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Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.." (Read 11116 times)
Never say die
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #15 - Oct 8th, 2007 at 8:57am
the_seeker wrote on Oct 5th, 2007 at 11:32pm:
we humans mostly agree that humans are more important than animals - that's why we eat them for our own enjoyment & nutrition Smiley

Speak for yourself. I'm a vegetarian and totally disagree funnily enough.

Moving along, reverse speech is very intriguing. I've heard many samples from guests who capture reverse speech, EVP and ITC in the paranormal podcast shows that I listen to.

The discoverer of reverse speech is David John Oates one of my fellow countryman (Australian)  Cool

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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #16 - Oct 8th, 2007 at 6:48pm
Time will probably in my view bring us to a place where we realise that animals have souls/spirit/immortality much the same as we do. We may even find some while not very intellectual teach us more than we realise and that all contribute. e.g. cats. It's quite remarkable how they light up and start to relate when shown love - it's equally not too surprising given the way most are treated that they don't connect much with most people.

Reverse speaking. I've not heard of it before. Is the idea that we give away what we really think when what we say is reversed?  Could it be (presuming it's for real - has anybody actually tried it out for themselves?) that when you reverse speech that you get the reverse of the intention? Does it work for script? Other languages?

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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #17 - Oct 8th, 2007 at 7:34pm
Hi Seeker animals should not be tortured for any reason and though humans rule the world,the animals were on earth long before we were,i sometimes think animals treat you better than humans do as there love is unconditional and human love always seems to come with conditions to it.

Some of those experimental labs seem to enjoy hurting animals,they must do ,or they wouldnt work there,i dont agree at all that animals should be tested on for cosmetics.

Thats like those spoilt rich idiots that jump on a horse and hunt a fox,only to sit and watch,while that fox screams in terror and pain and they do this after christmas day lunch on the day that Jesus was born,which is an insult to the love thats supposed to be shared for the birth of Jesus,there just a load of idiots that were born with a silver spoon up there jacksy,that they got no respect for those animals and no respect for what christmas day is all about.

The only reptiles i know of is the ones i see on tv or read about and thats all there is as far as im concerned.For all i care David Icke can go take a hike.

This is where David Icke should go

Love and God bless all in the world and the animal kingdom   love juditha
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #18 - Oct 8th, 2007 at 8:06pm
Smiley Atta girl Juditha!!! Give it socks....
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #19 - Oct 8th, 2007 at 8:46pm
i don't like animal torture either - i just mean for scientific research, it is a necessary evil - like world war 2, that was a necessary evil. 

i don't think animal torture is good..  but don't see anything wrong with eating them because our bodies evolved to eat meat.
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Never say die
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #20 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 3:31am
I'm a vegetarian because I was horrified when I saw the reality of factory farming and all the mistreatment of cows + chickens. Just because they aren't cuddly like pets doesn't mean they don't have feelings or souls. The arguments in favour of vegetarianism are also compelling from an environmental standpoint, (with all the methane gas from cows etc) and also humanitarian reasons (the grain to feed livestock could be used to feed the starving people) I believe that everything has soul essence because everything at the highest level is connected in oneness. Since I do not need to eat meat in order to survive I choose not to. I can get the protein I require from nuts. I was always a bit nuts  Cheesy
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #21 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 11:33am
Hi Vajra{Ian)   Thanks  love and God bless you    love juditha Smiley
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Alamosa Junk Yard

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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #22 - Oct 9th, 2007 at 1:16pm
If our bodies evolved to eat meat, why do we not pounce, and tear into the raw flesh with our claws and teeth ? (and don't forget the earplugs. There will be a lot of fear, and pleading on the part of the victim. )
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #23 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 1:42am
If our bodies evolved to eat meat, why do we not pounce, and tear into the raw flesh with our claws and teeth ?

because we don't need to - we can make weapons

anyway there's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian, but i'd rather eat something filling.. that i crave... meat
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Never say die
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #24 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 4:41am
A vegetarian diet can be very filling. Particuarly South Asian Food - pappadams, naan bread, samosas.

Not exactly sure what this has to with reverse speech? I know where I stand as far as my eating habits are concerned.
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #25 - Oct 10th, 2007 at 10:04pm
Never say die wrote on Oct 10th, 2007 at 4:41am:
A vegetarian diet can be very filling. Particuarly South Asian Food - pappadams, naan bread, samosas.

Not exactly sure what this has to with reverse speech? I know where I stand as far as my eating habits are concerned.

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Never say die
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #26 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 7:30am
Plants do not feel pain and fear in the same way animals do. Human beings are alot like animals, we just create the illusion that we're not.

But again what does that have to do with reverse speech??
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #27 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 4:53pm
Hi my reverse speech is slamina  evol

Love and God bless    Love juditha
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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #28 - Oct 11th, 2007 at 11:18pm
Never say die wrote on Oct 8th, 2007 at 8:57am:
the_seeker wrote on Oct 5th, 2007 at 11:32pm:
we humans mostly agree that humans are more important than animals - that's why we eat them for our own enjoyment & nutrition Smiley

Speak for yourself. I'm a vegetarian and totally disagree funnily enough.

I whole heartedly concur with Michael!

Moving along, reverse speech is very intriguing. I've heard many samples from guests who capture reverse speech, EVP and ITC in the paranormal podcast shows that I listen to.

