its a good thing I don't write for money Duck, I'd be in big trouble! ha! the story Phantom Lover was in my mind this morn when I woke up. I am plugged into your thoughts as happens these days, if someone thinks of me or what I've written I can hear these thoughts and so I came here and there you are sweetie!!! I didn't know it was you, but now I am overjoyed that we can talk about it some.
I am not censored here which is great!
telepathy is pretty cool too, shows our oneness. if you could someday publish your writings of your relationship I would hope you would as men and women have a lot of trouble in relationship and maybe we just need to talk more about what we've discovered in our own relationships and we could shed a little light for others.
Phantom lover was I thought a masterpiece but it got booted off another writers forum!

I took this a sign of success though

if they don't like it, it must be good then, right? well, all we can do is speak from what actually happened my opinion.
well if you know 101 ways to scare a man I would read that book!!

sounds playful already! good title. Yes a PINK guitar is a must. Mine has some green on it. pawn shop special, very pretty. I like you are taking classes these days!
What I did to read the ACIM, as like u say, some dryness is there to get beyond, is my guides told me it was really J, his spirit was there and if I couldn't believe that was so, then I was to pretend it was so and thats when the dryness went away and I got whomped on by the spirit and found out it was true, we are in our essence love, we are just battling all the time with our small egos, duality world u know. scuse me I might get on another rant!
thanks for you support for me Ducky! I'm going to go find the perfect graphic for you and ask spirit which one...happy 2007!