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Afterlife evidence and religion (Read 8904 times)
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Afterlife evidence and religion
Sep 10th, 2007 at 1:02pm
One of the things that I find very interesting when reading through various postings is that a lot of posts leave religion of out it. I am not interested in reading people’s religious beliefs – but I really enjoy hearing evidence of spiritual occurrences. For example, I don’t want to hear – “Jesus will save you”.

Don’t get me wrong, if you are religious, that is great, but I am not seeking proof or evidence of religion. To me that is entirely another subject.

Although I would not describe myself as religious, I would describe myself as spiritual. I want to really belief that I will know my kids (for example) after my physical life has ended.

When reading people’s experiences that had a NDE, some state that they are more spiritual as opposed to religious. Here is an example:

“The experience, however,  does have a profound effect upon him. He has been spiritually transformed.  Formerly he had been active in his church and had held the beliefs of his denomination to be the only true path.  Now he is no longer "religious" in a dogmatic sense, rather he has become spiritual.  He realizes that many of the aspects of religion which he had formerly considered important are merely superficialities.  Although he enjoys his physical surroundings, he places little value on material possessions.  Love and compassion towards his fellow man are the treasures with which he is now concerned.   From his life review he realizes that these are the elements of true religion.  He also recognizes the importance of learning and the joy which it can bring.  Lastly, he no longer fears death, he views the material body as a bird views its cage.  He knows that upon his physical death he will soar in another realm.”

I’m wondering what other peoples views are related to this subject? That is – can a line really be drawn between spiritual belief and religion? I think so.   Smiley
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #1 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 4:28pm
Very interesting observation!

I suppose, they can be entirely separated - you can be religious but not really spiritual and vice versa.

However, most orthadox religions are very similar in their concepts (love for fellow beings, treat others as you would be treated) and these concepts are pretty much shared with spiritualism/afterlife knowledge. You can have both a religious and spiritual outlook as they can be the same thing it seems! Is there a god running the show? Yes, of course there is... what that god is depends on your outlook and experiences though, everybody follows their own path and there is no right or wrong route if you keep an open mind and never hurt anybody!

Fundamentalism of any kind, where things seem to be taken literally or where people follow religious beliefs because they are told to without question sits outside of my definition of religion & in my very humble opinion seems to be used as a method of controlling people or starting wars.

I suppose I define myself as agnostic which literally means "without knowledge" apparantly (I looked it up to be sure!). I don't have faith in the one true god as the bible tells it as it's written by Man but I do believe in "god" as in there is a higher conciousness within me and all around me.

Fascinating stuff anyway, you've certainly got me thinking Smiley
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #2 - Sep 10th, 2007 at 4:58pm
Would agree - the two are usually positioned towards the opposite ends of the spectrum of ways of approaching belief.

Religion is I guess usually a ready made package of beliefs or dogma handed down by those in charge that one signs up to 'believe' (actually a contradiction in terms) in joining a religion.

Some allow a bit of  personal freedom, but dogmatic belief systems are usually constructed by people operating from an intellectual and institutional power perspective, who having purported to represent God or whatever Deity on earth then set out to propogate and often enforce these beliefs on others.

They rarely admit personal or subjective esoteric experience as this threatens to undermine the dogma and the authority of those enforcing it, and leads to independent thinking on the part of the membership.

Spirituality is as you say basically about growth along a personal path as a result of personal study, experience and insight, and includes subjective esoteric experience. Spiritual teachings explain what most can expect to experience, or teach methods  - they support the personal path.

Belief is a personal matter and follows from learning, experience and insight - from what amounts to an experiential 'proving' of  teachings to oneself. 'Truth' is emergent...
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #3 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 1:05am
i don't believe you have to be "religious" at all to believe in this stuff...  but some psychics are christians, for example, even though they don't follow the typical christian beliefs
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #4 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 4:22am
Spiritual energy and religion are two different subjects.

One can have spiritual/non-physical experiences, but not be in a religion at all.

The people who wrote the Bible said God told them to write the words, and those people had their own personal experiences, so those people created the "Christian" religion/movement. The movement was created based on those people's personal experiences.

As you can see, spiritual and religion are two different subjects.

One can have spiritual experiences and have nothing to do with religion.