The discoverer of reverse speech is David John Oates one of my fellow countryman (Australian)  Cool

  Thank for the link!  I can't believe this is the first time that i came upon this stuff, it's really interesting, and i think there is definitely something to it, though i would like to run my own experiments on it to really check it out...     All hail you awesome Aussies Wink

  As far as Firing the Grid, and the earlier link...   Well, it reminds me of an old saying, "a half truth is worse than a whole lie, for it can deceiveth even the Soul."

    I participated in the meditation that day, though i didn't specifically meditate on "firing the grid" as in the manner that lady outlined.  I just decided to tap into the Oneness, and to hold the Earth in a healing perspective, and see it being healed, with the intent of connecting consciously to all those who were also meditating with this motivation.   Basically i was raising the vibratory energies of the physical Earth, and all contained within, yet saying, "not my will but the Creative forces will be done".

   My meditation aside, even if many people had meditated more specifically on the channels suggestion of 'firing the grid', i can't see how this could have a destructive affect from any perspective.   The point of the meditation was the intent for many to come together with the intent and motivation of participating in the healing of the Earth.   It's far more the inner intents, motivations, feelings, etc. which matter more than the specific visualizations!   Or in other words, its the Spirit behind the law, which is far more important than the letter of the law. If the inner ideals, motivations, intents, etc. are positive, then it attracts and manifests positivity, if negative the same.   Geez, sometimes i think people need to use more common meta-sense when talking about and looking into this kind of stuff.   

   I say all the above, whilst even believing in the Reptilian E.T.'s whom i know are not particularly positive or well intentioned to other aspects of creation, such as us.  Part of the reason of why i believe these do exist, is that i was talking to a young man i know and interact with regularly, who has slight mental retardation.   Somehow UFO's and stuff like this came up a couple of times in our talks, and we exchanged some beliefs and experiences.  I was rather surprised to find that he believed in anything like UFO's or E.T.'s to begin with, as he seems like a very grounded personality.   He is not a person prone to flights of fancy by any means. 

He told me that once when he lived out in the boonies around age 9 or so, late at night, he heard a loudish thud from outside his house.  He went to look out the window, and saw a large reptillian face staring back at him.  He completely freaked out and started yelling at the top of his lungs.    The face and figure stayed for a bit, turned its head and left. 

  I considered other possible explanations, and the thought occurred to me that a pranking teenage was wearing a mask, and trying to cause some trouble or drama.   I subtly suggested this possibility, and he said that at the time he thought about that too, but he said he would have been able to tell if this was just a person wearing a mask, when this figure turned its face sideways.   He saw no indication of a mask, and he said that it had a large forked tongue lolling out of its mouth, which he saw move.   Well, i believe him, and either way, i don't think he is making up the story whatsoever.   He is a rather quiet and shy kind of a guy in many respects, and only seemed to tell me this because i felt spontaneously and intuitively motivated to share some of my own experiences and opinions first. 
What was pretty funny, is that one time, one of the first times that UFO's had come up, we had just come out of the local library, and i mentioned something about You tube UFO videos and asked him if he had ever seen the one about the ancient paintings, artifacts, etc. dealing with UFO's and seeming E.T.'s and he said yes, about a couple minutes later, after pulling out of the Library parking lot, in front of us, was a truck with the license plate of, i shit you not, UFO followed by numbers....   Yeah, and we don't live in Roswell, we live in eastern VA!  I don't ever remember seeing another license plate with UFO in capital letters before or since.  I guess that might fall under the category of 'synchronicity'? Cool

  btw, i'm not a fan of Icke and again believe that the above saying i first mentioned holds a lot of truth in relation to him and his info as well, though i do believe there is a 'cabal' of sorts, and that 9-11 was orchestrated by certain factions connected to the U.S. gov. and private interests groups.  Maybe that makes me a crazy conspiracy freak, but honestly i'm not much interested in this stuff anymore at all, read very little about this or politics in general, and mostly go by what my (and Becky's) guidance tells me either directly or indirectly on what i believe to be certain key issues.   
One thing i know and am sure about, we live in a very, very, very corrupt, materialistic, and selfish world right now (particularly in the U.S.), and there are some who are so power hungry and yet extremely filled with fear, that to most 'normal' people its initially unbelievable.   We are simply just walking numbers and dollars signs to these types, many whom have much power and influence in the material sense.  They seem to care about nothing except for the little, seemingly separated self and its material 'happiness' and comfort...

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Re: Reverse speaking and "Fire The Grid.."
Reply #29 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 6:27am
The reptilian claim sounds to me a little like a convenient way of rationalising away the nasty aspect of humanity - a way of in effect sanitising all of us good guys.

Agreed, Vaj.  The few times I've focused briefly on anything concerned with the reptilians, the result hasn't been at all pleasant, admittedly; a lot of darkness and fear there.  However, I don't believe in a race of them that are physically present and like eating us, for a couple of different reasons:-

1)  As you say, we're perfectly capable, as a species, of being evil all on our own.  That isn't to say that the majority of us are, but there are some of us who consistently make fear-based choices.  To a large degree, it pains me to admit that I'm one of them...but I lean more in the direction of simply isolating myself...not persuing money and power at the extent of other people's wellbeing.

2)  I at least try and believe that the light/positive entities are sufficiently powerful and care enough about us that they wouldn't allow a race of physically incarnate, sentient, maneating reptiles to live among us.  I believe personally that the reason why nuclear war in particular is not going to happen is because God/the positive powers refuse to permit I have to believe that they're at least sufficiently powerful to regulate which extraterrestrials are allowed here, as well.
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