Recent discussions on the Swedenborg thread have got me thinking. It is said that when the physical body falls away, what is left is our consciousness; our thought and emotional state tied in with it. While incarnate on earth, we can, to some extent both lie to ourselves and to others in order to "fit in" to society. Thus, people put on masks, and try to achieve common earthly goals and live in a society together. In general the agreed on goals are usually written out for the common good, and societal laws are created. However, man as a single focus of consciousness is a complex creature living with his fellow men, and obeying these laws. His inner tendencies may be to agree with some of the laws and disagree with others, yet to coexist, he follows them all.
In spirit, it is said that all masks fall off. One does not hide one's true nature in spirit, as it is readily apparent. This is an unusual concept for those of us incarnate on earth, for our thoughts appear to be our own. Insincere people can speak with forked tongues, and no one is the wiser on earth. In spirit, many sources have said this simply is not so. As such, a man/woman in spirit finds their place willingly, without wearing their masks of civility on earth. Like attracts like both in spirit and in the physical plane.
Understanding the above brings me to interesting ideas and questions of what is true spiritual growth and learning. On the one hand, in the physical plane, learning may be thought of as the rational understanding of a concept. This may pass the muster here in the physical plane, but not, in my opinion in the spiritual. There is an emotional honest response in all of us that is either loving, or unloving. Giving or selfish. True spiritual growth is, in my opinion, the rising of the human consciousness so that our natural instinctive emotional responses are toward love and God. This is, by its very nature different than the growth of learning in universities, or schools in the physical world. It is more than just the use of the rational mind and memorization.
A man or woman may understand the concept of the golden rule "do not do unto others that which you would not wish have done to yourself," and yet, when given the opportunity when no one is looking, they may break this rule. So, spiritual growth is more than just understanding of a concept. A person may be very learned in the major religions of the world, may give to charitible organizations, yet how do they act, when thrown into a spontaneous situation to be loving or callous? This is the true test of spiritual learning, and it may be the reason why we are here.
At first glance it appears that human beings can put on these masks, act one way while feeling another. Yet individuals who live this lie here on earth are seldom happy people. Through the law of attraction, and the laws of mind, our lives reveal to us the basic structure of karma, of cause and effect and the golden rule. The closer we come to walking the walk of a loving life (as Don and I spoke of in his Swedenborg thread), the more complete and happier we become.
Hells are created from the indulgence of our basest gratifications at the cost of harm to others. Seen in this light, with the law in spirit of "like attracts like," it is no wonder when after our masks fall off in death, those who indulged in harm of others seek out afterlife realms that suit them in spirit, without being condemned to these realms by some external judge or jury.
In summary, I believe that true spiritual learning comes not from an earthly rational understanding of right and wrong, or even the concept of PUL (love). Rather, we have truly learned in spirit if our natural and emotional tendency is to act lovingly - not for show or brownie points, but because in spirit it is what we FEEL we should do. Perhaps life on earth is meant to show us this.