never thought of it that way Caryn..through adversity they saw their nakedness. then their nakedness was connected to feeling separated from god. as being thrust naked through the womb into the cold bright room of the hospital. u were warm and safe, now you're not.
the way I always thought about that story until you just showed me a different picture, was that they were naked, but didn't notice they were naked until they ate the tree of knowledge standing for duality, that there is judgement of good and bad. then they looked down at their nakedness and started feeling guilty because they were beliving in duality, or separation from god all of a sudden, and they made a judgement about the body being naturally bad as spirit, which used to be androgenous, now split itself into male female polarity and now we judged sexuality as bad. but before in the garden, we were innocent because we were like children who did not think of naked as wrong.
just rambling.
but I get your point of view as valid. adversity can be good character bullding tool, but sure is hard to see it that way until it is all over and u can look back and see why it happened the way it did.
I used to go around and say everyone is a stranger on this planet to me, where are my friends? where is my real family? then one day a young man came into my house, a friend of my daughter, and he said "life is what happens when you are waiting for it to happen."
then I looked at him and said u are wise beyond your years.
then later I found some words to mean the same thing: and I came here and I said to myself..where are my friends, where are my family? and those words I found said "you are with the ones you have been waiting for all your life."
thanks Caryn