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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 1655
central california
Well, Bear Fan, I think that God is sort of like your word processor - what you see is what you get. If you look at God as a source of all good, then that's what you'll experience. If you look at God as the source of all agonies, then that's what you experience. To try to limit God's nature is like trying to describe the edges of an infinte space extending for infinite time - the thought is pretty much beyond our comprehension. What we can say is that our experiences of God seem totally determined subjectively. We also can add that God must be logically self consistent and must generally work through mechanisms that are logical (like karma - simple cause and effect) - with the rare exceptions of miracles.
Aside from activities that involve others, I don't think God cares much about our personal lives, and I imagine that the hypothetical pornographic masturbator will have to work out those personal issues alone. Men have an ample supply of sperm and generate billions more daily. A few million sacrified while making love to the bathroom sink are trivial. Women have a relatively fixed supply of ova, and to bypass the chances of an unpleasant union with a bad husband and the danger of childbirth in a hostile home, a woman can select one of those things with batteries, and solve the tensions of the moment. This harms nobody. It's the prudes who still carry the Puritan torch who get bothered and actually, it's none of their business.
If you accept the basic idea that when God started, there were no building materials available. So everything was created out of "God stuff" because that's what was there. There were no contracts to deliver half a galaxy's worth of concrete and bricks. That implies that whatever we are is an extension of that same creation out of "God stuff", and thus we share the nature of everything. "God stuff" looks like obdurate matter to us, but on the atomic level it's mostly empty space, and when we go to the Planck level we find that we're dealing with the wave mechanics of potentialities. They only act like rocks and fireplugs because that's how those patterns of waves interact according to the logic of their composition. However, every wave and ripple in the cosmic system is related to every other ripple, and everything is interdefinitive.
So God has the potentiality to be presented according to the definitions that are imposed by the location in logical space of the viewpoint doing the perceiving, and that is defined by the history of that viewpoint, since that's how the viewpoint establishes its nature. If that history has been positive with respect to activities, with respect to truth and logic, and with respect to unity, then God presents as a favorable extension into the lext level of existence. Or, if the history of that viewpoint has been resentful and grim, deluded and filled with opinions and lies, and angry and rejecting of others, then God will appear in that mode. The difference in our experiences of God lies not in God, but in ourselves. The higher levels of experience seem to be available through our not only adopting joy, wisdom and love, but also from our removal of competitive earthly desires, as we replace them with transcendental desires. PUL dave