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Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync? (Read 8456 times)
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Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Apr 23rd, 2007 at 9:00pm
I searched the forum but could not find any results. I am curious if these are a useful tool to go OBE?
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2007 at 9:10pm
Not for me.

Not even for sleeping.

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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #2 - Apr 23rd, 2007 at 9:35pm

Hemi sync is not a magic formula, but it's a great helper.  I had some success with it.  From my experience, it helps to "setup" my brain at the right configuration to have inner journey or Oobe. 

But...  if I'm anxious, or not relaxed, or I'm thinking about worldly thing, or something  affect my focus and my concentration, than it will counter the hemi sync effect .  The hemi sync sound would try to bring me to a certain focus and some others aspects of myself would try to bring me to an other focus.

That's why I think sometime I don't have success, and sometime I have.  My dream would be to have one of those EEG machines, so I could have real time informations about the state of my brainwaves  during my session    Grin
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 12:36am
Muadib wrote on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 9:00pm:
I searched the forum but could not find any results. I am curious if these are a useful tool to go OBE?

I think it could be a useful tool, although I've not used it. I have something I've written down in theory about it's use. I'll post it for you later.
what I've been doing is using music to balance the two sides of the brain, or emotional to mental. music without words though, and not boogey music! lol. prefer flute. certain tones do effect brain wave patterns as does rhythm of tones.
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 12:42am
Hi Muadib,

I've had OBE success with it.  I would recommend trying it for a couple weeks and see what results you get.  Then take a break from it.  You should be able to train yourself to get results without relying on the CDs in time.
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #5 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 1:00am
heres what I came up with regarding the tones: hope it can be useful to you. and Vicky is right, its a tool to use until you can get on without the tool.


Right brain produces creative images and associates itself with the larger unlimited big picture; it uses emotions, desires and symbology.

left brain is concerned with logic, interpretation of the symbols and is the seat of the ego.

hemi sync is an aid to balance the 2 lodes by tones which have a frequency.

there is higher frequency and lower frequency and gradations inbetween. the left and right lodes of the brain can have different frequencies.

thus hemi sync attempts to balance the frequencies into one solid frequency.

the balance is desirable, because then images which are symbols, like dream symbols, and not understood, are filed away into the subconscious, sort of like the junk drawer in your kitchen, or the desk that never gets organized...these symbols are produced and enter through the right side, but are not stored there. the symbols are shuffled over to the left side where interpretation happens. the left side is supposed to make sense and logic out of it. In balance, those concepts associated with images held on the right side, can be aligned with concepts held in the left side and understanding occurs because both sides are linked and working together, in balance due to the new frequency produced by the tone which aligns both sides of the viewing apparatus, the brain.

logic seeks conclusiveness. If logic is god, it must be a non-changing god, as logic seeks absolutes. on the right side of the brain there are no absolutes, it is the open side. the left is the closed side. we have made a world of duality for the viewing and experience. if logic is god and finds something absolute, it is only absolute if others agree with you that it is absolute, therefore it is labeled with the word, reality or truth. then, reality or truth becomes the god of that moment. if you find something more absolute than the average guy, you found a religion on it or you call it science but you need a following to get it established into the earth curriculum. If the thing that is absolute to you, is perceived as a threat to the majority, they will kill you.

thus my answer is proceed with vigilance and be adventurous. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by the meditation procedure of your choice as even if you get your butt kicked you don't really die, you just change form.
good luck! (although luck has nothing to do with anything)
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #6 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 1:20am
I have had very good success with hemi-sync.  Check out my thread and see for yourself.

If you want good hemi-sync, get The Gateway Experience.
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #7 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 1:36pm
after using track 2 of the 5th series I had an OBE this morning. I listened to the track last night before sleep. then after waking this morning just focused on the black behind my eyelids like I often do before sleep. I was not trying anything. Then to my surprise I started to get vibes, took a few deep breaths, vibes came stronger then I just sat up and walked away from my body, asked for clairity and had a nice RTZ obe. sweet
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #8 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 2:17pm
Muadib wrote on Apr 23rd, 2007 at 9:00pm:
I searched the forum but could not find any results. I am curious if these are a useful tool to go OBE?

 I've only had a couple of OBE's, and they were spontaneous.   But i've used Hemi-Sync and consider it a good and valuable tool to tune into various different consciousness states, as well as just generally learning and facilitating that all important whole brain state.  I would recommend Hemi-Sync, but not necessarily just for trying to have an OBE.

 There is much more than OBE's.  Take Bruce for example as he has written in his books, like others and me, he for a long time wanted to go OBE, but didn't have much success except for a couple of times.  But later on, after dropping some nonconstructive and limiting beliefs and ideas about the nature of consciousness and exploring it, a richness of experience opened up to him.  

