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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
While I fully agree with Hawkeye's and Bet's assessment, that the evolutionary purpose of the incarnation is the driving force, I'm not too sure whether we can differentiate between "Good" and "Bad" purposes any more than we could differentiate between "Good" and "Bad" children.
Hitler, in his own mind, seems to have viewed the world as a place in which he, through his force of will, was going to establish a paradise that would last for three thousand years. He was, according to those who knew him, a very pleasant person, with only a few sexual hangups. He initially wanted to be an artist, and had his art advisors been a little more tolerant, we might never have heard of him again.
In the same way, the Inquisition was a sincere and holy attempt by the Church to save souls by rooting out the witches, sorcerers and such, as well as the Knights Templars. These efforts seemed to merit every contrivance known, merely because the ends seemed to justify the means.
Although Pres Bush has alienated a large number of people by ignoring details of Constitutional law and by making war on another nation, he has not done this because he is a "Bad man", but most likely because he views himself as extremely good, and that his actions are required as his moral God-given duty.
Another example is the theory of "Manifest Destiny" by which the Japanese rulers of a century ago decided that it was up to them to conquer and rule the barbarians in Korea and China.
We can add the Chinese Liberation of Tibet, in which Mao said that he was acting to free the enslaved peoples from the tyranny of the monks and nuns of the Buddhist government. The subsequent persecution of the religious by Chinese troops was thus to free them of their presumably psychotic attachment to religion.
All of these can be viewed, with a little effort, as good and useful activities. Of course a lot of people got hurt in each case, which is what most of us look at now. But from the viewpoint of the perpetrator, each is an instance of Good Works.
If we compare the general functional level of progressively more complex beings, then even the worst of humans is more advanced than the best of monkeys, or whatever it was that we looked like before we got here today. With that increased competency comes increased responsibility. That seems to be the issue. As an example, if we watch two colonies of ants engage in civil war, caturing the larvae of their opponents and enslaving them to a new purpose, we rarely look at the attackers as "immoral". Instead, we view it as the nature of ants to do those things.
In the same way, we rarely view politicians as unusually evil just because they lie, cheat and steal from the public. We simply assume that this is the nature of the people who go into politics. Historically, politicians are the descendents of the tyrannical warlords who led earlier tribes by the force of their sword or club. So their species seems to be gaining ground a little bit, now that they have largely stopped tormenting their own citizens for sport or spite, and have accepted rule of law (in some cases, anyway).
My suggestion is thus that we have a series of adaptive changes, recalled by many as some kind of transmigration sequence that begins wth a freeform spark emitted from the creative fires of God, and which ends with reabsorption into that same Source. At each level, we are taxed with problems appropriate to lfe at that level. When we resolve those problems and come into a sort of balance, we get kicked into a higher level by virtue of no longer clinging to the past values which seemed important at lower levels. This amounts to a progressive nirvana - echoed by a Tibetan saying, "All persons are Buddha, All sounds are mantra. All reality is nirvana."
Extrapolating from this posture, those who have accepted the Bodhisattvic Vow to return forever for the aid of others, will presumably return to whatever level of the hierarchy of transmigrations that their dedication merits. Let's guess that they will return as pure spirits, to be Helpers for Bruce and others, or to act as Guardian Angels or whatever. There are implied rules and standards of conduct and existence that apply, so that what to us looks like beautiful spirits glowing in the transcendental dark might actually be actions based on some spiritual depravity that we couldn't understand at our level. (As a practitioner of Buddhism, this interests me.)
A side issue pops into mind at this point - assuming that we are not unique in the cosmos, there must have been others of "us" in various other galaxies and solar systems. I wonder if they might be willing to contact us to give us some hints about living. Or - since understanding is state specific - is that even possible? (This gets into Juditha's area of expertise.)