RA: The entity which reaches intelligent infinity most often will perceive this experience as one of unspeakable profundity. It is not unusual for the entity to immediately desire the cessation of the incarnation. (read about NDE folks regarding returning to Earth)
I didn't find the thing I wanted in my notes for you..but it was basically what you already said..the focus, your attention where you place it is also your desire. the mind follows the attention, where one focus's the most often, so if you are one pointed about an area of your life, that is where you will see the most creativity taking place.
love, alysia