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Guides 24/7 (Read 2178 times)
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Guides 24/7
Aug 29th, 2007 at 4:04am
I am curious as to how each of us may have felt "guided" in their everyday lives this year. Have you had a special day or any events which "wowed" you, even if the events themselves seemed like they could have been ordinary occurences?

For instance, did you feel a prompt to do something, and did it turn out unusually well? Or a prompt not to do something, and it also turned out for the best?

Or a fortuitous meeting. Or a series of events which are unlikely together, and yet took you exactly where you needed to go.

Or a dream, or series of dreams. I am interested in evidence of the 24/7 presence of guides in our lives.

love, blink Smiley
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Re: Guides 24/7
Reply #1 - Aug 29th, 2007 at 1:29pm
Hey Blink!

Neat topic! The first thing that popped to my mind was earlier this year about a couple of months ago, hadn't really spoken to friends for a couple of weeks and everyone seemed busy and was thinking about all getting together. One saturday morning my mate called and popped round and we decided to go into stow (a local town). In stow we bumped into one of our mates and his girlfriend and stood there chatting in the street. Next thing i know another mate showed up and then a furthur 3 more! We stood there chatting and having a laugh for ages, it didnt click till ages afterwards this all a bit too random to maybe be just a conicidence?

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Re: Guides 24/7
Reply #2 - Aug 29th, 2007 at 3:07pm
Lots of 'coincidence' is my usual mode. How about I got a call out of the blue from a friend to haul me in to see Ingemar Bergmann's 'The Seventh Seal a few hours ago. He's a film buff, there's a fstival on.

An incredibly atmospheric film that's a classic but more to the point it turned out to about the knight who is the central character's search for knowledge of God - something which would take him beyond the need for blind faith to I guess Gnosis.

He's returning after years away at the Crusades through a countryside swept by plague  and filled with people blaming themselves for what's happening - fuelled by catholic preaching and the like.

Completely coincidental - and yet I've recently been posting and thinking a lot about how important a Gnostic (personal experience based) spirituality is for the future of the world in recent times. Thinking how it is that without personal experience we are easy meat for those pushing a fear based system based on the idea of a vengeful God who must be bought off, who demands blind faith. A sort of faith which in absence of experience of PUL makes possible the most grievious error as history has amply demonstrated.

It's easy to think we've escaped this when exchanging messages on a forum like this, but we're in truth only just into territory where this sort of spirituality can be publicly discussed.

There's plenty out there indulging in all sorts of fundamentalist preaching who have no problem whatsoever denouncing this sort of view. Our local protestant rector just last Christmas denounced Buddhism as a dangerous cult in a church sermon. Given just a small shift in climate there's many would stoop toop to excesses we've though are in the past....
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Re: Guides 24/7
Reply #3 - Aug 31st, 2007 at 12:33am
i'm pretty used to "coincidences" that don't seem to have any deep meaning, but are possibly amazing nonetheless.  here's just one of many many examples - today i was listening to "fire" by jimi hendrix so i went on youtube to look up a live video of him playing "fire."  i log on to youtube, and before typing what do i see but "jimi hendrix fire" in the box below.  now i'm technically savvy - i know that when you search for certain things on amazon, for example, it will bring up a list of things you searched for before or similar things - but as i typed in the words "jimi hendrix fire" it didn't auto-complete - in other words i had never searched for jimi hendrix at all on youtube (at least on my new computer i'm using).  little things like that happen to me all the time.  i'll be thinking about something very specific and at that exact same time, the TV will start talking about that exact thing.  i'm a pretty skeptical guy too..

as for feeling "guided," honestly i feel all alone.  if i do have a spirit guide, he's excellent at hiding and acting like he doesn't exist, much to my misery.  i'm lazy.  i wish everything came easily in my life and someone was always telling me the right thing to do.  my life is more like the opposite of that.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: Guides 24/7
Reply #4 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 6:52pm
Well Blink,
yes matter of fact there has been something that happened to me a few back.
I havent talked about this ever yet, I think I should now.

Shortly after I had started searching for answers concerning the afterlife. I had a lucid dream.
It was really nice for me. Because I had had contact with my in 1998 deceased father in this dream. I dreamt this consciously , but it was unintentional.  My father was a remoldler, building houses and such in his time here. And in my dream he was renovating my bathroom. (of all

In any case, in my dream I peeked around the corner of my bedroom, from which you can see directly into the bathroom into. I startled for a min or two in my dream and thought to myself "Woe, but dad you`re dead, huh you dont look it though".. And I could see other souls around him, they were passing material and working and he said that too: "I am here working". I started to say something to him. But he interupted me in a flash, by telepathically telling me "Don`t ask, just pay attention"... and I started to open my mouth again (as usual.. Roll Eyes ) and then he let me know:  if I were to ask him questions that he would leave right away! I shut up like quick like! I was amazed at what he looked like, he appeared to be younger, healthier and filled with joy at the time. I will never forget that dream. I took that as a "wake up call" to get educated more.


Another incident:
In 95 I moved back to germany and my boyfriend at the time was a Motorcycle driver. He wanted me to get on the bike, so he could drive me to his place and "something"  Smiley inside told me not to get on the bike, so I said NOPE, cause your gonna have a wreck! I got in the car behind his bike, we all drove off. About 2 miles into city limits - he got side swiped by a little red car. MY GUIDE was there with me and must have induced that "Nope".

To add something funny to my little story: We married 3 years later and he didnt think I was a witch until we divorced in 2001. Grin

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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Re: Guides 24/7
Reply #5 - Sep 1st, 2007 at 7:12pm
You know Blink, now you really got me thinking!  Undecided

In the 80`s a friend had that dream: It was of a pond, a street and a situation. We hadn`t been married yet back then, but it was our first date okay. This is about the most embarassing thing which has happened to me on a date. I had never been in that town before either okay. He picks me up to take me out on our first date and lord and behold, I have a temper tantrum in his car. I am stomping my feet on the floor of his camero and tell him, turn right, turn right pls, turn right! Well to make a long story short He turned pale as a white goat!..  Wink (No offense intended Jim, at least you didnt smell like one okay) Then he tells me the dream he had - it was of the same place inwhich I had led him to go to. The fella gets on his knees and asks me to marry him right then and there!   I will not tell the rest of the story.  Lips Sealed I am sure now that my Guide told me where to tell him to turn, because I had never been in this town before, like I said.

Back then I didnt know what Guides even were. Thanks to I have a really good insight to that material now. Sometimes I think my Guides are funny Guides, because they could do anything they wanna do, but Nooooooooooooo, they have to mess with me for to get a kick out of it, probably. I mean come on: I stomped my feet Blink, on the first date Embarrassed! When he got out of the car and came to my side of it, I thought he was gonna drop me out on the road!  Grin but instead he asked me to holy matrimony!
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