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The Science of Eternity (Read 2682 times)
Never say die
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The Science of Eternity
Oct 8th, 2007 at 9:20am
8 part video on You Tube about the scientific case for survival and physical mediumship. The documentary I believe is from the 1990's.
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Never say die
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Re: The Science of Eternity
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 4:41am
Tell me what you think!  Huh
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Re: The Science of Eternity
Reply #2 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 6:07pm
Hi Never say die   I have watched all eight and i thought it was great and its fantastic that these scientists are ready to show proof that the spirit world is there but i have always beleived it anyway,i wonder what the worlds reaction will be when they share this proof with the world but i think its like David Icke said some will accept more than others will

I thought that David Icke actually said a lot of sense about spirit and the scientific proof of it but his idea about lizards is the most stupid thing ive heard of and the short video of a lizard man being interviewed is stupid as well because even though this man had slits for eyes  ,they could be contact lenses as you can buy any contact lenses these days with different colours and stripes, stars etc.

I remember about a year ago i was at my spiritualist church and this medium said that they will show proof to the world of life after death and i cant remember who the medium was as it was a year ago.

Love and God bless  Love juditha
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Never say die
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Re: The Science of Eternity
Reply #3 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 9:33am
Hi Juditha. Yes I have believed it even before I had read about scientific proof which I am very interested and excited about, but for some people they need detailed scientific explanations and proof to be swayed. The trouble is it is so difficult to convince most conventional scientists who do not believe in the afterlife even when compelling evidence is presented. They always seem to have a 'logical' explanation for things. Remember many of them have built their reputations on work that is 'materialist' - if the afterlife was proven they'd look silly and lose their jobs. That is why they ignore afterlife science.

It would be truly wonderful if all knew there was an afterlife and that god however you conceive of it, is love and that's what matters. People talk about 2012 as an important date as to what is going to happen. So maybe it will not be long before proof of the afterlife is strong enough to change views of the world of large.

I also have the link to the website regarding the scientific case for the afterlife.

Kind Regards,

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Re: The Science of Eternity
Reply #4 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 3:25pm
Weeel.. Michael Roll is an ordinary enthusiast, not a scientist, and his friend Ron Pearson, is, as MR says, an engineer (also not a scientist in the usual sense). According to MR Pearon's work was approved by scientists in Moscow about 15 years ago or so, but seemingly no other scientists have said they find it interesting. MR has also failed to come up with the goods on his promises (mid 1990s) that he was on the brink of gettiung his "proofs" accepted and that he was recruiting materialisation mediums who would go public and allow themselves to be rigouously tested and filmed and so on so ebveryone would know life after death was a fact not a matter of religious belief. He now seems to claim that the latest scientific theories about dark matter and dark energy prove his theories, but I don't think this is based on much factual evidence. It's a bit like people who claim, vaguely, that discoveries in quantum mechanics "prove" psi phenomena etc. I find him moderately interesting - and agree that it should be possible to talk in a factual way about how spirit "works" (as long as it's reality - which I think it is - , even if a "different sort of " reality from the everyday one science is used to dealing with normally, then it should be able to be studied and understood in a factual/scientific way) - however I find him quite disappointing for the reasons mentioned above - i.e. nothing seems to have moved on much in at least 10 years.
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Never say die
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Re: The Science of Eternity
Reply #5 - Oct 13th, 2007 at 9:21am
Hi Orlando I know you are sceptical about this as I remember our dialogue on You Tube. All we can do is observe and comment on the situation to the best of our understanding. Patience is a virtue (as tiresome as that sounds remember what they are up against).

These researchers have in recent times concentrated on just getting the information out there on their website and trying to get a more equal share of radio and press coverage in the UK where like in so many other countries the materialist scientists and the religious establishment form an unlikely but effective partnership in silencing the secular case for survival.

Materialisation Mediumship is very rare but it does occur and is occuring. Materialisation Medium David Thompson (australian based) has conducted many seances in the past 2 years with afterlife researcher Victor Zammit reporting and uploading audio of the spirits that talk to the circle.
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Re: The Science of Eternity
Reply #6 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 5:53pm

Fair enough, maybe I am impatient, but I don;t thaink it's all down to the evil conspiracy to silence him, it might partly be that it's hard to get such views taken seriously in the mainstream (I'm sure that is the case) but he has failed to come up with the goods and get solid proof out there.

It's no use just telling people about things, he's got to get the science examined and for at least some reputable mainstream scientist to agree it's got some merit, and he's got to produce the materialisation mediums he has been saying are ready and waiting to prove life after death to the world in a testable way. I don't see that people like him and Spiritualists can just go on and on with tired excuses like we can't have scientific conditions in séance rooms -- or even light (!) - because it disturbs the ectoplasm etc. There WERE proven frauds in Victorian times and the early 20th C and they tarnished the name of Spiritualism for the genuine mediums, but people  who have genuine gifts of "physical mediumship , assume they exist, must come forward, as promised, and allow at least reasonably rigourous monitoring of what they do so as to dispell the fraudulent image.

If all we get is a few spooky phenomena of floating trumpets covered in luminous paint and disembodied voices and touches on the shoulder etc like 100 years ago (as sounded like was going on in a séance reported on one physical mediumship site I saw) they might as well just give up now.

I feel disappointed becasue I saw Michael Roll do a speech about 12 years ago or something and he was putting forward all the same things as on that video (not surprising, as the video was recorded around then). Also, I've looked at his site before and it seems to mostly consist of inconclusive items, such as letters he has written to well-known people complaining about the evils of dogmatic mainstream religion on the one hand and closed-minded scientists on the other, with the odd polite reply he has recieved. And he is still making the same claims based on Pearson's work supposedly having been accepted by some science journal in Moscow years ago etc and still promising a breakthrough is coming any moment.
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