  In the early days of TMI and the Gateway program, if people went there solely to go OBE, Bob Monroe would sometimes advise them to take a refund of their money and to leave.  

  I've come to believe that sometimes people are actually too fast vibrating to go OBE in the classic sense.   This (classic OBE) is connected to our etheric "body" and range of vibratory energy, and its a relatively slow vibrating state of being, just an "octave" above the physical.    

 When you function primarily from your higher chakras, like the Heart, Throat, and some occasionally even above that, then believe me, you could try your whole life to have an OBE in the classic sense that Bob earlier wrote of, but have little consistent success.  Meaning some automatically phase into much faster vibrating levels of their being than the etheric which is the energy level you must primarily concentrate your consciousness in to have that more concrete feeling of being out of body.   See, in a sense, you're still very much connected to physical energies then, and isn't that rather limiting?   I'm not saying that its "worse" to go OBE, but it can be more limiting if you are more universally oriented.

 Bob himself, in his early days was pretty much limited to etheric type OBE's, but later on learned how to phase into those more expanded states, and so the experience of the realness of physicality was left behind more and more.  Not surprisingly, when Bob first started out, he was a much more materially minded though basically kind person.  As he became more spiritual, loving, and aware, he phased into faster vibrating levels of his own being more and more.

BUT, if your desire to explore the nonphysical is strong enough, then you may have a lot of success doing it the Bruce Moen way, which is more via your faster vibrating emotional-mental  and mental energies (and occasionally mental-spiritual energies in Bruce's example).

 Sometimes you may first phase into your etheric energies eg classic OBE, but then at some point phase into the faster vibrating levels of being, which is what my Fiance has experienced a couple times.  Meaning she would get that sense of actual physical separation from her body, and of being in a 2nd body, but then it would morph into a more mental and subtle feeling type experience without the experience of outside space and physicality.  

 btw, congrats on your experiences.  And great books too (refering to your tag here).
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #9 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 4:03pm
The below is an interesting viewpoint. Before I went through a lot of energetic work I'd have OBEs in the classic way, with all the effects. I haven't done so in a while. Now when I go somewhere my consciousness will expand, and it feels as if I'm traveling at the level of mind. The sense of movement I experience is more of a visual thing, rather than hearing and feeling my astral body swoosh around. I tend to be quite conscious when this takes place, which isn't often. I feel my energy mostly at my crown, the back of my head, and heart. Sometimes I'll feel it at my throat. Not often at my lower chakras.

[quote author=AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra link=1177376418/0#8 date=1177525075]
  I've come to believe that sometimes people are actually too fast vibrating to go OBE in the classic sense.   This (classic OBE) is connected to our etheric "body" and range of vibratory energy, and its a relatively slow vibrating state of being, just an "octave" above the physical.    

 When you function primarily from your higher chakras, like the Heart, Throat, and some occasionally even above that, then believe me, you could try your whole life to have an OBE in the classic sense that Bob earlier wrote of, but have little consistent success.  Meaning some automatically phase into much faster vibrating levels of their being than the etheric which is the energy level you must primarily concentrate your consciousness in to have that more concrete feeling of being out of body.   See, in a sense, you're still very much connected to physical energies then, and isn't that rather limiting?   I'm not saying that its "worse" to go OBE, but it can be more limiting if you are more universally oriented.
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #10 - Apr 25th, 2007 at 8:01pm
Yes, I too find it interesting that many people would just "skip" the "real time zone", because they're belonging naturally to other regions.

Now, recoverer and all, I've had some minor OBE's, and what is bugging me a bit is that in my phasing travels (Bruce's way) there is not this strong degree of being "in" it, because I still feel my physical body, and in an OoBE, as the name already suggests, I felt totally disconnected from my physical body.
Monroe seemed to have both, traveling to other "regions" than the real-time-zone and did not feel his physical body. As well Robert Bruce, he also seems to travel "fully".
How do you experience it?

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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #11 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 3:47am
Robert Bruce is quite a phenonmenonal traveler. have to give him credit for that.

