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my comunnication with the spirit of Mother Teresa (Read 4244 times)
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my comunnication with the spirit of Mother Teresa
Sep 2nd, 2007 at 4:50am
Hi  I sat in my kitchen this morning thinking of matthews thread about Mother Teresa and i wondered whether she would like to say anything to me,so i started to open up to spirit and i said"Mother Teresa can i talk with you"and this is what she said to me and i have wrote it word for word as she gave it to me.

I would sit there many times and ask God why i was chosen to do this as it frustrated me many times in many ways.
I sometimes felt that i could not cope and needed God to help me to understand,why i felt this way,i needed God to give me strength to go on and courage to face my inner fears.

The abandoment i felt of God not listening was great,but realising in myself that God did walk beside me in all that i acheived in my life.
I sometimes felt an inner resentment as being human,wondering why i was doing this,but this was the love from inside me,which is why i was doing this,not just because i felt that i was chosen by God to do this.

I did not want these letters released as this was between me and my God and not for the world to know,they were my inner most thoughts and for God alone to know.

I do not regret my life as i feel i did what i did,but i was a human being,who had doubts,fear and all the emotions that we all feel at times of suffering and fears of going in and trying to spread love,compassion and human kindness towards our fellow man,but it is no easy path and can really challenge your faith in God.

God is always there only the human part of us,brings these doubts and fears.

Wherever we are and whatever we are doing love is the most beautiiful thing you can give throughout your life,even though it is far from easy sometimes,always keep your faith throughout all as God does never abandon us,though we do not always beleive God is there,but i tell you now he is.

Keep the faith,Keep the faith as suffering brings us closer to God not further away from him,he is always there through the suffering with his unconditinal love and he is listening.  God Bless.

I'm sorry matthew i was not trying to take away your thread,i just felt like i was being guided to put this on a new topic ,so that this message got out to everyone.

Love and God bless   Love juditha

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Re: my comunnication with the spirit of Mother Ter
Reply #1 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 2:32pm
Thanks very much Juditha. But I get the feeling that this is coming from Juditha. That is because it looks like the way that Juditha would respond to these revelations about Mother Teresa. Juditha is very good at synthesizing beliefs she inherited with new discoveries, and still continuing on with faith and hope and a positive view, although sometimes you have trouble with the positive view.

What is missing is this: something that would identify the message as coming from Mother Teresa, and also missing is the great unfolding that she would have, as she discovered that heaven and God are real, and the huge experience of heaven as reported in some NDEs, and a possible feeling of reward, in her life review, for having lived according to the teachings in heaven.

The huge problem of this work is deciding where messages are coming from and if they are real.

Love, Boris
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Re: my comunnication with the spirit of Mother Ter
Reply #2 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 3:30pm
Hi I got this off the net about mother teresa and it says pretty much what she has give me in her message she gave to me,so i dont think im wrong,spirit told me to beleive what they give to me,so i think i'm right.

"It is not enough for us to say, 'I love God, but I do not love my neighbor,'" she said, since in dying on the Cross, God had "[made] himself the hungry one — the naked one — the homeless one." Jesus' hunger, she said, is what "you and I must find" and alleviate. She condemned abortion and bemoaned youthful drug addiction in the West. Finally, she suggested that the upcoming Christmas holiday should remind the world "that radiating joy is real" because Christ is everywhere — "Christ in our hearts, Christ in the poor we meet, Christ in the smile we give and in the smile that we receive."

Yet less than three months earlier, in a letter to a spiritual confidant, the Rev. Michael van der Peet, that is only now being made public, she wrote with weary familiarity of a different Christ, an absent one. "Jesus has a very special love for you," she assured Van der Peet. "[But] as for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great, that I look and do not see, — Listen and do not hear — the tongue moves [in prayer] but does not speak ... I want you to pray for me — that I let Him have [a] free hand."

Love and God bless love juditha
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Re: my communication with the spirit of Mother Ter
Reply #3 - Sep 3rd, 2007 at 5:57pm
Well, Juditha, if you ever do get a message from Mother Teresa, describing her experience of arriving in heaven,  and having all her doubts removed, and what she thinks of heaven, then I know that you will share it with us.

After writing this , I was struck by a strange contrast: Mother Teresa did great good in the world, but received no heavenly reassurance during her life, that she was doing the right thing. Osama Bin Laden does huge evil in the world, but receives no reassurance from heaven, he receives approval only from the other brainwashed lunatics around him. Both these extremes are done from religious belief in what God or Allah wants. And both religious beliefs have the same Jewish origin.

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Re: my communication with the spirit of Mother Ter
Reply #4 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 7:45pm

I don;t want to be doubting and don;t know if this actually came from MT or not, but how did you get it all down in such a precise way? I mean did you sit and write it like by dictation? Also weren;t most of the letters written to her church superiors rather than being just between her and God? Either way, I am sorry she suffered such doubt and unhappiness and hope indeed that she lives on and is seeing things in a different light now
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Re: my comunnication with the spirit of Mother Ter
Reply #5 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 5:55pm
Hi orlando I did just write it as it came to me,but i can understand you having doubts,a medium told me at the spiritualist church that spirit were saying ive got to slow down on trying to become a medium,im trying to run before i can walk so im going to get back in circle and call it a day for a while,i have a spirit guide called teresa,shes actually a catholic nun and i used to feel close to her and talk with her many times but just lately i have not talked with her for quite a while,ive been blocking it,so i do need as spirit told me to get back into circle.

Ive got to sort out in my head ,is it me or is it spirit telling me but spirit also said that me and my twin Deanna will be on stage oneday as twin mediums so the future looks good.

Love and God bless  Love juditha
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Re: my comunnication with the spirit of Mother Ter
Reply #6 - Sep 8th, 2007 at 6:12pm
I see. Well good luck with the mediumship, if it's something you really want to do. I don;t mean any criticism of you when I wonder about if it's definitely from MT or not, I think it must be hard for mediums to be sure of the source of specific information they might get - from their own subconsious, from a spirit using another person's name (such as a famous one you would recognise), or a completley genuine communication from someone who is who they say they are etc
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