I hope that makes sense.
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #5 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 8:30am
I believe that we have come from the universal conscious and that we will reenter it when are time has come.  I also believe that some of us are able to knowingly and unknowingly enter then universal conscious without changing states.  Through Dreams, Creative break thoughts, child prodigies, telepathic, esp., deja-vu, meditation, and instinct.  It is a well know fact that we only use four percent of our brainpower.  It is also a document fact that when we are in REM sleep our brains are firing 80% more synapse than at our most conscious moment when we are awake.  I believe at this point we let go of the box that we have been taught from day one and we use more than four percent of our brainpower.   This is one way that I believe some of us enter the universal conscious.  At this point it depends what you are focused on will happen.  Some many have visions, inspiration, innovation, or talk with loved ones who have already entered or have not even left the universal conscious. Within the universal conscious linear time has no meaning therefore once we enter thought the above methods it is possible to see or talk to loved ones past or children to come. If we are all connected thought energy and there is a little of our parents energy in us and their parent’s energy in them it not hard to believe that this could happen.
you will be with the ones you love as you have always been.   Smiley Smiley
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #6 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 12:41pm
in the distant future there will be such a change in religion it will seem archaic when people talk of it. we will be just more knowing individuals and our heart intelligence will guide us, also the left and right hemispheres of the brain will be in sync, which will aid us in being discerning of the spiritual dimensions, obe, meditation, and all of those tools of exploration of our inner selves, who and what we are.
I'm not putting down religion though, in the beginning here, we needed guidelines that religion has given. but now is a new age we slowly go into.

I am in agreement with you all. especially like what Jetman said. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #7 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 3:16pm
Interestingly, religion has no place for common people who are directly aware of God. In fact, the essence of priestcraft is that the priest alone has the Divine Ear, and to be heard, all the rest must funnel their wishes, thoughts etc through the priest who is ultimately the representative of God on Earth.

Somehow that reminds me of all those spam emails I get that are trying to sell this or that potion for erectile efficiency.  Lips Sealed

In both cases, I'm sorry, but really, I'd rather do it myself, thank you.
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life is too short to drink sour wine
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #8 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 5:08pm
Hi I love God so very much and i never go to church to talk to him,i always talk to him in my bedroom on my own as God knows what im going to ask him ,even before i ask,he knows me better than anyone else in the world and i put my faith and love and trust in him as he is my  strength and i can go on with Gods love ,if i didnt have that ,then im not so sure i could go on,i just know that he loves me as when i talk to him,theres so much peace and love that fills my  soul.I  have seen spirit and spirit love us even if we are not religious,there love for us and the divine spirit God's love for us is unconditional.

I was very down today because of this divorce im going through and i layed on my bed and i was sending thoughts to God that i was feeling like i did not know where to turn and as i closed my eyes i saw this beautiful angel dressed in gold and white smileing at me and holding her hand up and this peace went right through me and everything had lifted and i started to feel strong again and then the angel dissapeared,so God does listen,but sometimes we dont realise it.

Love and God bless   Love Juditha
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #9 - Sep 12th, 2007 at 5:47pm
Smiley Wish I had your 'cinerama' Juditha! It's kind of amazing how different a situation that feels awful when we are down can look when we get in the 'zone'. I don't have the abilities of some of you guys, and have to take myself in hand and raise my vibe while actively seeking the connection to light. But it can make such a difference.....
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #10 - Sep 12th, 2007 at 8:42pm
[Dave:] "Interestingly, religion has no place for common people who are directly aware of God. In fact, the essence of priestcraft is that the priest alone has the Divine Ear, and to be heard, all the rest must funnel their wishes, thoughts etc through the priest who is ultimately the representative of God on Earth."

"You [all] are God's holy priests (1 Peter 2:5)."
"Don 't let anyone call you `Teacher;' for you have one teacher, and all of you are on the same level as brothers and sisters (Matthew 23:8)."
"But you have received the Holy Spirit, and you don't need anyone to teach you what is true.  For the Spirit teaches you alll things, and what bHe teaches is true (1 John 2:27)."


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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #11 - Sep 13th, 2007 at 11:40am
I agree with alot of what everyone is saying, and I have been through the whole religion vs. spirituality experience more than most beause I grew up with both parents who were ministers. I never go to church, but I have a relationship with God.

The only issue I have is what can be an anti-religion sentiment. Religion as far as general concept IS very necessary. It is the foundation behind praising the same God that any agnostic or spiritual person praises. It's also something that has been key in societal organization, from the creation of laws to providing an institution for collective congregation with others in our community.