Spooky you asked how do you experience it.
I remember once asking a guide to make it real for me. she asked me what did I think real was? she wanted a specific request. so I said I'd like my physical senses to be involved as well as clarity and verification.
I don't know how I came up with these requests while I was clearly obe with her at the moment.
that night, as in answer to my requests, which must have come from imagination, that I would even think of how to make it seem real to me, I did reach down and feel a solid flesh leg of the girl I was retrieving. it was warm, solid flesh and almost shocked me back into my body..then for verification of a factual practical thing, I was given the name of the town where the girl had lived which actually existed.

back to the topic thread, I believe a hemi sync is important, and just as important as the heart and mind balance also in doing explorations.

love, alysia
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #12 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 11:48am
thanks all for the thoughtful resposes!!!! great insight Smiley
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #13 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 12:17pm

As you, when I travel without the OBE effects, I still feel my physical body. Not as much though, and sometimes in an expanded way. My perception doesn't tend to be as strong as an OBE. There is one place I've experiened with OBE effects, and without OBE effects. It was a bit clearer when I experienced OBE effects. But not that much. Perhaps my non OBE experiences will become more clear when I develop more.

I've also had OBE's where I felt and heard myself flying around and saw whatever it is I saw, and still felt my body. My awareness was in two places at the same time.  Perhaps we never travel anywhere. It is a matter of how we focus our attention. We can even focus our attention so it feels, looks and sounds as if we are moving. I have had a couple of experiences where I was able to confirm the physical existence of something I didn't know about.

Here's another way to look at it. Somebody looks at something such as a group of souls and they kind of look like a bunches of grapes. If you took a look at the experience of one of these grapes, this soul might be experiencing someting quite different. Perhaps a realm of light, a beautiful valley, or this forum.

spooky2 wrote on Apr 25th, 2007 at 8:01pm:
Yes, I too find it interesting that many people would just "skip" the "real time zone", because they're belonging naturally to other regions.

Now, recoverer and all, I've had some minor OBE's, and what is bugging me a bit is that in my phasing travels (Bruce's way) there is not this strong degree of being "in" it, because I still feel my physical body, and in an OoBE, as the name already suggests, I felt totally disconnected from my physical body.
Monroe seemed to have both, traveling to other "regions" than the real-time-zone and did not feel his physical body. As well Robert Bruce, he also seems to travel "fully".
How do you experience it?


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« Last Edit: Apr 26th, 2007 at 7:35pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Anyone here have any results with Hemi-sync?
Reply #14 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 12:48pm
recoverer wrote on Apr 25th, 2007 at 4:03pm:
The below is an interesting viewpoint. Before I went through a lot of energetic work I'd have OBEs in the classic way, with all the effects. I haven't done so in a while. Now when I go somewhere my consciousness will expand, and it feels as if I'm traveling at the level of mind. The sense of movement I experience is more of a visual thing, rather than hearing and feeling my astral body swoosh around. I tend to be quite conscious when this takes place, which isn't often. I feel my energy mostly at my crown, the back of my head, and heart. Sometimes I'll feel it at my throat. Not often at my lower chakras.

 Seems to confirm my intuitions and experience on this.  The last time i had a spontaneous OBE was last summer.   I was definitely focussing in my lower Chakras around that time.   Astrologically both Mars and Saturn were right near my Ascendant point--which is the most "sensitive" area in a chart, and amplifies the energy of a planet the most.  

 Mars and Saturn are innately rather slow vibrating energies, very materially oriented, and so they correspond strongly to the lower chakras a lot.  

 My Fiance had left for Poland and was gone for about 3 weeks, and about halfway inbetween that time, i started to get rather amorous beyond my usual or average state.  

 As Monroe found out, classic OBE's and the etheric body are strongly connected to sexual energy in some way.    

  Not surprisingly, Mars has a long association with the animalistic aspect of sexual energy as in pure lust and wanting to get off from a hormonal perspective, not so much the union and emotional merging aspect of sex which is more symbolized by Venus.  Mars takes, and Venus more so gives.   Mars corresponds very strongly to basic red type energy.

 Anyways, around this time, i was somewhat more negative and ego oriented than my average or usual too, again another manifestation of concentrating your energies in your lower chakras.  Or in astro speak, i was taking on the personality and expressions of Mars and Saturn combined, and each is a difficult enough energy by themselves, but together whoo boy (add some amplified Pluto and its REAL FUN, which was added in at that time).  

 So the combination of the powerful astrological influences, my freewill choices to be more negative and reactive temporarily (which is why i left this forum around that time), and the unusually long time away from my partner and inability to be able to balance out my energies with her physically and emotionally, all combined to center me more in my lower chakras than i'm normally accustomed too.  

 And that's when i had multiple spontaneous OBE's one morning which felt very real, as in physically real, at first.  Uranus was also strongly involved at the time, so there was a combo of rather slow vibrating energies, as well as some fast vibrating and strongly energizing energy (an aspect of Uranus, also which was in Pisces) at the same time.  
Kind of proved this theory to me, which i had thought of awhile before but hadn't fully decided on yet.
Your experiences also lends more weight to this perspective.  
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