I Taped it because I would never remember everything.
this here's an example of letting your imagination have fun with it and I already have a hit. I'll tell you about it later.
Steve, I already did the PE just now, and then I saw you joined in. I was wondering if you would. but I'm too lazy to do it over, so I'll find you next week if we do it.
First off, where's Shirley? I find her by thinking about her and she's there and she says how can I get to the crystal? its starts to get real good after we invent this go cart so I have run go get my tape recorder, I don't care if it's real or not, I'm just laffing and having a good time with Shirley. So I'm even laffing on the recorder...geez, something must be wrong with me, but its fun. so whatever!
I push Shirley up the hill because after we get to the top its downhill, right? so she gets in and I push, then I saw wait, you gotta put your foot out the side and help me, this is hard. so she gets all the way out and we both push it up. Then I say git back 'n there! we be cresting! she gets in and flys down way fast and I'm yelling keep her in the middle! the cart has a steering wheel. so she yells where's the crystal? I say straight ahead over yonder!
she flys into the crystal and crashes. thankfully, theres no lasting injuries out here and she bounces into some flips way up high and I go to the rescue with a flying carpet with fringe and a roman design. (ok, sorry, I'm about to lose everybody here)
I grab her and we're still having fun, we lay down on the carpet and I say were u ever in rome? she says can't remember, and I say, neither can I! and we laff again. and we circle around TMI looking for everybody. I knew Spooky would show. so spooky springs straight up from the ground and his face is goofy and kidding around as we spy his face on the edge of our carpet, we laff. jack in the box style, he lightens us up. so we drift on over to the tower and Caryn says she is on it getting an overview and she waves and wishes us luck and she keeps the overview lookout.
so we fly around then we gotta find Bets. we go to the crystal and this one I see as inside. so we hold hands and put our faces into the crystal, just us three. Bets said she is calm.
then we gotta find Stacy and we discuss how. she's not anywhere. First Shirley wants to help and says lets all go in my gocart and I say only one person can fit in that unless we all ride on each others shoulders like a totem pole, lol. We are all still cracking up and acting silly. so I say lets go to her house on my carpet and I'll make the thing bigger. the three of us go to Stacy's. Stacy is in her bedroom on the bed. she stretches out her hand to us, inviting us. she says she dont know if she can make it to the crystal. we say ok, we'll just stay with you a minute and we all pile on her bed being girlfriends. I think I told some stories. at some point Stacy says I feel like I wanna make it to the crystal. and I get a bright idea to make a light road, made out of white light. it goes all the way to the crystal and somebody says its part of the grid. the road accomodates a single file thing.
we all get there and I think I said u feel like you're really here?
well no, everybody says, but its a test run!
then I came here and saw Stacy was begging off due to some kundalini work and I was surprised that i was picking up she wasn't coming. thought that was cool.
yay, good work alysia
this bouncer look a little like Spooky looked...lol....