Religion is not the problem.....people's misinterpretation OF religion is the problem. Man's selfish/ignorant spin on religion is the problem. So in that sense, I am all for religion. It's principle is necessary. I am more for taking some of these religious zealots and leading them to sites like this and conversations like this so that open mind commentary can give what they believe a REAL definition.

Just like I believe that science and religion together, minus there flawed beliefs, can give the World the same info that Bruce and many others give. But until then....."we" will continue have a World filled with people who don't truly understand spirituality...their (before, during, and after)...etc.
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Too much knowledge without proper interpretation is borderline insanity. - JG
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #12 - Sep 13th, 2007 at 1:07pm
What you say is very right JG - it helps so much to be a part of a community of others on the path. But it can be quite tough to find such a group.....
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #13 - Sep 13th, 2007 at 2:14pm
The only issue I have is what can be an anti-religion sentiment. Religion as far as general concept IS very necessary. It is the foundation behind praising the same God that any agnostic or spiritual person praises. It's also something that has been key in societal organization, from the creation of laws to providing an institution for collective congregation with others in our community.

Another thing that could probably block "open minded" believing is organized religion a.k.a. church.
What happens there is that a lot of people go there and listen to the preacher's words and hear his interpretations of e.g. the bible. The church as a "house of god". But for what does god need a house, if he IS everything, the whole existence, universe, past, present, future? I questioned a lot the need for a special place to praise god. Every little breath that is taken could be (gone hypocritic again..) could be a "place to praise". Going to church and real believing are two different pairs of shoes.
Or what about relying on the bible as gods ultimate word. It is a basis, but as time goes on, people change, believing changes (could also be seen as a part of the divine plan), what doesn't change is the dogma.
The bible closes with the Revelation of St. John, there are also other scriptures like they found in qumran.
What we do not find are "newer" prophets. Are the times we're living in so worthless that nobody can/wants
to share "visions from god" (the well known prophets of the bible had nothing else than visions from god).

What I was also worrying about is the picture of the "kind" god. If looking on what is happening today, why shouldn't he be angry?



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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Houston, TX
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Re: Afterlife evidence and religion
Reply #14 - Sep 13th, 2007 at 4:50pm
pulsar wrote on Sep 13th, 2007 at 2:14pm:
The only issue I have is what can be an anti-religion sentiment. Religion as far as general concept IS very necessary. It is the foundation behind praising the same God that any agnostic or spiritual person praises. It's also something that has been key in societal organization, from the creation of laws to providing an institution for collective congregation with others in our community.

Another thing that could probably block "open minded" believing is organized religion a.k.a. church.
What happens there is that a lot of people go there and listen to the preacher's words and hear his interpretations of e.g. the bible. The church as a "house of god". But for what does god need a house, if he IS everything, the whole existence, universe, past, present, future? I questioned a lot the need for a special place to praise god. Every little breath that is taken could be (gone hypocritic again..) could be a "place to praise". Going to church and real believing are two different pairs of shoes.
Or what about relying on the bible as gods ultimate word. It is a basis, but as time goes on, people change, believing changes (could also be seen as a part of the divine plan), what doesn't change is the dogma.
The bible closes with the Revelation of St. John, there are also other scriptures like they found in qumran.
What we do not find are "newer" prophets. Are the times we're living in so worthless that nobody can/wants
to share "visions from god" (the well known prophets of the bible had nothing else than visions from god).

What I was also worrying about is the picture of the "kind" god. If looking on what is happening today, why shouldn't he be angry?



Well, I understand what you mean, but I have learned that there is nothing fruitful that can come from questioning things that are flawed in religion that come from trend and tradition. Sure the church building is not truly needed, but like I mentioned before is something that should be apart of religion and society. The problem stems from worshipping the building, or the pastor, or the Bible, or whatever resource is related to the religious dogma in question.

The stringent details of most religions can be debated, is flawed, yadda yadda. The BASIS of the religion should speak for itself and be what a truly intelligent person should look for. It's just such a negative stigma in our society because the "ignorant" details that are associated with religion are what cause debates, wars, and extremism. My advice has always been to never concern yourself with those things, because when it's all said and done, regardless of what any book or person tells you, God will be the ultimate judge of your heart. And I am willing to bet it won't be based on how many times you have physically been to
The mafia of old went to Catholic services everyday, before and after murdering people.

Always think PRINCIPLE before debating INTERPRETATION.
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Too much knowledge without proper interpretation is borderline insanity. - JG
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